
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
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zx2c418:12:14 <apw> zx2c4, should be finished tommorrow if i haven't pooched anything19:26
zx2c418:12:31 <zx2c4> apw: oh cool19:26
zx2c4apw: did this materialize?19:26
apwI ended up sick, it is the top item on my list for when I get to my laptop20:03
zx2c4Aw sorry to hear20:24
apwi am a migrain sufferer, so its not so uncommon20:55
aberranthi all. I built a custom kernel (version 5.3.10+). Just went to do an apt-upgrade and I saw this: vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-5.3.0-29-generic. Should I relink it to /boot/vmlinuz-5.3.10+ ?21:53
aberrantnot quite sure what happened here. I thought that since my kernel's version was later than the one from apt, it would be preserved?21:54
apwaberrant, depending on which bootloader you are using i don't think those links are used very often22:01
aberrantapw - grub, I think22:08
aberrantapw - how do I tell what kernel will be booted?22:09
apwpretty sure it will not be using those links22:09
apwwhen update-grub runs it shows the menu entries in order22:09
apwtop to bottom iirc22:09
apwfailing that /boot/grub/grub.cfg and search for menuentry22:10
tomreynzx2c4: just out of interest: had you considered to also idle in / contribute to #debian-kernel (on oftc)?22:12
zx2c4tomreyn: sure, will join22:13
aberrantgrub-update shows 5.3.10+ first, so there we go :)22:18
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r

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