
mborzeckimvo: hey06:34
mvomborzecki: hey, good morning06:38
mborzeckimvo: in the context of https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/apps-not-in-desktop-search-menu/15275 do you recall why we didn't add a user env generator?06:40
mvomborzecki: hm, I thought we had a generator06:41
mborzeckimvo: we have a system-env generator06:41
mvomborzecki: indeed, I think there is no reason then06:41
mvomborzecki: maybe it was because older systemds do not support this yet?06:42
mborzeckimvo: mhm, i'll add one and we can ship it selectively if needed06:42
mvomborzecki: +106:44
zygaHello :-)07:04
mborzeckizyga: hey07:05
mvohey zyga07:07
mborzeckizyga: do you still have that opensuse vm? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/error-while-loading-shared-libraries-on-opensuse-tumbleweed/1528507:15
mupPR snapd#8073 closed: daemon: drop support for the DELETE method <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8073>07:17
zygamborzecki: sure07:53
* zyga is in the office now07:53
zygaI'll try07:56
zygamborzecki: offtopic, stuff from weekend: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p1095r0.pdf07:57
zygamvo: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/186164807:59
mupBug #1861648: When booting 20.04 an 'ld-2.23.so' process consumes 100% CPU for minutes <champagne> <focal> <performance> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861648>07:59
zygamvo: could that be fontconfg?07:59
zyga (or related?)07:59
zygahey pawel, welcome back08:02
mborzeckipstolowski: hey, all rested?08:02
mvozyga: it could be, slightly strange but possible08:03
mvopstolowski: hey, welcome back! we missed you :)08:03
mvopstolowski: (in a good way)08:03
mborzecki`error: too early for operation, device not yet seeded or device model not acknowledged` wonder if we could prouce something more friendly instead of this error message08:04
zygamborzecki: oh yeah08:04
zygaI saw that a few times08:04
zygaand it's very precise and very useless08:04
mborzeckizyga: annoying when it happens on `snap install` right after you installed the snapd package08:05
zygayeah, I wonder if snap <foo> from command line could block and hold while stuff like that happens08:05
zygabut that's a separate concern from just making a readable message08:05
zygalike "snapd is performing first-boot setup process, please wait (10%)"08:06
zygamborzecki: updating suse (882 updates over weekend)08:07
zygamborzecki: I'll try those snaps in a moment08:07
pstolowskihey guys! yep, rested, i had great time with my family; i only wish there was more snow08:07
zygapstolowski: I think you had more snow than the rest of poland :)08:08
zygabut yeah, I wish this winter was better08:08
zyga mborzecki wow08:12
zygatype=AVC msg=audit(1580717508.948:224): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/sys/fs/cgroup/devices/snap.poddr.poddr/cgroup.procs" pid=4155 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=0 ouid=008:12
zygatype=AVC msg=audit(1580717508.948:225): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/sys/fs/cgroup/devices/snap.poddr.poddr/cgroup.procs" pid=4155 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="wc" denied_mask="wc" fsuid=0 ouid=008:12
pstolowskizyga: yeah.. but temperatures revolving around 0C (only) were not expected08:13
zygamborzecki: we have ... denials?08:13
zygaah. wait, maybe I have two profiles08:13
zygaone left over from work08:13
zygamborzecki: replied there, I think leap may be broken, TW is okay08:16
zygaI need a 2nd +1 for https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/803308:27
mupPR #8033: tests: switch mount-ns test to differential data set <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8033>08:27
zygaI'd like to merge it before it drifts08:27
pstolowskimvo: how was last week? anything remarkable?08:45
pstolowskipedronis: morning!08:45
pedronispstolowski: hi08:47
mborzeckiit'd be so nice if systemd manpages indicated whic version of systemd given feature first appeared in09:08
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
pedronispstolowski: I will look at the preseed PRs later today, I fixed some conflicts on the first on Friday.09:19
