
mborzeckidriving the kids to school, back in 3006:20
mvomborzecki: good morning06:23
zygagood morning06:32
mvohey zyga06:40
zygasomewhat early start for me06:40
zygakids were incredibly efficient today06:40
zygamvo: I forgot to metion this06:45
zygamvo: I think there's something seriously broken with lxd06:45
zygainstall lxd, start a container and shut the host down06:45
zygait doesn't shut down cleanly06:45
zygait takes 10 minutes for LXD to stop (on system timeout where it just ignores it)06:46
zygait's been like that for three weeks at least (I reboot infrequently)06:46
mvozyga: oh? did you mention this to stgraber or cbrauner?06:46
zygano, I only remember this when I reboot :/06:46
zyga(and I reboot now to shut down everything to upgrade macos)06:46
* mvo nods06:47
* zyga notices it's 15C in the office and switches on heating...06:55
mborzeckizyga: mvo: hey06:59
mborzeckiit's snowing today, as in properly snowing07:00
mborzeckiotoh, the forecast for tomorrow is +4 and +10 over the weekend xD07:00
mvomborzecki: woah, nice! we have +5°C here07:01
zygamborzecki: yeah, it will snow here as well soon07:02
zygamborzecki: but it's too warm for the snow07:02
zygamborzecki: is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614 something you can review today?07:04
mupPR #7614: cmd/snap-confine: implement snap-device-helper internally <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614>07:04
zygaI would really like to move on with that topic07:04
mborzeckizyga: sure, let me grab some coffee07:05
zygaI think it's close07:05
zygaI have a follow up that I wrote months ago07:05
zygathat adds most of the support for cgroup v207:05
zygaand one that fixes v1 flip flop issue07:05
zyga(where the cgroup must change from open to closed and back)07:05
mborzeckiflip flip issue?07:07
zygacgroup having open access + default rules07:07
zygavs closed access + explicit rules07:07
zygaas in07:07
mborzeckiah, ok07:07
zyganothing tagged - defaults without constraints07:07
zygasomething tagged - some implicitly allowed, some explicitly allowed, rest denied07:07
zygathis is what triggered this whole branch originally07:08
* zyga reboots for updates07:20
zygamborzecki: another thing that you could review, that is smaller, is https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/798007:54
mupPR #7980: packaging,snap-confine: stop being setgid root <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7980>07:54
zygamborzecki: the setgid code changes07:54
mvomborzecki: I was looking at the remodel code again (and added some comments to your undo PR). when playing with it I noticed that it seems like "snap remodel" is now hanging instead of exiting when we have a pending reboot, did you notice this as well? this means one of the pending  spread tests is no longer quite working07:59
mborzeckimvo: no i did not, i'll be running those tests again with the changes so i'll probably stumble upon that08:00
mvomborzecki: it's probably something silly, I poke at it a little bit08:01
zygamvo: hey, just a note from my backlog, solus maintainer expressed desire for changelogs for full releases08:04
zygamvo: like what you do for point releases08:04
zygamvo: it helps them write their own release notes08:04
zygamvo: and to do some testing08:04
zygamvo: I promised to relay this08:05
mvozyga: uh, ok. the changelogs will be huge but I can do this08:05
zygayeah but we can edit them (I offer my help) to highlight interesting things08:05
mvozyga: sounds good08:06
zygaunit test failure of 2.43.2 in opensuse08:12
mvozyga: oh, what version of go is there?08:13
mvozyga: strange, we have 1.12 on eoan as well08:15
zygaI think it's something else08:15
* zyga digs08:15
zygait writes a file to HOME08:15
zygabut HOME doesn't exist during package build08:16
mvozyga: uh, that's unfortunate08:16
zygasame as in debian08:16
zygaremember /inexisting?08:16
zygaoh well08:16
zygaI hope it's not a .308:16
mvobut we run this stuff in sbuild, I wonder why this wasn't caught08:16
zygaour sbuild config is not the same as buildd08:17
zyga(ran into this countless times with other packages)08:17
zygathere's always something different08:17
zygalet me tweak the test and see if that passes08:17
zygaand if so, I'll sent the patch back08:17
zygasetting HOME=/inexisting doesn't break the test08:20
* zyga wonders what's going on08:20
mvozyga: there was a PR about rebooting from spread too early, do you remember that? or am I misremembering?08:24
zygamvo: so08:26
