[00:27] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dxxfGGw2hV/ [00:31] oerheks: are we staying I need to install this? [00:33] scrolling in the right [00:37] EriC^^ you said to use some command...I don't see a command in the output === HappyTree is now known as mrinfinity === Hoffman is now known as SuperHoffBowlMan [01:22] Hi [01:45] So Windows 10 has clipboard history. Does (any version of) Ubuntu have something like that? [01:48] yes [01:48] it's built into the fresh install of os [01:48] in the trey [01:49] I'm running kubuntu and it came with clipboard history built in, wasn't even aware windows had a similar native option [01:49] it's been here since the beginning of time [01:50] k_sze: only time i've ever used clipboard history extensively was on linux [01:51] usually on windows i just paste it into a notepad [01:57] hmm, might be a KDE thing? I think you're talking about Klipper? === EriC^^56 is now known as EriC^^_ === zbenjamin is now known as Guest13441 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === EriC^^50 is now known as EriC^^_ [03:05] I'll occasionally have an issue where I can ssh into the server, but if I run any command (reboot, init, even sudo) it says "Input/output error" [03:05] Google says that probably means I have a bad disk, but after I reboot it's fine [03:05] going on for over a year or two, with the issue happening every few months [03:06] so I'm pretty sure it's not a bad disk, what else could it be? [03:06] how to access a windows 7 machines' network share from ubuntu [03:07] smb://whatever in the network menu [03:07] You will need samba client installed [03:07] likely samba-common [03:09] i see, what kind of path/address does the samba client need to connect to a machine? i dont know anything about this, i am just doing this for my boss, i tried private ip and hostname so far [03:11] smb://hostnameOrIP/sharename | ex: smb:// [03:12] make share on the Windows machine that you have a share set up | ex: (as administrator via cmd) "net share Documents=c:\Users\Johnny\Documents\" [03:17] thanks been messing with this al lweek [03:18] this will be pretty much the same for solaris and bsd? [03:19] No idea. I would assume. [03:23] thanks === SuperHoffBowlMan is now known as HoffMan [03:34] anyone use mpd+ncmpcpp? === HoffMan is now known as Hoffman [04:22] hello [04:22] I was wondering if someone might have a minute to help me figure out why X won't let me in anymore? [04:22] it says cannot open display “default display” [04:23] gambl0re: what's your question? [04:24] how would i restart pulseaudio? [04:25] gambl0re: 'pulseaudio --kill' and 'pulseaudio --start' [04:26] ok and how would i check to verify that its running? [04:26] is pulseaudio a service? [04:26] 'pgrep pulseaudio' should give you the pid [04:26] i tried systemctl status pulseaudio but it didnt work [04:27] it's not a systemd service [04:27] i see...pidof pulseaudio seems to work also. thanks [04:38] 0 [04:39] can anyone help me debug why X won't start? [04:39] I've been at it 1 hour [04:39] SWE442: did you always have the issue immediately after installing ubuntu..or everything was fine until recently? [04:40] everything was wine [04:40] then yesterday I couldn't get in, and I updated my graphics drivers [04:40] then everything was fine [04:40] then I had to do a hard reset [04:40] SWE442: what changes did you make to the system and or it's configuration?...including but not limited to new kernels and updates of packages [04:40] now I can't get in [04:40] I removed a few packages [04:40] that were "unsupported" [04:42] I did ubuntu-support-status, and removed he five packages that "could no longer be downloaded" [04:42] was that crazy? [04:44] i wouldn't consider it crazy but you didn't really stand to gain much from doing so but a couple hundred MB of disk space ..if even that...in retrospect a few hundred MB of disk space worth not having a working GUI?.....IMO ...NO [04:44] so not crazy at all...but totally not worth it [04:45] anywhoo [04:45] lol [04:45] are you chatting from the computer right now? [04:45] I figured it would get me one step closer to upgrading when 20.04 comes out [04:45] of course not lol [04:45] no, I have a laptop [04:45] you can see what I removed here https://termbin.com/f02l [04:46] agp = apt get purge (I'm using zsh) [04:46] Ubuntu has a software called "cronopete" or something to that effect [04:47] you should make a note of it..and use it to make a back up prior to making changes...it'll save your bacon and allow you to revert or restore to a previous state...(without having to reinstall) [04:48] at this point it's quicker to just reinstall, make a mental note of the program i just told you about called "cronopete" and take steps to avoid this in the future (by having a back up taken with cronopete) [04:48] you live and learn [04:49] wait [04:49] I have to reconfigre everything? [04:49] that sounds like it will take hours [04:50] installing ubuntu takes me less than 10 minutes ...YMMV [04:50] won't that wipe all my settings? [04:50] settings? [04:51] it took me a long time to get the environment all set up [04:51] I'd like to hear about these everything/settings you are concerned about [04:51] okay, you're going to laugh [04:51] I remember I had to set the terminal colors to solarized (and figure out how to do that) [04:51] I had to set the monitor scaling [04:51] oh ...cosmetics [04:51] yeah i'm going to laugh at anything "cosmetic" [04:52] I had to install python through pyenv and get all the libraries I need [04:52] luckily I have most of my configuration files in a repository [04:52] but I still have to make softlinks to all the files [04:52] can you get on in guest mode [04:52] or a new user [04:52] I'm in the terminal [04:53] when I startx, it does this: https://termbin.com/j55o [04:53] don't startx [04:55] well, the Xorg.0.log gives a hint: https://termbin.com/b68l [04:56] or no hint, rather [04:57] installing ubuntu takes less than 10 minutes ...on the other hand..you could be sitting there looking at the blinky cursor for hours and or days [04:57] can you get on in guest mode or a new user [04:58] Ben64 I'm in as myself [04:58] that's not what i asked [04:58] here's the result of jouranlctl -b: https://termbin.com/j1cl . It says "/dev/tty1: Permission denied" [04:59] that seems bad [04:59] oh [04:59] Ben64 how do I do what you ask [04:59] ? [04:59] reboot? su? [04:59] try to log in with a new user or with guest mode [04:59] how? [04:59] it just kicked me to terminal [04:59] you click guest on the login page or click a new user after creating a new user [04:59] there is no login page because X doesn't start up [05:00] tell him you never see a log in GUI [05:00] lol exactly [05:01] nor do you see a mouse cursor to do any "clicking" what so ever [05:01] systemctl status lightdm [05:02] sorry for speaking for you right there..just thought i'd make the water less muddy [05:02] "Unit lightdm.service could not be found." [05:02] tatertots thanks I appreciate it [05:03] and you installed ubuntu? [05:04] Ben64 I didn't reinstall it, no [05:04] Ben64 I feel like this should be a quick fix? [05:04] lol [05:04] lol [05:04] you keep answering different questions than what i ask :| [05:04] was a quick "break" [05:05] lol [05:05] i'm out [05:05] ben64 sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking. I installed ubuntu 1 year ago [05:05] ben64 okay, thanks anyway, goodnight [05:07] would this help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/21309/how-to-restore-xserver [05:07] reinstalling just the x-server? [05:07] did you make bookmarks or remember all the tutorials or youtube videos you used to get your phython stuff going? [05:07] tatertots, I know how to do it, it's just painful [05:07] oh okay [05:07] I don't understand why tty1 would be permission denied [05:07] makes no sense [05:09] SWE442: in terminal> pwd [05:09] there's an Xwrapper.config or somethign file that specifies who is allowed to start an X server, if you're doing startx as non-root that might be preventing it [05:09] SWE442: what is the result? [05:09] "/home/neil" [05:09] SWE442: in terminal> ls -alh|nc termbin.com 9999 [05:10] how does this help ou? [05:10] SWE442: if you don't want to share it that is acceptable...like i said it's faster to reinstall ubuntu [05:11] hang on [05:11] I had some dead symlinks [05:11] SWE442: there's some stuff called xauthority...it'd take a long time for me to explain the details..i'd just have you reinstall but if it's xauthority it is possible it coudl be a quick fix [05:11] .profile was dead [05:11] could that be it? [05:12] SWE442: do what you know good..and if it fixes it...then it was it...if you take your action and it has no effect ...it wasn't it [05:14] okay, I'm just going to reboot and pray [05:17] didn't work [05:17] can I do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? [05:17] is that dangerous [05:17] sure you can do that [05:18] is it weird that gdm.service is not found? [05:18] when I do service gdm restart [05:18] i don't think it's dangerous at all...the damage is already done...how much more broken can it be [05:18] lol [05:20] nope I don't think that is weird at all...having heard you explain the chronological events that led up to this situation i do not think it is weird at all [05:20] chronological order of events [05:21] do I want gnome or lightdm? [05:22] your preference [05:22] either one [05:22] how do I know what I had before? [05:22] I think gnome is default, right? [05:22] on 18.04 [05:22] sounds right [05:22] you can always try the other [05:23] okay, got it working! [05:23] good deal [05:23] sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktopsudo gnome-shell gnomesudo systemctl restart gdm3. [05:23] sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktopsudo gnome-shell gnomesudo systemctl restart gdm3. [05:24] sudo apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktopsudo