
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== Tm_K is now known as Tm_T
lordievaderGood morning08:21
=== matias is now known as Guest21075
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== wolf is now known as Guest71314
user|60216hello world!)14:33
user|60216need sources.list for 19.1014:34
user|60216a beer of course)14:36
user|60216Dear, well, it is very necessary14:37
BluesKajHowdy folks14:46
user|60216how about sources.list15:34
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=== gameprograma is now known as gameprogr
minti. I had several unclean shutdowns due to a program that i was running. Now my cinnamon mint will not boot up to desktop. I have a encrypted hard drive, When i  bootup it do the decryption and wait continue to load and hangs with the logo. I can enter  enter the console and log in.   Even the  wifi connection works from the console. startx does not work either. i see a message like ould not find key with description: [c82106472434e764]  ....19:23
mint[19:22] <mint> and Could not find valid key in user session keyring for sig specified in mount  etc... but i am not sure it was there or as a results of this.... How do i recover the desktop ? any help will be great... i am now in  the same machine with live boot.19:23
IrcsomeBot<BJPGameVideosITA> guys? does anybody know how to set the default file explorer in the KDE taskbar widget that mounts drives and usb keys? … I just uninstalled dolphin (ruby? doh! and also very poor support for network storage) and now it just opens `gwenview` instead of the damn Caja I have installed just for that reason... … Thanks to everyone in advance!20:10
IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> @BJPGameVideosITA, on system settings you have a menu item called "Applications" and then you will have where to set default applications , included a file manager20:20
IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> @BJPGameVideosITA, In KDE you have a plasmoid to manage connected devices, in the default settings is on the "system tray" and is hidden by default to show up just when devices are connected, anyway you can change this behavior20:24
IrcsomeBot<BJPGameVideosITA> @Alessandro, I wrote that help asking message because I had already tried setting Caja as default application for file management and I have even uninstalled Dolphin... it seems that that system tray for drives and usbs doesn't want to work with caja...21:18
IrcsomeBot<Alessandro> @BJPGameVideosITA, you are welcome, but I'm sorry I couldn't help you 🤷‍♂️21:20
keithzg-M@BJPGameVideosITA: Have you rebooted (or at least logged out of your session and logged back in) since changing the default?21:42
keithzg-MMight also be an association set in System Settings > Applications > File Associations, although unfortunately I can't remember off the top of my head which one that might be21:43
IrcsomeBot<BJPGameVideosITA> keithzg-M: My PC crashed at least twice because I'm still on magnetic HDD and since in Linux EVERYTHING is a file, apparently a Windows virtual machine on a Linux host on a 5400rpm mechanical hard drive, are not best friends... … short answer: yes, tried.. I'm sorry...21:54
=== CoJaBo_ is now known as CoJaBo
keithzg-M@BJPGameVideosITA I've definitely run stacks like that before without crashes, hell there's a machine like that at work . . . if it's actually crashing you might want to run some disk checks (and I mean low-level stuff, using `smartctl` or such)21:55
keithzg-M@BJPGameVideosITA: But also, see my second suggestion.21:56
IrcsomeBot<BJPGameVideosITA> Will try that in a second, Keithzg-M!21:56
IrcsomeBot<BJPGameVideosITA> Thanks!21:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:34
=== taufik is now known as taufik_
=== taufik_ is now known as taufik__

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