
ubot5In #ubuntu-discuss, guntbert_ said: !19.04 is <reply> Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 2020. see !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html22:09
guntbert_fixing the grammar :-))22:10
guntbert_I forgot the syntax to replace/delete text ...22:12
JackFrostguntbert_: https://unit193.net/ubottu.html#_editing_factoids (note this isn't official documentation)22:27
guntbert_JackFrost: thx, found and bookmarked :-))22:29
* JackFrost hopes it doesn't randomly disappear. :P22:31
guntbert_JackFrost: that has *never* happened before ;-)22:35
hggdhguntbert_: IIRC, upsdates to ubottu are mirrored by ubot5. Or something like it22:36
daxyep, the ubot clones grab updates made to ubottu22:37
hggdh^ more tehnically correct :-) thank you dax22:37
* hggdh goes walk the dog22:38
JackFrostOr, grabbed then converted...22:42

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