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wallyworldhpidcock: i'll have a new PR ready soonish but need to land that other one first, just sayin' :-)03:53
hpidcockwallyworld: sorry I'll have a look. Didn't you want tlm to also have a look at it?03:54
wallyworldyeah, for educational purposes03:54
wallyworldso see how lots of different key patterns are implemented03:54
wallyworldi have a meeting and won't be quite ready for maybe 45 minutes or something so no great rush03:55
hpidcockwallyworld: all good. I'm gonna grab some lunch anyway brb03:55
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hpidcockwallyworld: getting close05:51
hpidcockalmost done, got a bunch of comments05:51
wallyworldok, ta05:52
hpidcockwallyworld: added my comments05:55
hpidcocksome are probs not valid05:55
hpidcockbut it looks good otherwise05:55
wallyworldty, looking05:56
wallyworldhpidcock: my eyes hate looking at "ID" for some reason. i'll have to squint as i make the change05:58
hpidcockwallyworld: hah nice, we can discuss this all day06:03
hpidcockbut we probs both don't have time06:04
wallyworldwe use docId all over but i ain't touching that06:04
hpidcockI meant because it's new06:04
wallyworldyeah i know06:04
hpidcockalso from my understanding id is a Latin word we use in English (id est or i.e.), so I think that's why ID is generally the accepted abbreviation (also to keep consistency across projects)06:08
hpidcockI mostly don't care, just all the linters crying at me06:10
wallyworldme either, just a personal visual thing06:15
hpidcockbut I think I care more than you haha06:16
wallyworldhpidcock: fixes pushed06:23
wallyworldthanks for review06:23
wallyworldi answered a couple of comments06:24
wallyworldtlm: anything unclear?06:25
tlmno just missing a little context for the whole package06:25
wallyworldyeah, there's a lot of contex in working on juju06:25
tlmi'll get my hands dirty in there next time something comes up06:26
wallyworldhopefully what you saw will trigger some meories06:26
wallyworldwhen you go to do it for reals06:26
wallyworldone this one lands i'll push up another06:26
wallyworldto handle the CLI changes that use the new stuff06:26
wallyworldfor the run action bits, still got to do list-tasks, list-operations rework06:27
wallyworldhpidcock: we have a problem with juju-run - it can stop working for reasons yet to be determined07:18
wallyworld mkubectl -n test exec -ti mariadb-k8s-0 bash07:19
wallyworldroot@mariadb-k8s-0:/# /usr/bin/juju-run ls07:19
wallyworldERROR r.runner.RunCommands: no runner is registered for unit mariadb-k8s/007:19
wallyworldand unit shows as failed in status07:19
wallyworldhappens after running a status-set07:20
wallyworldusing juju-run07:20
stickupkidmanadart, ping09:23
manadartstickupkid: Pong.09:24
stickupkidquick jump in daily09:24
nammn_demanadart: regarding the race condition I mentioned yesterday in daily. Did you have a suggestion in mind yesterday? I don't have any great idea in mind for this.  https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/ff32067866004a0a04d5dba8e281dea7857f33ea/cmd/juju/status/status_internal_test.go#L609611:12
manadartnammn_de: I haven't delved into that one yet.11:13
stickupkidnammn_de, manadart would be happy to have a look at that later11:14
nammn_destickupkid: cool thanks! Nothing simple as useful came into my mind11:15
nammn_demanadart: how can I understand the life concept of spaces? Do I need to take them into consideration for removing?11:20
manadartnammn_de: It is currently not used. The pattern for responding to space changes (were it required) would be as for machines - a worker that watched for space changes and acted based on topology/life/etc changes. But we don't require such a thing at this point.11:24
manadartSo ignore it for now. We can think about it and discuss if required later.11:24
nammn_demanadart: ta11:25
stickupkidmanadart, can you see if I'm way off base with the last commit (need to rebase once my other PR lands) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1118811:29
=== parlos is now known as parlos_afk
