
=== luxifer_ is now known as luxifer
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lotuspsychjeguiverc: got a 20.04 box by your hand to test an easy bug?01:51
guiverci'm no a 20.04 box, not now - I'm busy with 18.04.4 & can't currently cope with more.. you'll need to ask later 01:51
guivercs/no/on ^01:52
lotuspsychjekk no sweat nite nite ; )01:52
tarzeaulotuspsychje_: i have :) what to test?06:02
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: got a bug on the recent update on qbittorrent, launching makes it crash06:02
tarzeausaw the lp bug link06:02
lotuspsychje_so an easy test :p06:03
tarzeauI get a "Legal notice"06:03
lotuspsychje_thats first use, its normal06:04
tarzeaui agree, and then get the main window of the qt application06:04
tarzeaui'm not allowed to do p2p @ethz.ch but what next?06:04
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: try to activate the search plugin and enter keyword06:04
tarzeaui see the main window, no idea how it works, what do i click step by step?06:05
tarzeaui added search engine in tools06:05
lotuspsychje_yeah thats it06:05
lotuspsychje_now just search something, see if it crashes06:05
tarzeauit lists me all the search plugins 06:06
tarzeaui selected the pirate bay06:06
tarzeausearched for shit06:06
lotuspsychje_!info qbittorrent06:06
ubottuqbittorrent (source: qbittorrent): bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt5 GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.7-1ubuntu3 (focal), package size 5469 kB, installed size 8913 kB06:06
tarzeauand it lists me a 1498 out of 152506:06
lotuspsychje_are you on this version^^06:06
tarzeaurun it with strace and get your config files removed for retry cleanly?06:07
lotuspsychje_ok tnx06:07
lotuspsychje_weird, we tested it both on gnome3 and kde, bith crashed after few sec06:07
tarzeaui'm on windowmaker06:08
tarzeauand i have standard qt theme, selected with that qtwhatever tool06:08
tarzeaui know that some themes crash/are broken from welle.io06:08
tarzeauso try another them06:08
lotuspsychje_easy bug is becoming more complex lol06:08
lotuspsychje_doesnt crash on your side06:08
tarzeauno want screenshots?06:08
lotuspsychje_no, should crash right away06:09
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: whats the strace command you propose?06:09
tarzeauno doesn't crash, rock solid here. probably a config file or theme problem on your sides06:10
tarzeaustrace qbittorrent06:10
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: it worked fine on previous version for ages, till the new update few days ago06:10
tarzeauthen read the output in a terminal around the place it crashed06:10
lotuspsychje_i dont mess with themes neither06:10
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: http://dpaste.com/177HRVE06:12
tarzeaulotuspsychje_: that's gdb output not strace :)06:12
tarzeaui asked for strace output06:12
lotuspsychje_you want the whole stuff?06:14
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hSjMVZw8zT/06:19
tarzeauoh shit NOT ENGRISH, export LC_ALL=en; LANG=en strace qt... would've ben helpful but let me see06:22
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xxDcB4NT3Z/06:23
tarzeaumuch better06:24
tarzeauyou get any GUI or it crash right away?06:24
lotuspsychje_yeah gui for 3sec, then the crash06:25
lotuspsychje_not triggered by something, just time06:25
tarzeaui can still start it and it comes up no crash06:25
tarzeauincluding searching toy story06:26
lotuspsychje_got other DE's to test on that box?06:26
tarzeauuntil line 1600 fonts and config files and stuff is loaded06:26
tarzeauand then 1672 it starts looking for icons 06:26
tarzeautheme stuff until 340006:27
tarzeauqt plugins around 410006:27
lotuspsychje_started from terminal: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fg5Hypgcz7/06:29
lotuspsychje_maybe the maintainer overlooked something in the new update06:31
tarzeaui don't have /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtorrent-rasterbar.so.906:31
tarzeauah i do but i have it in /usr/lib not /lib06:32
tarzeauls -lad /lib /usr/lib06:32
tarzeausays what for you?06:32
tarzeauprobably not related to it06:32
tarzeaulibstdc++.so.6 : std::__throw_length_error(char const*)+0x4106:33
lotuspsychje_./lib -> usr/lib06:33
tarzeaubecause it seems to be that thing calling SIGABRT06:33
tarzeaubut i'm not sure, just a guess06:33
tarzeaupoll([{fd=5, events=POLLIN}, {fd=6, events=POLLIN}, {fd=7, events=POLLIN}, {fd=12, events=POLLIN}, {fd=15, events=POLLIN}, {fd=18, events=POLLIN}, {fd=62, events=POLLIN}], 7, 998terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what():  std::bad_alloc06:33
tarzeauline 688806:33
tarzeauls -la /etc/localtime says what?06:34
tarzeaulrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Oct  4 03:50 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Zurich06:35
tarzeauthat's mine06:35