gnome-shell gnomesudo systemctl restart gdm3. [05:24] ugh [05:24] ... [05:24] wrong window :) [05:24] not sure how to format [05:24] but that's three line [05:24] s [05:24] is how I did it [05:24] well, thanks for being patient with me [05:24] glad I don't have to reinstall [05:24] CRONOPETE [05:24] remember [05:25] how does it work/ [05:25] ? [05:26] okay I see [05:26] thanks [05:26] it creates a backup/restore point for you to go back to ...in case you do something else in the future that has a negative impact on the system...will save you time and frustration [05:26] got it [05:26] it uses local or cloud storage? [05:27] you could probably use what ever storage you wanted to use. [05:28] kk [05:28] thanks [05:28] when it's restore time would probably help if you didn't need firefox or chrome to get to your back up...you sure as heck didn't have firefox or chrome during your most recent disaster [05:28] ....meaning local storage is probably your best friend [05:49] Hi guys, I made a small script and it's set on Crontab [05:50] It seems to run, but skips over the poweroff command [05:50] Does the poweroff command have to run as sudo or anything special when running it in a script as a cron job? [05:51] cybertruck2077, poweroff is in /sbin/ on my system, so I'm betting it does require sudo [05:52] OK thanks, I'm reading up now, seems you have to give the full path [05:52] Yeah that too, seems the cronjob has to run as root [05:58] weird, sudo crontab -e saves it to a weird place [05:58] but when you do sudo crontab -l afterwards, it's added and everything. [05:59] maybe something writes the tmp crontab to a permanent root one once you saved after sudo crontab -e [06:01] yup it doesn't save it directly to the crontab file, but a tmp location first, in case anything goes wrong [06:01] patrixl, ah OK thanks, yeah that makes sense [06:11] np [06:38] Ok I did something really stupid and I need help urgently [06:38] I accidentally clobbered the first ~300MB of /dev/sda [06:38] the system is still running but gdisk shows there's no partition table [06:39] clobbered how [06:39] flexible io tester [06:39] told it to test /dev/sda instead of /dev/sdb [06:39] oof [06:39] Should have been using WWN [06:39] I hit Ctrl-C like instantly so only less than the first 300MB have been written [06:39] I'm sorry to tell you, but the system is likely only still running because of what is resident in memory. A reboot will be catastrophic I'm afraid. [06:39] yeah [06:39] I know [06:40] but it's a GPT formatted disk, so I'm wondering if I can recreate the partition table and reinstall the bootloader [06:40] because I don't think the first partition actually starts until well after 300MB for GPT disks [06:40] that's not true [06:41] 300mb is well into the filesystem [06:41] you can maybe use testdisk to rebuild later partitions but it's pretty broken probably [06:42] I'm executing binaries that aren't in the cache [06:42] so the FS is able to find stuff so far [06:42] it's ext4 [06:42] do you have backups? [06:42] this is just a test server but I'd rather not waste hours reinstalling everything [06:43] but if this dies, nothing lost except wasted time reinstalling [06:43] well gdisk default start sector is 2048 [06:44] that's 8MB [06:45] well time to recreate the partition table and see if ext4 can recover some stuff [06:46] oooh yay GPT stores recovery information [06:46] good learning opportunity [06:46] i'd just start recreating the system rather than waste time trying to recover, but that's me [06:47] let's see how far this recovery attempt can go [06:48] sure, if you have the time [06:50] well I was breaking in my new set of 24 8TB SAS disks and testing my LSI 9400 card [06:50] the temptation to run flexible IO tester was too strong :( [06:51] will only use WWN paths from now on lol [06:52] dev/sd* is far too dangerous === umask078 is now known as umask077 [11:13] where's the support for 20.04 again? can't find it in /topic [11:14] oh also applies for 19.10, how to get rid of chromium snap, i can't rebuild 79.0.3945.130 on 19.10 [11:15] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList mentions #ubuntu+1 [11:17] Habbie: thanks [11:33] Have there been reports of display freezing with the 5.3 kernel series? Seeing this on multiple systems with intel and nouveau drivers. Mouse cursor remains responsive as does remote SSH session. Nothing in any logs to give a clue. [11:33] TJ-: i saw such reports, but can't remember where [11:34] Also, they're on multiple releases (18.04, 19.10) but same 5.3 series [11:34] tarzeau: hmm... not had much luck so far finding anything on LP [11:34] what data is shared using ubuntu? [11:34] can they see my terminal commands? [11:35] indoorcat: https://lwn.net/Articles/726902/ [11:36] indoorcat: ah that's the one i wanted to find https://ma.ttias.be/what-exactly-being-sent-ubuntu-motd/ [11:40] Just had a display freeze for 5 minutes on 18.04/5.3.0-29 ... then it just continues as if nothing happened. Originally thought it was related to Firefox/opengl hardware accel but had it when using PDF viewer and others, but does seem to be related to GUI applications doing more than basic rendering [11:45] TJ-: yeah. had to switch back to 4.whatever. it affects newer intel gpu. [11:46] legreffier: I'm seeing it with nvidia/nouveau too [11:46] TJ-: isn [11:46] with optimus , right ? [11:47] legreffier: no [11:47] (it should defaults to intel in basic use, the intel part is at fault though.) [11:48] As I said, this is single GPUs not optimus [11:49] right now it's happening almost every time I interact with a Firefox (v74) window ... entire DE is unresponsive whilst mouse cursor still responds... then will unfreeze at some points, sometimes 10 seconds sometimes 5 minutes. No traces in any logs [11:52] TJ-: i had the same problem, use older 4.1x kernel. [11:52] you should find traces in `dmesg` [11:53] legreffier: nothing [11:54] I've been seeing this across at least 3 systems all with different GPUs, commonality seems to be 5.3 kernel series. [11:54] TJ-: do you get higher fan loads too? [11:55] i noticed my NUC on bionic working a lot harder lately [11:55] lotuspsychje: no, although 2 of them don't have fans. Everything looks 'normal' from an SSH session, no processes hogging CPU or whatever [11:56] kk [11:56] lotuspsychje: you know me... if I'm here asking there's something VERY WEIRD going on :D [11:56] yeah lol [11:56] well all i can say, alot is going on, on 5.3 and 5.4 right now.. [11:57] Maybe some added some code to the kernel: "if (strncmp( user_id.name, "tj", 2) == 0) { hide(); }" [11:57] lol [12:08] hi everyone - I've installed ubuntu server on my Raspberry PI 4 (now offically supported), but neither ifconfig nor network-manager packages are installed with the system. Given that I've no access to an ethernet connection but only wifi, is there any tool provided with the system that I can use to configure the wireless lan? Or is there a way to [12:08] do it by changing something in etc/network/interfaces? [12:08] hi everyone - I've installed ubuntu server on my Raspberry PI 4 (now offically supported), but neither ifconfig nor network-manager packages are installed with the system. Given that I've no access to an ethernet connection but only wifi, is there any tool provided with the system that I can use to configure the wireless lan? Or is there a way to [12:08] do it by changing something in etc/network/interfaces? Thanks everyone [12:08] valecri: it doesn't use ifupdown, -server uses systemd-networkd [12:09] Thanks TJ (and sorry for the duplicate message, I tried to edit the message like in Slack :D ) [12:09] valecri: it should have a netplan YAML config, via /etc/netplan/ which will auto-create the required systemd-networkd config on each boot [12:09] valecri: check if the directory /etc/netplan/ exists [12:10] valecri: do you want the Pi to get IPv4 addresses via DHCP ? [12:10] that would be great [12:10] the directory exists, by the way [12:11] valecri: OK, the 1st example here should do you: https://netplan.io/examples [12:11] valecri: HOWEVER you DO NEED to change the interface name to match what the Pi has [12:12] yes, in my case wlan0, I got it using ip [12:12] valecri: so in your case replace the example's "enp3s0:" with the Pi's name, I *think* it'd be "eth0" but use "ip link show" to check [12:12] valecri: OK :) [12:12] thanks TJ! you've been very helpful [12:12] I'll try now [12:12] in which case for Wifi then https://netplan.io/examples#connecting-to-a-wpa-personal-wireless-network [12:15] valecri, you can also pre-configure the wireless on a new installation via the "network-config" file on the boot partition. In other words, after flashing the SD card, re-insert it then open that file with a text editor; I've left some examples of wifi config in there [12:16] valecri, however - be warned that there is an issue with cloud-init setting up wifi (not entirely surprising given there's precious few clouds that use wifi!) - it'll copy the setting to netplan, but *won't* apply it on the first boot. Subsequent boots should find the configuration successfully [12:16] Howdy all [12:16] thanks waveform [12:17] waveform: so more of a foggy-init then? :p [12:18] TJ-, heh - something like that :) [12:56] hi [12:56] Is there any way to build ubuntu completely from source with native optimizing without manually getting source and dependency packages? [12:57] My supercomputer only officially supports Ubuntu, with a custom kernel module set from the companies who I commissioned to do it [12:57] so I can't roll Gentoo if I want them to fix bugs in ROMs and firmware, or phsysically fix something wired wrong or such [12:58] mrsideways: That is not a supported topic on this channel. You're welcome to experiment, but this channel and all Ubuntu's official channels, only support the official Ubuntu flavors as distributed from Ubuntu's official website and mirrors [12:58] pragmaticenigma, is