
zygaGood morning07:16
zygaa bit empty today...08:21
zygawonder if netsplit08:21
zygaor flu08:21
mvozyga: vacation, swap days, ...08:31
zygahey :)08:31
zygamvo: indeed08:31
zygamvo: welcome back!08:31
mvozyga: I will probably also swap at least half a day but wanted to double check how things are08:31
zygamvo: we had some humps08:31
mvozyga: yeah, was reading what you did on friday08:32
zygamvo: lxd candidate started handing out i386 containers08:32
mvozyga: thanks for digging into all this!08:32
zygamvo: one test needs investigation as it breaks on core2008:32
mvozyga: yeah, read that too, that was hillarious08:32
zygamvo: I'm just looking at results08:32
mvozyga: yeah, I suspect we stopped using shadow for the user tools08:32
zygamvo: and I found a few leaks08:32
zygamvo: no progress on reviews from security team yet08:32
mvozyga: I remember there was a switch planned to something else that also provides userdel but a) I may misremember b) I can't remember what the other source package was :/08:33
zygaI see08:33
zygaI tried to make all of my branches green though I didn't manage to for the few oldest08:33
mvozyga: nice08:33
mvozyga: I investigate this userdel issue08:33
mvozyga: what is confusing is that this test fails on core20 but not on ubuntu-20.04-6408:36
zygaoh, indeed08:36
zygappa skew?08:36
mvozyga: could be, I will just try to reproduce, also strange that it just started recently to fail - oh well08:37
zygayeah, it failed on Friday08:38
zygamvo: skipping 1:1 today?08:53
mvozyga: see /msg08:53
mupPR snapd#8050 opened: tests: add marker tag for core 20 test failure <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8050>09:01
zygamvo: given that you are here still - can I merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/804709:02
mupPR #8047: tests: detect LXD launching i386 containers <Test Robustness> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8047>09:02
mupPR snapd#8034 closed: overlord/snapstate: fix for lp:1860324 for 2.43 <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8034>09:05
zygamvo: any news about 2.43 revert for /writable?09:06
zygamvo: should we revert?09:06
mvozyga: no update yet so I think we should09:06
mvozyga: or I missed a mail which is quite possible09:07
mvozyga: I think I will do 2.43.2 tomorrow morning09:07
zygathe branch is sitting green, let's wait until we get some news today09:07
zygaand pick the decision tomorrow09:07
zygaI'll check the bug report09:07
mvozyga: thank you!09:08
zygamvo: the customer is okay with the workaround but the timing is that they would rather have a revert now09:09
mvozyga: sure thing09:10
zygamvo: I'll grab a coffee and do some reviews and merges09:10
mvozyga: sounds great, I will leave irc for a bit, availalbe on tg for emergencies09:11
sdhd-saschahey, zyga - "markstos" seems to be very interrested in termite on classic. And also likes sway and i3. Maybe we can bring the gnome-extension into classic-mode, so the termite's snapcraft.yaml didn't need to much environments and scripts...09:16
sdhd-sascha(just for your information. )09:16
zygasdhd-sascha: it's probably silly but I don't follow - gnome-extension classic mode?09:36
zygaChipaca: hello09:36
zygahow are you? are you off today or working>.09:37
sdhd-saschazyga: i know. What i want to say is, that there are some one more, which could help. And i know you are good in social connections. So i just want inform you. Nothing more ;-)09:39
Chipacazyga: working today09:40
* zyga nods09:45
Chipacanot sure when I'm going to get a break tbh :)09:48
mupPR snapd#8022 closed: cmd/snap-confine: Revert #7421 (unmount /writable from snap view) <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8022>09:48
zygaChipaca: anytime you feel like it09:48
zygait's a bit of tumbleweed territory here today09:48
zygamaciek and pawel are off09:48
zygamvo and samuele are off too09:48
zygacachio is off09:48
zygaian will come around in a few hours09:49
Chipacazyga: I've come back from za with a rather hard deadline for some things i need to get done :)09:49
zygaI see09:49
Chipacazyga: thank you for the note on #742109:50
mupPR #7421: cmd/snap-confine: unmount /writable from snap view <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7421>09:50
zygaChipaca: I sent small tweaks to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/804511:17