lotuspsychje_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 okt 25 09:12 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Brussels06:35
tarzeaui have tzdata 2019c-306:35
tarzeauand file says: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Zurich: timezone data, version 2, 5 gmt time flags, 5 std time flags, no leap seconds, 119 transition times, 5 abbreviation chars06:35
tarzeaui set mine to Brussels too and and it's not crashing. what you can try is the same strace command with ltrace06:36
tarzeautmp/apport_sandbox_c1wzs7rs/usr/lib/x86_64- looks strange, what says: which qbittorrent06:37
tarzeauyou don't have snap/appimage for sure, right?06:38
lotuspsychje_no, apt version06:38
tarzeauls -la /usr/bin/qbittorrent also says -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8919864 Feb  3 22:27 /usr/bin/qbittorrent06:38
lotuspsychje_ltrace: http://dpaste.com/245X5KG06:38
tarzeaups -ef |grep -i apparmor output empty?06:39
lotuspsychje_lotusps+  860578  840396  0 07:39 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i apparmor06:39
tarzeauno idea sorry06:40
lotuspsychje_happens the same on blueskaj's box on kde 20.0406:40
lotuspsychje_was also working fine before update there06:40
lotuspsychje_but what have gnome3 and kde in common, that windowmaker havent06:41
tarzeauno idea, try with wmaker then :)06:54
tarzeaubut i doubt it matters06:55
tarzeaucan you run qt5ct ?06:55
tarzeaui have the style "Fusion"06:55
lotuspsychje_whats that06:55
tarzeauapt install qt5ct; qt5ct06:55
tarzeauqt configuration tool, theme selection and your own fonts06:55
tarzeaui hate ubuntu fonts06:56
tarzeaui'm a futura/helvetica person06:56
lotuspsychje_i like to test 20.04 as vanilla as possible, from my customers perspective06:57
lotuspsychje_try to bug out everything by default06:57
tarzeauhow many customers you got? using ansible to deploy?06:57
tarzeauhow do you handle config files of users after upgrades?06:57
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: im running a small business from home, repair/sell computers with ubuntu lts and samsung ssd's06:58
tarzeaucool, i've got 1k customers, and 6 of them already have 20.0406:58
tarzeauone because 18.04 would not work on the laptop hardware06:58
tarzeauonly x86_64 or also arm (raspberry/pine*)?06:59
tarzeaulotuspsychje_: since you're 20.04 could you apt install stacer shotcut ; and test them for me?06:59
tarzeauany video editing customers? 07:00
lotuspsychje_sure thing07:00
tarzeaumusic production?07:00
tarzeauor photographers?07:00
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: most of my users are home/multimedia users07:00
tarzeaualso test hdrmerge then07:00
tarzeaufontmatrix, olive-editor07:01
tarzeaui've got some nice things for multimedia/home: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=gurkan%40phys.ethz.ch07:02
lotuspsychje_whatever test you wanna do lemme know07:02
tarzeauall the packages i just named, install them, start them, report any problems you encounter07:02
lotuspsychje_will do07:03
tarzeaui also have photoflow packgaes, but it's hard to get them passed by sponsor/ftpmaster due to CC*licenses07:03
lotuspsychje_always handy to have 20.04 testing friends :p07:04
tarzeaubut can provide 20.04 binary pkgs if you have a photographer wanting to test it07:04
lotuspsychje_are you member yet of the ubuntu-discuss LP team tarzeau ?07:04
tarzeaulotuspsychje_: you got to also try apt install cool-retro-term ;)07:04
lotuspsychje_got that one installed too07:04
tarzeaulotuspsychje_: no idea, probably not, and i hate email/mailing lists07:04
tarzeaulike it?07:05
lotuspsychje_yep, and works pretty well07:05
tarzeauwhat are you doing about chromium-browser now? we just don't install it anymore07:05
lotuspsychje_me neither, im continue with FF now its gone snappy07:05
tarzeaucan you also test: ministocks ?07:05
lotuspsychje_i was a big fan of it before07:06
tarzeaui have an extra mac with safari for surfing :)07:06
tarzeaui've never liked netscape/mozilla07:06
tarzeaudid you ever build firefox from source? 07:06
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: stacer looks cool man tnx07:16
lotuspsychje_and services enable/disable!!!07:18
lotuspsychje_i was looking for some systemd gui manager07:18
tarzeauyou're welcome :)07:18
tarzeauif i got a 1$ for "cool" or "thanks" i'd be rich07:19
lotuspsychje_tarzeau: shotcut,olive and fontmatrix seems to launch well and pretty responsive too07:19
tarzeauthere's also flowblade, but it's broken because of gmic07:19
lotuspsychje_coffeebreak first07:23
ducasse!info firefox08:02
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 73.0+build1-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 50570 kB, installed size 196630 kB08:02
lotuspsychje_guiverc: if youre up to it try this: bug #186201608:27
ubottubug 1862016 in qbittorrent (Ubuntu) "qbittorrent crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186201608:27
lotuspsychje_install & launch, easy bug test :p08:27
