
RAOFAbout 2 days, apparently.00:13
RAOFAlthough I've just restarted it under heaptrack and it's already up to 360M, which also seems a bit high for an always-running background service...00:17
ahayzeni thought there was talk at one point about splitting the search provider from the GUI part of gnome-software so that it doesn't need to run all the time, but not sure what happened to that.  And gnome-software is normally the 1st or 2nd highest memory usage app for me on idle :-/00:19
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RAOFYeah, I'm noticing this because I'm also trying to track down a slow leak in gnome-shell which results in it climbing above 1.5G RSS over the course of days.00:20
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didrocksgood morning08:21
dufluMorning didrocks08:22
jibelhi all08:23
dufluHi jibel08:27
dufluand hi seb12808:28
seb128hey duflu, how are you today?08:28
dufluseb128, going OK. Steady progress. How are you?08:28
seb128I'm good!08:28
seb128nice to read that things are heading in the right direction :)08:28
seb128I feel like I've a busy day ahead, we are leaving tomorrow morning early for one week of holidays, I've a busy todolist at work, then need to pack and I've a tennis match tonight!08:29
marcustomlinsonmorning desktoppers08:31
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you? feeling better?08:34
seb128ricotz, hey, how are you?08:34
seb128ricotz, do you have a fix for valabind to build with the new vala by any chance? I rebuilt gnome-builder/anjuta with the new soname yesterday but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/valabind/1.7.1-4build1 failed08:35
dufluseb128, sounds busy08:35
seb128duflu, indeed!08:35
ricotzgood morning08:35
marcustomlinsonhey seb128, had a rough night, hoping the doc can give me something today08:36
dufluMorning ricotz08:36
ricotzseb128, hi, I just pushed a fix for anjuta https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/anjuta/merge_requests/808:36
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 8 in anjuta "Support vala 0.48" [Opened]08:36
seb128ricotz, also anjuta disabled vala support because the configure list of versions seem to stop at 0.46, probably need an autoreconf08:36
seb128ricotz, thx, I will sponsor that one now :)08:37
ricotzseb128, I can take a look at valabind08:37
seb128that would be nice08:37
seb128thx again!08:37
marcustomlinsonseb128: but at least I don't have to go into an office :P how are you?08:37
ricotzseb128, so for anjuta you can cherry-pick the two commits of this MR08:37
seb128ricotz, I didn't sync the new version yet because the current one is a valid candidate for migration and I didn't want to risk delaying again/being caught with other proposed issue. I will do the sync once the current one migrates08:37
ricotzseb128, ack, thx08:38
seb128marcustomlinson, I'm good08:38
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:45
seb128lut oSoMoN, comment ça va ?08:45
marcustomlinsonhey oSoMoN08:45
oSoMoNseb128, bien, et toi?08:46
seb128oSoMoN, une journée bien chargée en perspective mais bien sinon :-)08:46
dufluHi oSoMoN08:47
oSoMoNseb128, ah oui en effet, je viens de lire le backlog, bon courage!08:47
oSoMoNhey marcustomlinson, duflu08:47
seb128oSoMoN, merco :-)08:47
ricotzseb128, the fix for valabind - https://github.com/radare/valabind/pull/5308:49
gitbotradare issue (Pull request) 53 in valabind "Fix build with Vala 0.48" [Open]08:49
seb128ricotz, thx08:49
didrockshey duflu, seb128, marcustomlinson, ricotz, oSoMoN08:53
oSoMoNsalut didrocks08:53
seb128lut didrocks, comment ça va aujourd'hui ?08:53
didrocksça va, et vous ? :)08:54
seb128didrocks, ça va bien :)09:00
didrockshey Laney09:04
seb128Laney, hey, how are you today?09:05
dufluHi Laney09:16
Laneyhey didrocks seb128 and duflu!09:16
Laney😴 tired this morning09:17
Laney😪 ← that is called "sleepy face" ...09:17
Laney😫 and this one "tired face"09:17
Laneydidrocks: just saw your mail on the yaru release PR, if you want to handle the release that's fine by me - I just reviewed it quickly because clobran_o requested it, don't want to take any locks/ownership by doing that09:21
oSoMoNhey Laney 🛏09:21
didrocksLaney: no no, feel fee to handle it as you started to look at it. If I can free some time not testing it, so would be great as jibel and I are on some zfs regression breaking our grub menu :p09:23
WimpressMorning desktopers o/09:33
oSoMoNgood morning Wimpress09:34
didrockshey Wimpress09:42
WimpressCross graded my main workstation from Ubuntu MATE 19.10 to Ubuntu Focal last night.09:48
dufluMorning Wimpress09:50
WimpressHi there duflu09:50
WimpressHow's it going?09:50
seb128hey Wimpress, how is the Ubuntu experience for you? ;-)10:25