pedronispstolowski: maybe you could finish reviewing #8036 ?09:20
mupPR #8036: snapstate: refactor things to add the re-refresh task last <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8036>09:20
pstolowskipedronis: sure. and thanks for updating preseed PR09:20
mborzeckihmm, so we have /lib/environment.d and /etc/profile/snapd.sh but environment for zsh user is still not getting updated09:24
pedronismborzecki: hi, I can do a follow up about that name, if there's a preference09:35
mborzeckipedronis: nah, it's ok, not worth another spread run09:36
mborzeckizyga: do you recall whether it's possible to start a user session in the tests somehow?09:38
zygamborzecki: I think it is09:46
zygamborzecki: I've done something -ish- like that09:46
zygamborzecki: well, I didn't start a full user session but I did start a dbus session bus09:46
zygamborzecki: what I found out is that some PAM / distro / i-dont-know-what settings do start a user session for the test user09:46
zygamborzecki: because we observed that it runs stuff and shuts down asynchronously09:46
mborzeckiquick errand, back in 30 or so09:47
zygalp timeouts09:48
zygaoh well09:48
zygaback to work09:48
pedronispstolowski: thanks09:50
mupPR snapd#8036 closed: snapstate: refactor things to add the re-refresh task last <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8036>09:50
mvopstolowski: last week was interesting, 2.43 a wee bit delayed but hopefully just 1 week09:59
pstolowskimvo: uhm, just browsed last-week standup notes (they are very useful to catch up btw!)10:11
mvopstolowski: yeah, when at the sprint I had the same feeling, very useful10:11
mupPR snapd#8080 opened: dirs: manjaro-arm is like manjaro <Bug> <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8080>10:13
zygamvo: in case 2.43.x will happen ^10:14
mvozyga: thank you10:15
* zyga goes offline for 2-3 hours10:49
mupPR snapd#8081 opened: tests/main/user-session-env: add test verifying environment variables inside the user session <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8081>10:58
mborzeckisimple test ^^10:58
mborzeckistill, something is off with zsh as indicated in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsh/+bug/164051411:17
mupBug #1640514: /snap/bin is not added to the PATH when using zsh <patch> <Snappy:Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <zsh (Ubuntu):Invalid> <snapd (Ubuntu11:17
mupXenial):Confirmed> <zsh (Ubuntu Xenial):Invalid> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):Fix Released> <zsh (Ubuntu Bionic):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1640514>11:17
mborzeckizyga: little tweak in #808011:39
mborzeckicachio: hey, welcome back!11:39
mupPR #8080: dirs: manjaro-arm is like manjaro <Bug> <Simple 😃> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8080>11:39
cachiomborzecki, heu, thanks11:41
cachiomborzecki, trying to start again :)11:42
pstolowskicachio: hi! have you seen my earlier email re nested vm, and comments under #8046 ?11:47
mupPR #8046: many, tests: integrate all preseed bits and add spread tests <Complex> <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8046>11:47
cachiopstolowski, no yet11:47
cachiopstolowski, hello :)11:47
pstolowskicachio: ah, you were on vacation as well!11:48
cachiopstolowski, yes :)11:48
cachiocaching up emails, logs and other stuff yet11:49
cachiopstolowski, I'll take a look to the PR11:49
cachiotoday for sure11:49
pstolowskicachio: i'll deconflict it in a moment11:50
mupPR snapd#8082 opened: data, packaging: Add sudoers snippet to allow snaps to be run with sudo <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8082>11:54
mvocachio: hey, welcome back!12:05
mupPR snapd#8033 closed: tests: switch mount-ns test to differential data set <Created by zyga> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8033>12:05
cachiomvo, reading logs for 43.212:05
cachiomvo, is .1 going to stable? or we should go with .2?12:06
mvocachio: we will need .2 instead, it's already in beta12:07
mvocachio: so once beta validation is done it can go into candidate12:08
mvocachio: and then we can release to stable in 1 week12:08
cachiomvo, ok12:08