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
guiverclotuspsychje, i installed qbittorrent, started via menu & it's sitting there, no crashes.  my DE is Lubuntu (LXQt) so possibly it's a missing dependency rule; one my Qt based desktop includes, your GTK+ base doesn't??08:37
lotuspsychjeguiverc: we tested on kde & gnome3 08:37
lotuspsychjetarzeau tested on windowmaker where it also doesnt happen08:38
tarzeauit's not crashing?08:38
tarzeaublame gnome3 + kde then :) hahaha08:38
guivercokay; I have tried using it beyond loading .. nope still a window on my other monitor... My box isn't standard, but has multiple desktops so loads bloat08:38
guivercsorry .. I haven't tried using it... my desktop has loads of bloat (XFCE, MATE, GNOME & LXQt.. it's bloated)08:39
lotuspsychjetnx for trying guiverc 08:40
lotuspsychjewe can narrow down things like this08:40
guivercusing it meaning trying to download a torrent; I can if you want..  let it download a few % of something08:40
lotuspsychjeguiverc: try the search plugin08:40
lotuspsychjeguiverc: but here on our side, after 3sec it crashes08:40
guivercit knows I've had a hard day; so is being 'kind' to me :)08:41
guivercokay I told it to start downloading lubuntu 19.10 (magnet file from lubuntu.me) and pretty quickly it crashed.... crash file in /var/crash - I'll file that08:43
tarzeauguiverc: dpkg -l | wc -l ?08:47
tarzeausays 6371 for me08:47
tarzeauls /usr/bin|wc -l08:47
tarzeau6052 for me08:47
guiverctarzeau, I shouldn't be talking about 'bloat' then... I'm only 447008:47
tarzeau:) did we already check https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=qbittorrent;dist=unstable ?08:48
tarzeauand? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=qbittorrent&search=Search%20Bug%20Reports&field.scope=all&field.scope.target=&orderby=-heat&start=0 08:49
tarzeau(sorted by heat)08:49
guivercI've got a 'bullseye' box here I could have a try on, but not today08:49
tarzeaui've got 20.04 LTS, doesn't crash for me, also got sid08:49
tarzeaucan you try with a new user? (no config files)?08:49
guivercprobably a better 'test' would be a different box that is pretty clean (ie. recent qa-test install), but don't have time currently sorry.08:51
guiverctoday & last couple of days is 18.04.4 qa...08:51
ducassepetter@odin:~ $ dpkg -l | wc -l08:51
lotuspsychjeguiverc: can you affect to the bug?09:59
guivercsorry, I don't follow09:59
lotuspsychjeguiverc: or its not qbittorrent that crashed?10:00
lotuspsychjenvm, reading your updates :p10:01
guivercif you're talking about 1862016 - i clicked affects me too.  qbittorrent crashed for me too10:01
lotuspsychje+1 guiverc thank you10:01
lotuspsychjewb Ussat 13:28
lotuspsychjeaffected & confirmed bug #186216913:44
ubottubug 1862169 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhythmbox crashed with SIGSEGV in build_flavored_key()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186216913:44
Bladenikolov@ubuntu-ivan:~$ inxi -F14:06
BladeSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 5.5.2-050502-generic x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Gnome 3.34.3 14:06
Blade           Distro: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)14:06
lotuspsychjedont Blade 14:06
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lotuspsychjetarzeau: fontmatrix updates in 20.04 :p14:23
tarzeaulotuspsychje: i re-introduced it (fell out because of qt4 :)14:25
lotuspsychjeah cool :p14:25
tarzeauyou're welcome14:25
tarzeaulotuspsychje: now tried ministocks yet?14:25
lotuspsychjetarzeau: i installed it, but how do you use it exactly?14:26
tarzeauyou run: MiniStocks ?14:28
tarzeaurmb for settings14:28
lotuspsychjecommand not found14:28
tarzeaulotuspsychje: /usr/bin/MiniStocks ?14:30
tarzeaulotuspsychje: did you really install ministocks? dpkg -l ministocks says what?14:30
lotuspsychjeyeah installed version: 0+git20200120-114:30
tarzeaui can start it and i get a small window, with ^SPX AAPL.US GOOG.US14:31
lotuspsychjei dont need a reboot or something?14:31
tarzeauwhat for?14:31
tarzeauno of course not14:32
lotuspsychjebeats me tarzeau 14:36
tarzeauit's MiniStocks not ministocks14:38
tarzeaucase matters14:38
lotuspsychjeok that works14:38
tarzeaudpkg -L pkg (lists you all files of an installed pkg)14:38
tarzeau|grep bin is often helpful14:39
tarzeauit's not just 0 for you?14:39
lotuspsychje0 what?14:40
tarzeaudoes it show you any stocks?14:40
tarzeauhttps://github.com/Dakostu/MiniStocks it's very minimal, but i needed/wanted something for on linux14:40
tarzeauof course iOS Stocks is way superior14:40
tarzeaulotuspsychje: yeah works, cool :)14:41
lotuspsychjethey still need to work on the icon for gnome14:41
tarzeauyou added the last 3 yourself?14:41
lotuspsychjeno, worked out of the box14:41
tarzeaulotuspsychje: https://github.com/Dakostu/MiniStocks/issues/514:41
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