zygaChipaca: and removed my review since I changed it now11:17
mupPR #8045: osutil: add helpers for creating symlinks and renaming in an atomic manner <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8045>11:17
zygaChipaca: do you want to do a second review?11:17
zygaI tried to document my patches as best as I could11:17
Chipacazyga: will do in a bit11:19
zygathank you, it's not urgent though11:19
Chipaca"a bit" → a while (knee-deep in users right now, and then have a manpages meeting, and then standup...)11:19
Chipacazyga: speaking of which, do you want to come to the manpages meeting?11:19
zygaI was about to ask11:20
Chipacais that something that interests you?11:20
Chipacaok :)11:20
zygayeah, greatly11:20
zygaover the past few weekends I've been hand-writing manual pages :)11:20
mupPR snapd#8050 closed: tests: add marker tag for core 20 test failure <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8050>11:20
Chipacazyga: FWIW manpages is black, so unless I can do it this week it's not getting done, but I'd rather somebody else in the snapd team knew about what needed to be done11:20
sdhd-saschaIs it a goal, that classic and strict snaps should work the same in future ?11:28
zygasdhd-sascha: in which sense11:28
zygasdhd-sascha: there's a fundamental difference between them11:28
sdhd-saschaFor the user, who creates a snap.11:30
zygano, they will always be different then11:30
sdhd-saschaOh :-( Then it would be nice, if a git-branch can be used as a track on snapstore, at least.11:31
zygagit branch?11:31
mupPR snapd#8051 opened: daemon: refactor create-user to a user action & hide behind a flag <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8051>11:34
sdhd-saschazyga: i mean - the store people. Could implement a feature, that per "github" branch, a automated build and publish pipeline to a "track" exist. So, in git there is a "classic", "devmode" and "strict" branch.11:36
* sdhd-sascha afk11:36
Chipacasdhd-sascha: the ability to be classic is a per-snap attribute11:36
Chipacasdhd-sascha: so tracks for classic are not typically approved11:36
Chipacasdhd-sascha: recommendation is to use a different name for classic vs non-11:36
* Chipaca takes a break11:37
sdhd-saschaChipaca: i know. That's why i started to upload snaps on github... Would it make sense to have a community store, with lesser restrictions ?11:37
zygasdhd-sascha: no, because that would be an enormous effort and why?11:38
zygacommunity store becomes curl | sudo sh11:38
zygathat's not useful11:38
zygaand not responsible11:38
sdhd-saschahmm, maybe a case for a cmdline option for `snap install <url>`11:39
zygawget && snap install --dangerous11:39
zygabut that's not better either11:39
sdhd-saschazyga: like it is now. `--dangerous` makes sense11:40
zygathis is not a technical limitation, it's a design that prioritizes safety11:40
Chipacazyga: added you to the manpages meet, but it has not meet url atm11:58
zygaChipaca: is there a video ?11:58
Chipacazyga: cjwatson can add that, i can't11:58
Chipacacjwatson: thanks11:59
cjwatsonI just did11:59
mupPR snapcraft#2895 opened: lifecycle: raise detailed error if mksquashfs fails <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2895>12:18
zygathat was fun :)12:24
Chipacazyga: actually i said wednesday but pedronis is back tomorrow afaik so i'll chat then12:25
Chipacacalendar allowing12:25
Chipacazyga: you want in on that meeting as well?12:25
* Chipaca adds12:26
cjwatsonChipaca,zyga: https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/man-db.git/commit/?id=81dc1ae9bd2d99a264bcf79ea76902e5db02aadb12:28
zygaChipaca: check out the standup doc please12:29
zygaChipaca: I added one bit that we didn't discuss12:29
zygahighlighted now12:30
* Chipaca looks12:30
zygaChipaca: if we go and model manual pages, I wonder if this is a one-off12:31
zygaor is this "snap ships content to unconfined world"12:31
Chipacazyga: meta/man would also be backwards compatible :)12:31
zygaChipaca: yes12:31
zygaChipaca: but not $SNAP/man (that was my only point)12:31
Chipacazyga: updated the meeting description with this as well12:32
Chipacacjwatson: <312:33
Chipacaok, i need to go get veggies to go with my lunch12:34
* Chipaca vegs out12:34
cmatsuokaChipaca: interesting test error in the users refactoring PR12:35
