
mupPR snapcraft#2909 closed: elf: search for host libraries within search paths <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2909>02:52
mborzeckidriving kids to school, back in 3006:40
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:55
mupPR snapd#8090 closed: randutil,o/snapstate,-mkauthors.sh: follow ups to randutil introduction <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8090>07:56
mborzeckimvo: hey08:21
mvohey mborzecki08:21
zygaStill sick. Lucy has 39C all evening. Today somewhat better but we are all still out :/08:37
zygaI filed paperwork for yesterday till tomorrow08:37
zygaFingers crossed it passes08:37
mvozyga: I got it now too08:38
pedronisour tests seem to ger red easily again08:40
zygaSpecific test or all over?08:40
mvohm, I see failures in the se-linux-clean test08:44
mborzeckimvo: meh cannot find any Google image matching "ubuntu-2004-64-uefi-enabled"08:47
mvomborzecki: booo :(08:47
mborzeckimvo: which PR?08:47
mvomborzecki: https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/645891245?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification08:48
mvo- google:fedora-30-64:tests/main/selinux-clean08:48
mvo    - google:fedora-31-64:tests/main/selinux-clean08:48
pedronismborzecki: did you the notes by Ian08:48
pedronishe worked on someting based on a snap08:48
mborzeckipedronis: i'm looking into it already ;)08:48
pedronismborzecki: what should we do about #7414 ?08:49
mupPR #7414: tests: keep track of installed packages and restore the state after the test <Test Robustness> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7414>08:49
pedronisit seems there are request to merge something with *-tool but the tool it mentions don't even exists in master08:50
mborzeckipedronis: needs reviews, there were some comments about a distro-tool from zyga but i'm not sure we want another *-tool for that, and it's more effort to write one08:50
pedronisI have mixed feelings about *-tool because quite a few seem to have just one action, so beind called -tool seems obfuscating a bit08:51
zygahttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snap-is-updating-off-schedule/15323/2 is interesting - any idea why it might trigger off time09:09
pedroniswe need to investigate, that code is very organic09:25
mborzeckizyga: two thins we could do, make the log message about the next refresh time be 'info' rather than 'debug', and actually log why refresh is triggered (i.e. by timer, by user request etc.)09:25
mborzeckiheh objcopy --update-section corrupts the initrd :/09:26
* zyga tries to get some sleep09:31
zygaHave a good day guys09:31
pstolowskipedronis: hi, Ian found a problem with snap disconnect --forget if only a single arg is given; my implementation of resolvedisconnect over conns is not sufficient, the one from repo is smarter. i need to enhance my variant of resolve - unless we want to require both plug & slot to be passed with --forget. wdyt?09:31
pedronispstolowski: they should behave the same09:32
pedronisbut it also sounds that repo code is confusing09:32
pedronispstolowski: is there something we can improve overall?09:33
pedronispstolowski: my worry here is to have to write clever/confusing code twice as well09:33
pedronispstolowski: do you want to chat quickly on this?09:34
pstolowskipedronis: yes let's chat09:36
pstolowskipedronis: standup ho?09:37
pedronisyes, one sec09:37
mborzeckican snapcraft build a snap with base: core20 in multipass?10:23
pedronismvo: sorry for my comment, I will ignore 8085 until you tell me to look again10:25
mvopedronis: my bad, sorry! I pused last night but it was not ready10:31
mvopedronis: I should have marked that in the PR10:32
mupBug #1862007 opened: 'aws-iot-greengrass' snap fails to start due to apparmor <apparmor> <aws> <core> <greengrass> <iot> <libcontainer> <runc> <snap> <ubuntu> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1862007>11:24
pedronismvo: do you understand this bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1861901 ? is it a misdetection of the change of base?11:37
mupBug #1861901: Refreshing a snap using core18 to one using core16 confuses the snap apps <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861901>11:37
zygapedronis: yes11:42
pedroniszyga: should I assign it to you, then?11:45
zygapedronis: reproduced, there's a mis-detection11:45
