
Sammydo you play any instruments eickmeyer?00:10
Eickmeyer[m]Sammy: I do, just not guitar. I'm an audio engineer. Live audio mixing, mostly.00:11
Sammyi really like that I can watch youtube so easilly while still getting audio from it, impossible in windows!00:13
Sammyits so easy to load and find what i want to play00:13
Eickmeyer[m]Sammy: Social conversations are over in #ubuntustudio-offopic if you ever want to join us. :)00:14
=== JTa1 is now known as JTa
AppAraat[m]Not sure what I changed, but I guess thanks goes out to kernel/drivers/UbuntuStudio: https://mobile.twitter.com/improbabilitist/status/122193239618813952217:45
Eickmeyer[m]AppAraat[m]: Probably the Ubuntu Kernel team as we have zero involvement there. Ubuntu Studio is simply a different default installation of Ubuntu, nothing more.17:46
AppAraat[m]ah ok, so Ubuntu Studio is basically custom ALSA+JACK+PA config + (optionally) packaged apps then ?17:48
AppAraat[m]In any case I'm super glad. Ubuntu Studio solved my xrun torment and has been super stable for me so far. I haven't tested it in combination with external MIDI hardware but I'm guessing that shouldn't be much of a problem.17:51
Eickmeyer[m]AppAraat[m]: Basically. You can see all of the config we do at https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-default-settings/tree/17:51
Eickmeyer[m]Ubuntu Studio Controls does the bulk of the audio configuration as well.17:52
AppAraat[m]oh sweet, thanks for that link! I'll consult it when diving deeper into learning more about my audio config.17:54
=== angik1 is now known as angik

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