
zxmoypiall well?15:44
popeyyeah, just sad seeing all these photos of fosdem online. wish i was there15:49
zxmoypinext year all the border guards looking for passports and visas.... just don't get caught out if they say good luck :-P15:52
popeyI can see perfectly!15:52
* zxmoypi thuds baseball off the wall into glove15:53
* popey shakes his trousers in the yard15:53
* zxmoypi steals a few more bunk boards for the tunnels15:55
* zxmoypi fires up kellys heros... *woof* *woof*15:57
zxmoypialways with the negative waves daftykins16:09
daftykinsoop running out of daylight, gotta nip to the out of town shop16:16
popeywow, they sell daylight in shops there?16:16
daftykinsit's a bright future, here on the rock16:17
popeywell, it will be, if you get to the shop in time!16:17
daftykinsindeed D:16:17
penguin42there's more day light than lately; sommer is on it's way, slowly16:29
daftykinsand done \o/16:54
penguin42it seems really difficult to get good bramley apples at the moment17:03
zxmoypia lot were left to rot as there weren't enough pickers last year in uk18:08
penguin42that doesn't make much sense; plenty of apples; just shit and small18:12
daftykinshmm got the nasty crackle from my speaker kit back in the front right channel today, very irritating18:12
daftykinsalready pinned it down to the amplifier board inside the subwoofer box, but i don't have the experience to narrow it down further18:13
daftykinsit sounds like the gentle crackle of a fireplace :D18:13
* penguin42 would guess a crackle is a bad joint or connector somewhere - you could try tapping each component with something nicely insulated and see if it is one place18:15
daftykinsmmm it's really not a board that lends itself to being run live and poking around in18:16
penguin42obviously the problem is all those empty spaces18:18
penguin42wth is with the big blobs of hot melt glue18:19
daftykinssuspect it's to anger anyone who wants to work on the thing18:19
daftykinspart of my hesitance to trying anything is how much would have to be desoldered just to take the boards out18:20
penguin42yeh unless that board comes out with the power transistors in one go18:22
penguin42there's that odd looking crimp connection near the wire tie18:24
penguin42not as if the components on that standing up board look tidy at all18:25
daftykinsnah some were in contact until i wiggled them around a bit too (carefully)18:25
penguin42I'd be tempted to resolder the back of any of the board for any of the threw hole components18:26
daftykinsone of the legs of the upper-right pill-like (presumably ceramic) green capacitor almost looks like it's no longer in place, but it might just be the pic18:27
daftykinsyeah i was kinda tempted to take the iron to as much of it as possible to see if it'd change anything18:27
daftykinsthe channel giving issue is the front right, so it connects in via the left-hand section of the yellow plastic on the upright PCB18:28
penguin42you can also kind of spot some bad solder joints18:28
daftykinsi couldn't really follow its' traces18:28
daftykinsit's really intermittent so it's a bit of a pain, has good days and bad days18:29
daftykinsdefinitely a closer eyeballing would probably be worth it at a minimum too, hoping for an obvious one - mostly i just lack the experience to know which component class could cause the crackle18:30
daftykinsbecause of the way it's all tied together i'll have to clear off the kitchen table, throw the sub box on there and flap down the door before glancing around, heh18:31

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