didrocks | good morning | 08:22 |
duflu | Morning didrocks | 08:23 |
didrocks | hey duflu | 08:24 |
marcustomlinson | morning desktoppers | 08:31 |
didrocks | hey marcustomlinson | 08:33 |
marcustomlinson | \o | 08:33 |
marcustomlinson | how you didrocks? | 08:33 |
duflu | Morning marcustomlinson | 08:34 |
didrocks | marcustomlinson: feeling better, thanks! And you? | 08:35 |
marcustomlinson | didrocks: yeah not bad thanks, as good as one can be on Monday. Got over my cold thankfully | 08:36 |
marcustomlinson | hey duflu, how's life? | 08:36 |
didrocks | that’s what week-ends are for: getting sick and then better for a week of work :p | 08:37 |
didrocks | (same rule applies to holidays) | 08:37 |
duflu | marcustomlinson, alright I guess. Just reinstalling focal after breaking it :/ | 08:37 |
seb128 | lut didrocks, comment ça va ? | 08:37 |
seb128 | hey marcustomlinson, how are you? | 08:37 |
marcustomlinson | duflu: bleh | 08:38 |
marcustomlinson | seb128: I'm well thanks, cold over so that good. you? | 08:38 |
didrocks | seb128: mieux, mais le week-enhd n’a pas été très fun :( et toi, ce FOSDEM ? | 08:39 |
seb128 | didrocks, sympa de voir du monde, mais sinon l'évenement moi c'est bof, trop de monde/bousculade, pas moyen d'accéders aux présentations, etc, comme d'hab :) | 08:41 |
marcustomlinson | hmm, can a package in main Build-Depends on a package in universe? | 08:41 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, I'm fine, a bit tired from fosdem w.e/got another small cold (on friday, so not due to the w.e) and having a sick child at home today | 08:41 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, yes | 08:41 |
didrocks | seb128: le FOSDEM quoi :p | 08:42 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, it it doesn't result on a runtime depends | 08:42 |
seb128 | didrocks, oui :p | 08:42 |
marcustomlinson | I'm trying to understand: "libreoffice-core/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: libqrcodegencpp1 (>= 1.2.1)" | 08:44 |
marcustomlinson | https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#nspr | 08:44 |
marcustomlinson | libqrcodegencpp-dev was added as a Build-Depends | 08:44 |
didrocks | marcustomlinson: libqrcodegencpp1 is in universe | 08:44 |
didrocks | while libreoffice-corelibreoffice-core is in main | 08:44 |
didrocks | and so, you can’t dep from a package in main on something in universe | 08:45 |
marcustomlinson | but I only added a Build-Depends | 08:45 |
didrocks | the binary package links against it | 08:45 |
marcustomlinson | hmm | 08:45 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, if you use a lib you depends on it :) | 08:45 |
didrocks | if you ldd the binaries/libs in libreoffice-core | 08:45 |
seb128 | otherwise ldd would be sad | 08:46 |
didrocks | you probably have a dep on it | 08:46 |
seb128 | what didrocks is saying :) | 08:46 |
marcustomlinson | yeah makes sense now | 08:46 |
marcustomlinson | sigh | 08:46 |
marcustomlinson | sorry to hear about your child seb128 :( | 08:52 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, thx, it's minor, just a small stomach bug, he's better today but lack energy so he's staying here and resting | 08:59 |
Laney | moin | 09:04 |
marcustomlinson | hey Laney | 09:04 |
didrocks | hey Laney | 09:04 |
Laney | hey marcustomlinson didrocks | 09:13 |
Laney | didrocks: mised you this weekend :( | 09:14 |
Laney | missed* | 09:14 |
duflu | Morning Laney | 09:15 |
didrocks | Laney: I missed you as well :( | 09:16 |
seb128 | hey Laney, how are you? not too tired from the w.e/getting back late yesterday? | 09:29 |
Laney | hey seb128 | 09:35 |
Laney | I'm ok, but yeah probably could have done with more resting time | 09:35 |
Laney | what about you? ok trip back? | 09:36 |
seb128 | yeah, trip back was easy (and train is the best :) | 09:38 |
seb128 | I'm a bit tired from the w.e but it's fine, was worth it :) | 09:38 |
Laney | :> | 09:44 |
Laney | how did g-i migrate? :( | 09:48 |
* duflu nods | 09:50 | |
Laney | http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/gobject-introspection/focal/amd64 | 09:50 |
