
wallyworldbabbageclunk: it seems like that maas test is running but just takes a long time, comparing the output of a successful run to the failed one. maybe just increase the timeout, and take a look a finfolk to see if stuff needs cleaning up etc00:54
babbageclunkwallyworld: yeah, will do00:54
timClicksis this the current release template? https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/juju-release-template/150601:13
timClicksI would like to add a check that if a config (app/model) is added, that the docs are updated to suit01:14
wallyworldtimClicks: release template is now a google doc01:21
wallyworldon the shared drive01:21
timClicksthat's what I thought, which is why I asked01:21
wallyworldthumper: there's a race in the model cache, got a minute to talk about it?01:21
thumperwallyworld: yep01:21
wallyworldlet's go to 1:101:21
thumperwallyworld: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1117101:57
thumperwallyworld: what does the names package use from utils?02:00
wallyworldi'd need to check again, one sec02:00
wallyworldthumper: IsValidUUIDString() for one02:01
thumperI've been quietly trying to kill the utils package for some time02:02
wallyworldalso, MustNewUUID()02:02
thumpermake smaller targeted packages that fit02:02
wallyworldi think heather is doing some work in that area02:03
thumperperhaps we should make a juju/uuid package for those02:03
wallyworldheather has a PR up to take another step02:03
thumperwallyworld, babbageclunk: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1117102:42
thumperor anyone really...02:42
babbageclunkthumper: looking02:42
hpidcockwallyworld: did you say you did some snap work already for go1.13?02:43
wallyworldhpidcock: there's a PR with my juju snapcraft changes02:44
hpidcockwallyworld: thx02:45
wallyworldtlm: do you think we'll get the watcher stuff landed today?04:41
tlmwallyworld, hpidcock HO for some rubber ducking ?04:42
wallyworldtlm: just finishing a meeting, can be there soon04:42
tlmwallyworld: nvm hpidcock help me sort it out.04:56
tlmI think I am on the last failing test now so should be soonish04:56
wallyworldtlm: gr8 ok, sorry still in meeting04:56
wallyworldtlm: still all good?05:22
tlmwallyworld: yep, giving it a full run05:23
tlmsent DM05:23
wallyworldall good, i can review when ready05:23
hpidcockwallyworld: can you remember if you ever did a remote-build using your changes?06:32
hpidcockit's taking an eternity to upload to lp for me. Not sure if you had a similar experience?06:33
tlmare you sure it's still working? I had similar issues but it had failed and gone into an endless loop06:36
tlmnot saying this is the case now hpidcock, just an FYI06:36
hpidcockcould just be slow upload06:38
hpidcocki dunno the git repo has nothing in it06:38
tlmrestart your computer 3 times ?06:41
hpidcockThree shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three.06:43
tlmthe number of pringles in a stack06:44
wallyworldhpidcock: i did do a remote build to test it06:45
wallyworldit took a little while but to too long06:45
hpidcockmust be my Australian internet06:46
wallyworldmaybe try running on a jenkins slave?06:46
hpidcockalright for some reason, it is uploading 10gb06:48
hpidcockthat might be my problem06:48
wallyworldwow, i  don't recall that much but didn't check too closely06:48
wallyworldi would hope it's not doing the entire git repo06:49
hpidcockI think it has pulled in my .git folder06:49
wallyworldit just would need the source files06:49
wallyworldif it's pulled in .git i'd raise a bug and see what sergio says06:50
wallyworldwe can avoid that in the build scripts06:51
tlmwallyworld, hpidcock PR pushed, no doubt it may have some problems06:51
wallyworldtlm: you'll need to address the existing comments06:53
tlmalready on it :)06:53
wallyworldtlm: there's still a bunch of import grouping issues07:13
tlmyeah I put a comment on one of them07:13
tlmnot sure what you where chasing v what is there ?07:13
wallyworldthere's 3 blocks we use: std lib, 3rd party libs, juju/juju07:14
wallyworldso see operator.go - it has juju/juju stuff mixed in with k8s.io stuff and juju /errors etc07:15
wallyworldsame with namespaces.go07:15
tlmso we consider juju/errors external for this purpose ?07:18
tlmah no worries makes sense now07:19
wallyworldanything not from juju/juju is 3rd party07:19
wallyworldconfusing for sure07:19