zygamvo: ... HOME is set by go-test or perhaps go-check08:26
zygamvo: rebooting from spread too early?08:26
zygamvo: not sure if that's what you mean08:27
zygamvo: but while working on some leaks last week08:27
zygamvo: I changed a test so that it would just wait for the system to reboot by itself08:28
zygamvo: rather than issuing a REBOOT08:28
zygamvo: and that didn't work because spread didn't expect this08:28
zygamvo: I'm not sure if that is related08:28
zygamvo: but I was thinking it would be good if spread had an ANTICIPATE_REBOOT thing08:28
zygamvo: that would allow regular reboot to just work08:28
mvozyga: yeah, that was kind of my question08:30
mvozyga: was just curious about this08:30
zygamvo: perhaps there's a trick but it would be hard with spread design now08:31
zygamvo: because there's no side channel08:31
zygamvo: REBOOT relies on special exit code08:31
mvozyga: yeah08:31
zygamvo: so, I added printf to the test08:43
zygaand now it passes :?08:43
mborzeckiChipaca: hi, can you split this to a separate topic? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapped-application-wont-start-for-nvidia-graphic-card/13342/608:44
mborzeckizyga: ^^ some trouble with nvidia, wonder what driver version this guy has08:44
zygaindeed, replied now08:46
mborzeckizyga: thanks!08:47
mvozyga: a race?08:57
mupPR snapd#8064 opened: boot: add Device iface to coreKernel <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8064>08:59
Chipacamborzecki: topic title and category plz09:06
mborzeckiChipaca: category snapd, title: 'nvidia libraries not accessible inside snaps' ? cc zyga09:08
zygaChipaca: you should move your edit rights to someone, maybe mackiek?09:08
mborzeckiduh, still snowing :/09:10
Chipacamborzecki: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/nvidia-libraries-not-accessible-inside-snaps/1522709:14
mborzeckiChipaca: thanks!09:14
Chipacamborzecki: zyga: I a mod, not an admin, so i can't make people mods (nor admins)09:15
Chipacamborzecki: zyga: you want to ask gustavo, or the pope09:15
Chipacathe small one from hampshire, not the regular one from buenos aires09:16
mborzeckiwow, huuge snowflakes09:19
zygaI took some photos09:20
zygasame here09:20
zygatoo bad it's not -1009:20
mborzeckimvo: which remodel test was hanging for you?09:27
mvomborzecki: in a meeting right now, get back to you in a wee bit09:31
Chipacazyga: I could've also moved your comment instead of you deleting and recreating it fwiw :-)09:33
zygathat's fine, thanks :)09:34
zygamvo: did you invite me to a meeting that was just finished?09:38
mvozyga: for next week09:39
zygaah, cool09:39
mvozyga: did it in a rush, all good09:39
mborzeckiquick errand, back in 30 or so09:42
pedronismvo: what's the relation between 8064 and Ian stuff ?09:43
pedronismvo: are you trying to split out bits from it?09:47
mvopedronis: I was wondering if that's possible09:48
mvopedronis: it's a bit long09:48
mvopedronis: this one is a straight cherry pick09:48
mvopedronis: but I was wondering if e.g. just the extraction of the kernel plus symlinking could land09:48
mvopedronis: and then the more delicate bits, mostly wondering at this point, no super strong opinion09:49
pedronismvo: I don't know, we turned on a lot of spread tests, will the ypass?09:49
mvopedronis: I think this one will, it just adds the kernel to the /boot/grub/pc-kernel_123.snap/kernel.efi09:49
mvopedronis: if we have the symlink too we would have something that could in theory boot an encrypted ubuntu-data09:50
pedronismy impression was that Ian was fighting the fact that a lot of things dont' work09:50
mvopedronis: yeah, it's fine if you think it's a waste of effort, I will try to review in one go then09:50
pedronisunless everything works09:50
pedronismvo: I'm not against09:50
pedronisbut consider that spread test might fail09:50
mvopedronis: yeah, I will keep this in mind09:51
mvopedronis: I poke it a bit more, but it might be this is the only thing that can easily extracted09:51
mvo(assuming spread works)09:51
* Chipaca → orthopedist 10:04
kbroulikHi. I'm the maintainer of KDE Plasma's notification service. Recently we introduced a quick reply feature by adding a new signal on the FDO notification interface. This one isn't standard (yet) but I patched Telegram to use it. I now realized the AppArmor policy in snapd prevents it from connecting to this signal.10:25
kbroulikIs a change to the builtin/desktop.go recipe to add NotificationReplied something you'd accept?10:25
