
tomwardilljust when you think you're done with the firewall things... it strikes back!10:15
tomwardilljust spent 10 minutes wondering why my bzr push wasn't working...10:15
ilasctomwardill: was trying to think of something constructive to reply to that... came up with nothing :) I was pushing to the wrong repo yesterday, spent an hour wondering why things are not working as they should :D10:26
tomwardillcomputers: how do they work!?10:29
wgrantThey don't.10:29
tomwardill... a valid point10:29
wgrantI always drop in for the valuable contributions.10:31
tomwardillcjwatson: I'm getting the Mir thing on running tests now too11:26
cjwatsonI haven't had time to debug it, so if you feel the urge then please do11:30
cjwatsonIt doesn't happen in the wrapper I normally use, only when I ssh into the container and run tests directly with bin/test11:30
tomwardillyeah, same11:31
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378658 is another py3 dependency upgrade14:19
cjwatsonfull test suite passed14:19
ilascdo we feel strongly about names for the migration endpoint ? /migrate or /inject ?14:26
ilascwhat are we leaning towards ?14:26
cjwatsonilasc: inject seems more explicit; I'd go with that14:27
cjwatsonmigrate leaves the direction unclear14:28
ilasccjwatson: excellent, thanks! agreed14:28
pappacena+1 for inject. We could need this endpoint for other purposes, other than migration14:28
ilascand forgot to say in Standup: thank you for taking on the webhooks QA and test issue!14:28
ilasccool, we're all in agreement, thanks guys!14:29
cjwatsonI was feeling slightly guilty about stealing that from you, but you did say you wanted to get onto lp-signing work14:30
cjwatsonAnd as it happened writing target-generic tests for this turns out to be weirdly difficult14:30
cjwatsonSomething very odd going on in the innards of the navigation menu system14:30
ilaschmmm.... definitely no need to feel guilty, that would've been a 3 months time sync for me by the sound of it, very glad I didn't step on that particular landmine at this point - really appreciate you looking at it, you're right I did want to get to lp-signing as soon as possible14:35
cjwatsonok :)14:37
cjwatsonilasc: https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/37866014:53
ilascwow! that was fast! looking now14:54
cjwatsonWell, I was working on it most of the morning :)14:54
SpecialK|CanonAgreed re inject, fwiw14:55
cjwatsonIncluding lots of "why on earth is the navigation menu not showing up at all?"14:55
ilascSpecialK|Canon: +114:56
ilasccjwatson: sounds like u had my kind of morning, however the first part did make laugh as in my world it would translate to "well I was working on it most of this spring" :)14:57
ilascbut I see what you mean on the navigation topic14:58
tomwardillcjwatson: the rename to 'oci_project' in the DB patch, are you intending to backport that fix to 'OCIProjectSeries'?15:02
cjwatsontomwardill: Renaming DB columns is kind of unreasonably painful.  I'd suggest it might be a good idea to paper over it at the app level though (i.e. oci_project_id = Int(name='ociproject', allow_none=False); oci_project = Reference(oci_project_id, "OCIProject.id"))15:03
cjwatsontomwardill: Sorry, I should have caught it before15:03
tomwardillwell, the rename wasn't a thing before this patch :)15:04
cjwatsonYeah, but William is right that we've preferred this style in most new things for a while15:04
tomwardill Ran 48 tests with 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skipped in 7.600 seconds15:25
tomwardillnow to re-add all the tests I've taken out15:25
cjwatsonUgh, I really hate system-site-packages, so confusing15:32
tomwardillI've had a fair few disagreements with that15:32
cjwatsonI'd love to stop using it, but python-apt, mostly15:38
cjwatsonhttps://github.com/sivel/python-apt-wheel   not quite the shape of thing I'd ideally like, but I wonder if it'd be worthwhile15:44
tomwardillthat seems to be a lot of technology involved15:51
cjwatsonRight, ideally we'd just unpack the .deb and slam it into a .whl15:53
cjwatson(We have a few other system Python dependencies too; it's never been worth solving all of them without a strategy for python-apt)15:54
cjwatsonAlso would need to think about how it interacts with OS upgrades15:55
tomwardillcjwatson: given the name uniqueness constraint on OCIRecipe, where is best to check for existing recipes with the same name on creation? the .new method of OCIRecipeSet?15:58