sergiusenshello desktopers, not pinging about bugs, but this one is for kenvandine's favorite application https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/1862156 :-)10:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1862156 in gedit (Ubuntu) "color contrast for yaml with default theme is unreadable" [Undecided,New]10:57
seb128hey sergiusens! indeed looks a bit harsh on the eyes10:58
seb128sergiusens, also you need to learn how to write champagne :)10:59
sergiusensseb128: I probably do!10:59
* sergiusens needs to check on other bugs now10:59
seb128sergiusens, bug #1859562 has the typo in the tag :)11:01
ubot5bug 1859562 in polari (Ubuntu) "Polari doesn't join any chatroom. 'Join' button stays greyed-out (disabled)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/185956211:01
sergiusensseb128: words are hard!11:02
seb128especially french words, right? ;)11:02
sergiusensyes! this tag should have been sparkling-wine :-D11:03
sergiusensonly bugs coming from France can be tagged with champagne ;-)11:04
seb128sergiusens, can you try if polari is still broken for you? I think it should be fixed with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-mission-control-5/1:5.16.5-1ubuntu111:05
amurraykenvandine: apologies for taking so long to file that bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/186215811:19
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1862158 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) "gnome-software tries to install snap updates in the background, causing unprompted polkit authentication for authorisation to install packages" [Undecided,New]11:19
amurrayi haven't seen robert online today but if I see him tomorrow I'll ping him too :)11:19
jameshfor what it is worth, the client has control over whether snapd will trigger a polkit dialog11:25
jameshthat could suppress the dialog, but wouldn't let the automatic update occur11:25
seb128ricotz, thx for the fixes, vala migrated now11:40
seb128amurray, he's off thursday/friday this week so I guess it's for next week, ahayzen had a candidate patch yesterday though11:42
seb128amurray, https://gitlab.gnome.org/ahayzen/gnome-software/commit/0597be6f if you fancy giving that a try11:42
ahayzen[m]seb128, btw I sent an email to Robert detailing that patch and the issue, so hopefully he'll see it next week.11:46
seb128ahayzen[m], ah, good, thx. Maybe comment on the bug just mentioned on the channel?11:46
ahayzen[m]Right, I'll do that in a bit :-)11:46
sergiusensseb128: hah, adding a network crashed the shell11:59
seb128sergiusens_, 'fun'12:04
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sergiusensseb128: well, hello from polari12:05
seb128good to see the fix is working12:05
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sergiusensseb128: yup, fwiw, I uploaded the apport crash and it seems to have happened when it was trying to populate the list of channels on Freenode12:06
seb128sergiusens, do you have a bug number/crash ID for the report?12:07
sergiusensseb128: apport just autoclosed after sending, so no... I do however have "/var/crash/_usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash"12:10
sergiusensif that is of any use12:10
seb128sergiusens, it might be on ' https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/ID where ID is the content of file /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id '12:11
sergiusensseb128: do they show up instantly? I only see a cups one I had from some days ago12:13
seb128I don't know12:13
seb128wait a bit and try again?12:13
seb128ortherwise you can always use ubuntu-bug on the .crash to submit to launchpad12:13
sergiusenssounds good12:14
sergiusensbut, yeah, I will go to the polari report and confirm it is fixed12:14
seb128I'm dropping offline for 10 min or so, relocation for lunch but I still don't have an IRC proxy :/12:15
Wimpressseb128: Ubuntu/GNOIMNE is good so far on my main workstation.13:51
WimpressBut it is a computer I use very differently to my laptop.13:51
WimpressSo, some tweak was required to make multi-monitor work as I would like.13:52
WimpressAll monitors switch workspaces together for example.13:52
WimpressSo extensions required for audio switching, since I have many audio interfaces.13:52
WimpressAnd Panel Indicators extension splits up the power/network/sound/date/user/notifications.13:54
WimpressAnd restore scroll wheel volume adjust on the sound indicator.13:54
WimpressAnd the Do not disturb extension is fab.13:55
seb128Wimpress, quite a customized experience but good that you can do that and have it working according to your preferences!14:02
WimpressI spent sometime carefully reviewing the available extensions.14:13
WimpressThe ones I'm using a good quality and well maintained.14:14