achilleasawhile applying the Open/Close port changes from the Ports model to the Unit, it turns out that we can effectively replace the Open/ClosePort(s) methods on Unit with a single OpenClosePortsOnSubnet method. In the future we can update this method to work with endpoints instead of subnet IDs. Any objections to refactoring this all the way to the uniter facade?11:38
achilleasa(there are a few TODOs in the uniter model for fixing the Open/Close port variants)11:39
manadartstickupkid: Looks the goods. Looks like you need to populate the network ID on the opts: https://github.com/go-goose/goose/blob/v2/nova/nova.go#L31811:46
stickupkidmanadart, wicked, thanks11:46
stickupkidI'm just messing around thinking how to test this atm11:47
stickupkidmanadart, I'm sure we could extract this piece of logic, it's almost identical to ec211:47
* manadart nods.11:48
stickupkidlet me think (brain gears start whirring)11:49
rick_hmorning party folks12:25
nammn_demanadart: first patch for apiserver is ready for cr https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11186/files some things I werent sure and thus added them as comments in the PR14:24
manadartnammn_de: OK, will look in a bit.14:24
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stickupkidmanadart, if we can't find a networkId, then what? skip em?15:00
stickupkidmanadart, it's not like I can magically make one up i guess15:00
manadartstickupkid: hml previously mentioned O7k deployments where the network(s) is not exposed. For these I don't think we can do anything, so yeah, skip for now.15:01
stickupkidsick, integration tests at the unit level15:02
hmlrick_h:  if you approved the JUJU_HOOK_NAME pr, we can get the conflicts resolved and land it.  :-). you’ve requested changes currently15:26
manadartstickupkid: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1118515:31
rick_hhml:  oh sorry, which one?15:32
hmlrick_h: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1096915:32
rick_hhml:  done15:32
stickupkidmanadart, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1118815:57
manadartstickupkid: Yep. Factored your feedback in too.15:57
manadartstickupkid: Reviewed yours. I think we need a bit more. Going AFK to sort out kids. Will check back later this eve; no hurry if you're done for the day.16:17
stickupkidmanadart, I would suspect so, let's meetup...16:18
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babbageclunkhpidcock: quick q about go.mod?23:23
babbageclunkI'm trying to use gopkg.in/mgo.v2 but replace it with github.com/juju/mgo, but I'm getting the following error:23:25
babbageclunkgo: finding github.com/juju/mgo v0.0.023:25
babbageclunkgo: github.com/juju/mgo@v0.0.0: unknown revision v0.0.023:25
tlmdoes that git repo have a v0.0.0 tag ?23:25
babbageclunkIt's true that there's no v0.0.0 tag on juju/mgo, but there aren't any on other juju repos I'm using23:25
babbageclunkeg juju/errors23:25
babbageclunkbut this is the only one I'm using replace on23:26
tlmyou would have to use a git sha instead if that tag is missing23:26
babbageclunkDo I need to add a v0.0.0 tag to juju/mgo? Or is there something I can do locally23:26
tlmsorry stole from hpidcock23:26
babbageclunkooh, ok - I'll try that, thanks tlm23:26
babbageclunk(thanks for nothing hpidcock! ;)23:27
tlmI could be very wrong also babbageclunk23:27
babbageclunkif you are I'll take the thanks back23:27
babbageclunkhpidcock: oh - because I'm replacing a .v2 package?23:28
babbageclunktlm: seemed happy with that (well, it built anyway)23:30
babbageclunkconsider those thanks banked23:30
* tlm counts he's interest23:31
hpidcockI'm guessing you went go mod init and it imported godep dependencies?23:32
hpidcockI think the import tried to use v0.0.0 as the version. The Gopkg.toml file specifies mgo from github.com/juju/mgo and uses the master branch. So I think it is trying to use v0/v1 semantics. We should create a v2 branch or create a v2.0.0 tag off master. Then change the url to be github.com/juju/mgo/v223:41
hpidcockBut the sha way is fine for now23:42
hpidcockThings are just going to get weird when we add go.mod to subpackages and all we depend on is sha. Go.mod will be unable to resolve shas then.23:43
hpidcockBut with the semantic versioning, if a dependency needs a higher version, go mod can bump the projects dep to that minor version.23:44

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