
mattwynneI broke my server by cutting the connection half way through an `apt-get upgrade` :(01:55
mattwynneI am trying to repair it, but it seems pretty bad.01:56
mattwynneI'm trying to just reinstall the OS using the server ISO, but I can't work out how to use the manual filesystem setup. I have a RAID array (RAID 1) for both `/` and `/boot` mount points.01:58
mattwynneI can't seem to tell the installer about this setup01:58
mattwynneon the desktop live CD I can install `mdadm` and run `mdadm --assemble --scan` and everything is as it should be (except the broken OS)01:59
mattwynnebut doing this by hand in the server setup screens is beyond me right now02:00
mattwynneIs there a guide you can point me to?02:00
oerheksapt install -f or sudo dpkg --configure -a02:08
mattwynneooh thanks oerheks would I use that from the desktop live CD?02:15
oerheksone can boot a server in recovery mode, and perform this task?02:16
mattwynneThe problem I'm facing right now is that the boot is not working.02:17
mattwynneI tried to use `update-grub` from within a chroot (as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing) but there was nothing in /etc/grub.d for it to create a /boot/grub/grub.cfg from02:18
mattwynneI found a `/etc/grub.d.bak` and tried that but it only has a memtest in it02:18
tomreynmattwynne: did you manage the manual partitioning, yet? also, which server installer release are you using exactly?02:44
tomreyngenerally, the 18.04.3 installer should be able to do what you described02:44
tomreynalso are you uefi or bios booting?02:45
mattwynnetomreyn no, no luck yet. I gave up and went to bed09:28
mattwynneI have been trying with the ubuntu-18.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso image09:29
mattwynneI am going try booting into the Desktop live CD again today, setting up the chroot to my `/` and see if I can get `api-get -f` to fix things09:30
mattwynneDo you think that's feasible?09:30
mattwynneOr is there a guide for using the manual partitioning page on the server install CD? It's pretty hard to work out how to use it.09:30
mattwynne(for me anyway!)09:30
=== jhona-aima1 is now known as jhona-aima
weedmictrying to do "balooctl purge", but it is not a listed option - what is the correct option?16:08
weedmicI want to erase the index so it builds anew16:08
weedmicperhaps it was truncated and now by disabling and enabling it creates a new index?16:34
tomreyndesktop -> #ubuntu (or your flavour, this one would be #kubuntu possibly), please (still).16:41
vlmis there a way to limit the amount of ssh instances that run?I seem to have additional instances running which i cant account for18:41
lordievaderClient or server instances?18:43
vlmohh i ment server instances18:43
lordievaderThat is odd. A `ps faux` may tell you who/what started the sshd.18:45
vlm|       |   \_ /usr/sbin/sshd -D -e18:46
vlmnormally when ive shutdown the sshd service i loose connectivity,this time however i didnt18:48
lordievaderWell, I meant to look at it's parent processes. It should normally be systemd (or some other init system).18:49
vlm...its was a container process18:52
vlmthanks for help18:52
lordievaderAh, that makes sense that you see those as the hypervisor. Those should run if you want to ssh to those containers.18:55
vlmugh other than it wasent it seems,i have a container running,but that shouldnt allow me to stay connected while shutting down the sshd service i think18:56
vlmon the host of the container that is18:57

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