=== pieq_ is now known as pieq [05:44] looks like the builders are unhappy. only one amd64 machine??? [05:46] Fixing [06:00] oh that looks better. thanks wgrant :) === janluca_ is now known as janluca === funnel_ is now known as funnel === jktw0 is now known as jk0ne [14:43] Is there any way to retrieve the branch tip of an MP that has been force-pushed over, so I can compare what I reviewed before with what is there now? [14:43] Usually I can use my local reflog against the remote branch, but today I see that on this particular MP I reviewed from cgit and never had it locally. === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunchd === ijohnson|lunchd is now known as ijohnson|lunch [17:27] Is there an existing script that will sync all packages from one PPA to another? I know about copy-package, I guess I'm looking for a copy-package --all option, syncing from one PPA to another [17:30] rbasak: I think not if you didn't make a comment when you did your initial review, sorry. It's something I'd like to improve at some point [17:30] kyrofa: Not that I know of [17:30] cjwatson, does the API give me a way to list packages in a given PPA? === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson [17:37] kyrofa: https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#archive-getPublishedSources [17:38] Thanks cjwatson, seeing that throughout these scripts, might be able to add the feature I want. I don't suppose there'd be any interest in my proposing that back upstream? [17:47] kyrofa: kubuntu has this: https://git.launchpad.net/ka/tree/kopypackages2 [17:47] RikMills, thanks for that, looks like what I'm wanting, I'll take it for a spin [17:48] kyrofa: actually, correct branch: https://git.launchpad.net/ka/tree/kopypackages2?h=2.3 [17:49] that imports a fucntion from the rest of our tooling to pretty print error I think, but most is just LP api IIRC [17:51] RikMills, not 3.0 yet, eh? [17:51] No problem, thanks [17:52] I did make a comment in my initial review, FWIW, if that matters? [17:52] Inline comments too [17:52] I just hadn't fetched the branch locally [17:53] kyrofa: nope. that 3.0 is very much work in progress stuff I am told by the guy who maintains our automation [17:54] Heh. Thanks RikMills, this is excellent [17:54] kyrofa: I don't know - I only do ubuntu-archive-tools stuff in passing these days [18:35] RikMills, doesn't look like that the -c option does anything in that script [18:36] kyrofa: I think that is left over from previous implementation