
livcdWhat is the role of Juju in the age of Kubernetes?06:39
manadartlivcd: Using Juju, one can deploy and scale Kubernetes itself. Such a deployment can then be used as a substrate by Juju to model and manage solutions on top of Kubernetes.06:58
manadartDeploying K8s with Juju: https://jaas.ai/canonical-kubernetes07:00
manadartIt is also easy to play with Juju/K8s using microk8s.07:05
livcdSo Juju would be a platform to deploy the k8, then manage the apps that sit on K807:24
manadartlivcd: Yes.07:42
livcdI need to watch some videos to understand this better07:45
skatsaounishi any ideas? cannot read "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-xxx-2/state/uniter": invalid operation state: "relation-changed" hook has a remote unit but no application11:44
skatsaouniscan I manually rewrite the uniter? If yes what keyvalue should I add?11:45
gnuoyhi there, does anyone know what changed around cross model relations between juju 2.7.0 and 2.7.1 ?14:03
gnuoyI have a test which was passing and no longer is.14:04
gnuoyIt looks like the cmr hook isn't firing but digging into it in a bit more detail now14:04
stickupkidgnuoy, there are CMR changes, but it should only be landing in 2.8 (develop), let me know if you find anything14:07
gnuoystickupkid, is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2kJ75VJcmh/ normal ?14:09
gnuoystickupkid, oh, sorry14:10
gnuoyAll the CMR relations are in a 'terminated' state14:12
gnuoystickupkid, I've raised https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/186099214:49
mupBug #1860992: CMR relation goes into terminated state on deploy <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1860992>14:49
stickupkidgnuoy, I'll just have a quick look now to confirm15:07
stickupkidmanadart, or anybody know when we updated lxd stuff...15:38
stickupkidI'm getting juju.provider.lxd failed to get instances from LXD: Get Unable to connect to:
stickupkidthe url is available to access15:38
stickupkidgnuoy, looks confirmed to me, I'll see why we're getting an error in remote application worker for keystone15:41
gnuoystickupkid, great, thank you15:42
stickupkidgnuoy, is there any chance you can test with edge?15:43
gnuoystickupkid, sure15:43
gnuoyI'll do it now and update the bug15:44
stickupkidgnuoy, fyi: that's the 2.8 release and thanks15:44
gnuoystickupkid, 2.8 seems to have the issue too16:18
stickupkidgnuoy, if you need a work around for now, you can remove the saas from swift-sf and then consume the offer again.17:10
gnuoystickupkid, ack, thanks17:10
=== timClicks_ is now known as timClicks
timClickssome interesting threads in discourse have popped up over the last few days21:24

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