[00:00] ubottu: most certainly! I am trying to set up a user as a sudoer and run a few gsetting commands [00:00] DSdavidDS: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [00:00] LOL I just got fooled [00:01] badcoder: I looked :) https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=mips-linux-gnu&mode=filename&suite=eoan&arch=any . [00:01] Bashing-om: that does not include the gcc mips compiler support [00:01] only binary utilities [00:03] DSdavidDS: again, it helps to elaborate more. It will help if you tell us what Ubuntu flavor and version you are working with. Also, what exactly are you trying to set? To find the most appropriate placement of your commands. For example, it might work well enough to setup a cron task with "@reboot" which will run a single command each time the machine starts up. It might be more beneficial to create a service, to allow something [00:03] to continuously run in the back ground. if it is specific to the GUI, it might work best to add things to the Auto Start feature in the desktop environment that you are using. [00:03] badcoder: Here ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/eoan/+source/gcc-7-cross-ports . [00:05] E: Package 'gcc-7-mips-linux-gnu' has no installation candidate [00:07] badcoder: you could spin up a bionic instance in lxd or similar to install https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/gcc-7-mips-linux-gnu or https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/gcc-8-mips-linux-gnu [00:08] pragmaticenigma: I am using 19.10, planning on keeping the same feature in 20.04. I have a custom image with preseeding to automate the ubiquity setup. I want this to happen only once after my initial installation (preferrable not cron everytime it boots). I am trying to automatically adjust power settings and change default launch icons so a [00:08] service wouldn't be the right solution either. [00:08] badcoder: ' apt show gcc-10-mips-linux-gnu ' ?? [00:09] gcc 10? https://gcc.gnu.org/ .. tops out at 9.2 [00:09] nothing [00:09] I wasn't honestly expecting that the bleeding edge of ubuntu would just cut out support for mips in gcc [00:09] so I'll go back to using debian [00:13] DSdavidDS: it doesn't appear that there really is anything that Ubuntu natively supports for a "First Boot" feature. The best I'm seeing is setting up the machine for OEM distribution, which I'm guessing isn't what you're looking for either [00:14] DSdavidDS: it might be a path, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/oem-config-firstboot.8.html [00:16] thanks, I'll look into that [00:17] DSdavidDS: another option is that systemd supoprt "ConditionPathExists" in the config. you could set it up to only run if a particular file is found... when your first boot script runs, have it delete that path and the service will no longer run again [00:17] https://serverfault.com/a/853403 [00:17] nice idea [00:19] actually, I just found glib overrides can be done to force certain settings. I think I can change that in the image pre-boot [00:23] I'm on a shared server and need to set the default path for non-interactive ssh logins. (As in, `ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no user@server.com 'command' `) Which dot file should I edit and does it depend on the default shell? (I changed it from csh to bash) === rdv is now known as mrinfinity [00:32] UTAN_dev: the default path would be the home directory of the user you're authenticating to [00:34] The actual command is: [00:34] ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no kpuc@kpuc.pairserver.com 'env COLUMNS=141 drush --debug [command] [00:34] --root=/usr/home/kpuc/public_html/kpuc.pairserver.com --uri=http://default --verbose core-status 2>&1' 2>&1 [00:35] and it returns "env: 'drush': No such file or directory" because the drush executable is in ~/bin, and ~/bin is not the default $PATH. [00:35] (running `ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no kpuc@kpuc.pairserver.com 'echo $PATH'` returns /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin) [00:36] So what I'm trying to do is find the corrcet dot file, on the remote server, which would set the $PATH for non-interactive logins like this ssh command. [00:36] oh so you want to manipulate the PATH environment variable [00:36] correct [00:36] export PATH=$PATH:location [00:37] I could do this in an interactive shell, but this ssh command runs by itself [00:38] Another way to put it is, when you run a command like `ssh -o PasswordAuthentication=no kpuc@kpuc.pairserver.com 'echo $PATH' ` , which dot files (if any) would be run on the remote server before `echo $PATH` is run? [00:39] ssh [..] user@server 'source ~/.bashrc; myothercommand' [00:40] I'm not directly running the ssh command. It's part of a utilty (drush); this is just the line that fails. [00:40] So I have no control over the command that it sends to the remote server. [00:41] I can run "drush sql-sync [….]" targeting other servers just fine, because those servers correctly set the default $PATH. [00:42] The only difference is with this server. [00:43] what's special about this server then? [00:44] i guess if you can't change the command you run against the server, you can still edit /etc/environment [00:44] but that'd make it a system wide change [00:45] It's shared hosting. I have no access to anything above the user home directory. [00:47] https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Bash-Startup-Files.html#Bash-Startup-Files [00:47] see also environ(7), env(1) [00:56] on 18.04.3 with Gigabyte Z170XP-SLI system-/logic-/main-/mother-board, onboard sound (Intel) stopped working after a kernel upgrade in the last few months... plz help fix! :) === Hoffmann is now known as Hoffman [01:48] whats the diff between xubuntu running kde DE and Kubuntu? [01:49] Is there anything special about the account that gets created in the installation process? I don't see it listed in sdoers. [01:49] puff: check the groups instead [01:50] aha [01:51] sarnold: Thanks. Is there anything else special about it? [01:52] puff: I think that's it [01:52] I accidentally rsync'd my old laptop (16.04 LTS) backup of /home/puff into /home/puff instead of /home/puff/old. [01:52] So now I'm wondering what I broke, and considering creating another account to be the main account. [01:53] Or I guess I could just reinstall ubuntu. [01:54] gambl0re: xubuntu doesn't run KDE. It runs XFCE. Kubuntu runs KDE. [01:54] leftyfb: I think they're asking what happens if they are on xubuntu and the install the kubuntu-desktop package and then choose that from the login screen. [01:55] leftyfb, what if i install kde DE using xubuntu, am i basically running kubuntu? [01:55] gambl0re: I'm pretty sure that the answer is yes there. [01:55] gambl0re: if you log out and pick kde as your DE on the greeter page, then there won't be much difference. None that you might care about anyway [01:56] gambl0re: there might be some missing kde-specific applications, but you can install them if you need them [01:56] puff: oh man :/ [01:56] puff: I don't think a reinstall would help with much -- if your mistake is confined to /home/puff then nothing else on the system should be overwritten, right? [01:57] sarnold: Yeah. [01:57] It'll be interesting to see how things work :-) === zbenjamin is now known as Guest88498 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:08] Is there a reason why xenial backports is so lacking? https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-backports/allpackages [02:08] Not hating just curious [02:10] wow, that's significantly more packages in backports than I expected [02:11] turnip420: my impression is that the backports pocket was never really well defined; some folks wanted libraries in there, other folks wanted applications, but for pacakges that weren't "leaf" packages, it then raised questions if dependencies from outside backports was going to keep working.. [02:11] turnip420: the handful of folks who were interested in backports just seemed overwhelmed with requests [02:11] turnip420: snap packages are a lot easier to keep updated, and because they are so separated from the rest of the packaging, there's less support burden on them [02:12] turnip420: so my guess is the things where backports might have made sense have instead been replaced by snap packages [02:14] got it [02:15] sarnold: Alternatively, I could create another new account and then just copy configs, etc, over from it into the first account... [02:15] I'm a regular debian user and backports are the best way to get new software [02:16] puff: what's the goal? /etc/skel/ has the "new user" contents, you could compare those handful of things against what you've got in /home/puff right now [02:17] turnip420: I think the fact that ubuntu releases every six months drastically reduces the desire for backports compared to debian's long release cycles [02:17] Got it [02:17] Makes sense [02:17] sarnold: aha, good. [02:18] (which is poart of what drives the snap ecosystem in ubuntu -- folks who otherwise want to stay on LTS releases but have one or two applications fresh can do so via snap) [02:18] sarnold: My goal is mainly to make sure I don't break something by blithely overwriting everything. [02:18] puff: probably just your own data is lost :( [02:18] sarnold: Interesting, re: snap. I've been meaning to look into that. [02:18] Is there an issue if I only want to update my Ubuntu install once every 4 years and want nothing to break? [02:19] Diamondcite: like, go without security updates? [02:19] sarnold: Well this is a brand new install, installed it last night, rsync'ing these files over is literally the first thing I've done with it. [02:19] puff: oh! [02:19] puff: then you're probably fine then :) heh [02:19] sarnold: Sorry, thought that was clear. [02:19] sarnold: Supposedly, asking in case of worst case scenario. [02:19] puff: I was afraid that you might have lost years of work here and were takng it shockingly well, hehe [02:19] sarnold: hah, yeah. [02:20] sarnold: Thanks. [02:20] Diamondcite: that sounds like a bad idea to me but I may be biased :) [02:20] sarnold: What's the deal with snap packages? [02:20] flatpacks [02:20] sarnold: More like I want to know how it'll hold