cjwatsonChipaca,zyga: Hm, I forgot to check, does the name mediation bit require any store changes?12:39
cjwatsonI never found out how that worked before I mostly stopped working on the store12:39
zygacjwatson: I suspect it would - which is also easier if it's explicit rather than fished from the filesystem structure12:39
cjwatsonSomebody who has a clue what's involved should loop in Bret ASAP then12:41
zygacjwatson: I think we should do that after the call tomorrow12:41
cjwatsonBut if that doesn't happen then <snap-name> and <snap-name>.* will still work, right?12:41
zygait's probably not the store as much as review tools12:41
cjwatsonEr right, maybe Jamie then12:41
cjwatsonI won't release man-db for a week or so, just in case12:42
zygaChipaca: daemon/api_users_test.go:220:42: "potatos" is a misspelling of "potatoes"12:48
Chipacacjwatson: re name mediation, if it goes beyond what aliases does, yes -- i'll add that to the meeting with samuele tomorrow13:03
ChipacaI expect it'd look like another assertion type, with snapd needing to do some work but not the store13:04
zygaI think so too13:05
Chipacabut I might be over-optimistic wrt the store side of assertions13:05
zygaI'm off for a walk with Bit13:13
cmatsuokaChipaca: could you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1860773? It seems that we have a problem in default track error messages13:16
mupBug #1860773: Default track not in error message when branch requested <snapd:New> <Snap Store:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1860773>13:16
Chipacacmatsuoka: that was filed at my behest13:16
cmatsuokaChipaca: ah good, thanks13:17
Chipacacmatsuoka: IOW, yes yes we do -- I knew we did, although I didn't predict this exact flavour13:17
cmatsuokaChipaca: should I assign it to you, or leave it unassigned?13:18
Chipacacmatsuoka: there's a store-side component to that because the error from the store doesn't let us tell the user the right thing13:18
Chipacacmatsuoka: leave it unsigned -- i doubt i'll have time to get to it13:18
Chipacacmatsuoka: the quick fix would be to make snapd not tell the user the channel it was looking for13:19
Chipacacmatsuoka: the better fix would be to make the channel mapper default-track-aware, and pass in the default track from the error response (that's the bit that's missing)13:19
Chipacacjwatson: about https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/man-db.git/commit/?id=81dc1ae9bd2d99a264bcf79ea76902e5db02aadb13:21
Chipacacjwatson: note in redhat etc that'd be /var/lib/snapd/snap/man13:22
Chipaca"redhat etc" is release.DistroLike("fedora", "arch", "archlinux", "manjaro", "antergos")13:23
cjwatsonChipaca: I'll try to remind those packagers that they need to patch that13:23
Chipacacjwatson: 👍13:23
cjwatsonI think it's reasonable for upstream man-db to refer to upstream snapd's path, though13:23
Chipacacjwatson: fair13:24
Chipacacjwatson: also while those distros don't like /snap/, most of their users will have it anyway because without it they don't get classic snaps13:25
* Chipaca looks athttps://github.com/rydal/tuxconfig-frontend and is terrified13:27
zygaChipaca: standup?14:01
Chipacazyga: omw14:01
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
ijohnsonhmm one of the case fans on my desktop has stopped spinning :-/14:48
* ijohnson reboots14:48
ackkhi, does anyone have an opinion on https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/1860884 ?15:09
mupBug #1860884: Python plugin: paths for from the snapcraft snap in sys.pat break dependencies <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1860884>15:09
zygaChipaca: quick review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8051#pullrequestreview-34874301315:22
mupPR #8051: daemon: refactor create-user to a user action & hide behind a flag <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8051>15:22
mupPR snapcraft#2896 opened: Fix the package 'python3-distutils' not found on Ubuntu Xenial <Created by khiemdoan> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2896>15:31
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mupPR snapd#8045 closed: osutil: add helpers for creating symlinks and renaming in an atomic manner <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8045>15:41
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: mind giving a quick re-review to #8044 ? I merged master so the diff should is pretty small now15:43