WimpressBut time will tell if they all play well together.14:14
WimpressI do have some other extension for hardware monitoring, because I'm a nerd like that.14:15
WimpressAnd most importantly, and Emoji picker 🤣14:15
popeyseb128: have you seen any recent bug reports on 18.04 about luks volumes being unmountable since a recent systemd / udev update?14:22
seb128popey, I didn't14:22
popeyhm, okay, thanks.14:22
seb128jibel, ^14:22
jibelseb128, popey no I didn't14:46
ricotzseb128, how were the autopkgtest packages chosen for vala? aka libical3 currently14:46
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: so rebuilds of gnome-3-3{2,4}-1804-sdk need to be published to stable before i kick rebuilds of gnome-3-3{2,4}-1804, right?14:47
seb128ricotz, valac is listed in https://salsa.debian.org/debian/libical3/blob/master/debian/tests/control14:49
ricotzseb128, hmm, I would expect this to cause a dependency the other way around14:50
seb128ricotz, well, that test depends of vala, so when vala changes it's triggered to see if it's still green, which I think makes sense?14:51
seb128you want to see if a change in one of your depends breaks you14:51
ricotzseb128, ah, I see14:51
ricotzseb128, I meant to note that there are way better packages for this14:52
ricotzseb128, like triggering meson14:52
seb128I wonder if that's a bug?14:54
seb128meson tests depends on valac through a depends on @build-depends@14:55
seb128Laney, ^ you probably know what better off your head?14:55
seb128if ricotz want meson tests to be triggered on a valac update, should that work? or should we maybe add directly valac to the test depends?14:55
ricotzseb128, exactly, this reverse-dep seemed a bit weird14:57
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: um, depends on what the platform snap is referencing14:57
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: 3-32 platform for example pulls from gnome-3-32-1804-sdk/latest/candidate14:58
marcustomlinsonI see that 3-34 uses stabe14:58
seb128brb, changing location14:58
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: we should make those both pull from the same channel :)14:59
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: well, it's not that simple14:59
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: see my process is, build sdk push to candidate, build platform from candidate sdk14:59
marcustomlinsonif both build fine, promote both14:59
kenvandineyeah, that makes sense to me15:00
kenvandineso they should both use candidate there15:00
ricotzmarcustomlinson, kenvandine, is gnome-3-32 still getting updates?, I kind of retired the corresponding vala 0.44 branch15:00
kenvandinericotz: not really...15:00
kenvandinericotz: but i am rebuilding it for USN notices15:00
ricotzkenvandine, ok15:00
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: oh are we duplicating work?15:01
kenvandinemaybe :)15:01
ricotzkenvandine, when is this happening?15:01
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: I've just finished building them15:01
kenvandineon LP?15:01
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: 3-32 that is15:01
marcustomlinsonand almost done https://launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/+snap/gnome-3-32-180415:01
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: remember for 3-32 I use personal builders so that I can automate the process plus build my test snaps etc15:03
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: Would you like me to take over the 3-34 USNs too?15:08
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: I've updated the 3-34 platform snap to pull the sdk from candidate now15:16
Laneyseb128: ricotz: You need to add it as a test depends currently since britney doesn't understand how to expand @builddeps@15:22
LaneyI spoke with elbrus about that a few months ago, no opposition IIRC but just needs doing15:23
seb128Laney, thx for confirming15:27
seb128ricotz, want to report that to debian/Jussi?15:28
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: you can keep doing those :)15:28
seb128(adding valac as an explicit test depends)15:28
seb128(might be worth adding some others as well to the list there)15:28
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: I'm asking shall I do the 3-34 as well as 3-32 USNs going forward. If so, add me to those cards please :)15:28
kenvandineyes please15:29
kenvandineactually... maybe it would be easier for me to do it15:29
kenvandinesince you can't trigger builds directly15:29
marcustomlinsonI would move them over to my personal namespace15:29
marcustomlinsonI mean just the builder15:29
LaneyI guess you would do that here: https://salsa.debian.org/release-team/britney2/blob/master/britney2/policies/autopkgtest.py#L151 and it wouldn't be toooooo hard15:30