up. Arch Linux would not even boot if I pulled such a stunt. [02:21] they shove all the deps inside the package [02:21] great for cross platform [02:21] sarnold: Also that system might be off physically for no network.. so security updates for that duration doesn't matter as much? [02:21] unideal for saving space, but no one cares about space [02:22] turnip420: So why have a /usr which is only 10GB and needs libraries when you can have the same in 128GB with static linking? [02:24] Diamondcite: heh, I've got a machine with 9.04 installed that I still boot up every now and then. a LOT has changed since then but I'd really expect a machine to keep working fine for *many* years [02:25] I am mainly hopping to only dist upgrade every 4 years.. Hence wondering if the system will work fine and boot [02:25] Assuming the software used is still in circulation [02:26] Diamondcite: yeah, that should work fine; afterall canonical is still supporting 12.04 LTS for a few customers [02:26] I've managed to break the boot process due to typing something similar to apt-get distupgrade... and then rebooting after it's run it's course [02:26] puff: snaps are a way to decouple application update cycles from OS update cycles [02:26] Diamondcite: try apt upgrade instead [02:26] turnip420: Thanks. [02:26] sarnold: Thanks. [02:27] Diamondcite: apt upgrade is less likely to uninstall important packages just to satisfy a dependency resolver :) [02:27] I don't mind if I have to do 8.04 -> 12.04 -> 16.04 -< 20.04 as long as it keeps booting with each step done sequentially all at once :) [02:27] turnip420: I wonder if snaps are like docker, i.e. using a copy-on-write shared file system? [02:27] puff: snaps can also include some sandboxing via apparmor, seccomp, and namespaces, which makes it a bit like apple's app store or google's play store [02:28] sarnold: aha. [02:28] puff: snaps themselves are stored in squashfs filesystems that cannot be mutated at all [02:28] puff: there's some efforts to try to provide ways for snap updates to migrate data in their writable sections [02:28] puff: .. at this point you'll probably want to pop into #snapcraft and talk with folks who know it better than I do :) [02:29] sarnold: Thanks. === JanC_ is now known as JanC [02:37] I don't know much about docker [02:38] a friend once said "it's a tarball with sockets" [02:38] that's about the imits of my knowledge :) [02:40] Diamondcite: static linking is the future [02:40] and you know it [02:41] anyting other than clib just chuck it in the binary of the app [02:41] turnip420: I thought thats what MacOS and IOS does.. their apps are so much bigger... [02:41] Okay lets all get alligned on every single so that's ever been created [02:42] It's not worth it [02:42] flatpacks, snap, it's just the future [02:42] There's no point in dynamic linking anymore [02:43] I thought kernel links what what the Nvidia driver does can't be done statically.. simialr to virtual machine kernel drivers [02:45] Don't know about that [02:45] ofc sometime you will dl some things [02:45] to continue this discussion, please use #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for support issues only [02:46] burn [02:49] not so much a burn as desire to try to keep the channel to just support questions; I'm not particularly good at that part :) [02:51] sarnold STAY ON TOPIC [02:51] :P [03:13] Hey, I wanted to install ROS (robot operating system) on ubuntu 19.04, Is there any way I could do so? [03:15] dashing-zombie: 19.04 is EOL [03:15] dashing-zombie: as far as ROS goes, there's plenty of tutorials online. Including on ROS's website [03:16] dashing-zombie: you'll want to stick with 16.04 for ROS though [03:16] I am currently using ROS melodic with ubuntu BIONIC 18.04 [03:17] ok, stick with that [03:17] dashing-zombie: there's no reason to upgrade at this time [03:18] thanks leftyfb [03:27] okay, so I've asked my question maybe 10 times over the last few/couple days... and wasn't acknowledged. If it's that difficult should I just join the main Ubuntu forum to ask... and what is the official forum? [03:28] https://ubuntuforums.org [03:29] DarwinElf, most if not all Ubuntu support options can be found at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/community-support/709 [03:29] you'll need to give way more information in either of those locations than you gave here [03:50] fractional scaling in wayland looks really ugly. :( [03:54] (Ubuntu 18.04, so I supposed that's GNOME's problem) [03:54] GNOME 3.32 will get better at it, right? [03:55] sarnold, well I don't think there are any more details [03:55] okay, well there are. I can lookup the Intel audio chip model [03:56] until someone was willing to help there's not much reason to [03:56] DarwinElf: what appliucation you're using, if you see things muted in alsamixer, if you see things in pavucontrol, if you've got audio output with different old kernels still on the system, etc [03:56] application n/a [03:56] no old kernels [03:57] obviously I checked alsamixer. Maybe it's not obvious to others, but it is to me, as I've been using POSIX-based OSes since before ALSA even existed [03:57] and this is beating around the bush. The point is the audio chip *doesn't even show up* in the list [03:57] the kernel no longer loads it [03:58] i know I stated some/all this days ago [03:59] i just stopped stating more details because I became disillusioned with IRC [04:05] what I originally said it's Audio device: Intel Corporation 100 Series/C230 Series Chipset Family HD Audio Controller (rev 31) [04:06] used to work with some kernel in early last October, then I didn't have speakers plugged in until a few days ago. I don't deal with kernels on Ubuntu, but one of several kernel upgrades broke it, with of course the most current stable one still not working for it === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [04:08] i didn't have pavucontrol in this variant (doesn't matter; it's a kernel issue) but installed it, and of course, it's not listed. Of course, I recommend don't ask people to check these GUI programs... what I did and they need to do is check dmesg and lspci, etc., on the command-line... since that's more sure to show the real situation (GUIs could have other errors obscuring that) [04:11] DarwinElf: just running pavucontrol tends to get 90% of people with audio problems to a point that they can solve the problem themselves [04:12] DarwinElf: please re-read the dozen messages you sent over the last N days -- I think you'll see you never said anything about audio controllers not even showing up in lspci output :) [04:13] DarwinElf: you have to remember, none of us have been troubleshooting your problem, so we don't have the context that you do [06:21] i think I did actually state the audio/sound chip that no longer is loaded in 18.04.3 current stable kernel for me some weeks/months ago, but it was in another *ubuntu channel... sorry if I didn't originally mention it here... just wasn't sure people want as many details in this channel [06:54] where's best (other than here unless you want me to ask again with full details) for questions about drivers not loading in kernel (that used to: ) Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu Bugs on Launchpad, or Ubuntu Forums (or Kubuntu ones, the variant I use?) [07:00] I am getting nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf instead of the real dns server I should be getting from dhcp. search is correct though [07:01] actually search isn't right I take that back [07:02] systemd always does seem to put in a funny nameserver. That's why I prefer OSes that don't use systemd... just am using one because they're the only that have AMDGPU-PRO drivers and I administer *ubuntu for average users anyway (who aren't annoyed/furious at systemd like system administrators are) [07:03] so in using this I learn how to help the users... but will be switching back when drivers are available (not for the users of course) [07:03] I'd prefer not to use ubuntu either but it is one of the few that gets my vpn right [07:04] as far as I know there may be a way to add more nameservers elsewhere... but systemd is controlling almost everything and they still want it to control more & more... so you can't merely edit /etc/resolv.conf anymore because it says it'll be overwritten... but if you read that section it might mention where else you can add more nameservers... [07:05] systemd is the devil. windows registry for linux. yay [07:05] when I use a strictly Unix[-like] OS (excludes systemd OSes) I add in my ISP's nameserver then over 20 free ones... so if one goes down you have way more options... but now you only get one, and it's your router? Come on... that sounds amateur, really... [07:06] i'm fine enough with systemd for server use... im just pickier about what i put on my desktop [07:07] yeah good luck when your server gets a crash/crack and you have to read binary logs only with programs that work how Redhat wants... [07:08] these days if you care if a server dies you're doing it wrong [07:09] just spin up another [07:09] looks like this is a known thing. ubuntu ignores your dhcp dns [07:09] such a pos [07:10] Hi frens [07:12] you can symlink /etc/resolv.conf to /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf as a workaround. it gets the nameserver right but the search path is wrong [07:13] oh maybe not that part is my bad, need to config seearch per interface in pfsense I guess [07:13] Hey frens, is my text visible? [07:14] No. [07:14] I can't see your text at all, nCoV_fren. [07:14] Sorry. [07:14] nCoV_fren: please ddon't use this channel for testing your client- [07:15] Roger that and thank you [07:18] even after fixing pfsense it still gets the search path wrong. why do people use this? [07:19] I've tried it a couple times over the years and it is always major broken [07:20] wait PFSense is broken or Ubuntu is broken? As far as I know, PFSense is a fork of *BSD Unix... I seriously doubt it'd be the one broken in this or almost any case [07:21] quesker: since when does it ignore your local dns? resolved still uses it afaik for lookups. [07:34] no ubuntu is [07:34] it couldn't resolve anything until I made that symlink [07:35] quesker: are you using