
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: Controls FTBFS?15:48
Eickmeyer[m]Nm, looks like you fixed it.15:55
OvenWerksI am downloading 20.04 to install and play with.21:25
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: I am thinking that systemd session starting/stopping is broken and am hoping it has been fixed since21:26
Eickmeyer[m]OvenWerks: Let me know what you find out.21:27
OvenWerksThere are a number of systemd user services listed in 18.04 that never seem to start. I do not want to bind to xfce4... it apperas that graphical-session never gets reached21:28
OvenWerks(as a target)21:28
Eickmeyer[m]I think it goes as far as multiuser, then launches the wm as part of target.multiuser.21:29
OvenWerksThat is system that launches systemd --user21:29
OvenWerkssystemd --user gets to the default.target and also xfce4-session.target (which I don't want to use)21:30
OvenWerksbut never to graphical-session.target.21:31
OvenWerksit may be a problem with how xubuntu is set up. I am not sure if that is a part of session settings or what.21:32
OvenWerksThe whole systemd setup looks wonkie to me. They do not have a session target by default... rather a user target... but that target does not end on session logout but rather not until all processes that belong to that user have ended :P and of course the process that needs to be ended belongs to the user ...21:36
OvenWerksI notice pulse seems to have the same trouble21:38
Eickmeyer[m]I'd take a look and see how ubuntu is doing it. We want to keep it as DE-independent as possible.21:44
OvenWerkslook in /usr/lib/systemd/usr/21:46
OvenWerksbut... just because it is there doesn't mean anything21:46
OvenWerksIt may be a bug in xubuntu rather than ubuntu... hopefully fixed by now.21:47
Eickmeyer[m]Highly doubt it. Might be the xfce utilization of systemd, but I don't know that much. I do know that we're not pulling-in any xubuntu-specific systemd items, so it likely just comes from xfce.21:50
OvenWerksI found that I raised the loggin level (/etc/systemd/user.conf)21:50
OvenWerksI guess I equate xubuntu with xfce :/21:50
OvenWerksThen I do journelctl --user -b and search for "target" (with /target )21:54
OvenWerksThat will tell you which targets actually are being used21:55
Eickmeyer[m]So, are you trying to call a systemd function from a user at login? Is that what I'm understanding?21:56
OvenWerksbecause that is what putting a desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart/ does these days21:56
Eickmeyer[m]Wouldn't a better way be to place a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart ?21:57
OvenWerks but that has the same trouble... the process does not stop21:57
OvenWerksa package should never put anything in ~/21:57
Eickmeyer[m]I see. The idea is that the process would have to be killed at logout.21:57
OvenWerks18.04 does not do that21:58
OvenWerksso for a single user it is no problem21:58
Eickmeyer[m]In theory, then, it's a process that has to be done by the user so that it gets killed at logout.21:58
OvenWerksbut if the first user logs out and a second user logs, they have no sound21:58
Eickmeyer[m]So, having controls install it to ~/.config/autostart upon first run would be ideal.21:59
OvenWerksthe user should not have to kill autojack or pulse21:59
OvenWerksautostart does not work and is going to go away anyway21:59
Eickmeyer[m]Not .config/autostart, that's not going anywhere.22:00
OvenWerksautostart is handled by systemd creating a phantom service that does the actual running.22:00
Eickmeyer[m]Maybe xdg/autostart, but I don't know. Where did you hear this from?22:00
OvenWerksthe freedesktop page22:00
Eickmeyer[m]But ~/.config/autostart/*.desktop is handled by the DE, not systemd.22:01
OvenWerksnot anymore.22:01
OvenWerksThat is why things stopped working22:01
OvenWerksI will try something else to check though. But at least pulseaudio doesn't seem to work. The second login pulse startup gives "pulseaudio already running"22:03
Eickmeyer[m]I've never once had any issues from applications started via ~/.config/autostart/*.desktop. Even GNOME still uses that to create autostart upon login. It hasn't been removed from the code. I understand why /etc/xdg/autostart might be going away, but if GNOME is still handling it (and they depend on systemd) then it's likely not going anywhere.22:04
Eickmeyer[m]Additionally, gnome-tweaks can be used to add items to ~/.config/autostart as of the latest version.22:04
Eickmeyer[m]I just read the spec, and it only refers to /etc/xdg/autostart, not anything in the user home folder.22:05
OvenWerksyes the /etc/xdg/autostart/ directory is still there, but it is handled by systemd22:05
OvenWerksany startup script in ~/.config/autostart can not be properly removed with package removal22:06
OvenWerks (that is why cadence won't remove correctly)22:06
OvenWerkseverythng we install needs to be outside of the user directory22:07
Eickmeyer[m]I'm not saying it's installed by us, I'm saying it's installed by the user as part of running -controls for the first time.22:07
OvenWerksSame as cadence22:07
OvenWerksnot acceptable. That is the same as it being installed there by the package22:08
OvenWerksit still will not be removed by removing the package22:08
Eickmeyer[m]Unfortunately, there's no systemd call (that I know of) that can be run by the user. It has to be run by the root AS a different user, and does not depend on user login/out.22:08
OvenWerkssystemd --user start <service_name.service>22:09
Eickmeyer[m]That's fine, because if it's calling usr/bin/autojack and it fails, nothing happens.22:09
Eickmeyer[m]^ That isn't called by any DE that I know of upon login.22:10
OvenWerksno logind calls something like that though22:11
OvenWerksno worrys I will figure it out22:11

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