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: i'll handle 3-3415:30
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: ok, could you update these to push to candidate instead of edge: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+snap/gnome-3-34-1804-sdk & https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+snap/gnome-3-34-180415:31
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: then the process is just: build the sdk, then build the platform, then promote both from candidate15:31
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: ideally we'd have some test snaps to build too. I have a server that listens on the sdk build webhook then triggers the platform and test snaps15:32
ricotzLaney, seb128, I guess fixing britney would be a proper way instead of touching several packages?15:33
marcustomlinsonbut of course on my personal builders as I don't have upload rights to ubuntu15:33
Laneyricotz: indeed, but only theoretical until someone does it :P15:33
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: would be nice to juju that build and get it into IS :)15:34
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:40
marcustomlinsonmorning hellsworth15:41
hellsworthhi marcustomlinson !15:41
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: I see your libreoffice snap built, yay15:41
ricotzLaney, I see15:41
hellsworthyep. i went through the test plan too and all looks well. it's in candidate now.. shall i promote it to stable?15:42
Laneyso yeah, if you want a britney contribution, that would be great :>15:42
hellsworthwanted to check with oyu first15:42
ricotzseb128, which additional packages do you mean besides valac?15:42
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: oh yeah, if the manually testing passed go for it. Nice15:42
seb128ricotz, it would probably make sense to trigger the meson tests when e.g ninja is changing I guess?15:43
ricotzseb128, ninja should be covered https://sources.debian.org/src/meson/0.53.1-1/debian/tests/control/15:44
seb128ah, right :p15:44
seb128well cmake is not for example15:45
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: thank you! and well done. the deb is still struggling though, armhf tests failing. I'll keep at it15:45
seb128or python-things15:45
hellsworthcan i help?15:45
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-focal/focal/armhf/libr/libreoffice/20200206_130335_b8f20@/log.gz15:45
ricotzmarcustomlinson, btw, did you try to upstream the font-noto patch in lo?15:46
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: armhf was left off this list: https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/tree/rules#n53915:47
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: I'm hoping just adding it is fine. might hit new issues15:47
marcustomlinsonricotz: I have not15:47
ricotzmarcustomlinson, I see, it requires a refresh for 6.4.115:48
hellsworthlooks like this OOO_NOGUI_ARCHS wasn't around for ubuntu-focal-6.3 branch15:49
ricotzmarcustomlinson, don't worry about it15:49
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: yes the *-nogui packages are new15:49
hellsworthi wonder if rene left it off on purpose15:50
ricotzmight be to painful for the armhf builders ;)15:50
hellsworthyeah quite possible15:50
marcustomlinsonare they actually building armhf in Debian15:51
marcustomlinsonoh I see they are, probably not running tests15:51
hellsworthyes they are15:52
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: I'm building here: https://launchpad.net/~marcustomlinson/+archive/ubuntu/libreoffice/+packages15:58
ricotzseb128, regarding meson there is 0.53.1-1 for merging -- and oh https://launchpadlibrarian.net/463647844/meson_0.53.0-1ubuntu2_0.53.0-1ubuntu3.diff.gz15:58
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: just fyi. Once built I'll ask for some testing15:58
hellsworthyou got it15:58
marcustomlinsonproposed is all over the place at the moment so I wouldn't take too much notice to the ppc64el failure just yet15:59
hellsworthwill we need to do a MIR for libboost-locale1.71.0?16:00
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: no, that's currently making it's move through proposed16:00
marcustomlinsonhellsworth: actually, sorry no need for manual testing on my ppa. Could I ask you to install libreoffice from proposed and run through the manual test plan?16:01
hellsworthoh right. i see it there right above libreoffice :P16:01
hellsworthyes of course16:01
marcustomlinsonmy ppa only affects armhf16:02
seb128ricotz, that was a workaround, it's properly fixed upstream with https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/653916:38