kbroulikftr this signal: https://cgit.kde.org/plasma-workspace.git/tree/libnotificationmanager/dbus/org.freedesktop.Notifications.xml#n1210:25
sitterzyga, Chipaca ^10:25
zygakbroulik: hey10:26
zygakbroulik: let me look10:26
zygaI think it could go to desktop and desktop-legacy10:26
zygaand perhaps unity7 as well, for completeness10:26
zygakbroulik: would you mind opening a forum thread, I'll patch things10:27
zygakbroulik: can you check that editing the dbus rules is enough for this?10:27
kbroulikmostly asking because it's "not standard", otherwise I would have just submitted a pull request :)10:27
zygakbroulik: I can guide you how, if required10:27
zygakbroulik: yeah but practicality10:27
zygawhat is standard in linux10:27
kbroulikand from what I reckon getting things into freedesktop is also easier if you have "prior art" ;)10:27
kbroulikso we can tell "yo, it's already used by Telegram and others, so please accept, thanks"10:28
kbroulikzyga: is editing my local apparmor policy thing enough?10:28
zygaso +1 from me10:28
kbroulikwhat forum thread do you want me to open?10:28
zygakbroulik: just look at /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/snap.telegram.*10:28
zygathere's a line that says10:28
zygakbroulik: just a forum thread about this change, so that it can be referenced in the patch10:29
zygakbroulik: where you say who you are and that you are adding this to kde and telegram10:29
zygakbroulik: that should be enough10:29
kbroulikI'm such a noob - how do I have it reload the apparmor policies?10:29
zygayou need to run sudo apparmor_parser /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles/fname10:30
zyga(replace the fname)10:30
zygaapparmor_parser -r10:30
zygasorry ;)10:30
kbroulikok, let's see if it works now10:30
kbroulikyup, works, lovely10:31
kbroulikso basically10:32
zygathere may be some tests that need changing10:32
zyga"go test" should tell you10:32
kbroulikI dont see anything in git grep using notifications at least other than the rules file10:33
kbroulikcan't load package: package .: no Go files10:34
kbroulik(I havent built it yet)10:34
zygayou can run tests with go test ./...10:34
zygajust go to the project tree10:34
zygaideally just run go test ./interfaces/builtin10:35
kbroulikapparently the go in bionic (both repo and snap) is too old10:35
zygano worries, I can make the patch10:36
kbroulikok, well, 13 is > 6, so I'll give the snap a go then10:36
zygajust start a forum thread please10:36
kbroulikhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/ this forum I guess?10:36
kbroulikhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/kde-plasma-quick-reply-support/15229 is this alright?10:40
zygathat's great10:40
zygado you want to send the patch or shall I?10:40
kbroulikI can do it10:41
kbroulikshould I then just put also a link to that forum thread in the commit message?10:41
zygayeah, add Forum: ...10:41
zygaat the bottom10:41
kbroulikdesktop_legacy doesnt have org.freedesktop.notifications mention, only desktop and unity710:42
zygaah right10:43
zygaI misread grep output10:43
kbroulikI'll add it to the latter two10:43
kbroulikoof, CLA, I think it's better if you do the patch then10:46
kbroulik(I'm sure I had a launchpad/ubuntu one thing at some point)10:46
zygakbroulik: just try it, the check is automatic10:47
mupPR snapd#8065 opened: interfaces/builtin: Allow NotificationReplied signal on org.freedesktop.Notifications <Created by kbroulik> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8065>10:48
zygamborzecki: I will have two small patches for you soon10:54
zygamvo: snapd doesn't work at all on focal :D10:54
zygamvo: patch soon10:54
zygamvo: trivial10:54
kbroulikzyga: for the CLA it wants a phone number (which I'm not keen on giving them) and a canonical project contact..11:09
zygamvo: ^ can you please help11:10
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/806611:12
mupPR #8066: cmd/snap-confine: allow snap-confine to link to libpcre2 <âš  Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8066>11:12
zygamvo: in case we do .3 please include this ^11:12
mvokbroulik: I'm your contact and feel free to not give a phone number -  Ithink that's new, I don't remember this as a requirement. sorry for that11:12
mvokbroulik: I can also pass this on to the relevant people11:12
mvozyga: it does not work on focal? I'm on focal, curious11:12
mupPR snapd#8066 opened: cmd/snap-confine: allow snap-confine to link to libpcre2 <âš  Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8066>11:12