cachiomvo, i'll continue with the beta validation in that case12:09
zygamborzecki: thank you!12:10
zygacachio: welcome back :)12:10
mvocachio: thank you!12:10
cachiozyga, hi12:11
* Eighth_Doctor waves12:19
Eighth_Doctorit's been a while since I've had to send a patch snapd upstream :P12:20
Eighth_Doctormvo: it's been a while :)12:20
Eighth_Doctormvo, zyga: by the way, I'm surprised you guys haven't reaped the Ubuntu 14.04 packaging from git12:22
zygaEighth_Doctor: it's still supported12:22
Eighth_Doctordon't tell me you guys are still building for Ubuntu 14.04?!12:22
zygaEighth_Doctor: have you heard of ESM?12:22
zygaEighth_Doctor: we may have to12:22
Eighth_Doctorsomebody better giving you a huge bag of money for that12:23
zyga"Security updates for 14.04 LTS until 2022"12:23
zygaEighth_Doctor: it's free for personal use12:23
Eighth_DoctorI can see that, and that deeply concerns me :(12:24
Eighth_Doctordisincentive for upgrading12:24
zygaEighth_Doctor: it's enterprise stuff12:25
zygayou can upgrade when you are ready12:25
zygaEighth_Doctor: I'm sure that using ESM and paying for it12:25
Eighth_Doctoryeah, yeah12:25
zygaEighth_Doctor: versus using the update for free12:25
zygaEighth_Doctor: is a good incentive12:26
zygaplus, it keeps developers employed :)12:26
Eighth_Doctorheh, sure12:26
Eighth_Doctorthe only difference between RH/SUSE and this model is that there's a "the first hit is free" thing like Oracle does...12:26
Eighth_DoctorI just think it probably introduces a stronger disincentive when it's possible to get it for free12:27
Eighth_Doctorzyga: I don't have a problem with the ESM thing, just the fact it is available for free for personal use12:27
zygayou can always pay :)12:28
zygayou get cool stuff12:28
Eighth_DoctorI don't have bags of money12:28
zygalike kernel live patch12:28
zygait's not expensive12:28
Eighth_Doctorthe livepatch stuff is interesting though12:28
ograand you get a discount because you met zyga in person ;)12:28
* Eighth_Doctor still has his legacy KSplice free subscription for Fedora12:28
Eighth_Doctorsadly, I know how the sausage is made for kernel livepatches12:29
Eighth_DoctorI try very hard to avoid them if I can ;)12:29
* Eighth_Doctor was once asked to make kernel livepatches using kpatch12:30
Eighth_Doctorzyga: if I could afford to, I'd buy subs from all my favorite Linux distro companies :)12:31
zygaEighth_Doctor: if you want to support, $25 gives you desktop ESM license12:31
zygayou get fips, livepatch, some other fancy acronyms12:31
Eighth_DoctorI'll consider it12:31
zygaprobably desirable in corporate world12:31
zygafor somewhat more you get phone support12:31
zygaprices for servers and vms are different though12:32
zygabut yeah12:32
zygayou can just use it for free because it's pretty damn cool :)12:32
zygaand it's meant to be adopted by personal users12:32
zygabecause that makes everyone safer12:32
Eighth_Doctorzyga: if you guys offered Fedora support... :P12:32
zygaEighth_Doctor: you can run it in a container :)12:33
Eighth_DoctorI don't think I've run Ubuntu as my desktop OS since 201212:33
zygaEighth_Doctor: but I think if you want to start supporting fedora IBM will look at you with The Eye12:33
Eighth_Doctoractually, they're super weird about this12:33
zygaEighth_Doctor: I heard 20.04 is looking like a sweet system :)12:33
Eighth_Doctorthey want more people to commercially support Fedora12:33
pedronispstolowski: answered your question in 759012:33
Eighth_Doctorbut some folks give you the stink-eye when you do it for CentOS12:34
zygaEighth_Doctor: are you ubuntu community member? you can get it on up to 50 machines for $012:34
Eighth_Doctorwhat does that mean?12:34
zygaEighth_Doctor: the fedora/centos/rhel split is still making me dizzy12:34
Eighth_DoctorI have an Ubuntu account on LP12:34
Eighth_Doctorzyga: it's going to get less confusing in the near future12:35
zygaEighth_Doctor: fedora/rhel would be better, if you had a way to get no-cost unsupported rhel12:35
* zyga needs to focus12:35
Eighth_Doctorfedora -> centos -> rhel12:35
zygafedora -> rhel -> centos?12:35
zygaor more like12:35
Eighth_Doctorgoing forward, fedora will branch into centos, and centos will branch into rhel12:35
