
stubcjwatson: Should https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1860500 be targetted at Launchpad? tldr; changing a PPA's displayname breaks automatic package updates in modern Ubuntu07:24
mupBug #1860500: consider disabling apt-secure's Label check in Ubuntu <apt (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1860500>07:24
wgrantI wonder if we should make that more immutable for focal onwards08:02
wgrantBut it seems like a pretty hostile check to have in apt08:02
ilaschmmm... not sure what I did this time :) but my MP is now refusing to update diffs, anyone else seeing anything similar on their MPs ?09:21
* tomwardill has no idea09:32
ilasc:) that makes 2 of us tomwardill09:38
ilascthanks for looking at it!09:38
tomwardillunsure how you can get a 404 out of turnip like that09:38
ilascmy thoughts exactly09:39
ilascthe branch is definitely there and reflecting the latest updates : https://code.launchpad.net/~ilasc/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+ref/webhook-livefs09:39
cjwatsonstub: Maybe an LP task.  I agree it seems hostile10:01
cjwatsonIIRC some of turnip's views return 404 if e.g. the commit isn't found10:02
* tomwardill learns that 'getopt' and 'getopts' are different things10:10
* tomwardill has a bit of a sad10:10
tomwardillokay, I fixed: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/377768 so it actually takes arguments10:30
cjwatsonilasc: *blink* that OOPS is a bug in a place I didn't expect10:49
ilasccjwatson: landmines my friend :)10:50
cjwatsonilasc: In the case where all three of the source, target, and prerequisite repositories are different, LP doesn't tell turnip the ID of the prerequisite repository, so it has no way to find the prerequisite commit ...10:50
cjwatsonilasc: Could you file a bug about this quoting that OOPS ID?10:51
ilascwow! that's a good one, sure, I'll file it10:51
ilascthanks Colin!10:51
cjwatsonIn theory turnip accepts more than two repository paths at once and will construct an ephemeral repository using all of them as alternates if need be (though I don't think there's anything that currently exercises it for more than two paths), so it should be fixable purely on the Launchpad side10:53
cjwatsonAnd probably quite easily10:54
ilascmakes sense :)10:56
tomwardill2020-01-28 13:19:45+0000 [-] Build log: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:430: container init caused \"rootfs_linux.go:109: jailing process inside rootfs caused \\\"permission denied\\\"\"": unknown13:21
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378169 should fix the OOPS that ilasc ran into earlier14:38
cjwatsonilasc: also a workaround would be to rebase your branch onto the current state of mine (since that would cause the commit to exist in your repo too)14:47
ilasccjwatson: hmmm I think I did the before pushing remote last time (after the fix u put in on your branch for account privileges), so rebased a second time14:50
ilascbut again I could be "seeing" double, been looking at macaroons all day :)14:51
* cjwatson checks14:52
cjwatsonOh I'm sorry14:52
cjwatsonYour branch isn't a descendant of the current state of mine14:53
cjwatsonIt has the second-from-last commit but not the last one14:53
ilascyes, indeed, it's only second-from-last14:54
cjwatson(If you have a remote set up for my repository, then "tig webhook-livefs cjwatson/fix-webhook-visibility-check" should make this visible in a concise way)14:54
cjwatsonOr s/tig/gitk/ if you prefer that14:55
ilascyep, I see it "Handle DelegateAuthorization" commit only (thanks for sharing the tig command by the way!)14:56
* cjwatson ♥ tig15:00
ilasc:) I second that15:04

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