[15:36] Hello, I'm having a problem with Ubuntu Studio. Install a pc with ssd, genuine Intel® CPU processor 2140 @ 1.60GHz × 2, 2 gigs of RAM, Nvidia GI 710. You can use it very slowly to start and even worse to open the programs. Then install Xubuntu xfce with the generic kernel and work fine. I installed the low latency kernel and followed it again. I discovered then that the problem is low latency, but I don't know [15:36] why. You want to know if someone has had the same problem and if there is a solution for the Kernel Working with low latency. Out of curiosity, I have a dual boot Debian and it installs the kernel-rt and works without problems. Thanks for listening. [15:41] marinholana[m]: either use the generic kernel or you can try the liquorix kernel. So far as we can tell this is a conflict with the nvidia module which we have no control over. [15:43] The liquorix kernel is low latency as well but it is also a newer kernel. Do be aware that we don't support the liquorix kernel, so either it works or it doesn't. On my system, intel graphics, it makes no differentce which kernel I use they are all about the same. [18:05] OvenWerks: ok, thank you very much for your attention, i will make a used text only or intel graphics onboard. If it doesn't work, I'll try licorix. [18:21] I mean, Liquorix