mupBug #1862007 changed: 'aws-iot-greengrass' snap fails to start due to apparmor deny on mounting of "/proc/latency_stats". [interface/greengrass-support] <apparmor> <aws> <core> <greengrass> <iot> <libcontainer> <runc> <snap> <ubuntu> <snapd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1862007>11:48
zygapedronis: updated the bug11:50
zygapedronis: I'll look, it should not be happening11:51
zygapedronis: I can look while lucy is sleeping11:51
mvothanks pedronis and zyga11:53
zygadiagnosed, updated the bug as well11:57
zygamvo: while the TODO fix is still hard we now have an easy way out12:05
zygamvo: I believe this is sufficient to resolve this12:06
zygaI'll add a spread test first, curious why the existing one doesn't spot this12:06
mupPR snapd#8091 opened: Bug #1862007: 'aws-iot-greengrass' snap fails to start due to apparmo… <Created by dostiharise> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8091>12:07
zygaperhaps it is a result of our core test setup and repacking12:07
zygapedronis, mvo: wrote a regression test, started and going to check on lucy12:25
pedronispstolowski: reviewed 7705, some final comments, also it conflicts ATM12:38
pstolowskipedronis: ah, thanks12:38
mupPR snapd#8092 opened: timeutil: add a unit test case for trivial schedule <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8092>12:38
mborzeckicachio: hi12:46
cachiomborzecki, hi12:46
mborzeckicachio: can you create a 20.04 uefi enabled image for use in core-20 tests? right not we're using 18.04 but need to pull in some updated packages12:46
cachiomborzecki, we already have this ubuntu-2004-64-virt-uefi-enabled12:47
cachiodo you need a pr ?12:47
cachioor you need it in a pr?12:47
mborzeckino that's fine i can set it locally and check whether the code works12:47
cachiothat you are already coding12:47
mborzeckicachio: yay, and it works, thanks!12:54
cachiomborzecki, yaw12:55
* zyga gets back to bed13:20
mupPR snapd#8093 opened: cmd/snap-confine: detect base transitions on core16 <Bug> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8093>13:20
zygapedronis, mvo: ^13:20
zygamvo: I marked this as aiming at 2.4413:20
zygamvo: but feel free to retarget13:20
ijohnsonmborzecki: so are you still going to use the ubuntu-core-initramfs snap I made or is the plan still to use your manual object manipulation unpacking/repacking ?13:57
mvozyga: thank you13:59
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
zygamvo: ^14:27
mborzeckicachio: can you point me to the logs with the link-snap problem?14:32
ijohnsonmborzecki: I merged your PR to ubuntu-core-initramfs-snap and it's been released on edge now14:32
pstolowskicachio: #8046 is ready for re-view if you have some time14:33
mupPR #8046: many, tests: integrate all preseed bits and add spread tests <Complex> <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8046>14:33
cachiomborzecki, I already have a debug session here14:33
mborzeckiijohnson: cool, thanks14:33
cachiomborzecki, if you need any other info just ping me14:33
cachiopstolowski, nice, I'll take a look14:33
mvozyga: importing internal yield an error for me14:34
zygamvo: my point was the docstring, not the code, the code is used internally anyway14:34
mvozyga: aha, I see14:36
mborzeckicachio: can you paste the contents of /var/lib/snapd/sequence/snapd.json?14:38
mborzeckiijohnson: trying with `rm -rf firmware/*` xD14:38
ijohnsonmborzecki: :-) good luck!14:41
sdhd-saschaHi, does anybody has an idea, how to push/delete an git tag on github. With the name of "refs/heads/master" ?14:41
cachiomborzecki, {"sequence":[{"name":"snapd","snap-id":"PMrrV4ml8uWuEUDBT8dSGnKUYbevVhc4","revision":"6240","channel":"beta"}],"current":"6240"}14:42
sdhd-saschaTo delete other git tags, on remote git, was no problem...14:42
sdhd-saschaNot sure, how i could create a tag with this name ... "refs/heads/master"14:45
cjwatsonsdhd-sascha: git push --delete <name of remote that you normally use to push> refs/tags/refs/heads/master14:49
roadmrjdstrand: yay, tools 20200203-1915UTC are now in production in the store14:50
cjwatsonremote name might be "origin", dunno, depends how your local tree is set up14:50
jdstrandroadmr: thanks! :)14:50
sdhd-saschacjwatson: thank you :-) seems to work14:51
mupPR snapd#8094 opened:  tests: repack thethe initramfs + kernel snap for UC20 spread tests <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8094>14:51