zygamvo: old builds are ok but new builds link to liprce211:13
zygabuild on focal and you're sol11:13
mvozyga: ta!11:13
kbroulikzyga: alright, can you re-run the ci check11:14
zygamvo: is it approved?11:15
ackkmborzecki, hi, to confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1831473 is not yet released, right?11:17
mupBug #1831473: Can't run /usr/bin/systemd-detect-virt from inside snap <maas> <snapd:Fix Committed by jdstrand> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1831473>11:17
* zyga goes for tea11:25
mvozyga: good that you are fixing this, yes :) ?11:26
zygamvo: yeah, I need to tweak the fix after doing it for real12:18
zygamvo: but it works12:18
zygamvo: man12:18
zygaversion strings like 123.435.02 SUCK12:18
zygamborzecki: snapd is out of date in aur12:19
mborzeckizyga: mhm, got an email ;)12:20
zygaI find them funny12:20
mborzeckizyga: weird version string `123.435.02 SUCK`12:20
zygamborzecki: :D12:20
mborzeckikbroulik: LP hasn't been updated yet, but no worries, i'll try restarting the travis job periodically12:21
mborzeckimvo: replying to your review of #7972 and realized that poking current is actually unreliable12:36
mupPR #7972: overlord/snapstate, wrappers: undo of snapd on core <Remodel 🚋> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7972>12:36
popeyWith ubuntu-image and the json "required-snaps" - is it possible to specify that the snap needs to come from a particular channel?12:51
pedronismvo: comment on #806412:51
mupPR #8064: boot: add Device iface to coreKernel <UC20> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8064>12:51
popeyI tried snapname/latest/edge but it didn't like that12:51
pedronispopey: no, you can specify that with --snap to ubuntu-image but not in the model itself, that will be possible with Core 20 models, but the syntax is quite different there12:52
zygamborzecki: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/806612:57
mupPR #8066: cmd/snap-confine: allow snap-confine to link to libpcre2 <âš  Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8066>12:57
zygamvo: we don't have 20.04 systems, do we?12:57
zygamvo: we have some in unstable12:58
zygawhich is not flagging anything12:58
mborzeckizyga: btw. do you know which library pulls in pcre?13:00
zygamborzecki: checking13:03
zygamborzecki: no idea?13:05
zygamaybe dlopen somewhere, it's not in NEEDED13:05
zygasty 29 11:33:59 fx kernel: audit: type=1400 audit(1580294039.867:53): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcre2-8.so.0.9.0" pid=74460 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="m" denied_mask="m" fsuid=1000 ouid=013:07
mborzeckizyga: that's on focal right?13:07
mborzeckizyga: can you try with LD_DEBUG=all ?13:08
mupPR snapd#7942 closed: snap-confine: support nvidia driver microversion string <Created by zhuker> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7942>13:11
mupPR snapd#8067 opened: cmd/snap-confine,tests: support x.y.z nvidia version <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8067>13:11
zygamborzecki: looking but I cannot find it13:11
zygait's so weird?13:11
mvozyga: aha, still in unstable, ok !13:11
zygait's not there13:11
mvomborzecki: thanks, looking13:12
mvopedronis: also looking :)13:12
mborzeckimvo: quick HO?13:12
* mborzecki wonders if it's a larger problem13:12
pedronismborzecki: what problem?13:12
mvomborzecki: give me 2min to make a cup of tea, but then yes13:12
mborzeckipedronis: looking at generateWrappers for snapd snap13:12
* zyga can join as well13:13
pedronismborzecki: I should probably join as well13:13
mborzeckipedronis: ack13:13
kbroulikmborzecki: okay, cool13:27
kbroulikwhat's the update policy for snapd on older ubuntu? Bionic seems to have the same 2.42.1, so it's safe to assume it is still being updated?13:37
zygakbroulik: snap version13:37
zygakbroulik: it's not 2.42.1 in practice13:37
zygakbroulik: it will use snapd from a snap (either core or snapd)13:37
kbroulikok, cool13:37
zygakbroulik: we regularly do updates of the classic package13:37
kbroulikI have 2.42.5, so my patch will end up reaching bionic users, too, I guess :)13:38
zygakbroulik: but on some systems we also have this mechanism where you can get most of the new release without that13:38
zygakbroulik: yes, even 14.0413:38
* Chipaca looks around for things to set on fire13:39
zygaChipaca: bugs, burn them all13:40
cmatsuokaChipaca: RGB fans!13:41
* Chipaca sets all RGB fans on fire13:42