network manager? [07:35] and search path is still wrong (on ubuntu) [07:35] what is network manager? I just installed ubuntu [07:35] standard desktop version? [07:36] no. server [07:36] right, then you're most likely using networkd instead [07:42] how can I restore the system /etc/resolv.conf? I want to see if it works now the regular ubuntu way [07:45] apt-get install openconnect says unable to locate package openconnect. could have sworn I did this in another vm no problem [07:46] is universe enabled? [07:47] 'sudo add-apt-repository universe' and apt update [07:47] thanks [07:51] Trying to install an app by clicking the link on a webpage in Firefox, but I get the error "Firefox doesn’t know how to open this address, because one of the following protocols (appstream) isn’t associated with any program or is not allowed in this context." How do I install an appstream app in Ubuntu? [07:51] boontoo: what application is needed to support appstream [07:52] You mean what app am I trying to install? [07:52] no [07:52] I mean what is the format of the package you are trying to install is the first question [07:52] appstream is the mechanics behind it [07:53] I'm not sure. Can I post links in here? [07:53] The link points to: "appstream://org.kde.konqueror.desktop" [08:01] ikonia: I'm not sure how to find out the format of the package. It's a KDE application. I'm lost beyond that... [08:09] something is eating up my ram [08:09] can anyone good at troubleshooting memory leaks help? [08:10] I have 13gb used RAM but I can only see half of it accounted for by processes [08:10] P.S we aren't talking about cache memory [08:17] hi all =) Can i delete Bleachbit; ".DS_Store" (within the "Deep" scan tree?) many thanks [08:17] dionysus69: Used RAM is usually a good thing. What problems do you have? [08:18] dionysus69: `top` can be sorted by memory usage and there's `free`. [08:18] diezzzl: .DS_Store is a macos thing [08:19] diezzzl: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.DS_Store [08:19] i dont use iphone on this desktop all gud to clear ducasse ? [08:20] or any ios bits [08:20] and thanks for the link [08:20] diezzzl: it's not used by linux, so as far as it cares you can just delete it [08:35] 'morning [08:52] vlt: thing is that , top doesn't show process that is using so much RAM [08:52] vlt: I still didn't reboot so I can troubleshoot if there's another way to track down what's using so much unaccounted RAM [08:58] dionysus69: pastebin the output of 'free -h' [08:59] Ben64: https://pastebin.com/wkYb0A56 [09:00] seems pretty normal [09:06] only if there was a process listed anywhere that would use that much ram :p [09:07] about half of that 12gb is lost to some zombie process [09:07] dionysus69: Why do you think that? [09:07] and I have tested it, I can terminate all userspace apps and 6gb of Ram will be still left used [09:08] hi can you help with ubuntu programming problem? [09:09] Good day to all [09:09] First Time in [09:10] joebobjoe: we don't do programming support here, you can use alis to find an appropriate channel [09:17] Need some help, Iam configuring an web server for my network, already installed ubuntu, mysql, phpmy admin, Iam having some issues running the database connection code, its being displayed on the browser, please see example https://www.cimani.ao/error/ubuntu_error.jpg , what do I need to install to resolve this issue ? [09:17] it's not treating it as php [09:17] it's treating it as text [09:18] hey, does anyone know what the .dbus directory in home is good for? askubuntu says it can safely be deleted, but I'd like to know what its good for [09:18] looks to me like you've not got php loaded into the webserver [09:22] I installed php 7.2 [09:22] did you install the apache module [09:22] (or the fpm worker if its ngnix) [09:22] or just php (as in the commandline) [09:23] sudo apt install php-fpm [09:23] is that what you run ? [09:23] Yes I did run that comand to install php 7.2 [09:23] still the browser is treating php as text [09:24] have you configured the web server to load the fastcgi module / config then [09:24] not yet, how do I go about that ? [09:25] are you folling any guide/instructions ? [09:25] or just guessing ? [09:25] heya [09:25] morning dear members [09:25] following instruction https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-php-on-ubuntu-18-04/ [09:26] :) [09:26] its hard to guess linux codes :) [09:26] Ngola: are you using apache or nginx [09:26] apache2 [09:27] sorry [09:27] then why are you following the nginx commands ? [09:27] Is there any alternative to superputty on ubuntu? [09:27] nginx [09:27] iam using nginx [09:27] I am trying to group all the terminal console using a multi-tab manager [09:27] you are %100 using nginx ? [09:27] just to be clear [09:28] Yes ikona [09:28] 100% sure :) [09:28] Ngola: is the php7-fpm service running ? [09:30] I tried to start with systemctl restart php-fpm.service [09:30] not what I asked [09:30] its not running it says service was not found [09:30] so where did you get that command from ? [09:31] https://serverfault.com/questions/189940/how-do-you-restart-php-fpm [09:31] that's not the guide you're following [09:31] why are you not following the guide you said you where following [09:32] why are you jumping to other questions that are not the same as your situation [09:32] FrankyGov: Perhaps your looking for a window manager like i3. I'm personlly using guake (a drop down terminal) and tmux. [09:32] ^__^ [09:32] what does the guide you are following say to do [09:34] the php7-fpm is already runnung [09:43] Ngola: ok - have you configured ngnx to use it [09:44] Ngola: and isn't the service called php7.2-fpm [09:44] not php7-fpm [09:49] Please allow-me few minutes I have removed nginx, Iam installing apache to see if Iam going to run onto the same problem, Iam tired, server configuration is not my sea. [09:49] lol [10:03] why are you swapping to apasche [10:03] apache [10:03] just work the problem on ngnix [10:14] Hi everyone. Small crisis! My Gnome extension "Workspace matrix" has suddently stopped working after rebooting today. I have tried re-installing it, but it did not help. What could I do??? [10:15] apache, phpmyadmin working fine , php also, but the mysqli code is still being displied on the browser as text [10:29] Hi, someone knows what is the best way to stream a video with subtitles to chromecast with ubuntu? [10:42] someone235: vlc, maybe? [10:42] ducasse, they don't support streaming subtitles [10:43] Test [10:45] cybertruck2077: not here, please [10:48] in which logs would one find errors pertaining to samba-client, gvfs, and gio ? [10:50] I am trying to hunt down the reason for this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WCF7JZCvkT/ [11:14] in which logs would one find errors pertaining to samba-client, gvfs, and gio ? I am trying to hunt down the reason for this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WCF7JZCvkT/ [11:17] zetheroo: first place to check would be 'journalctl -b', i guess [11:18] zetheroo: maybe add --user to limit to logs of processes run by this user (but this could also limti too much) [11:18] ducasse: does that print out data from a particular log file? [11:19] the problem occurred last on the 24th of January ... so it would need to be some info that goes back to then [11:21] zetheroo: you can add negative numbers to skip back to previous boots, see the man page [11:22] see also --since= and --until= [11:23] ok, and if there isn't anything telling in there? where would be the next place to look? [11:24] there is none other than this, unless you're on ubuntu 16.04 LTS? [11:24] no, 18.04 [11:24] actually samba may have a separate log [11:24] in /var/log/samba maybe [11:25] there *might* be something in ~/.xsession-errors i guess [11:25] is this the correct manpage? https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/journalctl.html [11:25] !man [11:25] The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ [11:26] ok http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man1/journalctl.1.html [11:26] but JOURNALCTL(1) is correct in general. [11:27] note that ubuntu's man pages might differ from upstream ones (at freedesktop.org), though. === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [11:41] zetheroo: did you run the ls (which produced the ouput you posted) as root? which user is 123? [11:42] tomreyn: no, this was run by the user of the PC as themselves [11:42] i guess this user shouldn't have access there anyways [11:42] it's a bit of a complicated setup - using PBIS to authenticate to AD for mounting the shares [11:43] we users do have access to that path though ... I just tested on my system [11:45] depends on which user / group owns 123 and which groups the user you're operating as is a member of, i guess [11:45] yeah, it's more the things of this will all be working most of the time, but then sometimes it does that [11:46] GID 123 is bluetooth on this 18.04.3 VM i got here [11:46] I just put in 123 instead of the actual user id [11:46] sorry for the confusion [11:46] oh ok [11:46] also i should have looked for uid, not gid [11:47] and when this happens and you try to access the share in nautilus you get that "Oops! SOmething went wrong. Unhandled error message: Invalid argument" dialog [11:47] which is oh so informative :D [11:49] hi. my ubuntu 18.10 fails to properly initialize my usb ethernet adapter during boot, and I need to unplug and replug to make it work. where and how should I report this? (under what category, is it a kernel bug?, etc) [11:51] imi: 18.10 is end of life now [11:51] zetheroo: hmm yes i see how that's not super helpful. :) [11:51] imi: actually 18.10 has been EOL for a good while now [11:51] !18.10 [11:51] Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) was the 29th release of Ubuntu. Support ended July 18th, 2019. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2019-July/004996.html [11:51] imi: adviced to install a supported ubuntu version from the topic [11:51] imi: no point in reporting it, nothing will be done for an eol release [11:52] in case you want to double-check the version: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL) [11:54] sorry 19.10 [11:54] ok once again to make things clear [11:55] my ubuntu 19.10 fails to properly initialize my usb ethernet adapter during boot, and I need to unplug and replug to make it work. where and how should I report this? (under what category, is it a kernel bug?, etc) [11:56] we'd need more info to tell. can you disconnect it, run journalctl -fk in a terminal, reconnect it, press ctrl-c in the terminal and share what's logged about it when you connected it? [11:57] or maybe omit -k [12:00] ok to do so I'll get disconnected I'll be back in couple of minutes [12:00] imi: good luck [12:00] thx :p [12:02] have I reconnected? or was it just treated as packet loss? [12:02] imi: /whois imi should tell [12:03] logged in at 12:46 CEST [12:03] lol magic [12:03] I never expected that to happen [12:05] imi: have you been able to catch an output? [12:06] yes [12:06] imi: can you pastebin to the channel? [12:06] https://termbin.com/psya [12:07] (I'm still excited about not getting disconnected) [12:09] "2. vezetékes kapcsolat" is in hungarian and means 2nd wired connection [12:09] !info linux-image-generic eoan [12:09] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (eoan), package size 2 kB, installed size 16 kB [12:09] imi: this si your current kernel version please ^ [12:09] *is [12:10] uname -a: Linux af1 5.3.0-26-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Wed Dec 18 05:37:46 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [12:10] !uptodate | imi first [12:10] imi first: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [12:11] I'm nowadays happy with ubuntu update manager doing it's work whenever it feels neccessary [12:12] imi: update system, reboot and report back to us if your device does the same thing [12:12] the log tells that it gets activated fine. sometimes network manager doesn't exactly know which connection profile to activate, you can solve this by deleting all but a single profile for this interface. [12:12] ok this time I'm sure I'll get disconnected ;) [12:12] ...but i agree with lotuspsychje, update first of all, see if you can reproduce. [12:13] tomreyn: yes, when replugged by hand it always gets activated fine. it fails to activate it only during boot (most of the times). and my preferred solution is to unplug-replug [12:14] see if this still happens with the latest kernel version. if it does, we'll need to inspect those logs as well to understand where the problem is. [12:15] ii linux-image-5.3.0-29-generic 5.3.0-29.31 amd64 Signed kernel image generic [12:16] should be [12:16] ii linux-image-generic amd64 Generic Linux kernel image [12:17] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: i think i figured out, why my 620gt does not run 4 displays with offloading any more - its end of life listed :/ and after trying some time i managed to use all screens with nouveau (deinstalled proprietary nvidia stuff). but it is that useless sluggish like the nvidia card is just passed through and its outputs are driven from internal intel card. any way of finding some peaces of performance [12:17] <__raven_> anywhere? [12:17] __raven_: i was suspecting something like that, as your card only showed driver 390 & 340 right? [12:18] ok rebooting in 3 [12:18] imi: oh right linux-image-generic version depends on linux-image-5.3.0-29-generic version 5.3.0-29.31 [12:18] __raven_: an other option could be trying a higher version of 340 or 390, from the ubuntu graphics ppa [12:18] see you on the other side [12:19] ok [12:19] !nvidia > __raven_ link at bottom [12:19] __raven_, please see my private message [12:19] <__raven_> yes right. newer drivers than 390 i tried already, some 450ish but there it was just on default vga mode and no higher functions any more [12:20] __raven_: no, with your card i would not reccomend higher drivers, just higher . versions of the drivers that are listed for your card [12:20] maybe that's a hint to buy hardware which has proper open source drivers available next time [12:21] <__raven_> tomreyn: yes that is plan b in my mind :/ [12:22] <__raven_> RXVEGA64-O8G-Gaming - i am not familiar with amd graphics on linux yet; would it do the offloading job to internal graphics connectors? or what dp adaptors would be needed to split it? [12:23] !hardware | __raven_ start here for certified ubuntu hardware [12:23] __raven_ start here for certified ubuntu hardware: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [12:25] __raven_: we can discuss hardware options in #ubuntu-offtopic, ##hardware or ##linux if you like [12:25] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: that list is very old [12:25] <__raven_> ok tnx [12:26] __raven_: in your case now, it would be interesting to try the latest 390 version from the ubutnu graphics ppa [12:27] <__raven_> another (maybe offtopic) plan c could be using seamsless offloading to another machine and its screen(s). i am aware of mouse and keyboard integration across machines but not rather seamless screen integration. any hints for staring points? [12:27] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: ok i will try it next. thanks :) [12:29] __raven_: and yet another idea, could be testing lightweight flavours of ubuntu, they might handle your graphics differently [12:34] hi. I needed to do a full cold boot power cycle to reproduce the bug, but I can confirm, it's still present [12:35] lotuspsychje: tomreyn: ^^ [12:36] imi: can you pastebin your dmesg please? [12:36] lotuspsychje: https://termbin.com/isca [12:37] imi: hmm, that still points to your kernel -31 instead of -33 [12:38] :( [12:39] ok should I fiddle with grub? [12:39] let me first check if there's an entry for first [12:39] imi: we need your dmesg from kernel [12:40] the bad news is: [12:40] root@af1:/boot# ls /boot|grep -F 33 -c [12:40] 0 [12:41] despite it being installed [12:42] I have files for 26 and 29 [12:43] apt update && apt full-upgrade says my system is up-to-date [12:44] imi: your sources.list are still containing old stuff perhaps? [12:44] imi: pastebin: dpkg --list | grep linux-image and your sources.list please? [12:44] lotuspsychje: this was a clean eoan install [12:45] Howdy all [12:46] lotuspsychje: https://termbin.com/7nnu https://termbin.com/rq8n [12:46] imi: -33 shows at bottom, can you go try enter grub and boot it please? [12:47] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: this is my nvidia driver version after update using the ppa: "nvidia-driver-390/eoan,eoan,now 390.129-0ubuntu2 amd64" [12:47] ok I'm going to try [12:47] however [12:48] I have a single /boot/vmlinuz-5.3.0-29-generic which is most probably running now [12:48] wait a minute [12:49] [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.3.0-29-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-024) (gcc version 9.2.1 20191008 (Ubuntu 9.2.1-9ubuntu2)) #31-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 17:27:26 UTC 2020 (Ubuntu 5.3.0-29.31-generic 5.3.13) [12:49] this line tells that I'm running 5.3.0-29 [12:49] 5.3.0-29 vs [12:49] check those two version [12:50] the last .33 is omitted from the dmesg [12:50] I think that confirms that the dmesg I've already sent is the dmesg you are lokking for [12:50] __raven_: and does your screens get picked up now? [12:51] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: no nothing :/ [12:51] __raven_: if a live works, a clean install would also fix this, so it must be some config playing or something [12:52] lotuspsychje: what's you opinion? https://termbin.com/s2fv [12:52] *your [12:52] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: no the live system only works until i installed testwise WITH actual nvidia [12:53] <__raven_> btw - what happend to synergy?! it is not free/open any more? [12:54] lotuspsychje: even better: check this: wget https://termbin.com/isca -O- -o/dev/null|grep -F 5.3.0-29.31-generic [12:54] imi: try booting from grub, and try a legacy boot instead of uefi [12:54] lotuspsychje: so my understanding is the dmesg you are looking for is the dmesg I've already sent [12:54] lotuspsychje / imi imi: oh right linux-image-generic version depends on linux-image-5.3.0-29-generic version 5.3.0-29.31 [12:55] __raven_: ok so, lubuntu or xubuntu are my last ideas then [12:56] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: this is already xubuntu so yeah :/ any idea instead of synergy doing an offloading to other machines? [12:56] lotuspsychje: I believe I've sent you the correct dmesg. can you confirm? wget https://termbin.com/isca -O- -o/dev/null|grep -F 5.3.0-29.31-generic [12:57] imi: seems thats what tomreyn is refering to [12:58] ok then there's no need to do grub legacy boot magic [12:58] imi: the NIC is properly detected at boot [ 105.668260] usb 1-4.1.1: new high-speed USB device number 14 using xhci_hcd [12:58] dmesg provides only kernel logs, unlike journalctl, so we can't tell what happened after that [12:59] we can tell that there are plenty of acpi errors, though. look for a bios upgrade for your LENOVO 20NB005AIX/20NB005AIX, BIOS R0YET35W (1.18 ) 09/06/2019. this may or may not be related. [12:59] BBL [13:00] tomreyn: are you sure 105s in it's still the boot? and it isn't me replugging it? [13:01] tomreyn: [ 2.964515] usb 1-4.1.1: device descriptor read/64, error -32 [13:01] maybe this is the boot initialization failure [13:01] [ 4.604876] usb 1-4.1.1: Device not responding to setup address [13:02] maybe grep for 1-4.1.1 [13:02] imi: good find, those are relevant. but i need to go. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p7mMy5W5Vn/ [13:02] ok thank you anyways [13:03] so should I just report it as a kernel bug then? [13:07] imi: before filing a bug, please try booting legacy and updating bios as tomreyn adviced [13:07] how do I update bios? [13:08] can you provide me a howto link? [13:27] ok trying to find a way to upgrade bios. thank you for your help. bye [13:30] Does persistence work if a LiveCD is created using a casper-rw partition + dd of the ISO image? [13:31] I know it works if the contents are extracted, but dd is slightly easier [13:44] GreatEmerald: by persistence, you mean some separate file system to store files to, on the same storage, not persistence of configurations you apply to the live system, right? [13:45] tomreyn: Correct [13:45] either way i don't think this can work if you dd (but have not eactually tried recently). [13:45] Though the configurations will persist on said separate file system [13:46] does this actually still work, having configurations persist? i don't think it does. [13:46] At least for Bionic it does [13:46] it's also not a use case i have, though, so i may have ignored it. [13:47] hi. I'm on 18.04 the cpu is 7200U on a laptop, and the redrawing of windows is supper laggy, when I run glxgears it does 2k FPS, what's wrong? [13:47] When I use dd, it always creates a casper partition, so I'm guessing it does [13:47] i see, GreatEmerald [13:48] heth, do you have an NVIDIA GPU? [13:48] biguibi, no [13:48] heth: which graphical desktop, which graphics chipset(s), system fully updated? relevant third party software? [13:48] and how much ram [13:49] also, is it only on GNOME? have you tried other DE's? just to know [13:49] nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL) [13:49] lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 [13:49] tomreyn, I tried all of the three listed, unity, ubuntu and gnome on Xorg, same or worse performance, fully updated, nothing much except some IDEs for programing, 8GB ram [13:50] heth: listed where? [13:50] tomreyn, login screen [13:50] did you upgrade this system from an earlier ubuntu release? [13:50] tomreyn, yes I upgraded [13:50] unity is not normally installed on 18.04, so i was wondering. [13:51] I guess GPU acceleration is not enabled for some reason [13:51] Maybe.. that's something really weird to happen [13:51] journalctl -b shows your system and daemon logs. [13:52] during Xorg initialization you should see where it reported which graphics drivers were found and used [13:52] Ohh, if I dd the ISO file, I will also get the ESP and the partition table, I was thinking I could just do that for the main partition. So then never mind, I need to extract it anyway [13:52] Could it have happenend that he ended up using VESA or something? [13:52] It's also hilarious that one can run fdisk on a file [13:53] Wait what!? You can fdisk a file? lol [13:53] oh yeah right.. I forgot everything's a file.. [13:56] -_- [13:56] tomreyn, let me see [14:03] tomreyn, https://pastecry.pt/6iHsKd#Fyy%23Yf%3AEf1Pef2Byn8Ud8Heh9Tyz [14:04] hethh: you booted with kernel parameter annuity [14:04] hethh: you booted with kernel parameter nomodeset [14:04] ^ typo fixed ;) [14:06] "nomodeset" disables kernel mode setting (nowadays the default for most drivers). which means graphics drivers could only use user mode setting, if they support it. [14:06] * user (space) mode setting [14:07] tomreyn, kernel mode setting for what? [14:07] graphics initialization [14:08] heth: did you provide information on your grphics hardware, yet? [14:08] tomreyn, I remember adding this a long time ago becasue of VGA issues..., it's intel built-in into 7200U [14:09] so you only have the integrated graphics, right? [14:09] lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:09] tomreyn, yes [14:09] heth: i don't know which VGA issues you were trying to solve, but with intel drivers enforcing mode setting means downgrading to vesa, i guess. [14:10] yep, there's VESA on the logs [14:10] *user mode setting [14:11] tomreyn, I removed the nomodeset and rebooted, no difference [14:11] i meant to say: [..] but with intel drivers disabling kerne mode setting means downgrading to vesa, i guess. [14:11] so post another log [14:15] tomreyn, https://pastecry.pt/0min5R#Yk_Kax2Ak_Byr%23Pyu8Eg3Tea1Neq [14:16] Hey guys, I had a question about dual booting. Up until now, I would followed the simple process of installing Windows and then shrinking volume to create another drive and install Ubuntu alongside Windows. None of the systems had any dedicated graphics card. Now I own a system that has a discrete GFX in the form of RTX 2060. [14:16] Do I follow the same steps as before? [14:17] Asking the same question on Acer forums, I was told to do a nouveau.modeset = 0 before installing [14:17] monojamoon|, yes it works [14:17] hethh: i'm not sure whether this is your exact model but there can be relevant bios updates for yours: https://support.ts.fujitsu.com/IndexDownload.asp?Softwareguid=88945E01-564F-4F48-B626-DCA0E5B3D077 [14:17] monojamoon|, you can change anything you want after the installation too [14:17] hethh: your logs says you have a FUJITSU LIFEBOOK A357/FJNBB5F, BIOS Version 3.02 02/26/2018 [14:18] badsektur, OK! [14:18] hethh: your log is still of a boot with "nomodeset", see line 4 of what you posted. [14:19] tomreyn, silly me. no grub-update [14:19] monojamoon|: big GTX and RTX cards might need the latest nvidia drivers [14:20] lotuspsychje, understood [14:20] heth: your system detects 4 GB RAM, not 8 [14:21] tomreyn, yea, sorry. it's probably 4 then [14:21] I tested another similar laptop with 8 last night [14:21] 4 GB is the minimum requirement for Ubuntu 18.04 with sngome-shell [14:21] *gnome-shell [14:22] I can see on Nvidia's website that they do have dedicated Nvidia graphics driver for 2060 notebook versions [14:22] tomreyn, and the problem is fixed, nomodeset was the culpit apparently. it's interesting how this setting fixed VGA issues in the past and now is causing them :> [14:22] monojamoon|: the ubuntu way of installing nvidia drivers, is the ones from apt, or the ubuntu graphics ppa [14:23] monojamoon|: ubuntu-drivers list, first to see wich version is reccomended for your card [14:23] heth: there were some intel graphics driver issues a while ago with some kernel versions, maybe that's when you decided to downgrade to VESA-only. [14:23] lotuspsychje, noted! [14:23] !nvidia | monojamoon| ppa [14:23] monojamoon| ppa: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [14:24] tomreyn, it's a bit more complicated since I drag this image since 14.04 I think, and it's installed in a school with about 10 different hardware configurations [14:24] heth: you should do a fresh image really, so much has changed since 14.04 [14:25] hi [14:25] tomreyn, if you knew how many custom patches and stuff has to be done on a fresh install you will understand why I'm not doing it [14:26] any chance 20.04 will have the fix for thinkpad x1 g7 microphone? [14:26] pa: #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 support please [14:26] tomreyn, anyway. thanks for the idea, wouldn't have remembered nomodeset. [14:27] Thanks :) [14:27] how do i install nginx on top of the nginx installed by ubuntu repo? I need the latest version. [14:27] heth: you're welcome. and you may also want to look into this: rsyslogd[819]: file '/var/log/tomcat9/catalina.out': open error: Permission denied [v8.32.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2433 ] [14:28] heth: unless you need / want syslog, consider systemd-journald as an alternative. [14:29] i purchased static ip. how to replace my ubuntu dhcp to static? [14:29] kapil_: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-configure-static-ip-address-on-ubuntu-18-10-cosmic-cuttlefish-linux [14:30] I have not gui its server [14:31] kapil_: /join #ubuntu-server and read up on netplan if you haven't [14:31] oh thanks a lot [14:31] What does nouveau.modeset = 0 do though? [14:32] Ah! It disables the nouveau drivers when booting the system. [14:32] monojamoon|: disables kernel (graphics) mode setting for the open source "nouveau" graphics driver. [14:33] ok. so basically it's done to install proper nvidia drivers from the ubuntu graphics ppa [14:34] done to faciliate installation from the graphics ppa, to be more exact [14:34] cgi: we only support nginx from ubuntu here. why do you need a newer nginx version? and have you considered upgrading ubuntu? [14:38] join #archlinux [14:38] join #arch [14:39] missing the "/" most probably [14:52] <__raven_> lotuspsychje: would be possible to start two independent xserver on the internal and external graphics?! [14:53] __raven_: this channel is a gathered support channel of volunteers, please ask your questions to the channel instead of only me [14:54] <__raven_> ok [15:01] tomreyn, I am using 18.04 - I need some modules enabled - that are automatically enabled in the nginx source, but not showing up in the ubuntu version [15:05] Hi frens [15:06] cgi: there are different nginx binary packages, maybe yuo'Re missing one of them? [15:06] (or should be using a different one rather) [15:10] Hello === ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports buntu and official flavors; versions 16.04, 18.04, 19.10 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl === ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu to: /csop [15:11] ikonia: ? :) [15:11] Does anyone have experience with getting preseed earlycommand to work from the kernel command line? === ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu support Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 16.04, 18.04, 19.10 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl [15:12] support*s* [15:12] thank you === ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: https://ubottu.com/y/gl | #ubuntu supports Ubuntu and official flavors; versions 16.04, 18.04, 19.10 | Unofficial derivatives: use your distro's support channel, not here. | IRC info: https://ubottu.com/y/irc | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ | Download: https://ubottu.com/y/dl [15:14] thanks [15:25] Hi frens [15:38] Hello [15:39] welcome earlycommand [15:39] Thank you [15:39] how can we help you today earlycommand ? [15:40] Having trouble setting up preseed/early_command [15:40] Whatever I put the casper log says "not found" [15:48] Hello. Is it normal that Intel HD Graphics 620 use fbdev driver ? [15:48] but not intel [15:50] user217_: it should be using i915 / i965 [15:50] is anyway to change this ? [15:51] fbdev to i915 [15:51] user217_, is this on a VM? [15:51] nope [15:51] can you run and post the url returned by: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "Session: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";echo Shell: $SHELL) [15:53] @tomreyn: https://termbin.com/anqd4 [15:54] @tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HCQpZy7mnf/ [15:55] @tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZW9FRtKn5b/ [15:56] @tomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jHXVm6Cn2r/ [15:57] user217_: can you update your kernel and reboot please [15:58] @tomreyn: apt-get update & apt-get upgrade ? [15:59] user217_: yes, and non wartnings or errors should be reported by this [16:00] user217_: also please check whether /var/log/Xorg.0.log is actually current [16:02] @tomreyn: what you mean "current" ? [16:05] user217_: i mean compare: stat -c %y /var/log/Xorg.0.log; date [16:05] user217_: current ubuntu releases may not log to this file, depending on configuration. [16:11] It doesnt make sense I have a file /cdrom/preseed/x.sh and I put preseed/early_command=/cdrom/preseed/x.sh and the log reads sh: /cdrom/preseed/x.sh not found [16:12] @tomreyn: https://termbin.com/dlkku [16:13] user217_, current is 5.3.0-28, so i guess you have to run sudo apt dist-upgrade [16:13] @tomreyn: but still https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jkVgKdBfkC/ [16:13] earlycommand: you want #ubuntu-server for help with preseed. But I can tell you, /cdrom might not exist in the ephemeral image. You might try to get a console in the ephemeral image and check out the file structure. [16:14] `which certbot` shows a specific path. Is there an easy way to tell what would be used if that one wasn't there? [16:14] without renaming it, I mean. [16:15] mustmodify: `type -a certbot` will show you all possible locations of the binary in your $PATH [16:15] binary/function [16:15] nice, thanks. [16:15] thanks [16:15] user217_: what oerheks said - did you reboot after installing updates? [16:15] @tomreyn: yep [16:16] user217_: can you post: sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 leftyfb I'm trying to disable a service from running during "try ubuntu during install" [16:17] And during an install [16:17] there is Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS in first output and Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS in second [16:18] user217_: yes, i noticed. but you'Re still running a kernel from december when there is linux-image-5.3.0-28-generic [16:19] user217_: this may also help diagnosing it: apt policy linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-image-5.3.0-26-generic linux-image-5.3.0-28-generic 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:19] earlycommand: which service and why? [16:19] It's a custom one, so it doesnt try to talk to a server during install [16:20] earlycommand: if it's a custom service, then don't enable it during your install of the custom service [16:21] @tomreyn: this command is not working : [16:21] apt policy linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-image-5.3.0-26-generic linux-image-5.3.0-28-generic 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [16:21] It needs to be enabled in the image though [16:21] no output in termbin [16:22] user217_: what about: apt policy linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-image-5.3.0-26-generic linux-image-5.3.0-28-generic [16:22] !paste | user217_ [16:22] user217_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:23] earlycommand: ok, so enable it as a post/late command [16:24] user217_: hmm your mesa is also outdated. [16:25] any ppa installed? Padoka? or Oibaf? [16:26] @tomreyn: https://termbin.com/gjk5 [16:26] the versions in bionic-updates are newer than what user217_ has [16:26] @tomreyn: https://termbin.com/dyho [16:27] user217_: so you didn't actually install updates [16:27] run sudo apt dist-upgrade [16:28] user217_: my fault. you had asked "@tomreyn: apt-get update & apt-get upgrade ?" and i agreed, but you really need to "full-upgrade" [16:28] @tomreyn: sudo apt dist-upgrade ? [16:29] user217_: so please run: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade [16:30] user217_: "full-upgrade" and "dist-upgrade" do the same thing. [16:31] @tomreyn: and when I get regular upgrade I get this https://pasteboard.co/ISxmJ9N.png [16:31] user217_: use imgur.com please [16:31] I like imgshare myself, as it doesnt block tor users [16:31] of which I am one === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [16:32] @tomreyn: https://imgur.com/QWyfg8v [16:32] i just can't view images on pasteboard.co since my tracker blacklists break the site [16:33] okay, for text it's best to use pastebins [16:33] user217_: i don't see why you shouldn't do this, do you? [16:33] "this" = press enter on this prompt [16:34] i wonder why you run just apt update again.. [16:34] @tomreyn: sorry I dont undertand last two messages [16:34] it's "upgrade", but, yes, will also need to "full-upgrade" or "dist-upgrade" [16:35] @tomreyn: I just want to show in that screenshot that some packages are downgraded [16:35] user217_: so you posted these screenshots - why did you post them - what are you meaning to say or demonstrate or ask about it? [16:36] downgraded? [16:36] it doesn't say so [16:36] do you mean "not upgraded"? [16:36] nope [16:36] then what do you mean by "downgraded"? [16:36] the following packages have been kept back [16:36] user217_, run ' sudo apt full-upgrade -y '; when is done ,reboot [16:37] ligl1-mesa-drl [16:37] right, that's why we keep telling you you need to "full-upgrade" or "dist-upgrade", not just "upgrade" [16:38] to what version I should be upgrade ubuntu? [16:38] !dist-upgrade [16:38] A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention. [16:38] it does not upgrade ubuntu to a new version [16:38] ok. thanks [16:39] :-) [16:48] Q: I have a server running 18.10, I have discovered I can't update since 19.04 is outdated. What is the best method of preserving the server's configuration and performing an upgrade. Extra bit of info: The version of ubuntu installed is kubuntu studio. I run the machine headless but I vnc into it so I prefer to have a gui interface [16:49] interesting, 19.10 is EOL, dead, and vulnerable without the latest kernel/patches [16:49] user217_: so install all upgrades and see if this helps. if not, let'S see those logs again. [16:49] upgrade please [16:49] err 18.10 * [16:49] 19.04, too [16:49] yeah, i did all updates [16:50] !eolupgrade [16:50] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [16:50] i tried to do do-release-update but says it can't be updated [16:50] you need probably eol repositories BoxBoy [16:50] see the old-releases part [16:50] *need [16:50] oh ok, need to switch the repositories [16:50] there is ubuntustudio, i'm not familiar with "kubuntu studio", is this a thing? [16:51] sorry i mean ubuntu studio [16:51] ah ok [16:51] i think there is a kde version of studio, i don't really care about the studio part anymore for that box [16:51] !flavors [16:51] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [16:52] @tomreyn: ok. thanks. now this pc is using, so I need to wait little bit [16:52] for each of them, there's a meta package you can install to make sure it's completely installed. however, there can be side effects if you have multiple installed. [16:53] user217_: as long as you're happy with running graphics in failsafe mode. ;) [16:54] @tomreyn: not I use it) [16:55] on my lmde3 with geforce I have no pb :) [16:56] Well i'm really glad I came to this channel. Was about to go nuclear [16:56] thanks for the info [16:57] BoxBoy, have fun! [16:59] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopCDOptions [17:00] >preseed/early_command=/path/to/script.sh: run the specified script before starting the installer. [17:01] This doesnt work at all [17:01] I'm having an issue where mouse-clicks after login only register in Wayland sessions. In "normal" sessions I can move the cursor, but no hover or click events get registered. Any ideas? [17:02] Keyboard works fine, everything works fine on the login screen. Research so far hasn't turned up anything that seems relevant === Mekely is now known as Cherries === Cherries is now known as Mekely [17:16] Is it possible to use either local or remote functions in ssh commands somehow? Like ssh user@ip "myfunc" ? [17:17] earlycommand: i don't know whether it helps but: on the wiki page you pointed to, at the beginng of the section you quoted, it says "Note that these are discussed in more detail at UbiquityAutomation", which points to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation which states: "You can use preseed/early_command with the live CD; it will be run by "casper" (the component which sets up a live environment at boot time) from the initramfs. Please note [17:17] that, if you want to affect files in the live environment, this means that you must prefix their filenames with /root." [17:18] qhartman: for issues you are facing, its handy when you elaborate more details with the volunteers to be able to debug better, such as ubuntu version, kernel version, graphics card chipset etc [17:19] vlm: shell functions need to be defined in the shell you wish to run them in, so either locally or remotely. once defined (or sourced), you should be able to run them this way. [17:20] vlm: Exactly what you wrote should work fine [17:21] qhartman: "command not found" ,i tried add function to bashrc and .profile and /etc/profile.d/myfunc.sh still no luck [17:24] vlm: If you're wanting to do it as a function, you'd have to have it in the remote bashrc or profile, and you'd have to force ssh to start a terminal session with -t, which it normally wouldn't do when you pass it a command [17:26] Depending on the details of what you're doing it, might be easier to just write it as a stand-alone executable script in your remote homedir, and then execute it with `ssh user@host '~/bin/myscript.sh'` [17:28] qhartman:added it to bashrc and profile and profile.d dir still not useable ,id prefer to not put it in bin though [17:50] Alright screw this this is stupid [17:50] please remain polite in the support channel earlycommand [17:50] I'm just going to create another service that looks for casper in the kernel command line and acts based on that [17:50] Thanks for the help guys [17:51] earlycommand: did you try cubic yet? [17:51] I am using cubic yes [17:56] hey [17:57] I am having issues installed nautilus on WSL Ubuntu 18.04 [17:57] earlycommand: we dont officially support it, so use at your own risk: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/07/how-to-customize-ubuntu-or-linux-mint.html [17:57] this is the error