Laney | That top test run there | 09:50 |
Laney | Steve re-triggered the test and asked it to use everything from focal-proposed | 09:50 |
Laney | So it got the new python3-defaults, which made the test pass | 09:50 |
Laney | And then it migrated *without* that new package because that's what happens | 09:50 |
* duflu nods again | 09:50 | |
Laney | result: broken package in focal | 09:50 |
duflu | bug 1861556 | 09:51 |
ubot5 | bug 1861556 in gobject-introspection (Ubuntu) "g-ir-scanner doesn't work (so can't build gnome packages any more)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861556 | 09:51 |
Laney | right | 09:51 |
Laney | I wanted to know how that happened | 09:51 |
Laney | because it was indeed caught by the testing | 09:51 |
Wimpress | Morning desktopers o/ | 10:35 |
Wimpress | Looks like some of you had a good weekend :-) | 10:35 |
marcustomlinson | morning Wimpress | 10:45 |
didrocks | hey Wimpress | 10:49 |
seb128 | Laney, that's an annoying proposed-migration issue than adding triggers on proposed packages doesn't create migration-bindings with those :/ | 11:00 |
Laney | Sure, but that is how it is I'm afraid | 11:01 |
Laney | and I don't know about you but I don't even know how you'd do that with all-proposed really | 11:01 |
Laney | parse the logs or something? | 11:05 |
Laney | make autopkgtest output the dpkg state at the end and synthesise dependencies on everything in there that is in proposed | 11:05 |
seb128 | all-proposed should be banned imho | 11:06 |
seb128 | it's a lazy way to not have to figure out what packages you need and try with those... | 11:06 |
Laney | don't particularly disagree | 11:08 |
Laney | people who run complex transitions find it to be useful | 11:08 |
seb128 | Laney, do you plan to point out to Steve that this retry with all-proposed was not a good idea and has been leading to a regression in focal? | 11:08 |
Laney | probably if it wasn't available then better tooling would have been developed | 11:08 |
seb128 | right | 11:08 |
Laney | ah, how rude, hi Wimpress | 11:32 |
Laney | Wonder if this is going to work... | 11:55 |
Laney | I hacked this silo to build without focal-proposed: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3909/+packages | 11:56 |
Laney | will copy it to the archive now and hopefully it'll migrate and fix the g-i in focal | 11:56 |
GunnarHj | Hey seb128! | 11:58 |
GunnarHj | seb128: As regards bug #1861481, do you think we can special case the live session and stop lightdm from setting LANGUAGE there? If so, do you know of a proper way to test whether we are in a live session? | 11:58 |
ubot5 | bug 1861481 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "language-options causes live CD sessions to be untranslated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861481 | 11:58 |
seb128 | GunnarHj, hey, I don't know offhand how to test that we are on the a live session sorry | 12:19 |
seb128 | I will have a look | 12:20 |
seb128 | GunnarHj, I'm unsure to understand the logic at all there though, why do we limit the locales to be used to he availability of langpacks? | 12:20 |
doko | seb128: this is a severe issue in gobject-introspection, the very same will happen in debian without any all-proposed=1. fix the dependencies | 12:28 |
GunnarHj | seb128: Well, the reason was to create a sensible list of options for setting language via the GUI, where each option really represents a language. I.e. as opposed to listing every generated locale, which might result in a lot of non-sensible options for e.g. Englisth, Spanish, or Arabic. But we didn't consider the live session at the time... | 12:28 |
GunnarHj | seb128: A hackish way to test for live session might be to check if the user is "ubuntu". | 12:31 |
seb128 | GunnarHj, let me poke a bit, using the username seems suboptimal, it's likely than 'ubuntu' is being picked for test installs, public accounts, etc | 12:56 |
GunnarHj | seb128: Yeah, agreed. Would be great if you could figure out a more proper way. | 12:57 |