there a channel I should ask in? [12:58] or do I need to contact cannonical? [13:00] If you have a support contract with Canonical, then you're welcome to ask them. This channel is run by volunteers of the Ubuntu community. I don't know what the response would be from Canonical directly. As for other IRC channels, you can try asking in ##linux [13:08] greetings, why do most ps commands not work? eg: ps -p pid -o etime. returns with the ps help screen. [13:09] isomari: it works for me, ubuntu 16.04 [13:10] isomari: what does "dpkg -l procps" show for version? [13:10] also "type -a ps" [13:10] isomari: You need to use an actual process PID for "pid" [13:17] isomari: you really should read the help/man page and understand commands before just copying and pasting them into your terminal. [13:20] EriC^: ii procps 2:3.3.15-2ubuntu3 amd64 /proc file system utilities [13:21] EriC^: I C the prob. my ps is an alias. [13:23] !cross posting | isomari [13:24] !crosspost | isomari [13:24] isomari: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. [13:35] hi waveform, I tried TJ's solution but I can't connect. this is the yaml file already in the /etc/netplan/ folder (called 50-cloud-init.yaml): [13:35] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HgTx3XqHRG/ [13:36] if I run the command "ip a" on the rPI, it gives me back: [13:37] wlan0: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000 [13:39] however, there's no internet connection and if I try to run the command "ping www.google.com" it gives me "Temporary failure in name resolution" [13:39] do you have any idea why I can't connect to my network? [13:41] valecri, does it works if you use the default 50-cloud-init.yaml file ? [13:42] ioria, the default file stopped at line 7, I added the rest - so there was no wifi in the default file. Also, I have no access to wired connection - only wireless [13:44] valecri, ping [13:45] it says "From icmp_seq=[progressive number] Destination Host Unreachable [13:47] valecri have you EVER successfully used the internet on this installation ? [13:48] valecri: you can say "it was working fine earlier"...or you can say "internet has never worked" [13:48] if by installation you mean this rPI4, then yes - previously I had raspbian and both ethernet and wireless were working [13:49] if by installation you mean the wireless network, then it is currently working as it is the one I'm using from this computer :D [13:49] you're most likely NOT using raspbian at the moment, so by "installation" i mean ubuntu or the OS that exhibits this symptom [13:49] I hope that makes it clear now [13:49] it is Ubuntu Server 19.10 and this is my first installation, so it has never worked [13:50] I understand [13:50] is this the only edition/version of Ubuntu you have ever used on this device? [13:50] yes [13:51] valecri, can we try with a static ip config ? [13:51] valecri: ubuntu server edition does NOT contain network manager which someone like yourself would depend on for connectivity.....try the "desktop" version of ubuntu [13:51] I installed the files on the microsd and it run flawlessly - OS boots perfectly, but I can't get wifi to work [13:52] tatertots, Ubuntu for RaspberryPI 4 only comes in Server edition, no desktop manager [13:52] valecri, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qJtRM9krSc/ and reboot [13:52] ewww [13:52] sucks for many RasPi users then [13:52] language tatertots [13:53] It doesn't suck, given the target, I would say it is just my particular case together with my ignorance :) [13:54] thanks ioria, I'll try now [13:54] valecri, be sure the wifi module is correctly enabled [13:58] I have two apps (firefox and terminal) which when I try to play a sound in one vs the other it causes the audio to "pop", sort of like a power saving issue. However power saving is turned off for this device via a udev rule, and it only happens if I pause my audio (youtube video), then cause my terminal to make a sound (bell). If I keep the youtube video playing and have the bell play in the terminal things sound fine. Same issue [13:58] happens when I get notifications from various applications (slack / discord). Any ideas what might be causing this? [13:58] valecri, unless that's a cloud image, (ls /etc/cloud) in that case you need to disable cloud-init [14:02] hi Ioria, I copied from the pastbin but it doesn't work [14:03] valecri, ls /etc/cloud [14:04] result is: build.info cloud.cfg and dirs cloud.cfg.d and templates [14:04] how can I be sure the wifi module is enabled? [14:05] valecri, sudo nano /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg [14:05] valecri, put this in there : network: {config: disabled} [14:06] the file 99-disable-network-config.cfg does not exist [14:06] should I create it? [14:06] it's a new file [14:06] yes [14:06] there's only "99-fake-cloud.cfg" [14:06] it's a new file [14:09] ok, done ioria [14:09] valecri, cd /etc/netplan ; sudo mv 50-cloud-init.yaml 01-netcfg.yaml [14:10] done, ioria [14:10] valecri, lspci -nnk | grep -i network -A 4 [14:10] should I run "sudo netplan apply"? [14:11] ioria, that command returns no results [14:12] valecri, can you paste ' lspci -nnk ' [14:15] result is: 00:00.0 PCI Bridge [0604]: Broadcom Inc. Kernel driver in use pcieport, then 01:00.0 USB controller [0c03]: VIA Technologies Inc. Kernel in use: xhci_hcd [14:15] (sorry but I have to manually copy what I see on screen) [14:16] ioria If I run "ip a" or "lshw -class network" the results are different [14:17] as I can see both ethernet (that now is disabled) and wireless [14:17] valecri, we are interested in the 'Kernel driver in use:' line [14:18] valecri, take and post a pic, idk [14:19] ioria, that's pretty much it, I copied that entire line. it just says "Kernel driver in use: pcieport" and then the new line is the one about the USB controller [14:19] valecri, dmesg | grep wlan0 [14:21] ioria, result is [ 21.570196] IPv6: ADDRCONF (NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready [14:21] valecri, sudo netplan apply and reboot [14:24] ioria, `ping www.google.com` still returns "Temporary failure in name resolution" [14:24] valecri, ip a [14:24] of course the network credentials are the right ones, and the IP address I've chosen is not in use by anyone in this network [14:26] Is it possible the network gateway will not respond to any IP address it didn't provide that is part of the IP address pool used by DHCP? [14:27] valecri, ip a [14:27] valecri, "sudo netplan apply" should apply the settings in /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml (which are derived from those specified in /boot/firmware/network-config) [14:28] if it returns nothing, that's generally fine (no output means no errors) === umask078 is now known as umask077 [14:32] you shouldn't need to reboot after sudo netplan apply, but as mentioned before there is an issue with wifi working on the first boot (I can't remember if that applies with netplan apply or not so maybe just reboot anyway and see if it's worked) [14:32] ioria, sorry for the delay. I took a screenshot https://pasteboard.co/ISYSFum.jpg [14:32] unfortunately I needed to resort to old folk's method: an actual picture of the screen :D [14:33] as, of course, that rPI is not connected to any network :D [14:33] waveform, I always run that command, and if it wasn't working I rebooted once or twice at least [14:33] valecri, what's the problem with the cable connection ? [14:34] what do you mean? [14:34] valecri, why you're not using it ? [14:34] valecri, okay, that shows you've got a 192.168.x.x address on wlan0 so your wifi is working (some dhcp server must've sent that) [14:35] waveform, we set it manually [14:35] ah sorry - missed that (bouncing around the place today) [14:35] i don't think he had connectivity with "auto" ip or the "static" they are using currently [14:36] he probably can't even successfully ping his "gateway" ip he has statically defined [14:36] yes, I first tried with static, then when it wasn't working I tried with DHCP and then again with a static address together with ioria [14:37] which would mean he has ZERO communication with his router/modem combo box [14:37] valecri, ping the router [14:37] that means ping the value you have set as "default gateway" [14:38] Destination host unreachable [14:38] i suspect you'll not be able to successfully ping gateway/router...which means your not connected to jack diddley [14:38] Exactly [14:38] you're not [14:40] even when configured to "auto" ip aka DHCP...i'd imagine you didn't even get offered a IP from your router/modem combo box either right?....confirm or deny if you remember [14:40] I'm starting to think it's going to be easier to bring a 65" tv upstairs where I have the router than to have the wifi working :D [14:40] valecri, are you sure the numbers are ok ? [14:40] so yeah...i'm sure other RasPi owners are missing the aid of "network manager" which is NOT in Ubuntu Server editions LMAO [14:41] hope they get a Ubuntu Desktop version for RasPi in the works so you guys have a lifeline ...geez [14:42] valecri, i mean, maybe the router is ? [14:42] route -n will tell you what your router gateway IP is [14:43] he won't be doing route -n on that raspi with NO CONNECTIVITY ...that only works on a computer that is "successfully" connected with internet [14:43] ioria, I am 100% sure about gateway address and network credentials [14:44] hope he has a few windows PC and maybe other Linux PC's on the LAN [14:45] he's %100 confident he knows his gateway/router IP....and we are %100 confident he cannot successfully "ping" the router/gateway IP...meaning he's not connected to jack [14:46] valecri: about all you can do my friend is keep fiddling with it [14:46] tatertots, route -n will print the routing table regardless of connectivity (it might be empty, but it'll happily print it) [14:47] waveform: we wanted to confirm his router/gateway so it could be pinged...not just view