zygafedora <-> rhel <-> centos <- to fedora ->12:35
Eighth_Doctorthat's starting with CentOS 812:35
Eighth_Doctorwith the CentOS Stream12:35
Eighth_Doctorwhich is essentially what RHers will tell you is rhel-rawhide12:36
Eighth_Doctorso Fedora is where the cool shit happens, CentOS Stream is where it stabilizes, RHEL/CentOS Linux is the end state12:36
Eighth_Doctorover the next ~6 months, the RHEL development process is being flipped public as part of the CentOS Stream infrastructure bringup12:37
Eighth_Doctorzyga: on another note, looking at my LP account, I created it shortly after Ubuntu 5.10 (breezy badger) released12:38
pstolowskipedronis: right, ty, i forgot it's for core12:38
Eighth_Doctorzyga: it actually predates my FAS account and my openSUSE account by two years ;)12:39
mborzeckicachio: can you take a look whther centos-8 is avaialble in gcp already?12:43
cachiomborzecki, sure, let me check12:44
mborzeckiijohnson: hi, already around? :P12:44
cachiomborzecki, it is available now12:45
mborzeckicachio: great, would it be possible for you to add it to the project then?12:45
cachiodo you weant a pr to enable it ??12:45
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
cachiomborzecki, sure12:45
mborzeckicachio: i can open a PR once you tell me the image name12:45
* pstolowski lunch12:46
cachiomborzecki, try with centos-812:47
mborzeckicachio: thx12:47
cachiomborzecki, but I would need to add it to our pool12:47
cachiomborzecki, but in the meantime you can use that one12:48
mborzeckicachio: yay, it works             - centos-7-64:12:54
mborzecki                workers: 412:54
mborzecki                image: centos-7-6412:54
mborzeckiPRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8 (Core)"12:54
cachiomborzecki, centos 7?12:55
mborzeckicachio: nah, wrong paste ;)12:55
mborzeckicachio: see the PRETTY_PRINT=.. line12:56
cachiomborzecki, which is this PRETTY_NAME ?12:58
cachiomborzecki, where do you see it?12:58
mborzeckicachio: PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 8 (Core)" <--12:59
mupPR snapd#8083 opened: spread: add CentOS 8 <⛔ Blocked> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8083>13:00
cachiomborzecki, does not work for us that version?13:05
ijohnsonmborzecki: not quite yet :-)13:05
cachiomborzecki, well you said that works13:06
mborzeckicachio: i was able to boot a node, so a good sign (?), let's how spread tests will fare13:06
mborzeckiijohnson: haha, sure will poke you in a bit13:06
cachiomborzecki, nice, the only change we are doing to centos is to set selinux as permissive13:07
mupPR snapcraft#2893 closed: [legacy] meta: include environment in hook wrappers <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2893>13:49
ijohnsonmorning folks13:49
mupPR snapd#8084 opened: many,randutil: centralize and streamline our random value generation <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8084>13:49
pstolowskihey ijohnson !13:55
ijohnsonhey pstolowski did you have a good vacation ?13:55
pstolowskiijohnson: yep, thanks for asking!13:57
ijohnsonnice, I saw your picture of the mountains with the snow, very beautiful :-) it actually got really warm here over the weekend and a bunch of our snow melted13:57
pstolowskiijohnson: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g9I2qGgGfpgYCyLWCHbrXlVzRnrRR_tN/view?usp=sharing13:59
pstolowskizyga,mborzecki ^ morskie oko :)14:00
zygaI want holidays with snow14:02
ijohnsonpstolowski: awesome, I'm jealous we don't have mountains nearby me :-)14:03
Eighth_Doctormvo, mborzecki: I think this is officially a sign that snapd has too many tests14:10
Eighth_Doctorwhen the tests fail because it takes too long to run (!)14:10
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mvoEighth_Doctor: in a meeting right now, sorry, will get back to you14:12
mborzeckiEighth_Doctor: hmm probably snap downloads taking too long14:14
mborzeckihappens from time to time14:15
ograstgraber, so i tried to build a preseeded image with lxd ... which seems to work fine but then console-conf doesnt allow me to add a default user to the core image at all anymore, seems lxd created a user that console-conf now considers the images system user ... https://imgur.com/a/fqu7xrS14:26