mborzeckiijohnson: opened to #8094 to see if it makes a difference, something must start t work at some point :)14:52
mupPR #8094:  tests: repack thethe initramfs + kernel snap for UC20 spread tests <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8094>14:52
mborzeckiijohnson: it'd be better to make 8069 work though14:52
ijohnsonmborzecki: did that get you a booting image on gce though?14:53
ijohnsonor is this just to try14:53
mborzeckiijohnson: it's still running here14:53
ijohnsonmborzecki: ah14:53
mborzeckiit'd be nice to just go with the necessary modules, drop the rest and depmod to make sure what's left is consistent14:54
ijohnsonoh also mborzecki re: building core20 snaps, snapcraft doesn't support it right now unfortunately15:04
mborzeckiijohnson: so the image boots and seeds fine without firmware locally under qemu15:04
mborzeckiijohnson: figured, i built eventually in 20.04 vm with --provider=host --destructive-sthsth15:04
ijohnsonwhat I do is a bit tricky is `lxc launch ubuntu-daily:20.04 snapcraft-$SNAP_NAME` and then on your host do `snapcraft --use-lxd` and snapcraft will bootstrap the lxc container but still fail somewhere, but then your host tree is mounted inside the container and you can modify stuff on the host and build within the container with just `lxc exec snapcraft-$SNAP_NAME cd project && snapcraft --destructive-mode`15:05
mborzeckiijohnson: heh, spread timeout, maybe it's seeding that long after all15:06
ijohnsonmborzecki: hmm can you try changing the timeout? spread should be able to ssh into it even if seeding fails IIUC15:07
mborzeckiijohnson: removing firmware makes the time from `Preparing google:ubuntu-core-20-64` to rebooting go down from 13minutes to just under 7 minutes15:07
ijohnsonwow nice!15:07
pedronismborzecki: #7588 is the PR I mentioned that needs a 2nd review15:10
mupPR #7588: cmd/snap: add a "snap routine portal-info" command <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7588>15:10
mborzeckipedronis: cool, thanks15:11
ijohnsoncachio: is there a way to see the console when we reboot on gce via spread ? i.e. see early boot messages and the like before the machine is available via SSH15:16
cachioijohnson, yes15:21
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mborzeckiijohnson: hm got the kernel snap down to 29MB, still booting and seeding15:26
mborzeckicachio: about that failure, it looks like this failed while installing snapd for the first time15:27
mborzeckicachio: was it past seeding?15:27
cachiomborzecki, you mean snapd snap could not be installed correctly initially?15:32
cachiomborzecki, should wait until snapd is fully seeded to run the tests?15:33
ijohnsonmborzecki: nice, I'm looking at your spread run for that new PR, cachio got me logs, doesn't look like it's tried to reboot yet15:34
mborzeckicachio: can you access the console of feb051525-057526 node?15:46
cachiomborzecki, yes15:47
cachiombI am already connected15:48
cachiomborzecki,  I am already connected15:48
mborzeckicachio: to the device?15:48
cachiomborzecki, yes15:48
cachioI see -> flash-all-snaps15:48
cachioin the menu15:49
cachiogrub version 2.0415:49
mborzeckicachio: screenshot?15:50
cachiomborzecki, sent15:51
cachiocheck telegram :)15:51
ijohnsonmborzecki: I noticed this in the console after it tries to reboot: `error: file '/vmlinuz' not found.`15:53
ijohnsonwhy would it be trying to boot /vmlinuz ?15:54
ijohnsoncachio: do you know if gce uefi first boots it's own grub then chainloads to our grub?15:55
mborzeckihmmmm unexpected, and flash-all-snaps?15:56
cachioijohnson, no idea15:56
ijohnsonyeah I dunno what this flash-all-snaps is15:56
mborzeckiis it using the right gadget?15:56
ijohnsonit's mvo's fault :-)15:56
ijohnsonthe reflash magic script has a miny grub.cfg that tries to load /vmlinuz but that's not there now15:57
ijohnsonsee line 793ish of prepare.sh15:57
ijohnsonhmm I wonder what the right thing to do now then is15:58
mborzeckihmmmmm we coudl do soemthing weird15:58
mborzeckilike pivot to a tmpfs rootfs, wipe and reboot?15:59
ijohnsonI think all we need to do is probably just to change the linux and initrd parameters for uc20 in that mini grub.cfg15:59
* cachio lunch16:02
jdstrandijohnson: re test-snapd-ubun16:03
jdstrandijohnson: re test-snapd-ubuntu-core-initramfs: wouldn't kernel-module-observe be sufficient for reading kernel modules?16:03
mvoijohnson: oh, fun!16:04
mvoijohnson: nice catch16:04
