
ducassenot here either03:49
mcseccne1then where04:10
mcseccne1im new to weechat and trying to figure it out04:10
mcseccne1all I wanted to do was insure im in the room04:12
Bashing-ommcseccne1: We can read you ... and there is the #test channel :)04:17
mcseccne1ah thank you bashing-om i had not found that one yet04:17
Bashing-om!alis | mcseccne104:18
ubot5mcseccne1: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"04:18
mcseccne1thank you im new to irc and weechat but i love the fact that it is command line but there is small learning curve ...thank you for the input i was unaware of !alias as this is second day and was only aware of ubuntu irc channel list so thank you so much!04:21
Bashing-ommcseccne1: If you run 'buntu - we are here to help. :)04:23
mcseccne1well thats what I thought I am running ubuntu server 18.04 with no graphic interface so...im learning04:24
mcseccne1just excited about it all i thought this is where i could talk about that04:25
Bashing-ommcseccne1: Welcome to the light :P04:26
mcseccne1smile bigtime!!04:26
mcseccne1thank you!04:26
ducassemcseccne1: if you run weechat, you should run it under tmux or screen so you can keep it running and connect/disconnect at will04:34
mcseccne1i tried to use tmux today but i need to learn alot more about it i could not really do what i wanted ....so i figure i need to learn more about it i installed it and initially installed to split windows but for some reason it was not working for me so i moved on to getting inn the channel with weechat04:37
mcseccne1i want to learn tmux more but it all takes time...04:37
ducassethere are plenty of cheat sheets with keyboard bindings online04:38
mcseccne1maybe the key is keyboard bindings seemed almost like the keys they said did not work for instance ctrl b ' did not split window and didnt seem like it was reading keys right now that you say that04:39
Bashing-ommcseccne1: ^^ best moved to #ubuntu support channel.04:39
ducassemcseccne1: also this - https://tmuxcheatsheet.com/04:40
mcseccne1thank you04:41
ducassemcseccne1: there are cheat sheets for weechat too, of course04:45
mcseccne1yes still very basic with weechat..I have managed to be able to login and now change buffers etc but ive seen some pretty screenshots and different things even the remote interface all intrest me but not there just yet04:47
ducassesomething like glowing bear is easy to set up if you want a gui04:48
mcseccne1no thats just it....i want the command line i do have a ubuntu destop but it is the command line stuff that grips me so im gonna stick it out04:51
ducasseyou might still want to run x11 to get more terminals on screen and a browser if you need one04:53
mcseccne1I work as network engineer and work with cisco command line alot this is so much more powerful eventually i plan to have my server be a full fledge router with open source software!!04:53
Bashing-om!terminal | mcseccne104:54
ubot5mcseccne1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:54
mcseccne1ive heard of the x11 and typed that at my command line but got errors  .was reluctant to install whats needed as i dont want to cripple myself not sure what xll give me i know its minimal but i viewed it as a crutch..is that correct thinking ?04:56
mcseccne1ill have to make a VM and check it out with x1104:57
Bashing-ommcseccne1: The GUI is a tool - some things are done easier in that GUI environment.04:57
ducassex11 is just a display server, you also need a window manager or a desktop environment04:57
mcseccne1so x11 alone will not work?04:57
ducasseit will just give you a grey screen with an x for a cursor04:58
mcseccne1dont really want to make my server a decktop?04:58
ducassethen don't :)04:58
mcseccne1what do you mean run x11 to get more terminals and browser? i guess it will allow me to have more than the main screen? can I only install x11 and accomplish that or do i need desktop with that?05:00
mcseccne1ah sorry should have read more ill check out window managers05:01
ducasseyou can install just a window manager, that will give you a basic gui and let you run x11 clients05:02
mcseccne1@ ducasse thank you much you have given me enough to stay busy a day or two ive chosen xmonad as a window manager07:05
ducassemcseccne1: i also recommend i307:21
mcseccne1actually that was number 1 but it said for advanced users so...maybe i will look at it again07:36
ducassejust check out the user guide, it's very very good and has a cutout with keyboard shortcuts07:38
ducasseadd rofi and you'll have a nice, keyboard-driven gu07:38
mcseccne1ah thanks again07:40
ducassebesides, xmonad is probably harder, since you need haskell knowledge to get much use out of it07:41
mcseccne1yes i was going to attempt tomorrow as i saw needed effort to configure07:44
mcseccne1i will give i3 a go07:44
mcseccne1i like the multi monitor07:44
mcseccne1i would like to e able to scrap desktop all together this looks as if i may be able to do that and use a server full time07:46
ducassei use a server install with i3 as my main desktop07:47
ducassewith 3 monitors, i3 has great multiscreen handling07:47
mcseccne1now your talking!!!07:50
mcseccne1do i just install rofi or add it from i307:51
ducassejust install it, it's in the repos07:52
ducassethen add something like this to your i3 config:07:53
ducassebindsym $mod+q exec "rofi -i -show"07:53
ducassethen you launch rofi by pressing mod+q07:53
=== jhona-aima1 is now known as jhona-aima
mcseccne1Ducasse i have i3 working with xterm is this ok or is there a better choice? also can I run chromium like this or do i need to go with headless chromium because of the lack of graphics?21:35

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