wallyworldtlm: to allow parallel, work, i submitted a couple of comments - main thing is we already have a mock notify watcher that can be used07:20
wallyworldso no need to create a new one for k8s testing07:20
wallyworldi inlcuded a reference to the code in the comment07:21
tlmta looking now07:21
wallyworldtlm: i'm trying tp get my head around the new k8sWatcherFn on the test suite. do we need it instead of what was there before? also, there's maybe one snafu in there?07:32
wallyworldif s.k8sWatcherFn != nil {07:32
wallyworld    w, err = s.k8sWatcherFn(informer, name, clock)07:32
wallyworldw, err = provider.NewKubernetesNotifyWatcher(informer, name, clock)07:32
wallyworldi think we can land this tomorrow and do the stringswatcher also07:33
tlmI don't mind, almost got it swapped out for the notify one07:33
tlmwant me to HO to explain the above ?07:34
nammn_demanadart: if you have some time later, beside it being ci day, want to go over 2 of your comments on this pr? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11143 As I want to make sure to understand what is meant09:25
manadartnammn_de: OK, if not today, then tomorrow.09:48
nammn_demanadart: sure, just give me a ping if you can09:49
nammn_destickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11173 regards running focal with force10:21
stickupkidnammn_de, i think this needs to target 2.710:23
nammn_destickupkid: oh yes10:23
nammn_destickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1117410:31
stickupkidnammn_de, lovely10:33
nammn_destickupkid: ta!10:34
nammn_dewow it feels like we didnt forward port 2.7 to develop for ages. I am currently processing all those merge conflicts..12:49
skayI have a newbie postgresql charm question. by default postgres charm stores backups in /var/lib/postgresql/backups. when using storage, pgdata is /var/lib/postgresql/10/main. is it safe to store the backups folder there instead so that it is saved in the attached storage?13:41
skaywhen I've looked at how someone else is configuring this, they just used the defaults13:42
nammn_demanadart: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11177 the one I closed and already resolved mostly. Maybe of help to you.13:56
stubskay: Better to put your backups dir in /srv/pgdata. /srv/pgdata is the Juju storage mount. /var/lib/postgresql/10/main should be a symlink to /srv/pgdata/10/main IIRC15:02
manadartnammn_de: Superseding patch: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1117815:20
nammn_demanadart: approved!15:26
manadartnammn_de: Thanks.15:26
skaystub: ack15:33
skaystub: if I understand the source, when storage is detached everything is destroyed. at that point the unit is probably being destroyed so it doesn't matter. do I understand that correctly?15:39
skayI'm just really paranoid about backups and want to be certain15:40
skay(by doesn't matter, I mean, I know the destruction is going on and I have backups saved elsewhere)15:40
nammn_destickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1117916:34
nammn_destickupkid: tested it all, now bootstraps fine for me locally.16:35
stickupkidnammn_de, wicked16:35
nammn_destickupkid: ta!16:36
hmlrick_h:  any issues with canonical irc?17:08
hmlstickupkid: i’m thinking microk8s won’t work in a lxc container.  i get weird results like the enable storage works, but it never reaches a running status17:09
hmlstickupkid: i can also start a pod that never completes17:10
nammn_destickupkid and are having issues with irc as well17:20
stickupkidnammn_de, i reconnected and it's fine now17:21
stickupkidnammn_de, it failed17:56
stickupkidnammn_de, we need to work out why that failed17:56
nammn_destickupkid: meh, I am so sad. Maybe I did the lxd configuration wrong?17:57
stickupkidrick_h, first attempt bootstrapping focal on our CI, it works locally, but fails in CI17:58
stickupkidrick_h, checking out why now17:58
nammn_debut I just followed the instruction.. I need to leave now. Gonna look at this later or next week.17:59
nammn_destickupkid: if you have some updates I am more than happy to read them =D17:59
stickupkidnammn_de, sure17:59
stickupkidah, so it can't ssh in17:59
stickupkidrick_h, you got a sec?18:02
rick_hstickupkid:  sure thing if you're free18:13
thumpermorning team19:34
hmlmorning thumper19:34
rick_hmorning thumper19:36

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