https://bpaste.net/raw/VEJA [17:58] I tried pinging the IP that says "connection failed" [17:58] it is reachable [17:58] try the wsl channel? probably during officehours [17:58] !wsl [17:58] Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [17:59] any idea why it can't update? [17:59] install nautilus [18:00] this is my /etc/apt/sources.list [18:00] https://bpaste.net/raw/FZUA === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [18:01] one needs to do some steps to run a gui thingy in WSL .. not supported here [18:02] what's the quickest way/fastest download manager for terminal downloads? aria 2 is slow and so is wget. [18:03] Chunkyz: a download manager obbeys your isp speed [18:03] lotuspsychje: indeed but my ISP is unlimited and no caps. so... [18:04] maybe it is not your network, not your isp, but the host that serves the files? [18:05] I'm using uGet right now and it's at 82MiB/s [18:06] but that's a gui and I want to use terminal. [18:06] oerheks, I am talking about running anything [18:06] I am talking about installing nautilus [18:07] Hi room! I've been running 2 of 4 monitors on my computer for awhile now at my job. It took some time to even get these two to work on my Ubuntu 18.02 computer. Anyone mind assisting me in getting the other two to work? [18:08] CoolerX, good luck! [18:08] celphi: we need mroe info, but hopefully you are running 18.04 as 18.02 is nonexistent :) [18:09] Sure. What kind of info do you need? [18:09] I will try a different network to be sure [18:09] celphi: well which gpu you are running, probably also which edition of ubuntu [18:11] tomreyn: thank you so much sir! now I get i915 driver working and my notebook flying !!! :) [18:11] yay, have fun, user217_ [18:12] I get one more +1 done jira task)) [18:12] quadrathoch2: What command i type to get that info [18:13] 5.3.0-26-generic #28~18.04.1-Ubuntu [18:14] celphi: could you just give us the 'lshw' in a paste (https://paste.ubuntu.com/) [18:14] run updates first, 18.04/hwe is on 5.3.0-28 [18:14] grep vga quadrathoch2 ? [18:14] if you want celphi [18:14] is there anything I can do to reduce the installation speed of ubuntu? [18:15] (I am currently customizing my own ubuntu installer) [18:15] DSdavidDS: preseed file? === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [18:15] reduce?? [18:15] interesting.. [18:16] its that time again oerheks .. [18:17] what time is that, then? [18:18] quadrathoch2: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TNc9d4wyPF/ [18:18] thats from lspci [18:19] celphi: could you paste a lspci -vv | grep VGA [18:20] quadrathoch2: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VGJ76nBjM7/ [18:20] This is a new computer [18:21] celphi: how did you install the nvidia driver? [18:21] lol [18:21] quadrathoch2: Yep! That's exactly what I am doing right now. I think I can reduce time when installer starts removing unneeded packages [18:22] DSdavidDS: you want to *reduce* the installation speed? just make it slower then. [18:22] ryuo: lul [18:22] haha, I'd like to reduce the installation time* [18:22] someone in room helped me install it quadrathoch2. Ultimately used the proprietary drivers and i had to surpress "intel-microcode" because it seems to be flawed [18:22] quadrathoch2: ^ [18:23] celphi: oh now I remember where I know your username xD (I read along) [18:23] "intel-microcode" flawed? i am sure you want the microcode. [18:23] oerheks: nah- it's a bug [18:23] if i update it - my screen just turns purple [18:23] oerheks: microcode changes behavior. i could see it causing issues in some rare situations. [18:24] oerheks: example; the first meltdown microcodes were causing random reboots and such. [18:24] he just has a giant and new nvidia 2080 card.. [18:24] celphi: so which ubuntu version are you running (as in which desktop environment?) [18:25] quadrathoch2: do i type uname -a for that [18:25] celphi: ahm no, give me a sec [18:26] celphi: 'echo $DESKTOP_SESSION' [18:26] just says ubuntu [18:26] kk, could you go into settings -> devices -> displays [18:27] yup here [18:27] shows two monitors [18:27] are you seeing 4 monitors? [18:27] hm [18:27] celphi: are you sure you got the gpu drivers which support the 2080? [18:28] not sure [18:28] how do you know i have 2080 [18:28] from paste? [18:28] celphi: we know ;) [18:28] yeah from the lspci [18:28] k [18:28] brb [18:28] aight [18:28] i just ask so i can learn from experience at same time [18:29] sure, 1e82 is the device code for your nvidia rtx 2080, celphi [18:30] 2080 is supported by 410 and up -- https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/138279/ [18:31] celphi: how are your monitors connected? [18:38] quadrathoch2: it's easier to take a photo than explain [18:38] brb [18:39] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/8s8Cirg8/IMG_0780.JPG [18:39] celphi: so 2 hdmi and 1 dp? [18:40] If you see the far left one- there's one for that iphone looking one [18:40] looks good, all on the card, non on the IGP [18:40] i still have to buy the adaptor [18:40] celphi: that's USB-C [18:40] right that's the name [18:40] but i currently have 3 in [18:40] use https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa and install the 440 [18:41] oerheks: shouldn't the 435 suffice? [18:41] that could work too, any from 410 and up i guess [18:41] i have 435 i think [18:42] 435 was the one i was instructed to install about a week ago [18:42] celphi: could you look into the nvidia panel to see which version you got? [18:42] i did history on my computer [18:42] sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-435 [18:42] is the one i installed [18:43] celphi: kk [18:44] celphi: so yeah the next thing to try is https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa [18:44] can i add that to repo? [18:44] the information is on the page [18:46] well i'm reading "This PPA is currently in testing, you should be experienced with packaging before you dive in here:" [18:46] and im not lol [18:48] do i just restart computer after i run it? [18:48] celphi: well then I think you got no way (for now) using 3 monitors [18:48] celphi: after installing 440 yes [18:48] ok going to restart- hopefuly my computer still works afterwards lol [18:49] celphi: it should [18:51] only shows 2 monitors :( [18:53] celphi: did you also check in the nvidia control panel if it shows more displays? [18:54] you mean display-> [18:54] the driver should install a control panel [18:54] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/OK2UjRuR/Screenshot%20from%202020-01-31%2011-54-45.png [18:55] This? [18:55] Ubuntu 18.04.3 upgraded from 14.04 and have lost my grub 2.02 at login ..I have to use shift to see the grub entry..installed grub-pc and grub-pc bin did not resolve the problem [18:56] texla: type 'cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999' [18:57] quadrathoch2 do you see image [18:57] Eric cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999: No such file or directory [18:58] celphi: it should be under xscreen 0 [18:59] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/6XB413EP/Screenshot%20from%202020-01-31%2011-58-45.png [18:59] quadrathoch2: [19:00] celphi: and the display configuration? [19:00] quadrathoch2: which one is display configuration [19:01] one above [19:01] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/R23oPU7Y/Screenshot%20from%202020-01-31%2012-01-28.png [19:02] celphi: could you tell me, which the other display is, which is connected? [19:02] texla: are you sure you're running ubuntu and your release upgrades have completed properly? [19:02] in the selection on the right [19:02] all 4 monitors are same [19:03] EriC^^, there is that /etc/default/grub if using sudo gedit to open [19:03] but only the bottom two are showing. DisplayPort 1 and DisplayPort 2 [19:03] the hdmi one is being ignored [19:03] quadrathoch2: [19:03] celphi: excellent this is interesting, so did you maybe check if the cable is okay? [19:03] ill try that [19:04] EriC^^, under setting it shows ubuntu 18.04.3 [19:04] texla: that's strange, if /etc/default/grub exists then "cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999" would not have reported "No such file or directory" [19:06] so i repluged in monitor nada [19:06] quadrathoch2: [19:06] tomreyn, same results with you command [19:07] Is it possible that grub did not install in 14.04 to sda [19:07] texla: it's at least reproducible then, it's the same command EriC had posted. so can you show the contents of this file then, or is there a password in there we shouldn't see? [19:07] celphi: are you sure, if the cable works? just wanting to make sure [19:08] im not really sure how i could teset if it works for usre [19:09] celphi: maybe another one laying around? [19:09] texla: that's possible. it's also possible that an asteroid will hit the earth shortly. [19:10] nope [19:10] ill buy another at store today [19:11] texla: can you type "dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999" [19:11] as well as "grep efi /etc/fstab" and paste what that gives you here [19:12] tomreyn, https://pastebin.com/sDX5Xni3...I already ducked on the asteroid [19:12] celphi: I just have the fear, that it's the cable :/ [19:13] celphi: did you already test if the monitor works? as in sticking a dp cable into it? [19:14] EriC^^, https://pastebin.com/MU9tvN1X [19:22] you're probably trying to run a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system [19:26] ioria, who are you talking to with that comment [19:26] yep [19:26] texla, sy, to you [19:27] texla: you have GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=hidden there so the grub menu won't show by default. [19:27] I'm trying to setup self signing SSL on a localhost site, and the redirect is working, but the resulting page will not render. I probably did something wrong with my /etc/apache2/sites-available/ conf files. I have them in a pastebin, is anyone willing to take a quick look and tell me what I've done wrong? Thanks. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wsVzMDQP6M/ [19:28] quadrathoch2: yes monitor works [19:28] texla: and the commands you were running at https://pastebin.com/MU9tvN1X shoould be run without quotation marks. [19:29] texla: those quotation marks were just provided hereon the chat to separate the commands to run form the rest of the chat text. [19:30] tomreyn, what should hidden be replaced with [19:31] texla: run info grub to access the grub manual, it should say. [19:32] dpkg -l | grep grub | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:33] celphi: hm, did you test windows on the system? as in are you sure the gpu works with the hdmi plug? because imho it's the gpu or the cable :/ [19:33] celphi: I don't think it's the driver, as you tested out multiple now [19:34] texla: yes, this is without quotation marks now. i assume you were supposed to paste it to a temrinal window rather than the chat window, though. [19:40] quadrathoch2: the computer is brand new, and the cord is new [19:41] celphi: yeah I know, but there can still be production issues [19:52] my xrandr command returns: `HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)` [19:52] is there a driver i need to make it show connected? [19:53] celphi: it's the nvidia driver :/ [19:57] celphi, multi monitor setup ? try xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of [20:07] ioria: what do i sub for [20:08] celphi, run xrandr ... what you see ? [20:08] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/9J5nzTCT/Screenshot%20from%202020-01-31%2012-31-56.png [20:08] ioria: ^ [20:09] celphi, xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of DP-0 [20:10] ioria: no output [20:10] celphi, xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of DP-1 [20:10] ioria: no output [20:10] celphi, xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of DP-2 [20:10] well there can't be an output, when the hdmi monitor is not detected :( [20:10] ioria: no output [20:10] celphi, xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --right-of DP-3 [20:11] ioria: no output [20:11] ok [20:12] just saying, there is just so much wrong with that PC somehow :/ [20:16] celphi, what's your kernel ? uname -r [20:34] ioria: 5.3.0-28-generic [20:34] celphi, grep modeset /etc/modprobe.d/* [20:34] empty [20:35] celphi, grep modeset /lib/modprobe.d/* [20:35] empty [20:36] celphi, cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:37] ioria: https://termbin.com/3o5m [20:38] celphi: i just read up at parts of the previous chat: the microcode isn't flawed, your bios is. [20:39] celphi, it's fine; cat /proc/cmdline (you can paste here) [20:39] im not even know what a microcode is. === overfiend is now known as PoPpiLLs [20:39] that's if you and i were working on making your ROG Stryx something system boot the other day, and could only get it to boot with dis_ucode_ldr [20:39] yeah that was me tomreyn [20:40] tomreyn: is the uuid private ifnormatoin? [20:40] which uuid? [20:40] where it says root=UUID=codehere [20:40] not really sensitive, it gives away when the file system was created [20:41] BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.3.0-28-generic root=UUID=CODEHERE ro quiet splash vt.handoff=1 [20:41] ioria: ^ [20:41] oh so you dont have dis_ucode_ldr there. [20:42] oh maybe this was just an issue during installation [20:42] i dont recall the details [20:43] celphi, so, hdmi monitor connected and not detected ? [20:46] right ioria [20:46] im going to buy a new cord later today [20:46] celphi, was it working with nouveau , i mean before installing nvidia ? [20:46] no- [20:47] i was getting purple screen [20:47] celphi, and now is blank ? [20:49] context: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2020/01/26/%23ubuntu.html#t02:08 [20:50] so during installation- i couldnt get passed grub screen. it would either be all purple or strange colors at of a black screen. tomreyn helped me by suggesting adding dis_ucode_ldr to my settings and i was finally able to log in and download 435 nvidia drivers. now 2 of my screens work [20:50] but i want all 4 to work- my boss just walkd in so i have another cord 1 sec [20:50] brand new cord [20:52] so you trained your boss to retirve monitor cords? not bad. [20:52] ahem, wrong channel, sorry. [20:54] celphi: what you posted earlier, the output of "cat /proc/cmdline" hows that you did not boot with the dis_ucode_ldr option when you last booted. so apparently your system can now boot fine even with out this option set. [20:54] hows -> shows [20:55] so what may have caused the boot to fail may have been a regression in a kernel version or some other software, wihch was since fixed (and you installed this update since). [20:56] i think i recommended you file a bug then, did you do so? [20:57] replace cable, boot again ... [20:59] celphi, if that also fails, try to boot with 'nvidia-drm.modeset=0' parameter, gl [21:04] i cant connect to my wifi network and password is 1000% correct. any ideas? [21:04] it keeps asking for pass [21:06] wrong ssid, wrong pass, wrong connection protocol .. [21:06] reinstall wpasupplicant [21:07] sorry, wrong distro >> ##linux i just installed fedora 31 [21:07] :-DF [21:07] caught you again, gambl0re [21:08] welcome on my ignore list [21:08] my best bet: wrong password [21:18] I'm trying to dual-boot Windows 10 (after I have an ubuntu install). Windows 10 installation succeeds, but then it reboots and i'm not able to boot into windows 10 (even if I mark that partition bootable and boot from it).. any tips? [21:19] maybe you need to install in UEFI mode, or not-uefi mode, try ##windows? [21:19] here's the boot repair log if it helps (/dev/sda1 is grub, /dev/sda2 is ubuntu, /dev/sda3 is windows 10) http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KJZvZCNBDY/ [21:20] oerheks thanks I'll check there too [21:20] oke, no uefi situation [21:20] ioria its not the cord [21:21] new cord and it works on a differ computer [21:23] dammit, i accidentally left before reading the last three messages. if any of them were directed at me, can someone re-send them? [21:23] tomreyn: it works because the micro-code is not updated [21:24] celphi: oh right i forgot this part, you downgraded the microcode package and ran "apt-mark hold" against it. [21:24] celphi: this was also why i recommended filing a bug report. === _Elysion is now known as Elysion [21:33] I have a local ubuntu apache2 server for testing websites, but i'm having a very hard time getting self signing ssl to work. Can someone look at my config files and see if i'm doing something wrong? https://pastebin.com/DPZMJkBN If theres a better channel for this question, please let me know. thanks. [21:47] orentanay: maybe #ubuntu-server [21:50] thank you [22:11] when the kernel module drbg (deterministic random bits generator) is loaded, does it downgrade the randomness of /dev/{u,}random? [22:12] i.e. should that be loaded on a production system? [22:21] Hey all, I'm on ubuntu 18.04. This morning I woke up and saw some redis errors saying a config can't be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128 [22:21] I ended up updating that file value, and that seemed to fix the issue [22:21] however everything I look up says to add the command to update that file to /etc/rc.local, but I don't have that file? [22:22] could I put it in /etc/sysctl.conf? [22:22] would appreciate some advice, I'm not used to the newer versions of ubuntu [22:30] Scriptonaut: Is there a service file: ' sudo systemctl list-unit-files ' ? [22:31] hi all, i'm trying to put a .desktop file in /usr/share/application, but i can't cd into that directory "bash:cd: usr/share/application: no such file or directory" even it shows up on ls and i can open the directory in file manager [22:31] use sudo? [22:34] viktor_: /usr/share/applications. Add the ending "s" ? [22:34] Bashing-om, that was actually it, but i was too embarrassed to say :p [22:35] viktor_: :D -- been bit there too. [22:36] there are accounts-daemon, acpid, apparmor, apport-autoreports, and apport-forward service files [22:36] Bashing-om: ^^ [22:37] hmm, putting net.core.somaxconn=1024 into /etc/sysctl.conf, and then running sysctl -p seemed to fix it [22:37] I assume that gets run on startup? [22:38] Scriptonaut: As there is no "somaxconn" .sevice file - I have no other thought ;( [22:39] I think it's working as intended now. I guess I just wanted to confirm that adding a variable to /etc/sysctl.conf would set that variable on startup/boot [22:39] I want this change to be permanent [22:41] Scriptonaut: it's a Configuration file for setting system variables. so yes is permanent untill changed. [22:41] thank you [22:50] /quit === sauvin_ is now known as Sauvin [23:17] # [23:43] Hello all. I just rebooted my ubuntu machine and found that I can't login through GUI [23:43] has anyone seen this problem before? [23:44] I can login fine if I switch to another terminal [23:44] hey, question. I have a C:/ and a D:/, windows is on my C, and on D i have videos images, and songs. i partitionned my c to split it in 2. Can i install ubuntu on this partition, and within ubuntu, can i access the content on my D:/ drive without breaking everything ? [23:44] but if I do it through GUI, the entire screen flashes black and I am back to login again [23:47] DSdavidDS: Busted graphic's driver ? .. what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' in the configuaration line for a driver ? [23:49] DSdavidDS: what release? what's in the logs? [23:49] Sebastien: the ntfs-3g package can access NTFS filesystems [23:50] DSdavidDS, Yes I do have that experience [23:50] DSdavidDS, It was awful [23:51] DSdavidDS, I had to use the Metacity fallback, sacrifice my Super key, and have to wait until I was ready to commit to reinstalling Ubuntu [23:51] sarnold, thank you. ill try this [23:51] wedr: I am on 18.04. Looking through logs right now and all I see is the login session ending as soon as it starts in auto.log [23:51] I was on 16.04 [23:51] nothing happening in Xorg.0.log [23:52] DSdavidDS, Did you happen to touch anything related to Gnome? Like, a new system Python update, a sudo apt-get upgrade, or some package where it would touch upon all kinds of stuff that gnome uses? [23:52] Those are my experiences that caused the Gnome panel to fail [23:53] I haven't touched any of that [23:54] looking through journalctl and I see errors about addscreen/screeninit failed for driver 0 [23:54] seems Xorg related [23:58] maybe related to your preseed file, DSdavidDS ?