
lordievaderGood morning07:15
lotuspsychjegood noon to all11:16
=== oerheks1 is now known as oerheks
oerheksSO .. Avast is a virus that keeps other virusses away .. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qjdkq7/avast-antivirus-sells-user-browsing-data-investigation15:18
tomreynoh, so all the urls the user visits are not only uploaded to detect threats then, who would have ever imagined?15:25
pragmaticenigmaI love it when it's the Anti-Viruses fault... It's not Avast Anti-Virus... it's a browser plugin that you optionally install15:26
pragmaticenigmabut no one reads the prompts when installing anything... or more importantly... bothers to chose "custom install" and would see that little gem15:26
leftyfbtomreyn: where did they mention tomcat?15:49
tomreynleftyfb: nowhere, i'm just trying to point out that there is a myriad of projects under the apache software foundations' umbrella15:50
leftyfbnobody installed tomcat by accident ;)15:51
tomreyni guess the http server package being called 'apache' doesn't exactly help, even if it's for historical reasons.15:52
tomreynthe rpm distros made a better naming choice there15:53
* pizzaiolo wonders if there's apache2, what happened to apache1?16:04
daftykinsthat's not a very complicated question16:05
marcoagpintoguys?! Does Ubuntu support images in the title bar of the window? PaintShopPro 2019 for Windows has a logo in the title bar instead of text16:44
akemhpI guess you can have skinned windows yes, back in the days there was xmms, it was all skinned IIRC like Winamp.16:50
marcoagpintogood to know16:50
marcoagpintonow I just need to win the EuroMillions tomorrow and ask the developer of PureBasic to implement it :p16:51
akemhpYou do some PureBasic on Linux?16:52
daftykinswaste of time, silly idea16:52
marcoagpintothere is a Windows+Linux+Mac version16:52
marcoagpintodaftykins: :((((((((16:52
akemhpWell, on Linux there is also Python and Ruby.16:55
akemhpThey are very good languages with lots of extensions.16:55
marcoagpintoI am a lazy arse... I will only code in PureBasic16:56
akemhpI use Ruby.16:56
marcoagpintosince it is not what I make a living, I will only use PureBasic16:58
marcoagpintoakemhp: https://proofingtoolgui.org/default.htm#whypurebasic16:58
marcoagpinto"use the best tool for the job"16:59
akemhpNot my job either, i just like the language a lot.17:00
marcoagpintojust like me17:00
akemhpYeah i have another friend who was doing PureBasic.17:00
akemhpBut on Windows.17:00
marcoagpintoI wanted to suggest to the developer to only support Ubuntu 18.04 and above :)17:01
marcoagpintobut I need to win the EuroMillions to pay to him to do that17:01
marcoagpintoand Windows 7+17:01
daftykinsWindows 7 is EOL now :) no more support needed17:05
marcoagpintoI know17:05
marcoagpintodaftykins: but Windows 7 users may get offended if support is removed17:06
marcoagpintojust like Windows Vista... there are tons of people using it, so I had to release a "legacy" UK speller for Thunderbird and Firefox17:07
daftykinsyou should never enable holdouts17:08
marcoagpintoa what?17:08
daftykinspeople unwilling to move with the times17:08
marcoagpintowell, not everyone can afford a new computer17:08
marcoagpintoit took me 11 years to buy a powerful one17:09
pragmaticenigmamarcoagpinto: It's not about cost of a new computer. It's that the system is not receiving updates from its manufacturer and thus becoming more and more vulnerable to attacks, malware and viruses being allowed to continue working on the Internet17:09
pragmaticenigmaIt's that it puts everyone else at risk, it reduces the quality of the experience for everyone else as well... Botnets are not cool17:10
marcoagpintowell, Nero is still using Visual Studio 2010 or so :)17:11
pragmaticenigmaVisual Studio isn't an entire operating system17:11
marcoagpintoI know17:11
marcoagpintobut I get annoying with it installing DLLs from 201017:11
marcoagpintocan't they afford Visual Studio 2019?17:12
pragmaticenigmaI don't understand where you're going with this line of thought17:12
daftykinsthey don't need a new computer to run a newer Windows typically17:12
pragmaticenigmaTo me "Nero" is a CD burning utility from the early 2000's17:13
marcoagpintoahhhh... what I mean is that they are still releasing software based on very old machines and software17:13
daftykinsthey develop against a different set of components, those redistributables don't need to have the current year on them17:13
marcoagpintodaftykins: it is in the app panel :) the year and version of the files17:13
akemhpWell if your hardware was made especially for/with Windows 7 in mind, it may not even be able to correctly run Win 10 (for Windows users obviously), so you just keep Win7, it's not like it will suddently stop to work.17:14