a routing table on a raspi that has NO CONNECTIVITY at all what so ever [14:48] however, net-tools are not installed, so no route command :D [14:49] route command isn't going to magically give you connectivity...sorry if the above back and forth discussion gave that false hope [14:50] tatertots, I knew and I had no false hopes, but it was worth checking that the actual routing table could show any anomaly [14:50] valecri: i'd expect the only thing you can probably ping right now is [14:50] valecri: you cannot communicate outside of that rasPi [14:51] tatertots, that should be the address of the peripheral, right? [14:51] valecri, I'm afraid I'm not in front of any pi at the moment, but I'd suggest it might be worth a look in /var/log/syslog to see if there's anything incriminating from netplan (an attempt to connect to the access-point(s) specified in the config, etc.) [14:51] valecri: is like when dorothy in the wizard of oz clicks her red shoe hills three times saying "there's no place like HOME"...lol..it's loopback [14:55] route - just gives the gateway IP, not your internet connection [14:55] route -n [14:56] ubuntu server unfortunately doesn't come with net-tools preinstalled, BluesKaj [14:56] he's just clarifying there valecri ...don't let that give you any false hope [14:57] you're not connected to anything so the route command wouldn't change that fact on its own [14:57] tatertots, could you please turn your condescending tone down a notch? thanks :D [14:57] damn raspbian [14:57] I appreciate the help, however! [14:57] oh is it condescending sounding....thanks for bringing that to my attention...i had no idea [14:58] no worries, tatertots [14:58] and again, thanks for the help [14:59] is there a way to configure a network peripheral on Ubuntu Server without using netplan? [14:59] tatertots, I didn't say that it would connect.. merely the router IP [15:00] BluesKaj: i understand [15:01] valecri, netplan defaults to rendering its config via networkd so you can presumably edit the config at that level but your config isn't exactly complicated so I'd assume there's something lower level going on here [15:01] valecri, are you stuck with wifi or can you use an ethernet connection too [15:01] ? [15:02] stuck with wifi, BluesKaj [15:02] ok [15:02] bummer [15:02] valecri, just to check (I've skimmed the scrollback, but apologies if I've missed this) have you confirmed your wifi works with the pi4 generally, by checking it on raspbian? [15:03] yes, it was working perfectly [15:03] yep ..he was surfing the interwebs without issue on raspbian [15:04] valecri, maybe the guys over at #raspberrypi chat can help [15:05] valecri, okay so definitely not hardware at either end - was there anything from netplan / networkd in /var/log/syslog? [15:05] valecri: I haven't scrolled up at all so I might also be missing some details, but one option might be to throw Ubuntu Mate on an SD card and see how they do it. It works out of the box there. [15:06] ubuntu mate doesn't support the raspberry pi 4 [15:08] valecri: i hope this doesn't sound offensive or condescending, as i am genuinely curious to ask this question [15:09] valecri: if raspbian worked fine ...is there some software that is only available to you via a Ubuntu repo that you planned to use in production that is NOT available on Raspbian ?...or merely for the less resource / computational over head since Ubuntu server has no GUI (by default)??? [15:09] again sorry if that question sounds offensive or condescending...that is not my intention.. [15:10] it's not your question tatertots, it's your replies :-) [15:12] tatertots, raspbian is only 32bit, I wanted a 64 bit OS [15:13] valecri: i ask this in part because if you planned to run a apache2/httpd it would be the same apache2/httpd no matter the distro...or if you planned to run a FTP server vsftp would be the same regardless of distro [15:13] valecri: ah thank you...so 32/64 bit thing [15:13] valecri: does RasPi even have greater than 4GB RAM/memory? [15:13] no, 4gb is the maximum [15:13] valecri: if you don't have more than 4GB RAM...i wouldn't lose any sleep over 64bit [15:14] the issue is about some apps I would like to use [15:14] however, I understand unless I get a monitor next to my router to run the rasPI there's no way of getting ubuntu server to work [15:14] i understand now...Ubuntu repos offer some packages you desire that are NOT offered in Raspbian...that's logical [15:15] unless I maybe download the network manager packets on a usb stick and then I install them manually [15:15] I've already lost a few hours over something I though wouldn't constitute a problem, so I'll try more radical solutions now [15:15] thanks everyone for your help, it has been greatly appreciated [15:17] valecri, have you seen this ? https://medium.com/@kavoshex/raspian-added-support-for-64-bit-kernel-6cf27c2b26db [15:17] ....maybe...guys that install ubuntu server only to later attempt to add back on the "managers" like network manager and a GUI to the server edition always gave me pause (scratching my head) why didn't you just use the Ubuntu desktop version where these GUI's/Managers are there to aid you by default...but to each their own ...no offense..i hope that didn't sound condescending [15:17] kubuntu 19.10 64bit my trackpad randomly stops working. what could cause that? [15:21] valecri, i'd like , btw, watching a pic of your 'lspci -nnk' if possible [15:28] ioria, here's the pic https://pasteboard.co/ISZfDdb.jpg [15:29] thanx [15:30] valecri, a rough cut, but ok :þ [15:30] how about https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-set-dns-nameservers-on-ubuntu-18-04/ ? [15:31] "route" command was deprecated for about a decade, what about "ip r " ? [15:32] legreffier: that was random..are you having a ubuntu issue or were you thinking DNS would aid mr valecri ? [15:34] legreffier, DNS are ok, as they are google/cloudflare public dns combination. With regard to ip r command, it returns what we already know: default via dev wlan0 proto static onlink === akemhp_ is now known as akem [15:37] Hmm [15:38] can we help you nCoV_fren ? [15:38] also just because a command is "deprecated"...examples include ifconfig for "ip" and nestat for "ss"...rarely do the old commands NOT produce the same output the older guys expect to see when the command is run....making "deprecation" not that big a deal for trouble shooting purposes [15:39] dmesg says "PCIe Bus Error: severity=Corrected, type=Physical Layer, (Receiver ID)" [15:39] ifconfig still shows what one would expect regardless if all the young kids are told to only use "ip" command [15:39] !who | fuze [15:39] fuze: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:40] i'll except help from anybody lol [15:40] tatertots: if it's still installed, sure [15:40] fuze: then re-ask your original issue and wait patiently, please dont random details [15:40] sorry tatertots and others, I accidentally closed the window. what did I miss? [15:40] kubuntu 19.10 touchpad randomly stops working. fixed when i pressed alt+f4 dmesg log: https://termbin.com/cnkx [15:41] valecri: you didn't miss a thing [15:42] fuze: does pressing ALT+F4 again turn off the touchpad? [15:42] tatertots: no it turns off randomly [15:42] xorg log https://termbin.com/g99p [15:43] fuze: does pressing ALT+F4 consistently, meaning repeatedly enable the functionality of the touchpad ? [15:44] tatertots: not sure I usually reboot, it worked this time [15:44] also it didnt close the window i had open, which is what alt+f4 usually does [15:44] valecri, as a last try we can try do disable cloud-init; boot with the 'cloud-init=disabled' parameter [15:45] valecri, the fact it works on raspbian, doesn't on ubuntu, and you've not got a complex/unusual setup (barring the fact there's spaces in the SSID) suggest to me either 1) netplan/networkd has some issue with spaces in SSID, or 2) our firmware's out of date and there's some wifi fix in the latest firmware - I'm not aware of anything specific to 2 (wifi did get tested before the 19.10.1 release and we're testing again now for 20.04, with the same [15:45] firmware revision) - but I know we're slightly behind raspbian there [15:46] valecri, when I'm back home I'll try setting up an access point with a space in the SSID and see if I can replicate [15:47] ok, thanks waveform [15:47] ioria, how do I boot with that parameter? [15:48] valecri, https://www.dell.com/support/article/it/it/itbsdt1/sln306327/manual-nomodeset-kernel-boot-line-option-for-linux-booting?lang=en [15:49] Any rTorrent guides? I'm mainly looking for config examples. I'm looking at the template and not sure if it is complete. [15:49] valecri, set cloud-init=disabled and not nomodeset, obviuosly [15:51] Is there any way to get statistics out of a PPA? Number of downloads etc.? [16:23] wpk: what do you mean, your installed programs from it? or..? [16:33] Feb 3 08:15:01 Desktop CRON[12019]: (root) CMD (/home/username/bin/loadshedding_shutdown) [16:33] Here you can see it ran at 8:15 (I had set it to run at 8:15 this morning [16:33] cybertruck2077: Can you post the contents of loadshedding_shutdown to paste.ubuntu.com please? [16:33] pragmaticenigma, sure one sec [16:34] pragmaticenigma, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cTWm4wKrWP/ [16:36] that node -r esm loadshedding.js just returns a single integer [16:38] cybertruck2077: I'm not familiar with node, however, the $PATH is different on crontab compared to a user. Also your dump files will require a full path to work [16:38] shutdown needs option, it won't do what you expect without it. [16:38] cybertruck2077, /usr/sbin/shutdown [16:38] if you need it to go down when issued, you want "shutdown -h now" [16:39] cybertruck2077: Also what legreffier stated... shutdown requires parameters [16:39] cybertruck2077, ls /usr/sbin/shutdown [16:39] Ah OK thank you [16:40] I've appended -h now to the end of shutdown [16:40] cybertruck2077, ls /usr/sbin/shutdown [16:40] ioria, returns /usr/sbin/shutdown [16:40] cybertruck2077, 19.10 ? [16:41] cybertruck2077: You can also use -k to "test" your shutdown. A wall message will be sent out, but the action will not occur [16:41] ioria, yep! [16:41] ok [16:41] cybertruck2077, shutdown -h "now" [16:41] pragmaticenigma, that's awesome, thanks! [16:41] ioria, ok, omitting [16:42] where can i address questions about ubuntu 20.04? [16:42] sorin-mihai: #ubuntu+1 [16:42] !ubuntu+1 [16:42] Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [16:42] also those command will be deprecated, use : systemctl poweroff [16:42] thanks [16:42] legreffier, OK, modifying now [16:43] still, even with this command, the script does not output the text to loadshedding_log.txt [16:43] which would occur prior to the shutdown attempt [16:43] cybertruck2077, give it a full path [16:43] ioria, OK! [16:45] is there a testing parameter for systemctl poweroff too? [16:45] It's pretty handy [16:46] yes : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/system_administrators_guide/sect-managing_services_with_systemd-power [16:46] legreffier, thank you [16:49] cybertruck2077: i think you need to do cd /home/blablabla && /home/blabla/load_shedding [16:49] or in the file itself give the full path to "loadshedding.js" [16:50] cause your CWD wont be the script's location if you dont CD first [16:50] EriC^, OK, thanks Eric [16:50] no problem [16:52] OK, so it's finnicky about full paths, got it [16:56] still nothing, I wonder if I should put parenthesis around that lsCheck variable content [16:56] cybertruck2077: is it chmod +x ? [16:56] EriC^, let me check [16:57] ls -lat output for the script: -rwxr--r-- 1 [16:57] I'll apply chmod +x to it [16:58] cybertruck2077: what's the exact cron command currently? [16:59] 0 19 * * * /home/username/bin/loadshedding_shutdown [16:59] testing it again in 1 minute [16:59] cybertruck2077: where is loadshedding.js located? [17:00] EriC^, here's the latest content of loadshedding_shutdown [17:00] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vhNC9pczGK/ [17:00] Should I maybe put parenthesis around the content of lin 4 lsCheck variable? [17:01] nah not necessary, if you mean quotes [17:01] EriC^, yeah, ah ok [17:01] cybertruck2077: type this in cron, /home/username/bin/loadshedding_shutdown >/tmp/cronlog 2>&1 [17:02] it should give some output in /tmp/cronlog [17:02] OK [17:05] EriC^, if I want to show that do I just cat /tmp/cronlog? [17:05] yup [17:05] EriC^, OK cool, here's the output [17:05] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6YR7GsmFp3/ [17:06] seems a node error related to 'esm' [17:06] Yeah! Thanks for this [17:07] no problem [17:11] cybertruck2077, give the full path to 'node' too [17:11] ioria, OK! [17:12] cybertruck2077, which node (or type -a node) [17:12] Maybe if I do that then esm won't be an issue as it seems like a parameter after node.. [17:15] cybertruck2077: which node version is it? [17:15] 12.14.1 [17:15] cybertruck2077: see here about installing esm https://www.npmjs.com/package/esm [17:16] Thank you [17:18] so weird, works perfectly fine if I just execute it from shell normally [17:18] node -r esm loadshedding.js returns integer no problem [17:19] cybertruck2077, i don't use node, are you sure you can run it as root ? [17:20] cybertruck2077: ah, i think as root there's some environment variable that's different, which cron doesnt have, so it finds it [17:20] let me try to sudo it [17:20] cybertruck2077: what does "echo $PATH" give as root? when it works [17:21] or not path, some variable [17:21] cybertruck2077: try "printenv | grep -i node" [17:22] EriC^, weird, I don't get anything back! [17:23] cybertruck2077: can you pastebin "printenv" output? [17:23] cybertruck2077: is anything special in "cat /etc/environment" ? [17:23] OK [17:25] EriC^, output of printenv | grep -i node [17:25] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kDwhsGzzqh/ [17:25] oh sorry, correction, that's just normal printenv output [17:26] grep -i node produces nothing. [17:26] ah interesting [17:26] cybertruck2077: anything in "set | grep -i node" [17:27] when I run node -r ews loadshedding.js as root it produces the same error - cannot find module 'ews' [17:27] cybertruck2077: ah [17:27] try as the user it's working in "set | grep -i node" [17:27] EriC^, nope nothing in there [17:27] OK === Hoffmann is now known as Hoffman [17:28] EriC^, empty, sadly [17:28] maybe I should just "reinstall" this ews module as root [17:28] has to be some user specific variable, if as root (sudo -i) it's not working [17:29] does "sudo -s" then node .....js work? [17:30] cybertruck2077: are you sure you want it to run as root in the first place btw? [17:31] EriC^, is it normally bad practice to run scripts as root? [17:31] he wants shutdown i guess [17:32] wait, sorry I made a type under root, said ews instead of esm [17:32] the command bin# node -r esm loadshedding.js returns the integer fine [17:33] it only is unable to locate esm when executing under cron [17:33] as "sudo -i" right? [17:33] cybertruck2077: ah [17:33] i think i got it [17:33] try [17:34] cybertruck2077: type this in cron, cd /home/username/bin && /home/username/bin/loadshedding_shutdown >/tmp/cronlog 2>&1 [17:34] EriC^, OK! When I use sudo -i it throws the Cannot find module 'esm' error [17:34] oh [17:34] so it is some environment variable probably [17:34] EriC^, ok let me try that [17:35] cybertruck2077: the major difference i can think of between sudo -i and sudo -s is sudo -i also sets the $HOME variable [17:36] EriC^, you'd think that 'esm' is just an argument of node [17:36] i'm pretty sure adding in the script "HOME=/home/username/" [17:37] it is, but when the other script is searching for the module, it cant find the file [17:37] this is where it goes kaboom resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:581: [17:37] Ah OK [17:38] usually the last function it did is at the top going in reverse [17:38] EriC^, I think that HOME=/home/username/ is going to do the trick [17:39] same here, but i dunno how good that is, it might be writing files to your home dir as root, and might break it for your current user to use node i guess [17:39] Oh right, that's likely a permanent change! [17:40] you could always either install npm as root if you want, there's some merits and drawbacks here, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4938592/how-why-does-npm-recommend-not-running-as-root or you could use your user's cron and add this so you can shutdown from there https://askubuntu.com/questions/168879/shutdown-from-terminal-without-entering-password [17:41] i've never used node much so i cant really give a solid opinion on which way to go [17:41] EriC^, Thanks Eric, think I'm going to rather go the safer route with that shutdown lol [17:41] sounds good [17:41] :D [17:42] EriC^, me neither! lol, it's very slap dash but it gives me the integer! lol [17:42] all good :D [17:46] cybertruck2077: you might want to check it didnt change any ownerships already with "sudo find ~ ! -user $USER" as your username [17:46] OK [17:55] Hi. I'm trying to get a touchscreen working in Ubuntu 18.04. It's a NextWindow 1926:0003, and it's pretty old, and apparently was supported in the past through evtouch xinput module. However it appears that evtouch conflicts with xorg used in Ubuntu. Ideas? [18:00] sorta_noob: an alternate idea could be testing unity on 18.04, unity had/has some nice touch support [18:02] lotuspsychje: Isn't unity the default on 18.04? I didn't make any significant changes from defaults. [18:03] sorta_noob: Unity is no longer being developed by Ubuntu or Canonical [18:03] sorta_noob: it isnt no, gnome3 is now default on ubuntu-desktop [18:05] Is there a separate development channel or is this channel used together with the mailing list? [18:06] Darkchaos: this is a support channel run by volunteers === fengshaun_ is now known as fengshaun [18:07] so I guess you can't guide me how I could get some eyes on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-lts/+bug/1838740 or where to look at? [18:07] Launchpad bug 1838740 in openjdk-lts (Ubuntu Focal) "libjawt.so inconsistency lets JVM crash" [Undecided,Confirmed] [18:08] sorta_noob, looks a bit tricky : https://github.com/glorang/nwfermi [18:09] Darkchaos: it appears that the package is waiting for an upstream patch to fix [18:10] Darkchaos: also, you are correct, the proper place for that issue is in launchpad [18:11] pragmaticenigma: I'm the one who commented a few hours ago actually (just had this nick registered on freenode already), but I thought I could maybe inspect the buildscript or something, as the issue has to be related to the custom ubuntu patches _or_ the way the package is built [18:12] Darkchaos: 8 users affected, your bug already got the proper heat too [18:13] Just a quick question. I have several hard drives and when I first installed Ubuntu server I used the raid configuration for 4 of them. How would I see what hdd's are in raid? I don't have mdadm. https://pastebin.com/aKUDsKVE [18:13] Darkchaos: that sort of knowledge isn't available here. as I followed up, the conversation is already taking place in the launchpad, where discussion should remain to prevent fragmentation of the discussion. [18:13] pragmaticenigma: okay so the best thing I can do is wait for doko (the maintainer)? [18:13] Because there are also bugs like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-lts/+bug/1826455 that could be closed etc, I guess he is rather busy [18:13] Launchpad bug 1826455 in openjdk-lts (Ubuntu) "update to openjdk 11.0.3 in 18.04 LTS" [Low,New] [18:17] Sorry. I mean what RAID level they are in. I know it says DMRAID lol. [18:18] I think you need to install that tool to find out... and if not... I'm not aware of any way to tell after the fact, it's something that I would have documented during install [18:21] AurorAWOL, cat /proc/mdstat ? [18:23] I think it's under DMRAID ioria, Though I been away for a few years and forgot how to use the --type. [18:25] " sudo dmraid --type" I have to put an argument before the seperator right? [18:34] I guess what I'm trying to do with this https://pastebin.com/aKUDsKVE is move everything out of the RAID and put it on my other hard drives. Just looking for suggestions on the best way to do that. [18:47] copy/paste from source to destination [18:47] rsync [18:47] drag and drop [18:47] which ever is path of least resistance for you to accomplish [18:48] K.I.S.S [18:49] This is on Server tatertots [18:49] besides lack of a GUI to "drag and drop" ..not sure why the edition matters [18:50] ultimately you're moving things from "source" to "destination" [18:50] Cause honestly I forgot how to access the RAID to even see what is on it. [18:51] probably just been a while since you've used or administered the system...it'll come back to you over time [18:51] or do you need assist? [18:51] Like what path I need to navigate to [18:51] YTeah.. about 4 years lol [18:52] yeah it's been a while...or yeah you need assist? [18:52] Both [18:52] are you chatting from the computer right now? [18:52] All I need to figure out is what path to navigate to [18:52] No. [18:52] I use Putty [18:52] AurorAWOL: "lsblk" to get an overview [18:53] I did. though the raid doesnt show up there [18:53] Sorry. [18:53] It does. [18:53] everything is mounted [18:53] AurorAWOL: if it's software RAID then most likely "cat /proc/mdstat" [18:53] and has a mount point [18:54] AurorAWOL: also, check with "sudo blkid" which may show clues in the device IDs as to where an unassembled array is [18:54] Thats what I am trying to figure out tatertots . How I figure out the mount point [18:54] Thank you TJ- [18:54] TJ will probably help you finding mount points and all that [18:54] I'm gonna sip my tea [18:55] Lol. [18:55] Your right tatertots... its coming back to me [18:56] AurorAWOL: give him a second to figure out you only were shown how to "list block devices" and it may not have revealed mount points [18:56] And thank you TJ- I think I got it. I didn't realize the mountpoint was just / [18:56] guys what's midnight when doing date +%H? [18:56] 0? [18:57] cybertruck2077: " date -d "00:00" +%H " [18:57] TJ-, sweet thanks [18:58] Excellent, 00, thank you [19:00] So, question. [19:00] I know ubuntu 14.04 is no longer supported, but would attempting to upgrade from it be? [19:00] Because I'm hitting a bit of a snag attempting to do such. [19:00] OneM_Industries: yeah [19:01] OneM_Industries: pastebin any errors you get [19:01] OneM_Industries: you need to point 14.04 to old-release.ubuntu.com (sources.list) initially ... I'm guessing that's the snag [19:01] !eolupgrade | did you do this OneM_Industries [19:01] did you do this OneM_Industries: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [19:01] errr, old-releases.ubuntu.com even ! [19:01] https://pastebin.com/cKE1ksqC [19:02] I'm running do-release-upgrade and getting...that. [19:02] OneM_Industries: it seems like python 3.5 is missing [19:02] I have python 3.6 installed. [19:03] yourself or via official repo? [19:03] Myself. As far as I know, 3.6 on 14.04 is not officially supported. [19:04] OneM_Industries: purge and disable all ppas, upgrade the system via sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (after changing sources.list as mentioned) try to install python 3.5 via official repos and try to upgrade again [19:04] !ppapurge | OneM_Industries use this for the ppa purging [19:04] OneM_Industries use this for the ppa purging: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [19:05] Any way to back up the ppas beforehand? [19:06] sure, "tail -v -n+1 /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* > /path/to/backup" [19:06] that should give a list of the ppa's and all sources [19:07] though if you want only enabled ones you might want to use *.list instead of just * and look out for "#" in the file before the url that indicates it's commented out [19:08] Ok. [19:11] So, something like sudo ppa-purge ppa:* ? [19:13] NVM, figured it out. [19:22] I am using gparted to create a new partition table and format a usb as ext4. For some reason, the usb gets mounted as readonly (other than roo). Does anyone know why? [19:24] DSdavidDS: if you mount it from the terminal does it mention anything? [19:25] EriC^: Is there a way to manually remove a PPA? PPA-Purge is failing. [19:25] EriC^: mounting from terminal is fine. I can copy files to it using root [19:26] OneM_Industries: you could try using this, the ppa has to be enabled first before purging it, https://github.com/ericj112/ppa-tool [19:27] Ok. [19:27] DSdavidDS: by default an ext4 FS root directory will be owned by root; You'd need to set specific owner:group + mode-flags to enable other user's write access [19:27] DSdavidDS: maybe there's some option in the filemanager or so, try using the program "Disks" to see any settings for the partition [19:28] DSdavidDS: even when relying on udisks to mount such file-systems those ownerships hold true (usually mounted to /media/$USER/$FS_LABEL ) [19:28] DSdavidDS: when you say you cant copy files, do you mean via the filemanager? [19:28] NVM, had syntax wrong. [19:33] Hello. Is there an option (or alternative) for rsync that will show a more realistic progress bar when copying to a USB drive? Something that won't tell me afer 3 seconds it's almost done with a 2 GB file just because it stuffed it into RAM? [19:36] vlt: The measurement of time left for an operation like that is an estimate. That's an open computer science problem. [19:37] vlt: if you're just moving a single file, dd if=... of=... oflags=sync status=progress should do the trick [19:38] vlt: something like "blockdev --flushbufs /dev/sdX" ? [19:38] man there's NO way to search rsync manpage for 'sync'. that's just terrible :) [19:39] there's a --blocking-io option that appears to be about network traffic rather than disk io :( [19:39] EriC^: So, replace this: https://pastebin.com/Gw1SCjzw with this: https://pastebin.com/kQjBTqks ? [19:42] Or just go through and replace the urls in the first with http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ ? [19:47] OneM_Industries: go through first one [19:47] Got it. [19:47] you can use sed if you want to do it easily [19:47] Just wanted to make sure. [19:48] https://gist.github.com/anthonywu/2009190 [19:48] Got it. [19:49] "W: Failed to fetch http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-backports/universe/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found [IP: 80]" [19:49] Did that for every single line. [19:50] (When running apt update) [20:02] EriC^: e.g. downloads/day [20:02] sarnold: re rsync searchm yes there is /[^r]sync [20:03] wpk: sorry did you message earlier? [20:03] does anyone have a pointer to how to install a compiled nginx onto a ubuntu system? Creating users/services etc? Or where I can find that code? [20:03] wpk: my scrollback doesnt go far enough and i dont remember your initial query [20:03] sarnold, TJ-, scmguru: Thanks. [20:03] cgi: what's wrong with the nginx in the repo? [20:04] TJ-: /me hides in shame [20:04] EriC^: I'm guessing that the trusty repos have been pulled from old-releases.ubuntu? [20:04] sarnold, I need quic support [20:05] cgi: aha, makes sense, thanks [20:05] cgi: could you install it in a container and route traffic to it to avoid upsetting the primary install? [20:06] OneM_Industries: oh, actually trusty is still in archive.ubuntu.com, derp [20:06] Oh. [20:06] Well, that would do it. [20:06] ESM installs [20:08] Anyone else have this issue with RAM? https://pasteboard.co/IT14CeV.jpg Only true fix I know of is rediculous. [20:09] Ok, reverted. [20:09] EriC^: Ok, PPAs purged, sources.list set up. [20:09] AurorAWOL: did a large application just quit? [20:09] Anything else? [20:09] OneM_Industries: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [20:10] Besides that. [20:10] AurorAWOL: on focal I've seen surprising and unexpected swap use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1861359 [20:10] Launchpad bug 1861359 in linux (Ubuntu) "swap storms kills interactive use" [High,Confirmed] [20:10] then install python3.5, also check [20:10] AurorAWOL: but it's entirely possible that you've got unsurprising and expected swap use [20:10] It doesn't display the Ram properly. I have 64GB but it only shows that I have 6 after using lsof [20:11] OneM_Industries: then install python3.5, also check /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and see what "Prompt" is set to [20:11] OneM_Industries: you want to jump to 16.04 right? [20:11] Yes. [20:11] you should set it to Prompt=lts if not already [20:11] That's what it's set to. [20:11] all good [20:12] So, basically just follow this? [20:12] https://askubuntu.com/questions/682869/how-do-i-install-a-different-python-version-using-apt-get [20:17] EriC^ and TJ- I just chmodded the /media/user/USB and all is find now! thanks! [20:18] I am trying to get a physical volume added to a volume group, but the block sizes are different. After formatting the drive with the command mkfs -t ext4 -b 4096 /dev/sda1 the block size reported by blockdev is still 2048. I've also tried running partprobe after the format command to rescan partitions. [20:18] great DSdavidDS, no problem [20:18] JonJ: mkfs and LVM PVs are unrelated, block-size wise [20:18] and thanks for the help last week EriC^. Turns out I needed this preseeding rule to ensure my installer didnt get messed up "d-i grub-installer/bootdev string /dev/sda" [20:19] ah DSdavidDS cool, thanks for reporting back on it [20:20] OneM_Industries: no you want to install the python3.5 that's in the repos, sudo apt-get install python3.5 [20:23] JonJ: what version of LVM are you working with ("lvm version") ? [20:24] TJ-: 2.03.02(2) [20:25] JonJ: I know generally LVM doesn't support