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cjwatsonAny objections to me self-approving https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/lazr.restful/py3-print/+merge/378511 ?  I don't think it makes sense to have somebody else spend their time reading a bulk print syntax conversion11:56
ilasccjwatson: no objections from my side11:58
cjwatsonlanded, thanks12:16
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/lazr.restful/wsgiref-py2/+merge/378432 wants an actual review, I think, but is also very short12:17
cjwatsonAnd https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/lazr.restful/py3-raise/+merge/37851312:23
cjwatsonI'd also like reviews of https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378430 and https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378459, please - more various dependency mangling for py312:47
cjwatsonAnd https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378518 to upgrade pip13:26
tomwardillcjwatson: GIT_PROXY_COMMAND appears to not be doing anything14:20
tomwardillI've edited the script to create a file in /tmp when it's run14:21
tomwardillbut no file appears14:21
tomwardill"the script" = snap-git-proxy14:21
cjwatsontomwardill: Which git invocation is failing?14:23
cjwatsontomwardill: Outside the docker container?14:23
cjwatsontomwardill: Have you tried stracing git?14:23
tomwardillnot yet, my strace parsing is not good.14:24
tomwardillwill give it a try though14:24
cjwatsonadd strace to deps and wrap strace -f -s1024 -tt around the git call14:24
cjwatsonthen you should get something useful in the build log14:24
cjwatsonhappy to have a look / walk you through it if you can get a trace14:25
tomwardillrighto, trying14:25
cjwatsonbut you could start by searching the trace for snap-git-proxy and seeing if it's e.g. trying to exec it but failing14:25
cjwatsonCan I have a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpadlib/py38-access-token/+merge/378523 to fix a crash on focal please?14:30
tomwardillsometimes, I dislike pythons string syntax if you forget the , in a list14:30
tomwardillcjwatson: +114:32
tomwardillcjwatson: snap-git-proxy doesn't appear in the strace: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/Dv4vNfh5b2/14:41
tomwardill(I ctrl-c'd when it looked like it had entered a polling/timeout loop)14:41
cjwatsontomwardill: Could you add -v to the strace arguments so that we get unabbreviated versions of the environment variables in subprocesses?14:51
cjwatsontomwardill: GIT_PROXY_COMMAND is actually only for git://14:51
cjwatsontomwardill: For https://, git should honour https_proxy14:52
tomwardillaha! aha!14:52
tomwardillthat might explain it14:52
tomwardillI'll get a trace with -v and then try and work out why https_proxy isn't behaving14:52
tomwardillcjwatson: okay, it looks like what ever is meant to be running on the buildd machine on 8222 isn't actually running15:04
tomwardilllooks like that's started in startProxy in SnapBuildProxyMixin15:05
tomwardilloorrrr... there'15:06
tomwardillthere's a firewall problem15:06
cjwatsonDid you remember to call that?15:06
cjwatsonThe local proxy on 8222 should write access logs to the build log15:07
cjwatsonlpbuildd/oci.py:        args.extend(self.startProxy())15:07
cjwatsonHm looks OK15:07
tomwardillyeah, i mostly suspect firewall15:07
tomwardilljust constructing a test environment to find out15:07
cjwatsonOK, if you don't get anywhere that way, I'd consider stracing (only) the top-level launchpad-buildd process as the build is running and looking for CONNECT requests15:08
tomwardillaha! progress15:24
tomwardill`ufw allow in on lpbuilddbr0 to any port 8222` did the trick15:25
tomwardilland now I'm failing in docker, which is more what I expected15:25
cjwatsonAh good15:25
tomwardillhttps://docs.docker.com/config/daemon/systemd/ well, that proxy section is a bit ergh16:07
cjwatsonEasier if you put stuff in place before installing docker, I expect (since then you don't need to restart anything)16:17
tomwardillone step further down the line...16:39
tomwardill2020-02-04 16:56:20+0000 [-] Returning build status: OK16:56
tomwardillIT LIVES!16:56
tomwardillokay, wasn't actually all that bad a change, just took a while to get there...16:57
SpecialK|Canontomwardill: this Issue just went past on my timeline and I thought of you https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/69017:48
tomwardillSpecialK|Canon: that’s the same problem as the lxd one I mentioned in the meeting17:59
cjwatsonwgrant: Could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/lazr.restful/py3-declarations/+merge/378548, please?  (I think it's probably a bit much to ask people not very familiar with lazr.restful to review that.)21:59

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