Chipacawe could package an RGB fan controller as a snap13:42
Chipacaand then one day update it without the --avoid-being-on-fire flag13:43
Chipacabuild flag*13:43
zygaChipaca: I'm so into RGB fans13:46
zygaI plan to buy a few13:47
zygato compare them13:47
zygathere are those magnetic levitation fans13:47
* Chipaca sets zyga on fire as a preventive measure13:47
zygathat are supposedly quiet13:47
zygaChipaca: can it be RGB fire? :D13:47
zygaI would only wish if the vendors did more work in the open13:47
zygato put the protocol of their things out13:47
zygaso that people can write nice foss integration13:47
zygagnome-rgb-fan-omg-panel anyone?13:48
Chipacazyga: as long as the RGB aspect can be bought separately, and the market isn't inundated with cheap rgb fans such that the only way to get a no-nonsense one is to pay for a fancy one (or worse, a fancy one that actually allows you to turn it off), I don't really mind13:48
Chipacas/fans/fires/ also13:48
zygaChipaca: all RGB fans can be turned off, you know13:49
zygait's not like RGB is powered by the same cable13:49
zyga(or if it is, I haven't seen those)13:49
zygato be fair13:49
zygaI would rather see another development13:49
zygasteal a design idea from the mac pro13:49
zygaand design towards cable-free systems13:49
zygamac pro has zero cables inside the case13:49
zyganothing is connected by a cable13:49
zygathat's a lot of work13:49
zygabut it's super clean and nice if you can have that13:50
zygaeven fans are powered by a contact connector13:50
zygaPCI graphics - bus powered using new high-current connectors13:50
zygapower switch - pogo pins13:50
zygait's a lot of tweaking but I would love to see corsair or other vendors go that way13:50
zygae.g. case with contact connectors that can be used for front / rear fans13:50
zygawith one cable that goes to the mobo13:51
zygainstead of a zoo13:51
zyganot snapd :)13:51
zygaimagine a PSU without any cables on it, just a card that slots into the board13:52
zygaand the kernel now has time namespaces13:56
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
* zyga goes for a snow walk14:24
kbroulikcool, ci passed \o/14:53
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mupPR snapd#8065 closed: interfaces/builtin: Allow NotificationReplied signal on org.freedesktop.Notifications <Created by kbroulik> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8065>15:23
zygakbroulik: thank you for the contribution!15:35
* zyga is back15:35
zygait's dark now15:35
kbroulikalright, thanks zyga, mborzecki, and mvo. that went a lot more smoothly than I would have thought! :)15:35
zygakbroulik: it's even better15:35
zygakbroulik: because of the distribution system you can enjoy it from edge in a few hours :)15:36
zygatake that classic packaging!15:36
mvokbroulik: nice, great to hear!15:38
zygamvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/winter-2020/1523115:40
mvozyga: nice one!15:41
pedronismvo: mborzecki: I did a pass on #800116:05
mupPR #8001: boot: enable UC20 kernel extraction and bootState20 handling <Needs Samuele review> <UC20> <â›” Blocked> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8001>16:05
* zyga is cold16:06
mvopedronis: thank you so much!16:06
mborzeckipedronis: cool, thanks, looks like i can address most of it in the morning16:08
mupPR snapd#8066 closed: cmd/snap-confine: allow snap-confine to link to libpcre2 <âš  Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8066>16:11
pedronisChipaca: there isn't a GET on /users right ?16:13
Chipacapedronis: yes there is16:15
Chipacapedronis: returns a []userResponseData of all users16:16
Chipacapedronis: from state, that is16:16
mborzeckidamn, i'm late to a meetup16:18
pedronisChipaca: it's RootOnly though, ok16:21
Chipacapedronis: yep16:21
Chipacapedronis: all of these are16:21
Chipacapedronis: and in fact that's probably the strongest argument for _not_ making login/logout also go via /v2/users16:21
sil2100Hey! Just wanted to touch base and make sure that the current snapd snap in stable is good for our ubuntu-core 18 18.04.4 images next week16:28
sil2100mvo, pedronis, zyga: ^ can I use the current snapd safely for new images?16:28
zygastable is always good16:29
zygaor we change what it points at16:29
zygaI think the answer is "always yes"16:29
Chipacasil2100: maybe coordinate with mvo as we're just wrapping up a release?16:32
zygaChipaca: yeah but that's coming in like ... two weeks :/16:33
zyga(to stable)16:33
