
sylwek-ibmr50eso hows lubuntu guys00:15
sylwek-ibmr50ei remember you had lxqt troubles in the past00:15
wxlwhat troubles?00:16
sylwek-ibmr50eI remember you were hesitant to put it into 18.04 LTS00:17
wxlwe didn't get it all together for 18.04, true00:18
wxland tbh i don't think we wanted to since it's an LTS00:18
wxlthat is not an "lxqt trouble" though00:20
abdulrahmanhey guys does anyone use nordvpn ?02:05
abdulrahmanhey guys does anyone use nordvpn ?02:06
=== abdulrahman is now known as CamelRiderZ
=== gary is now known as Guest30365
guiverclintao, if you have a Lubuntu support question, please just ask it (try & keep to a single line, be patient waiting for replies, people will reply when they can)10:25
lintaosry, just a network test :p10:26
=== arjan_ is now known as NewNickname
=== Hermes222 is now known as arjan_
=== arjan_ is now known as Hermes222
lubot<tbs> today  my cousin told me about his pc, in short it s slow, i offered linux  and m entioned lxqt, but after we done talking guess what i remembered :/14:32
diogenes_tbs, to back up data?14:33
lubot<tbs> we cant use discover properly, as turkish guys it s buggy for us:/14:33
lubot<tbs> and a store for apps importand for new linux users, cuz they need a place to search and install apps they need, think if android doesnt have play store?14:34
lubot<tbs> after remembering that i felt bad, i was happy to be able to show how fast his pc ll be after lubuntu:/14:35
diogenes_tbs, try appgrid, maybe it will work better with turkish: https://www.linuxhelp.com/how-to-install-appgrid-on-ubuntu-19-0414:35
lubot<tbs> isnt this for gtk?14:38
lubot<tbs> i watched video now14:38
lubot<tbs> i can already install gnom e store i guess14:40
lubot<tbs> hmm14:40
=== BrianG61UK__ is now known as BrianG61UK
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @tomreyn [<tomreyn> https://tomreyn.megaglest.org/ppa.html < The_LoudSpeaker], Thanks!16:55
The_LoudSpeaker@wxl Just checked out all the search results from the link you sent. None usefull.19:17
The_LoudSpeakerI can try the snap qemu-virgil But then it is snap so...:P19:18
The_LoudSpeakeralso tomreyn Thanks for the link. Just letting you know that sophos on my campus internet detects your site as a gaming site. XD19:19
=== misha_ is now known as Guest31789
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
tomreynThe_LoudSpeaker: well, the (second level) domain name is definitely gaming related, so that's not wrong. it's not a gabling site, though (but it also didn't say so).22:49
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK

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