=== lubuntu is now known as Guest2591 [13:28] hi [13:28] i have an old laptop which has 64bit cpu and supports 64bit, but has only 2gb of ram [13:28] should i use 32bit lubuntu ? [13:46] spacedust: 32 bit lubuntu only exist in 18.04, newer that that are only 64bit. I would uy more ram (is cheap in aliexpress) and go with 64bit [13:48] its not my laptop and is going to be replaced soon [13:48] its too old [13:48] not worth buying ram in this [13:49] thanks [14:35] spacedust, if i were you i would try to use lubuntu 19.10 which s 64bit, at 4gb system it uses about %11 ram, imo it s light for ram. [15:50] i have problem to start sddm on rasbperry pi Ubuntu 19.10 and 20.04 (dev). I use same approach in ubuntu mini.iso and install lubuntu-desktop and sddm on amd64 and it's work. After install lightdm on rasperry pi lubuntu could start but sddm not start on pi. === hmollercl_ is now known as hmollercl [18:24] spacedust: i would go 64 bit no matter what. if you're not using the modern web or doing anything else intensive, you'll be fine with the ram. i've used as little as 256m to boot the system and have it running. but the web is extremely taxing these days. [20:26] wxl: well i ended up having to redownload another version the one i tried wouldnt boot, it started booting then it would suddenly reboot [20:27] now i installed the 16.04 lts desktop 64bit version [20:27] then added nvidia binary driver [20:27] laptop also has an old nvidia gpu [20:27] chromium played even 4k videos good [20:27] soo i think its win :) [20:27] windows7 or windows10 were sooo sloooooow :) [20:27] LXDE ftw :) [20:28] i am actually using LXQT right now [20:28] LXQT 0.14.1 on gentoo, but i didnt wanted to install gentoo on that laptop :) [20:28] one thing i couldnt fix properly to have mirror display on tv properly, the TV was missing the bottom of the screen the menu and the panel [20:29] and i couldnt fix that but hey :) works properly as 2 monitors :) so [20:30] im just another user of lubuntu here but i still feel good to hear it works well for you^^ [20:47] yeah thanks guys see ya