gitbotmesonbuild issue (Pull request) 6539 in meson "Skip ld tests if no compiler installed." [Closed]16:38
seb128ricotz, I know about merging, I'm on vac for a week starting tonight though so I will probably not get to it before that16:38
ricotzseb128, ah ok16:39
ricotzseb128, great, then get some nice time off :)16:39
seb128ricotz, is .1 needed for/blocking anything?16:39
seb128thanks :)16:39
ricotzregression fixes, as usual :)16:39
seb128ricotz, if you get a merge I can probably sponsor it at some point tonight, I'm unsure I've the free slots to do that myself though16:44
ricotzseb128, I can try16:54
ricotzseb128, https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/sponsoring/17:16
ricotztests are still running in pbuilder17:16
ricotzsuccessfully finished17:20
Laneyclobrano: yaru 4u17:27
Laneywhat is this better than a burrito thing though?17:30
Laneyin joke?17:30
didrocksin joke :p17:31
Laneynot sure about that being in the pkg description17:31
hellsworthi heard burrito?17:33
hellsworthis it lunch time?17:33
didrocksit should be somewhere in the world :p17:33
hellsworthkenvandine: its your lunch time and you should have a burrito :)17:34
kenvandinei should :)17:34
marcustomlinsonhave a good holiday seb128!17:37
marcustomlinsonoh and good luck in your tennis match too!17:40
* kenvandine is now craving a burrito17:41
marcustomlinsonI’ll tell you what I’m craving17:42
hellsworthi would eat that17:42
Laney MMMMMMMM17:51
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seb128ricotz, you are missing the fix from http://launchpadlibrarian.net/463544872/meson_0.53.0-1ubuntu1_0.53.0-1ubuntu2.diff.gz that didn't make it upstream (yet)18:27
ricotzseb128, ah sorry18:31
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ricotzseb128, updated18:33
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kenvandinehellsworth: i ported the drawing snap to use the gnome-3-34 extension20:37
kenvandinelooks great20:37
kenvandineone minor thing... the drawing snap had this in an override-pull20:37
kenvandine       snapcraftctl set-version $(git describe --tags --abbrev=10)20:37
kenvandinebut with the extension git isn'20:37
kenvandineisn't available20:38
kenvandineso i had to add20:38
kenvandine+    build-packages: [ git ]20:38
kenvandinenow it works20:38
hellsworthah ok thanks for the feedback20:38
kenvandinei'm not sure why git wouldn't be installed though20:38
kenvandinei think snapcraft automatically does that20:39
hellsworthyeah that's weird20:39
kenvandineand it needs it to pull git sources20:39
kenvandinebut that worked20:40
hellsworthwhere's teh yaml?20:40
kenvandinelet me push it20:40
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kenvandinehellsworth: https://github.com/kenvandine/drawing/blob/snap-0.4-gnome-3-34/snap/snapcraft.yaml20:41
hellsworthok thanks. i can take a look after the weekly vet appt :)20:43
kenvandineit's entirely possible the same is true when using the gnome-3-28 extension :)20:43
kenvandinehellsworth: ok, i just confirmed that with the gnome-3-28 extension it the git command in set-version does work20:54
kenvandineso must have something to do with using the build snap in gnome-3-3420:54
gQuigsanyone have any thoughts or comments on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-20-04-and-flash/1381421:13
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hellsworthkenvandine: thanks for the testing on drawing. it's a good find for sure and you gave me some places to start :)22:16
amurrayseb128: cheers - am rebuilding gnome-software now and will report back via the bug22:52
hellsworthkenvandine: when you tested with gnome-3-28 extension, did you remove all of the plugs and desktop-gnome-platform part?23:30
hellsworthtest#1: your drawing repo as is builds fine. (using gnome-3-32 stuff).23:33
hellsworthtest#2: i removed all of the plugs but left the desktop-gnome-platform part (for usage of the buildenv) and I updated all 3-32 mentions to 3-34 mentions (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5HdSHGkJKT/). the error I get is that i'm not in a git repo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wYsnJTjHcB/23:36
hellsworthtest#3: comment out the whole desktop-gnome-platofrm part and just move the build env section to the drawing part (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TwnckfSZKd/) and it fails to run git as you reported (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/28vT2scWbR/)23:39
hellsworthso i wonder if there are a couple of issues going on: 1) related to the buildenv and 2) something else :)23:41
hellsworthi'll investigate a bit more tomorrow.23:41
hellsworthoff to pickup my kiddo23:41

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