ijohnsonjdstrand: well so the snap doesn't actually need to read the system's kernel modules, I think it will most of the time be reading modules that are put somewhere in $HOME, etc. because it's a dev tool used on already assembled kernel snaps, but the denial I was seeing was from using depmod or some other tool which wanted to read some things from the host system16:05
ijohnsonjdstrand: I did add a layout for one thing that it was trying to read so it read the thing I wanted it to and not the host system's, so perhaps that should be done for the other access as well and then it doesn't need hardware-observe16:06
mupPR snapcraft#2875 closed: split debug information <Created by cjp256> <Closed by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2875>16:06
mupPR snapcraft#2910 opened: [experimental] debug splitting <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2910>16:06
ijohnsonjdstrand: but this is just a test snap to try and unblock uc20 spread testing, but there is a longer term plan on what to do with the ubuntu-core-initramfs snap from xnox and foundations, so perhaps they would be better suited to answer whether kernel-module-observe makes sense for that snap16:06
ijohnsonmvo: :-) yes it all makes sense now16:07
jdstrandijohnson: what is the denial that you saw that made you want to use hardware-observe? the justification in the forum was "This package requires access to reading kernel modules on the system". That is what kernel-module-observe is for16:07
jdstrandijohnson: I'm prepared to grant the request immediately. I just want to know if there is a bug in the kernel-module-observe interface16:08
ijohnsonjdstrand: tbh I don't remember, something that was only found in hardware-observe like /etc/modprobe.d maybe ?16:08
mborzeckiijohnson: i'm leaving for a meetup, can you push the update to both PRs?16:08
jdstrandijohnson: that is in kernel-module-observe16:08
ijohnsonmborzecki: yes I'll sort out what to do about that when I figure out the right thing to do16:08
mborzeckiijohnson: got some tweaks that drop firmware and modules if you want to try that https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zmBfpZYWNs/, prepare -> reboot takes 4 minutes now16:09
jdstrandijohnson: I'm willing to fast track this, but it puts me in an awkward position that the justification is for something that is supposed to be handled by another interface16:09
ijohnsonjdstrand: it's entirely possible that I went searching for an interface that unblocked the snap and just found hardware-observe first and went with that16:10
ijohnsonjdstrand: if you'd rather I use kernel-module-observe I can do that instead16:10
jdstrandijohnson: please do and I'll grant it. I'll comment in the topic. if you need something more, post in the topic and we can go from there (allowing auto-connect of hardware-observe if needed until the bug is fixed)16:11
ijohnsonjdstrand: one more wrinkle that perhaps you'd rather deal with now, is that I named the snap test-snapd-ubuntu-core-initramfs because ubuntu-core-initramfs is reserved, and I just wanted to get it working ASAP and so didn't go through the process of requesing that name, would you rather we try to go through that process before granting kernel-module-observe instead?16:12
jdstrandijohnson: I don't have a problem with the name16:13
ijohnsonjdstrand: ok give me a few minutes to re-build the snap, not sure if upload to the store will get blocked on kernel-module-observe or not16:13
jdstrandijohnson: I'll unblock you. if you end up renaming it for your own reasons, just ping me16:13
jdstrandijohnson: it won't16:14
jdstrand(it isn't superprivileged)16:14
ijohnsonjdstrand: thanks16:14
jdstrandijohnson: but you also now have auto-connect16:14
ijohnsonjdstrand: alright it's building somewhere up in the clouds now and should be released shortly, I guess the declaration doesn't need a revision uploaded with that plug in order to be granted then?16:16
jdstrandijohnson: nope16:16
mupPR snapd#7490 closed: interfaces/app-launch: support confined snaps launching other snaps <Needs Samuele review> <Created by AlanGriffiths> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7490>16:18
pedroniscachio: what's the status of #798316:19
mupPR #7983: tests: adding more tests to core20 test suite <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7983>16:19
cachiopedronis, needs reviews16:22