Chipacai thought it was also next week16:33
Chipaca(it was two weeks two weeks ago :-P)16:33
zygaI think it's after sergio is back plus then some16:33
zygafor validation16:33
zygabut yeah16:33
zygasil2100: do wait for mvo's response16:33
pedronisChipaca: in #8059 Maciek's comment looks reasonable, I made some comments in #806116:36
mupPR #8059: daemon: implement user removal <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8059>16:36
mupPR #8061: daemon: make users result more consistent <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8061>16:36
Chipacapedronis: the more i think about the latter, the more i favour a boolean flag16:36
Chipacapedronis: digging into Response is nassty16:36
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8067 is green :)16:36
mupPR #8067: cmd/snap-confine,tests: support x.y.z nvidia version <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8067>16:36
Chipacapedronis: wrt the former, i'll push those changes at the bottom of the pile if that's ok16:37
pedronisChipaca: I don't have a strong feeling, but the current code is maximally opaque16:37
pedronisbecause it depends too much on knowing exactly what the other function does16:37
Chipacapedronis: not maximally! it no longer has resp.(*resp).Result.([]userResponseData) !16:38
Chipacapedronis: thank you for your reviews16:38
Chipacapedronis: I will address this shortly16:39
Chipacai think i'll go to the gym first16:39
pedronisChipaca: the stuff in #8063 itself looks alright16:40
mupPR #8063: many: remove users [DRAFT] <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8063>16:40
pedronisnothing too surprising afaict16:40
Chipacapedronis: pushing that into individual PRs is still the right approach tho, right?16:41
pedronisChipaca: any particular reasons to do that?16:41
pedronisit's not very big16:41
Chipacapedronis: keeping things easily reviewable16:42
pedronisChipaca: you can split client vs cmd/snap if you prefer16:42
pedronisI don't have a strong feeling either way16:42
Chipacayeah that was the split i meant16:42
Chipacaclient, and then cmd/snap + spread16:42
pedronisChipaca: thank you16:43
Chipacabut first, ex er ci ses16:43
* Chipaca goes16:43
sil2100zyga, Chipaca: thanks guys ;)16:47
sil2100Yeah, we'll probably be building image candidates Friday or Monday already16:48
zygamvo: the unit test that does go fmt checks needs to go :/16:55
zygait just doesn't pass anymore16:55
pedroniszyga: where?16:55
zygapedronis: tests/unit/go on 20.0416:56
zygait fails and shows a diff about gofmt differences16:56
pedronisI think we had the idea to use a specific go version with it16:56
pedronisthere's a go snap with quite a few tracks16:57
zygapedronis: yeah, but it's not used here, I think we should only fmtcheck on 16.04 or something16:57
zygathe rest can just run unit tests16:57
pedronisI'm probably misunderstanding what you said then16:58
mupPR snapd#8059 closed: daemon: implement user removal <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8059>18:20
Chipacapedronis: I think I've made #8061 saner18:36
mupPR #8061: daemon: make users result more consistent <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8061>18:36
Chipacazyga: pedronis: I think the right thing is to skip it of running on non-<whatever gofmt we decided on>18:39
zygaChipaca: that's exactly what I did18:39
Chipacazyga: ah ok18:39
zygaChipaca: branch is coming up soon, all of 20.04 passes18:39
zygajust one more run before I open18:39
Chipacazyga: weeₔₔₘ18:40
pedronisChipaca: thanks, comment on #806119:14
mupPR #8061: daemon: make users result more consistent <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8061>19:14
zygaChipaca: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8068 :)19:15
mupPR #8068: tests: tweak and enable tests on ubuntu 20.04 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8068>19:15
mupPR snapd#8068 opened: tests: tweak and enable tests on ubuntu 20.04 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8068>19:15
Chipacapedronis: fixed19:23
zygaI need a coffee19:25
zygaor maybe19:25
zygaa coffee and a short break19:25
zygaI'll be back to that OMG cool thing I'm doing :)19:25
pedronisChipaca: do I understand correctly that we let you remove users we didn't create?19:39
mupPR snapd#8069 opened: tests: build the initramfs + kernel snap for UC20 spread tests <Precious Logs> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8069>21:41
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