seb128 | doko, right, L_aney uploaded a fix for that, still the tests caught the regressions and someone decided it was a good idea to overide those results by trying with all-proposed, which resulted in the buggy version to migrate to focal | 12:57 |
seb128 | doko, I think we can agree that force migrating broken component isn't right? | 12:57 |
doko | seb128: I'll reserve the next math/science migrations for you, and then you can decide again, ok? | 13:00 |
seb128 | doko, sounds good | 13:03 |
seb128 | better than force migrating buggy components :-) | 13:03 |
ricotz | hey desktoppers | 15:07 |
ricotz | seb128, would you have time for exiv2 https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/sponsoring/ and syncing gexiv2 ? | 15:08 |
seb128 | ricotz, hum, that includes a soname change/transition, we should perhaps wait for the python-default one to clear off first? | 15:28 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, so back to your component mismatch, you either need to rebuild libreoffice without that lib or to MIR it ... MIR might take a bit, I would recommend to unblock by removing the build-depends for now (I guess it's an optional one right?) | 15:29 |
marcustomlinson | seb128: yes I've been on it | 15:29 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, also usually it's a good habit to list new (build-)depends in the changelog, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:6.4.0-0ubuntu1 seems a bit minimalist | 15:29 |
marcustomlinson | it's an import from Debian, all changelog entries from Debian imported too | 15:30 |
ricotz | seb128, yeah, sure | 15:31 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, whoever do the dpkg-buildpackage -S should include -v<previous changelog version which was in ubuntu> so the .changes includes those changelog entries you imported as well | 15:32 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, e.g -v6.3.4-0ubuntu1 | 15:33 |
marcustomlinson | ok thanks | 15:33 |
seb128 | thank *you* | 15:33 |
seb128 | sorry for nitpicking, I was just trying to find the reference to the new depends :p | 15:33 |
seb128 | I didn't see it in the debian changelog on salsa and the diff on launchpad is 200M+ which firefox didn't really enjoy trying to display :) | 15:34 |
marcustomlinson | seb128: the dep is optional, I'm just building in a ppa to make sure I didn't break anything before i do another uploade | 15:35 |
Laney | if it's merging with Debian too, the usual practice is to append 'ubuntu1' to their version string | 15:38 |
Laney | so 1:6.4.0-1 plus ubuntu changes -> 1:6.4.0-1ubuntu1 | 15:38 |
Laney | here endeth the packaging seminar | 15:39 |
hellsworth | good morning desktopers! | 15:48 |
didrocks | hey hellsworth | 15:49 |
hellsworth | hi didrocks :) | 15:50 |
Laney | ahoy hellsworth | 15:50 |
=== heather is now known as hellsworth | ||
hellsworth | marcustomlinson: ricotz did something happen to my write access to https://code.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-snap ? | 17:40 |
hellsworth | it seems that i can no longer use git+ssh://hellsworth@git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+git/libreoffice-snap to fetch or push | 17:41 |
hellsworth | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CsWrN355Tr/ | 17:42 |
marcustomlinson | hellsworth: don't know, you're still an admin member | 17:43 |
hellsworth | the only thing i can think of is that i added an ssh key to my launchpad and then cloned this repo from that system (which cloned fine) but now i can't fetch/push from any system | 17:44 |
seb128 | git remote -v ? | 17:45 |
marcustomlinson | hellsworth: ok so I've lost the ability to push too | 17:45 |
seb128 | could be a launchpad problem, ask on #launchpad? | 17:45 |
hellsworth | ah ok thanks for testing that marcustomlinson | 17:45 |
hellsworth | i'll go ask in #launchpad :) | 17:46 |
marcustomlinson | hellsworth: Laney just asked | 17:46 |
hellsworth | ah ok i just joined #launchpad so missed it | 17:46 |