mupPR #8044: grub: support atomically renaming kernel symlinks <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8044>15:43
* zyga looks as well15:43
cmatsuokaijohnson: sure, checking it now15:46
cmatsuokaijohnson: done15:56
Chipacazyga: thank you for the review15:59
mupPR snapd#8052 opened: osutil/tests: check there are no leftover symlinks with AtomicSymlink <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8052>16:04
ijohnsonthanks cmatsuoka, I just opened ^ which is the followup you requested16:04
zygathe leftovers would be the temporary files, right16:05
Chipacazyga: pushed changes you suggested to the 805116:14
ijohnsonzyga: yes that's what I meant by leftovers16:27
* ijohnson is bad at puns16:27
zygaijohnson: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8052#pullrequestreview-34880415916:37
mupPR #8052: osutil/tests: check there are no leftover symlinks with AtomicSymlink <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8052>16:37
ijohnsonzyga: thanks, I think I'll leave it as is (but also I responded in the PR)16:40
zygathat's fine16:40
mupPR snapd#8044 closed: grub: support atomically renaming kernel symlinks <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8044>17:53
mupPR snapd#8052 closed: osutil/tests: check there are no leftover symlinks with AtomicSymlink <Simple 😃> <Test Robustness> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8052>18:27
* zyga goes to install focal on bare metal18:38
zygawith nvidia18:38
zygathis will be fun18:38
zygabah, contention18:55
zygapopey: is the new shiny theme hitting the daily anytime soon?18:56
zygajdstrand_: hey, how is the review queue looking this week?18:57
jdstrand_zyga: same as last week since I haven't started the push yet18:58
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
zygajdstrand_: but you still plan to this week?18:58
jdstrandzyga: that is still my plan, yes18:59
zygagood, that's all I wanted to check18:59
* zyga has focal usb but goes for supper first19:06
mupPR snapd#8051 closed: daemon: refactor create-user to a user action & hide behind a flag <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8051>20:06
=== Wouter01002 is now known as Wouter0100
cmatsuokaijohnson: are we still packing .go files inside the snapd snap? if so, there's an easy way to fix that21:15
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: you mean in the snapd snap in the store?21:15
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: I hope we aren't21:15
cmatsuokaijohnson: I think we were, many months ago, let me check that...21:16
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: I don't see any .go files in the snapd snap21:17
cmatsuokaijohnson: we're still doing it. look what's inside the snap directory in the snapd snap21:17
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: that dir is empty for me21:17
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: actually you know what I'm looking at a snapd snap I built myself, not one from the store21:18
cmatsuokahmm, I just ran snap download snapd and unsquashed the snap21:18
cmatsuokaijohnson: could you try it and check the snap subdir for a bunch of .go files?21:19
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: yeah I see it with what's built from the store21:20
ijohnsonFWIW, I have been building local snapd snaps with my branch: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7904 which doesn't suffer this problem21:20
mupPR #7904: snapcraft.yaml: add type, build-base and adopt-info, rm builddeb plugin <⛔ Blocked> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7904>21:20
cmatsuokaijohnson: ah ok, then it was fixed in snapcraft and the fix was used when you added base: core21:22
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: yes IIUC the current snapd snap is still built with legacy snapcraft21:22
cmatsuokaijohnson: it used to happen because snap/ is special and one way to fix that was to use build-aux/snap but if it's not necessary it's even better21:22
ijohnsoncmatsuoka: my branch also uses build-aux/snap so perhaps that's why21:23
cmatsuokaah right ok, you already have the fix then :D21:23
mupPR snapd#8053 opened: osutil: implement deluser <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8053>22:51

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