ograstgraber, how did you test your daemon.preseed change ?  i cant really verify it that way ...14:29
ogra(this is most likely a console-conf bug, to not ignore such users (i bet docker is the same here) i'm just wondering how you verified the poatch without being able to log into the image)14:33
cachiomborzecki, do you need permisive mode on centos-8?14:35
mborzeckicachio: yes, we'll probably need it because most tests are not taking care of the labeling properly14:36
cachiomborzecki, ok14:36
ograpedronis, see above .. if i add lxd to required-snaps in the model (which creates an lxd user in the extrausers db), console-conf doesnt offer me to create a default user ... i assume snapd now considers the image managed, yet it isnt ... would that be a snapd bug, a console-conf one or ... ?14:38
* ogra isnt sure if console-conf queries for "managed" here 14:39
ogra(or if that is even the right conclusion)14:39
zygaI figured out why mi microphone was not working14:40
zygaI was playing with the wireless headphone charging case14:40
zygaand flipping it open pairs the devices14:40
zygaso I kept switching the microphone back and forth14:40
zygaand that apparently confused hangouts14:40
mborzeckihangouts gets confused quite easily14:54
roadmrit's so confused it isn't even called hangouts anymore 😆15:04
* zyga goes to check on his son15:05
zygaJanek has fever and stayed at home today15:05
roadmrzyga: my sympathies and a bowl of warm soup - fever sucks15:06
zygayeah, we just gave him some meds to reduce the fever as it's been too long (since 6AM)15:21
mupPR snapd#8085 opened: [RFC] netutil: add default gateway monitor <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8085>15:40
zygamvo: looking15:40
mborzeckiijohnson: 8082 hit the timeout again?15:45
ijohnsonmborzecki: uh yes15:45
ijohnsondid you already restart it before ?15:46
mborzeckiijohnson: yeah :/15:46
ijohnsonI've got a bad feeling about this :-(15:46
mborzeckiijohnson: let's see, maybe 3rd time's the charm :P15:46
zygamvo: reviewed15:47
ijohnsonmborzecki: fingers crossed15:47
cachiomborzecki, centos-8 is failing to install yum install system-lsb-core15:48
cachiomborzecki, perhaps we could install redhat-lsb-core instead15:49
zygamvo: do you have an LTE modem?15:50
zygamvo: I think it would be great to test it on one15:50
zygamvo: if you need I can test it locally with mine15:50
* cachio lunch15:54
=== heather is now known as hellsworth
mvozyga: I have one, haven't used it in a while, can do the test in a wee bit16:13
zygaback from lunch16:30
zygamvo: cool, let me know if you want assistance, I can help as well16:33
mupPR snapd#8072 closed: daemon, store: better expose single action errors <Created by chipaca> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8072>16:56
ijohnsonmmm I've got a really bad feeling about these tests that depend on the store17:02
zygaijohnson: <chewie roar>17:03
=== pedronis_ is now known as pedronis
* zyga takes a coffee break17:39
ijohnsonanybody have an idea why all of a sudden LP jobs can't git clone snapd ? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/CDJG8DVyPV/17:53
ijohnsonhmm I guess I can't clone the master branch in LP either17:54
cjwatsonyes git.launchpad.net is down, see #is17:59
cjwatsonijohnson: ^-17:59
ijohnsoncjwatson: ah thanks17:59
cjwatson(BTW I only see stuff here by chance - if you want LP staff to see stuff it's more reliable to ask in LP channels)17:59
ijohnsoncjwatson: I checked is-outage and didn't see anything about it in the topic, perhaps #is is a better place to check18:00
cjwatson#is-outage isn't a place where customers of IS are supposed to report things, normally18:00
cjwatsonso I don't :)18:00
ijohnsoncjwatson: fair enough :-) also did you mean the internal launchpad channel or freenode one?18:01
cjwatson#launchpad-ops on irc.c.c, #launchpad on freenode18:01
cjwatsonAnyway, should be fixed soonish18:02
ijohnsongreat, thanks18:02
mupPR snapd#8082 closed: data, packaging: Add sudoers snippet to allow snaps to be run with sudo <Created by Conan-Kudo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8082>18:43
