[01:15] trump wins again... -_- [12:35] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2020-February/004893.html [13:00] anyone want to try an easy bug please: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qbittorrent/+bug/1862016 [13:00] Error: launchpad bug 1862016 not found [14:15] Ussat: testing 20.04 yet? [14:15] been busy, I will be.... [14:15] cool [14:16] I have not had time really yet.......big system upgrade comming next week [14:27] !info qbittorrent [14:27] qbittorrent (source: qbittorrent): bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt5 GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.7-1ubuntu3 (focal), package size 5469 kB, installed size 8913 kB