akemhpAnd there is probably no appropriate drivers for such machines for Win10 anyway.17:14
daftykinsakemhp: 100% false they are quite comparably light17:14
daftykinsmarcoagpinto: you don't understand, the class of component means the age isn't relevant17:14
daftykinsso you are judging something without the understanding of what it is17:15
akemhpdaftykins, I run Win7 with old dual core and 2GB of RAM.17:15
akemhpAnd i have an old laptop which has no correct graphic drivers on Win 1017:15
pragmaticenigmaakemhp: I've installed windows 10 on a 32bit Celeron from 2004... it ain't pretty, but it was functional17:15
akemhpFor the 3D acceleration part.17:15
daftykinsi think you'd be dreaming to be after anything 3D to begin with then17:16
marcoagpintowell, yesterday I updated the BIOS of my Lenovo... and it crashed when I pressed the proceed button17:16
marcoagpintoit crashed Windows 10 with a blue screen17:16
daftykinsdoesn't sound like you updated it then17:16
marcoagpintoluckily I was able to boot and retry...17:17
marcoagpintoit seems the BIOS update needed to be done alone of other updates17:17
akemhpWell there was already 3D games and software...17:17
pragmaticenigmasounds like someone didn't read all the instructions either...17:17
marcoagpintoI was very lucky not to damage my computer17:17
daftykinsyes always - and with no programs open ideally17:17
akemhpAnyway that's not the appropriate channel for Windows stuff :P17:17
daftykinsakemhp: that's a very weak argument, times change17:18
pragmaticenigmamarcoagpinto: Every BIOS update utility I've worked with has always included the words "Only run on a fully updated OS, and make sure all other programs are closed when running the update utility"17:18
daftykinsyep methinks the user did not read (:17:18
pragmaticenigmaA pebkac is not a bug17:18
akemhpThe only real option for older hardware is Linux, like LUbuntu. But not Windows 10.17:18
marcoagpintopragmaticenigma: I read that... but the window didn't say I couldn't run the other Lenovo updates... there were several updates17:18
marcoagpintoI selected all the updates and clicked in the update button17:19
pragmaticenigmamarcoagpinto: How do you think those updates are installed??? They use a program to run... hence, Do not run other programs17:19
marcoagpintoI now know :)17:20
marcoagpintobut yesterday I didn't17:20
pragmaticenigmaall that sugar is affecting your eyesight17:20
daftykinsnever smart to leave those manufacturer update checkers installed, too17:21
daftykinssounds like a factory install - nasty stuff17:21
marcoagpintodaftykins: yes, I know, but there is an app for Lenovo updates17:23
marcoagpintoit autoruns on the background and checks for updates17:23
daftykinsyes and should never be left installed17:23
daftykinsnor even factory installs kept17:23
marcoagpintobut... it had a nVidia driver update too17:24
marcoagpintoafter I installed nVidia update, it rebooted my laptop17:24
marcoagpintoonly BIOS + nVIdia were left after the blue screen crash17:25
marcoagpintoso, I installed one at a time17:25
marcoagpintoit was such a scary experience... my body still shakes when I think of it17:26
pragmaticenigmamarcoagpinto: which is why it was recommended that you remove the lenovo app17:28
marcoagpintopragmaticenigma: but it shows the free nvidia RAM, computer RAM, HDD space, CPU load and such17:34
marcoagpintoit shows all details I need to know17:34
daftykinsthat is complete rubbish, all those features are found elsewhere in Windows17:34
daftykinsif you read more news you'd know that these update utilities have been taken over with malware on multiple manufacturers systems17:35
marcoagpintoI didn't know that17:35
pragmaticenigmanvidia control centre is going to give you more accurate measurements about your graphics card, especially compared to what ever the software devs and lenovo managed to reverse engineer to get it to work "for now"17:37
marcoagpintodaftykins: pragmaticenigma: https://i.imgur.com/1DxkfQ6.png17:38
marcoagpintohere is what it shows17:38
marcoagpintoit has an "update system" button17:38
marcoagpintonow I won't press it again17:38
daftykinsthere's nothing wrong with doing updates, just remove the program17:39
daftykinsi don't need to be shown what it looks like, i've worked on all brands of system17:39
pragmaticenigmamarcoagpinto: Press "Ctrl + Shift + Esc" ... make sure it's in the "More details" mode... then click the performance tab17:42
pragmaticenigmaall the same information is right there17:43
pragmaticenigmain fact... more information is available there, including operating temperatures, capacity, utilization, activty, and more17:43
pragmaticenigmaall built in to windows17:44
ubot5Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, supported ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html19:45