pedronisijohnson: I did another pass on 807719:51
ijohnsonpedronis: thanks responding now19:53
pedronisijohnson: I'm not sure whether revisions should error on incosistent trySnap vs status20:00
pedronisin general we should try not to get stuck20:00
ijohnsonI guess it would be a question of where we would get stuck20:01
pedronisijohnson: if we are trying or try but there's no try kernel20:01
pedronisI suppose we behave like status is just = ""20:02
pedroniswe should clean it up20:02
ijohnsonwe would get stuck in InUse, and GetCurrentBoot it seems20:02
pedronisso no upgrades20:02
pedroniswe should probably not error20:02
ijohnsonI think cleaning up in GetCurrentBoot makes sense, but not so sure about InUse, seems odd if InUse auto-cleans things20:02
pedronisbut make it a task for mark successful20:02
pedronisto clean it up20:02
pedronisijohnson: well we always do a mark sucessful pass20:02
pedronisbefore doing other things20:02
pedronisit's run early in snapd20:03
ijohnsonthat would make sense20:03
ijohnsonjust to clarify, when you say "make it a task for mark successful" you don't mean an actual manager task right? just that mark successful should clean up ?20:03
pedronisI think it has code already in that direction20:04
pedronisbut in uc2020:04
pedroniswe have links and status20:04
pedronisthat are not quite in the same spot20:04
pedronismaybe the code is already there20:04
pedronisjust a matter of having a test20:04
ijohnsonI'll have a look at that as well20:05
ijohnsonif you were curious I did go ahead and implement setting kernels in modeenv in bootstate20 quickly and this is the result: https://github.com/anonymouse64/snapd/commit/de7f8fe36cb83da51a400b05100dd37a1b19246f20:05
ijohnsonit would be quite a bit less changes to the tests if we did it in coreKernel, but it's up to you20:05
pedronisthat code seems to load modeenv twice for mark succeful?20:06
pedronisit's also not dropping them20:07
ijohnsonpedronis: I don't think it's loading it twice20:08
pedronisanyway is probably best to get 8077 in first20:08
ijohnsonpedronis: also yes that's my big question about when to drop them20:08
ijohnsonwe don't want to drop them in markSuccessful20:08
pedroniswhy not?20:08
pedronisah because of possible undos?20:08
ijohnsonbecause then the modeenv won't trust the kernel snap if we reboot?20:08
ijohnsonyes undos basically20:09
pedronisbut we never boot anything but the kernel or the try-kernel20:10
pedronisby definition20:10
ijohnsonhmm I guess if we did an undo/revert then setNext() would still be called on the one we are reverting to20:11
pedronisso I think it's less complicated than we think20:11
pedronisbut anyway we need to get 8077 right first20:11
ijohnsonmmm yes I think you're right I was thinking we would need to be able to rollback further than what is in kernel.efi, but that isn't necessary actually20:12
ijohnsonre 8077 yes I am refactoring that now20:12
* cachio afk20:15
sdhd-saschabig, big thank you, to jhenstridge ... really great to build snap's on github now:20:18
sdhd-saschaNext, i hope we can "snap" some wayland-desktop ;-)20:18
pedronismmh, the shellcheck version we use in travis is slightly old and seems to get confused about grep --exlude20:19
ijohnsondo we not use shellcheck as a snap ?20:20
pedronisno, seems we use a package20:22
mupPR snapcraft#2901 closed: python plugin: do not leak snapcraft's site-packages <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2901>22:05
=== Girtablulu is now known as DataDrake
=== DataDrake is now known as JoshStrobI
=== JoshStrobI is now known as Girtablulu
sergiusensijohnson: fwiw, we have been using the snap for over a year22:12
ijohnsonsergiusens: nice yes that what I use on my dev machine is the snap, probably safe enough to switch spread over to use the snap22:14
pedronisijohnson: thanks for the changes, seem the suggestion made sense,  I made a couple more comments to maybe clean up some things a little bit more22:18
ijohnsonpedronis ok looking now22:19
* cachio eod22:20
pedronisijohnson: going to call it a day22:35
ijohnsonpedronis yes probably a good idea considering the time :-)22:36

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