different (logical) block sizes on the block devices underlying PVs - and was enforced strictly with 2.03.06 [20:25] JonJ: what is the existing and new device physical/logical sector sizes? [20:25] EriC^: Alright. [20:27] Installed python 3.5, errored out exactly the same. [20:27] https://pastebin.com/9ghuDW2q [20:28] OneM_Industries, what are you upgrading ? [20:28] 14.04 -> 16.04. [20:28] OneM_Industries, ah [20:28] TJ-: Is that the information from blockdev you are requesting? [20:29] And yes, I know 14.04 is EOL, that's why I'm attempting to update it. [20:29] OneM_Industries, how you you have installed 3.5 on trusty ? [20:30] OneM_Industries, afaik there is no 3.5 in trusty === ben_r_ is now known as ben_r [20:31] ioria: sudo apt-get install python3.5. [20:31] JonJ: e.g. "sudo blockdev --getpbsz --getss /dev/sda " [20:32] ioria: Also, it's amusing that the version of ubuntu-release-upgrader that's on 14.04 requires a python version not normally found on 14.04. [20:33] OneM_Industries, yeah ; apt-cache policy python3 | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:33] https://termbin.com/nphz [20:33] OneM_Industries, interesting; you started with python 3.6 installed, and upgrade did not work. [20:33] Yep. [20:34] TJ-: Ah, okay. So it reports 512 512 for the drive I'm trying to add, 4096 512 for the existing drive [20:34] so, reverse that? [20:34] ioria: Looks like I have both 3.4 and 3.5, going to purge 3.4. [20:34] OneM_Industries, wait [20:34] oerheks: Might try that. [20:34] OneM_Industries, apt-cache policy python3.5 | nc termbin.com 9999 [20:35] JonJ: right, and those are physical, logical ... and presumably LVM doesn't like the underlying physical difference enve though both devices present as 512 logical [20:35] https://termbin.com/8eul [20:35] JonJ: that is kind of weird... is there some error report, or report in the system log, when it fails (have you added verbose output flags) ? [20:36] OneM_Industries, sudo apt install --reinstall python3-pkg-resources [20:37] OneM_Industries: i think some symlinks are screwed [20:37] it seems to want to look in /usr/local/lib , why is it even using /usr/local in the first place [20:37] EriC^: Sounds about right. [20:38] hmm actually i have those dist-packages stuff as well there [20:38] TJ-: When adding the physical drive to the vg with vgextend --verbose I get: Devices have inconsistent logical block sizes (4096 and 2048). Dmesg makes one complaint about /dev/sde whichn is unable to read superblock [20:38] but yeah it seems to want to run python3.4, so maybe a symlink needs adjusting [20:39] OneM_Industries, python3-pkg-resources has been reinstalled ? [20:39] OneM_Industries: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/410579/change-the-python3-default-version-in-ubuntu [20:39] Yes. [20:39] OneM_Industries, pwd [20:39] JonJ: erk, that is weird, the error appears to lie compared to what blockdev reported... are you sure you're targeting the same drives as vgextend is (not that I disbelieve, but want to be 100% sure since this looks like a bug - where does it get 2048 from?) ? [20:39] PWD? [20:39] "/" [20:39] OneM_Industries, pwd [20:40] OneM_Industries, change to your home [20:40] Done. [20:40] OneM_Industries, do-release-upgrade [20:40] Same error. [20:40] Trying what EriC^ suggested now. [20:41] OneM_Industries: one sec [20:41] Oh, ok. [20:41] OneM_Industries: what does "python -V" in the terminal give? [20:41] TJ-: Sorry, the 2048 comes from the partition on /dev/sda1 which reports something other than /dev/sda. Which is why I was trying to format it to use 4096. When I run your command "blockdev --getpbsz --getss /dev/sda1" I get 512 512 [20:42] TJ-: At least that's where I believe the 2048 comes from, as it's the only place where I can see it [20:42] OneM_Industries: can you pastebin "ls -l /usr/bin/python*" ? i can compare to mine [20:42] that thread post seems harmful so dont follow it OneM_Industries [20:43] python -V Python 2.7.6 [20:43] JonJ: thing is, in this case, the block size that is considered is that of the physical device, nothing else. Even with partitions that should be the same, so this 2048 is VERY wrong and weird [20:43] Sodding... [20:43] OneM_Industries: aha and "python3 -V" ? [20:43] mine says 3.5.2 [20:43] Python 3.6.3 [20:43] JonJ: can you show me the exact vgextend command you're issuing (I want to try to replicate here) [20:44] TJ-: vgextend --verbose data /dev/sda1 [20:44] JonJ: and you've previously put a file-system on /dev/sda1 ? [20:44] how do i disable atop logging permanently [20:45] TJ-: Yes, it's an ext4 system. Well, now it's been formatted about a 100 times since I started :P [20:45] EriC^: https://termbin.com/pb3g [20:45] That's the ls -l output. [20:45] JonJ: I'm getting confused because earlier you said "...After formatting the drive with the command mkfs -t ext4 -b 4096 /dev/sda1 the block size reported by blockdev is still 2048" but now you say it is 512 [20:46] OneM_Industries: this one's off with respect to mine /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.4 [20:46] TJ-: blockdev --report says that "BSZ" is 2048 [20:46] OneM_Industries: mine is /usr/bin/python3 -> python3.5 [20:46] TJ-: So I may have misinterpreted some output here [20:46] JonJ: firstly, forget file-system formatting sda1 if it is to become a PV. Secondly, have you done "pvcreate /dev/sda1" before the "vgextend" ? [20:47] Ok. [20:47] EriC^: There a way to fix that? [20:47] Hi. I'm trying to get a touchscreen working in Ubuntu 18.04 (basically fresh install, all defaults). It's a NextWindow 1926:0003, and it's pretty old, and apparently was supported in the past through evtouch xinput module. However it appears that evtouch conflicts with xorg used in Ubuntu. Ideas? [20:48] I know this is no big deal but does anyone else have this problem? https://pasteboard.co/IT1lpKw.jpg [20:49] TJ-: I have not, the guide didn't specify that for the new drive, so that was my fault. I just did, it finished successfully, but vgextend still fails with the same error. [20:49] JonJ: hmmm... well, this is a poser! [20:50] JonJ: what does "sudo blockdev --getbsz /dev/sda" report ? [20:50] TJ-: 4096 [20:50] OneM_Industries: try 'sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.5 /usr/bin/python3' and 'sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.5m /usr/bin/python3m' [20:50] Oh. Sorry. Wrong chat [20:51] OneM_Industries: also, one sec [20:51] JonJ: and how about "sudo blockdev --getbsz /dev/sda /dev/sda1 " [20:51] EriC^: ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/usr/bin/python3’: File exists [20:51] TJ-: 4096 2048 [20:51] Remove the symbolic link first? [20:51] OneM_Industries: try with ln -sf [20:52] Done. [20:52] Hey, new error! [20:52] OneM_Industries: there's more ln -sf to do 1 sec [20:53] Ok. [20:53] JonJ: aha light at end of tunnel. This BSZ being reported is due to internal kernel/file-system logic. I think what is going on here is due to the file-system formatting something has got a hook into sda1 and isn't releasing it. I *suspect* you can solve this with a reboot - before doing that, just to be sure, do "sudo wipefs --all /dev/sda1" (this will wipe all metadata signatures from that block [20:53] device) then redo "sudo pvcreate /dev/sda1" then do the reboot. I think after that "vgextend" will be OK [20:54] OneM_Industries: sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.5m-config /usr/bin/python3m-config and sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.5-config /usr/bin/python3-config [20:54] JonJ: alternatively, if sda is removable, remove and reattach :) [20:55] TJ-: Alright, I'll try that and have a go at it, thanks for your help :) [20:58] EriC^: https://pastebin.com/WzJ71m5i [21:00] OneM_Industries: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall python3-apt [21:01] It installed, same error. [21:05] OneM_Industries: i feel we almost have it [21:05] Same. [21:05] OneM_Industries: try "sudo update-alternatives --set python3 /usr/bin/python3.5" [21:06] update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for python3 [21:06] Oh, hang on. [21:06] I think I see what's going on. [21:07] OneM_Industries: alright [21:07] Python3 is defaulting to the 3.6 instance I installed manually earlier, but apt etc are installing for the python 3.5 I installed using apt. [21:07] If that makes any sense at all. [21:08] OneM_Industries: but we switched the symlinks to python3.5 for python, why do you think it's still using the 3.6 [21:09] python3 -V is returning the 3.6 instance. [21:09] I'm probably just wrong about what's going on. [21:10] OneM_Industries: nah we have to fix that, good catch on the python3 [21:10] OneM_Industries: can you pastebin "ls -l /usr/bin/python*" again and also "ls -l /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt_pkg*" ? [21:11] Sure, one sec. [21:12] https://termbin.com/evlz https://termbin.com/ei8j [21:13] OneM_Industries: i think path is set differently, what's "which python3" give? [21:14] OneM_Industries: for the 2nd paste, i have apt_pkg.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so instead [21:14] /usr/local/bin/python3 [21:14] OneM_Industries: aha, what about "echo $PATH" [21:15] /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games [21:15] OneM_Industries: odd, it says for me it got that apt_pkg file from python3-apt , but we already reinstalled it and there's no 35m file there like mine [21:16] This is bizzare. [21:16] OneM_Industries: try to rename the file maybe? sudo mv /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt_pkg.cpython-34m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so{,.backup} [21:16] then try sudo apt-get install --reinstall python3-apt [21:17] Reinstalling now. [21:17] Also, thank you so much for the help. [21:17] OneM_Industries: also remove /usr/local/python3 so that it uses the /usr/bin/python3 one instead [21:18] sure no problem [21:18] Ok. [21:19] hi, is there anything I can do to make this bug fixed before 20.04 gets released? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1804568 [21:19] Launchpad bug 1804568 in mutter (Ubuntu) "click position is flipped to cursor position when in tent mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] [21:19] actually it's a regression since 17.10 wasn't affected. every release sine is affected [21:19] *since [21:19] OneM_Industries: any luck on that apt_pkg file? [21:19] Provide a fix? :) [21:20] EriC^: It's supposedly installed, let me check the version. [21:21] Still 34m. [21:21] another 34 or just the 34m.backup? [21:21] Another. [21:22] i'm thinking it must decide which to install from somewhere else we missed, some alternatives magic maybe :D [21:22] Is there a way for ubuntu to read HFS? Even read only would be ok [21:22] Yeah. [21:22] let me grab that initial thread about the alternatives [21:22] Ok. [21:22] Remove /usr/local/bin/python3? [21:24] OneM_Industries: yeah [21:24] foo: modprobe hfs; mount -thfs /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever ? [21:24] It's gone. [21:25] OneM_Industries: "apt-cache policy python3.5-apt" gives installed? [21:25] N: Unable to locate package python3.5-apt [21:26] nevermind [21:27] OneM_Industries: try this "sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/bin/python3.5 1" [21:27] then "sudo update-alternatives --config python3" [21:28] Ok, done. [21:28] OneM_Industries: hmm [21:29] maybe sudo apt-get install --reinstall python3-apt [21:30] OneM_Industries: i'm going to tinker in the package's post-install stuff, maybe that's where it makes its decision on which version to put [21:30] Ok. [21:32] OneM_Industries: hmm, for me it seems that it's in the list of files it just extracts [21:32] Weird. [21:32] grep apt_pkg /var/lib/dpkg/info/python3-apt.list shows it there for me [21:32] BTW, python3 is still pointed at /usr/local, how was I supposed to fix that again? [21:33] OneM_Industries: it shouldnt anymore after deleting /usr/local/python3 [21:33] try python3 -V to confirm [21:34] also in case we missed it also /usr/local/bin/python3 [21:34] (needs to be removed) [21:34] bash: /usr/local/bin/python3: No such file or directory [21:35] aha [21:35] what's the grep apt_pkg give for you? [21:35] 34m? [21:35] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt_pkg.cpython-34m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so [21:36] might be a trusty vs xenial difference or something, cause im on xenial?? [21:36] has to be i guess [21:36] !info python3-apt trusty [21:36] !info python3-apt xenial [21:36] python3-apt (source: python-apt): Python 3 interface to libapt-pkg. In component main, is standard. Version (trusty), package size 136 kB, installed size 645 kB [21:36] python3-apt (source: python-apt): Python 3 interface to libapt-pkg. In component main, is standard. Version 1.1.0~beta1ubuntu0.16.04.8 (xenial), package size 141 kB, installed size 640 kB [21:37] OneM_Industries: im starting to think maybe python3.4 is standard on trusty not 3.5? [21:38] 1 sec [21:38] Correct. [21:38] I did mention that. [21:38] hmm but the initial error was "python3.5 or later is required" [21:39] Which is why it's odd that the upgrader requires a version of python not available for the OS it's supposed to be able to upgrade. === Hoffman is now known as hoffman [21:40] hmm, i noticed earlier that it said xenial in the upgrader pastes, thought it kind of odd but brushed it off as maybe it's the version it's upgrading to [21:41] i wonder if it has some stray xenial package, seems kind far fetched though [21:41] let me see if that's just standard [21:41] yeah it seems standard [21:44] TJ-: Thanks for your help. Had to format it again after a reboot, but now everything works :) [21:44] OneM_Industries: new possiblity, try "sudo cp /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt_pkg.cpython-34m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apt_pkg.so" [21:44] JonJ: shouldn't ever need to 'format' a blockdev that is being made into a PV for LVM [21:45] TJ-: Maybe not, but the logical block size didn't change until I changed it with mkfs command [21:46] JonJ: if wipefs fully removed the file-system metadata, it should have reported the underlying logical, or else the default Linux pagesize (4096) [21:47] JonJ: "it" being "blockdev --getbsz" should have reported 4096 [21:48] OneM_Industries: i think that might work, seems to have for someone in a thread [21:48] TJ-: I performed your command as you typed it with wipefs, rebooted. After reboot blockdev still reported 2048, and pvcreate and vgextend still failed. I removed the partition, re-initialized the partition table, and formatted the drive with mkfs and then the blockdev reported 4096 and the subsequent commands worked. [22:01] JonJ: I'd suspect the re-partitioning was the fix and the mkfs was likely unnecessary [22:01] JonJ: but, glad you got it solved [22:04] EriC^: OMG, it's actually doing something! [22:04] OneM_Industries: great! [22:05] I'll keep you posted. [22:05] alright [22:07] EriC^: Go for it anyway? https://pastebin.com/hs83r9d0 [22:08] OneM_Industries: yup [22:08] Alright, here goes nothing./ [22:18] I'm having problems with rtorrent. I created a service and started it with systemctl start rtorrent but I recieved this "rtorrent.service: Changing to the requested working directory failed: Permission denied" [22:18] "rtorrent.service: Failed at step CHDIR spawning /usr/bin/screen: Permission denied" [22:20] royal_screwup21: what directory did you select? what permissions are on that directory and all parent directories? what user did you select for the rtorrent service? [22:21] ? [22:22] royal_screwup21: sigh. tab-misfire. :( [22:22] robertparkerx: what directory did you select? what permissions are on that directory and all parent directories? what user did you select for the rtorrent service? [22:23] ./srv/torrent I think [22:23] ls -la shows rtorrent:rtorrent [22:24] and permissions? [22:25] 775 [22:26] I adduser --disabled-password rtorrent but how do I start rtorrent with that user [22:35] OneM_Industries: im off to bed, let me know how it goes, gl [22:41] does anyone here use kpcli (I guess standind for keepass-cli) or have a preference for a different pw manager? [22:41] different console* pw manager [22:46] I su rtorrent and tried to start but I got the same error [22:52] is there an easier way to create deb files today? Something that is easier than the old methods? [22:52] cgi: I've heard good things about https://fpm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ [22:53] cgi: you may also like to investigate putting together a snap, instead, depending upon what you intend to do with it [22:53] sarnold, looks like a dead project? [22:53] fpm - was last updated in 2019 jan? [22:54] my bad - 12 days ago - still active [22:54] sarnold https://medium.com/@typhon0/install-rtorrent-with-flood-on-ubuntu-server-17-04-3753555a8a62 this is what I was following [22:57] robertparkerx: I suggest a pastebin of ls -ld /srv /srv/torrent /srv/torrent/downloads /srv/torrent/.session /home /home/rtorrent [22:57] I've got to run, back in an hour or osmething [22:57] how do i find the snapcraft.yaml for nginx latest stable version? Can't seem to get it using google [22:57] sarnold, thanks - those two pointers look useful [22:57] sarnold https://share.getcloudapp.com/eDu9dqNj [23:02] are thre performance implications of using snap vs .deb files? [23:02] .deb files don't run in containers, snap on the other hand is a container [23:03] So probably not, it's just sandboxing things [23:06] Wally, so containers dont cause slowdowns? [23:06] There can be a small performance hit I suppose [23:30] Hi, I am trying to use virtualenv on Ubuntu 16.04 and the setuptools version it installs (45.0) doesn't seem to support python2. [23:31] Was there a fix for ubuntu 16.04 for python-virtualenv for this? [23:37] Hey guys, I tried installing xfce using the comnand: [23:38] sudo apt install xfce4 [23:38] but after it finished gnome was installed instead [23:39] harlowja, try install venv using pip [23:39] unlikely, change DE to xfce at the login page [23:39] xfce waa also installes but gnome is the default, is there anyway to only install xfce [23:40] BabixzFootball31, not from apt, you can from iso, just wipe and reinstall [23:40] harlowja, installing python modules from distro repo can get messy [23:40] Anarchic, ya, that seems to work, but I somewhat would have thought that the python-virtualenv debian package would of gotten fixed [23:40] Anarchic, oh I agree, ha [23:40] Just would of thought something would of gotten patched [23:42] i would have used spt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin synaptic --no-install-recommends [23:52] any guides to hosting a PPA server for a custom install with packages that are proprietary but I intend to maintain? or maybe a PPA I can use so I don't have to host one? [23:52] I'm developing kernel modules for new hardware I am going to be selling but it's proprietary and the mainline kernel won't have the drivers [23:53] I have already learned how to make proper deb packages [23:53] now I need to host them and be able to push new versions so customers can use the hardware we are selling [23:54] it's proprietary and closed source so being in official repos is probably out of the question [23:54] if you don't want to host it on launchpad, your question is beyond the scope of this channel [23:54] well do I have to provide source to host on launchpad? [23:55] The drivers contain the information needed to reproduce the hardware design almost completely and would allow competition to become a threat when I currently have none [23:56] there are ways to make that ppa private.. [23:56] yeah I was just wondering if there is a documented link someone can provide so I don't have to spend days trying to navigate the docs [23:57] like a wiki article or a blog post guide