cjwatsontomwardill: I think that's our usual strategy, ues15:59
cjwatsonCompare SnapSet.new16:00
tomwardillcool, thought so16:01
SpecialK|CanonI've lost count of how many times I've been bitten by MoinMoin syntax not being MD/rST16:32
SpecialK|CanonI only have enough room in my brain for a small number of markup languages16:33
cjwatsontomwardill: Could you have a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378670 ?  That's my system-site-packages nightmare for today17:11
tomwardillon it17:11
cjwatsonAnd addresses the reason that qastaging isn't updating17:11
cjwatsonAlso staging in fact17:12
cjwatsondogfood was OK because it updates in place so had a cached wheel17:12
cjwatsonBut production would run into the same thing17:12
tomwardillwell, it's kind of ergh-ish, but all fixes for this type of thing are :)17:13
tomwardill+1, lgtm, glad I didn't have to write it.17:14
cjwatsonI would feel exactly that way if I hadn't had to write it17:17
cjwatsonThanks, and agreed17:17
tomwardillcjwatson: Storm is giving me "RuntimeError: Property used in an unknown class"17:39
tomwardillquery looks like this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/tKWcSKWNTs/ in OCIRecipeSet17:40
cjwatsontomwardill: Can I see the OCIRecipe model?17:42
cjwatsonQuery itself looks OK17:42
tomwardillcjwatson: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/kGHKKWdc2p/17:42
tomwardilloh wait17:42
tomwardillthat's the interface17:42
cjwatsonI was going to say17:43
tomwardillcjwatson: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/mV2nHh8Wvh/ slightly better17:43
cjwatsontomwardill: That looks OK to me.  Um.  What's the traceback?17:46
cjwatsontomwardill: Or maybe push WIP to a temporary branch and I can try it17:46
tomwardillsure, one sec17:47
tomwardillcjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+ref/runtime-errors17:48
tomwardilltest is `lp.oci.tests.test_ocirecipe.TestOCIRecipeSet.test_new`17:48
cjwatsonOK, give me a bit to build that17:50
tomwardillcjwatson: I've got it17:55
tomwardillpassing 'owner' to self.exists, rather than 'oci_project'17:55
tomwardillstupid copy and paste error17:56
tomwardill(found it by debugging at the point of raise and wondering why it was searching the Person class)17:56
cjwatsonAh right, wrong caller17:56
cjwatsonGot it17:56
cjwatsonpappacena: Audit trail stuff looks good on dogfood.  The only comment I have is that the colspan="2" thing doesn't look quite right on all queues.  On the Rejected queue the audit trail appears under the file list, which is reasonable enough.  But on the Done queue there's no checkbox column and so it appears under the version instead, which looks odd18:03
cjwatsonpappacena: Example of the latter is https://dogfood.paddev.net/ubuntu/xenial/+queue?queue_state=3&queue_text=httmock18:03
cjwatsonpappacena: I think you need something conditional on view/availableActions there (see a bit further up in lib/lp/soyuz/templates/distroseries-queue.pt)18:04
pappacenauhm... yes, it doesn't look alright this way.18:04
pappacenaThanks for showing. I will try to reproduce locally and open a MP later today18:04
cjwatsonIt's deployable like this, just a little odd-looking18:04
cjwatsonThanks for this feature, I bet it will make some people very happy18:05
pappacenaI hope so! :-)18:05
pappacenaI'll work on a fix today... let me just finish something I'm in the middle here with the signing service...18:05
cjwatsonI've done most of the QA, but I need to wait for my fix-clean-build patch to finish landing so that (qa)staging come back up before I can get any further18:15
cjwatsonSo possibly a deployment tomorrow late morning ish, which is always nice for the snap store weekly report18:16
pappacenaCool! I'll try to have it ready to review by the end of the day today18:19
pappacenacjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~pappacena/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/37867919:31
pappacenaThe fix for the extra colspan when there is no action19:31
cjwatsonThanks, looking20:20
cjwatsonpappacena: one query20:22
cjwatson(in a comment there)20:22
pappacenaSure. I will check in a minute20:35
pappacenaReplied there... I needed to double check and test something about your comment.20:51
cjwatsonpappacena: of course you're right - sorry for my confusion.  Go ahead and land at your convenience21:05
pappacenaNo problem! I got a bit confused too, and had to check to make sure. ;-)21:06
pappacenaI'll top-approve now21:06

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