marcustomlinson | seb128: this is known right? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/463362182/buildlog_ubuntu-focal-amd64.libreoffice_1%3A6.4.0-0ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz | 17:49 |
marcustomlinson | Depends: gobject-introspection (>= 1.32.0) but it is not going to be installed | 17:49 |
seb128 | I didn't poke at it, it's a bit weird | 17:49 |
marcustomlinson | was some discussion about g-i broken this morning | 17:49 |
seb128 | Laney, ^ did building that update out of proposed make it uninstallable in proposed? | 17:49 |
marcustomlinson | oh sorry, misread your response | 17:49 |
seb128 | the update also got bitten gcc b0rkage on s390x | 17:50 |
seb128 | which failed all the autopkgtests | 17:50 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, but basically not your/libreoffice's problem | 17:50 |
marcustomlinson | thanks | 17:50 |
seb128 | it's installable for me with proposed enabled though, weird | 17:53 |
Laney | Wouldn't have expected it to | 18:51 |
Laney | Poor old s390x though, that's annoying | 18:51 |
Laney | have to retry those with the newer gcc-9 or? | 18:54 |
Laney | looks like that works | 19:27 |
Laney | arm64 too | 19:27 |
seb128 | great | 19:29 |
seb128 | do you have any smart way/script for helping with such situations? | 19:30 |
Laney | maybe stop doing those retries please seb128 | 19:30 |
seb128 | or just going through clicky click | 19:30 |
Laney | retry-autopkgtest-regressions | 19:30 |
seb128 | Laney, yeah, sorry, I did like 5 and noticed someone did | 19:30 |
seb128 | and closed my tabs/browser | 19:30 |
Laney | thx | 19:31 |
Laney | they need the extra trigger on gcc-9 | 19:31 |
seb128 | right, I also noticed the recent green results had that | 19:31 |
seb128 | makes sense | 19:31 |
seb128 | thx also for the r-a-r hint, I will check out this one :) | 19:31 |
Laney | there's a hint in the --help about how to use it with scripts | 19:32 |
seb128 | thx | 19:36 |
seb128 | on that note, dinner time, have a nice evening desktopers! | 19:36 |
seb128 | marcustomlinson, the build-depends not installable for libreoffice looks like it could have to do with the boost changes xnox started uploading | 19:38 |
Laney | it's likely g-i is not installable in focal-proposed too since it depends on python3 << 3.8 and python3 will be 3.8 | 19:39 |
Laney | will try to get it moved over and re-uploaded tonight | 19:39 |
seb128 | right | 19:43 |
marcustomlinson | Ok cool thanks seb128 and Laney | 19:48 |
xnox | i should be up to libreoffice soon. | 19:53 |
xnox | boost deps should be mostly okish, since both old and new boost exist in the release pocket | 19:53 |
Laney | looks like g-i according to chdist anyway | 19:54 |
Laney | gobject-introspection : Depends: python3 (< 3.8) but 3.8.0-3 is to be installed | 19:54 |
Laney | maybe I should consider force-skiptest if it is heading towards the right conclusion after excuses refreshes next time | 19:55 |
xnox | Laney: your build of gobject-introspection looks borked on arm64.... | 19:56 |
xnox | Laney: maybe we should just build it in focal-proposed proper and deal with migrating it? | 19:56 |
doko | it's so conviniant if you can convince yourself ... | 19:56 |
Laney | please :( | 19:57 |
Laney | i'm trying to help you unbreak focal-proposed, can leave it if you want | 19:57 |
Laney | xnox: just the known gcc-9 borkage I think | 19:57 |
doko | is desktop not subscribed to gobject-introspection by intent? | 19:57 |
xnox | Laney: ah, ok! | 19:58 |
xnox | in that case it is alright to go in. | 19:58 |
xnox | Laney: i think it is best to force migrate it; and get a rebuild against 3.8 in focal-proposed sooner. | 19:58 |
ricotz | marcustomlinson, hi, it would make sense to do a more meaningful upload of libreoffice (given its buildtime) | 20:05 |
ricotz | marcustomlinson, pushed the proper way using internal qrcodegen | 20:10 |
doko | why not using the external one? | 20:13 |
ricotz | not my decision | 20:16 |
ricotz | there are still several library which would require a MIR and therefore the internal ones are used | 20:17 |
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