ubot5Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) will be the 32nd release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2020 ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseSchedule ). It will be a long-term support release. Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.20:25
pragmaticenigmaso an hour long debugging session ended with not understanding localhost interfaces20:26
sarnoldheh, fgunny, I figured it was due to not understanding tcp, instead :)20:32
merlinerHello. From a Debian server background to an Ubuntu desktop experience, I'm finding several new things to learn about, and I'm starting with apparmor and snap packaging, both of which could be candidates for not yet having the full support and endorsement of the user community. Would anybody like to share their experience with these features, positive or negative?20:52
daftykinssnapd is the first thing i purge20:53
daftykinsapparmor has never gotten in my way20:53
daftykinsi mostly use ubuntu with servers though, in fairness20:54
merlinerThat's quite the fair distinction. Snaps look more GUI oriented to me.20:54
merlinerI don't need beta/edge versions.20:55
daftykinsthere seem to be multiple methods around to try and package up fully compatible software with their dependencies, to avoid the woes of support i suppose across different distros and releases... the question is whether you trust a software maker or packager to 1) update the .deb 2) update the flatpak/snap/latest buzzword20:56
oerhekssome complaint about te snap size, never about dependencies20:57
daftykinswell there's the security implications of an included component falling behind20:59
daftykinsi've always touted that one :D20:59
tomreynmerliner: my main gripes with snaps are (1) total lack of transparency, (2) no way (AFAIK) to have control on installed versions, (3) vendor lock-in21:01
merlinerMy tripping point was with the thunderbird email client, throwing audit: errors but not having an apparmor profile in /etc/apparmor.d/21:02
tomreynthe containment is actually a good thing, i guess, as long as it's enabled.21:03
merlinerNot sure if I can transition my thunderbird installation from the snap version to the deb version.21:03
tomreynis there still a deb version then?21:04
merlinerI'm all for the apparmor containment strategy. I like that initiative, but lose track of the way it's handled by snapd.21:04
oerhekssnapcraft gives the same version 68.4.121:05
oerheksso yes, you can switch to deb21:05
oerheksbut i wonder why apparmor is not correct, should it be in the ~/snap/thunderbird folder?21:05
merlinerI probably ended up with the snap version of tbird because the deb version wouldn't import my config from Win7 .... but then neither did the snap version.21:06
tomreynyes, looks like the thunderbird deb's are not just transitional to snaps, yet21:06
merlinerthey aren't yet 'stable' in snap.21:06
daftykinsmail clients in 2020 ;)21:07
daftykinsimport and export have been sorely lacking for way too long21:07
oerheksmaybe install thunderbird with the --classic option, to get out the confinement.. but that has serious questions too21:08
merlinerThey're a drag. I tried several email clients and am generally not nearly as happy as I was with PMMail in OS/2 ten years ago.21:08
merliner(or twenty)21:09
oerhekshttps://snapcraft.io/search?q=mail there is also hiri and mailspring21:09
merlinerI think I've tried them all ;-}21:10
merlinerI've got to go out now however; .... may be back in a couple hours. Thanks all.21:13
Bashing-omUWN615 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue615 :D21:17
sarnoldmerliner: please do file bugs about apparmor confinement on the snap packages; whoever is packaging it ought to know that it isn't working for you. They'll want DENIED lines from your dmesg, and maybe a quick description of what you were doing22:26
tomreynwhich brings up the question on how to file bugs against snaps22:40
sarnoldtomreyn: yes :(22:40
daftykinsget a bottle, empty it however you see fit, write your bug report on a scroll, roll it up - put a cork in - and toss it into the nearest ocean22:42
sarnold"your message is important to us; we'll respond to the bottles in the order we receive them"22:43
tomreyni've been doing this all my life, until they reported about the great pacific garbage patch. and they never told me to use glass bottles only.22:45
merlinerBest I can tell, they're using the forum for deficiency discussions; probably a package thread under the Snap category.23:06
oerhekssnap info <snap> gives contactadress or url, sometimes a nice url to launchpad, see  https://askubuntu.com/a/114232823:31
oerheksi hope some day this is integrated in ubuntu-bug routine23:32
oerhekswith a juicy extra; stable beta edge versions23:32

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