cachioI already answer the questions on that one16:22
ijohnsonpstolowski: do I need to review #8046 before #7705 or vice versa?16:48
mupPR #8046: many, tests: integrate all preseed bits and add spread tests <Complex> <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8046>16:48
mupPR #7705: o/devicestate: handle preseed in firstboot <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705>16:48
ijohnsonnot sure which PR I should start with16:48
pstolowskiijohnson: #7705 first16:48
ijohnsonpstolowski: ack thanks16:48
pstolowskithank you!16:48
pedronismvo: should I re-review 8085, or is not ready yet? skimming it still looks disaligned from udevmonitor17:24
mvopedronis: it's still a bit disalinged my feeling is that udevmonitor could be simplified but maybe worth a look, then you can tell me what I missed in 8085 :)17:27
mvopedronis: what I mean is that if 8085 looks reaonable I could simplify udevmonitor17:28
pedronismvo: I made some comments in 808517:30
pedronisfeel free to counter-comment, though the point on Stop waiting is kind what we always do17:30
pedronismvo: actually I'm quite confused by the new code17:33
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
pedronismvo: I added a comment that maybe helps, sorry if I was confusing before17:51
mupPR snapd#8008 closed: render: add the render package and basic widgets <Needs Samuele review> <β›” Blocked> <Created by zyga> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8008>18:13
pedronismvo: did you see this comment: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8085#discussion_r375410680 ?18:17
mupPR #8085: [RFC] netutil: add default gateway monitor <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8085>18:17
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson
mvopedronis: thank you, having a look now19:02
pedronismvo: I'm trying locally, and what I have in mind doesn't quite work19:02
mvopedronis: yeah, this puzzled me19:02
mvopedronis: I assumed (naively) that closing the fd would stop the read19:03
mvopedronis: but this does not work, hence the comment, but maybe I'm just missing something19:03
mvopedronis: fwiw, it seems it's similar in C (https://gist.github.com/mvo5/902a2bedd201cf4670a630b8db4f9171) but again, I'm not at my best today so maybe it's something else. in any case, I suspect that the netlink code we already have has the same issue but we never tested for this19:04
mvopedronis: (and sorry that this is a bit of a rathole :(19:04
pedronismvo: well, man of close kind of says not to do this (close from different thread)19:04
mvopedronis: it does but it's also a bit vague. anyway, a net.FileCon solves this nicely but it's not supported for netlink sockets :(19:05
mvopedronis: (AIUI net uses epoll internally so they notice the change in the fd)19:06
mvopedronis: the alternative would be to use syscall.Select() on the ns.netlinkFd but that quite annoying to do in go it seems19:06
mvopedronis: anyway, sorry for my rambling19:06
pedronismvo: why FileConn doesn't work?19:07
mvopedronis: it checks internally for the type of connection, let me try to find you the code19:07
mvopedronis: https://golang.org/src/net/file_unix.go?s=1840:1887 (line 42ff)19:07
mvopedronis: it checks the peer and the netlink connection is syscall.SockaddrNetlink which is not covered there19:08
mvopedronis: it's annoying because my testcode (the mock uses a AF_UNIX) works fine with the FileConn just not the real thing19:08
mupPR snapd#8095 opened: snap-bootstrap: add tpm support <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8095>19:33
mupPR snapcraft#2904 closed: meta: move Snap's from_dict() system-username parsing into SystemUser <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2904>19:51
mupPR snapd#8096 opened: tests: skip itnerfaces-udisks on ubuntu-20.04-64 due to timing issue <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8096>20:26
mupPR snapcraft#2880 closed: package management repository configuration <Created by cjp256> <Closed by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2880>21:27
mupPR snapcraft#2911 opened: [experimental] package-management repository configuration <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2911>21:30
diddledanI made a thing to work alongside jamesh's build and publish GitHub Actions: https://github.com/diddlesnaps/snapcraft-review-action21:59

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