
=== hydrantmark is now known as upbeatmark
AzelphurJust installed Xubuntu 19.10 on an AMD Ryzen 2200G, getting horrible graphics distortion. Any ideas?20:24
AzelphurAnything that moves on the screen seems to become distorted like static, I'm guessing I have to update something to make it work better20:25
daftykinsis it already using amdgpu as the driver out of the box?20:26
Azelphurdaftykins, looks like it's using mesa according to glxinfo?20:27
daftykinshrmm ok probably just a shortcoming in my knowledge of AMD setups then20:31
daftykinsi'd be looking at X's log rather than glxinfo for driver normally o020:32
Azelphurdaftykins, ah, yes using AMDGPU20:34
daftykinsis the motherboard firmware current?20:37
daftykinsoerheks in another channel mentioned that an update atop 19.10 may have caused woes for people of late20:38
Azelphurdaftykins, it's an new board but no firmware updates, I'll check the BIOS version and report back20:40
Azelphurdaftykins, someone from #radeon figured it out for me, needed to add AMD_DEBUG=nodcc to /etc/environment :)20:49
daftykinsdoes that make it specific to xfce?20:50
Azelphurdon't think so20:51
daftykinssad to hear confirmation of certain things still being wobbly in AMD land20:51
zxmoypiat least there was a soloution...20:57
daftykinsworkaround :P20:58
daftykinsand who knows how far it lies or how long it lasts!20:58
daftykinsfar it lies? err... such wording20:59
daftykinsnah i'm fully manual here21:00
zxmoypiah, brain fart... :-)21:00
daftykinsAzelphur: apparently newer mesa versions from the well known PPAs resolve things too21:05
AzelphurI see, that's about what I expected21:06
daftykinsmesa 2021:06

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