
SpecialK|Canontests don't work so well when you run them on the wrong branch12:13
ilascI know the feeling ...12:20
SpecialK|Canonre earlier conversation, I've been meaning to look at https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade14:24
SpecialK|CanonNeat for stripping out 2-isms from pure-3 code14:26
SpecialK|Canon...it will also auto-f-string, about which I have Feelings (TM), but hey ho14:27
tomwardill... no14:48
tomwardillhttps://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad-buildd/initial-docker-build-support/+merge/369775 is ready for re-review I think14:57
cjwatsontomwardill: queued up.  (you have at least one conflict marker in there ... maybe worth going over the diff yourself)14:58
tomwardillergh, thought I'd fixed that14:58
* tomwardill fixes again14:58
tomwardillalthough it has just occurred to me that I've not tried it in an environment that needs a HTTP proxy for outgoing connections15:01
* tomwardill diverts into 'how to make a proxy'15:15
SpecialK|CanonShould I expect --force-with-lease to Just Work when pushing to lp:~doismellburning/turnip? I'm getting rejected with not much context - https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/FDvkYCvpMY/16:31
cjwatsonI think that means that your local ref is stale for some reason16:37
cjwatsonOh err that invocation is weird16:37
cjwatsonNormally you'd use --force-with-lease with a proper remote name, since it wants to know what the expected contents of that ref are16:38
cjwatsonDo you have something like a "doismellburning" remote configured to point to lp:~doismellburning/turnip ?16:38
cjwatsonThen you'd use git push --force-with-lease doismellburning feature/readme-rst16:38
cjwatsonLiberal use of tab-completion recommended there16:38
SpecialK|CanonAhhh I hadn't appreciated that you could pass a refname to fwl - that'll do it16:45
SpecialK|CanonI've also managed today to inadvertently push two branches to lp:turnip - I didn't realise I could, or expect to be able to, do that, and I can't figure out how to delete them16:46
SpecialK|Canonbut after that I started explicitly specifying where I was pushing16:46
SpecialK|CanonI've got the GH-y fork-model embedded deep in my muscle memory so I habitually just "git push" with no further qualification16:48
cjwatsongit push --delete origin <names of branches>16:51
cjwatsonEven with GH, I always give the upstream repo a remote name of "origin" and name my fork "cjwatson", so I can "git push cjwatson <branch>"16:51
cjwatsonWe could protect everything under lp:turnip but haven't yet/currently done so16:52
cjwatsonIf you delete those branches then I'll apply some more protection16:53
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: deleted, thanks16:55
cjwatsonSpecialK|Canon: And protected further (https://code.launchpad.net/~launchpad/turnip/+git/turnip/+permissions)16:56
cjwatsonAnd I've done likewise for lp:launchpad16:57
SpecialK|Canoncjwatson: Yay, thank you16:57
SpecialK|CanonAnd you were right about stale info - I'd missed that I hadn't actually ever fetched lp:~doismellburning/turnip in that clone16:58
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378344 - buildbot fix, if somebody could review that17:29

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