
=== disposable3 is now known as disposable2
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cgiis anyone here using a http3 server yet?00:53
benl90Hello. I want to ask, how to enable PubkeyAuthentication? I already set PubkeyAuthentication yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config and ssh-copy-id my key to server, but I still asked with password when login. Is there anything that I missing? Thanks02:53
sarnoldbenl90: the usual problems are (a) modes on ~ or ~/.ssh or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys are too permissive (b) the key wasn't available to the ssh client for whatever reason02:56
sarnoldbenl90: check server logs on the server side and maybe try adding some extra -v to the ssh client side02:57
benl90sarnold: I already check the file permission, no problem on the permission. This's the log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K6TV7N5274/03:00
benl90It seems the key failed, but mine is working to other server03:01
sarnoldbenl90: is the client-supplied username correct for the server?03:02
benl90yes, after the key failed, I insert the password for that username03:02
benl90the authorized_keys on the server same with my id_rsa.pub on local03:03
benl90https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VP3BhVKktn/ this's the log off success login using same username. I did ssh-copy-id ben@
sarnoldbenl90: did you need to edit the config to enable keys in sshd? (I wouldn't expect this to be necessary, but you never know...)03:08
sarnoldbenl90: how about sudo sshd -T | grep -i pub  ?03:08
sarnoldbenl90: did you find anything in the server logs that might indicate something specific?03:08
benl90ehm I have long time never touch ubuntu server, is that on /var/log/secure like RH based or /var/log/auth.log?03:09
benl90sarnold: ehm it's enabled by default I think on server on /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:10
benl90for the PubkeyaAuthentication03:10
sarnoldbenl90: try journalctl -u ssh -ex   and /var/log/auth.log03:12
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benl90Ok wait03:20
benl90hello I've question, does upgrading ubuntu server will delete database on mysql server or not?04:24
sarnoldit shouldn't; but backups are always good, you know?04:25
benl90sarnold: ahaha.. seems yes.04:26
benl90ok I will backup it first04:26
sarnoldand make sure to keep those things running after upgrade, too :)04:26
benl90because 14.04 mysql 5.5 having strange problem.04:26
benl90sarnold: After do release upgrade I should restart right?05:04
cpaelzerthanks for the info coreycb07:17
lordievaderGood morning07:20
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ruben23hi there guys anyone can help, i have set a Vhost with this config its like https://pastebin.com/beAgy7ci --> but when i open it im getting ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT10:50
ruben23any idea guys10:54
ducasse!crosspost | ruben2310:54
ubotturuben23: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.10:54
ruben23ducasse: ok sorry10:54
lordievaderAn error like that sounds like the problem is before apache11:06
ruben23lordievader: any suggestion somehow11:17
ruben23Server version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)11:18
lordievaderStart troubleshooting your connection to determine where it hits the fan11:18
ruben23i tried to check the error logs and access logs during i load the page does not display anything related to the link at all11:19
lordievaderStart at the beginning. Can you resolve the address (DNS). Can you connect to the ip/port (firewall). Etc11:22
ruben23on the firewall port 80 is open and it lsitening to apache2, resolved DNS im not sure what to do with this?11:29
lordievaderWhat happens when you run `curl http://<address>/`?11:30
ruben23lordievader:  i wil run on the command line itself on the server.?12:08
lordievaderFrom the same host you get the connection time out from12:08
rbasakahasenack: bug 1723350 hit our 60 day alert. Any action needed?12:13
ubottubug 1723350 in sssd (Ubuntu Bionic) "sssd offline on boot, stays offline forever" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172335012:13
ahasenackI can't get to it now, it's behind other stuff12:15
ahasenackthere is a patch, if someone wants to give it a o12:15
rbasak"In the queue" is fine :)12:16
ruben23lordievader:   --->  curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused12:19
ruben23lordievader:  when i disable the firewall the link works now, but i need to have a firewall what can you suggest what should i enable the ports12:31
lordievaderruben23: Open the port only for what you want...?12:57
ruben23lordievader: yes like open port 80, but i tried its the same error again when i put up the firewall back12:58
lordievaderLook at the rules of your firewall, make sure the port is allowed.12:59
coreycbsahid: I'm going to test  cinder with a 3.8.0 min version for taskflow to see if that fixes the backport. it might also be blocked on the networkx backport which is blocked by the pandas SRU.14:12
sahidcoreycb: ack14:12
coreycbcpaelzer: have you run across this by any chance with libvirt 6.0.0? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y84y3ZXdQz/14:18
cpaelzercoreycb: no - does not ring a bell14:22
cpaelzercoreycb: search-foo shows: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/158072814:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1580728 in oslo.log ocata "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 386: ordinal not in range(128) in nova.virt.libvirt.vif:unplug with unicode instance.display_name" [Medium,Incomplete]14:23
cpaelzermaybe there is something to learn in there14:23
coreycbcpaelzer: ok thanks14:24
cpaelzerand the older https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/139038014:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1390380 in oslo.i18n "'ascii' codec can't decode when create a instance" [Undecided,Invalid]14:25
cpaelzerand https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/55470/ascii-codec-cant-decode-byte-0xc3-in-position-30-ordinal-not-in-range128-error-when-launching-an-instance-in-rdo-juno/14:25
cpaelzerand so on14:25
* cpaelzer stops spamming links14:25
cpaelzerintrestingly all I found where in openstack context14:25
cpaelzermaybe some interface is filled with unicode by openstack but processed as str by libvirt?14:25
coreycbsahid: ok confirmed cinder backport needs new networkx and then unpatched taskflow rebuilt. but that's blocked on the pandas sru so I'll sort that out once the pandas sru is done.15:12
coreycbcpaelzer: thanks, it's probably an easy fix. currently trying to figure out what file it's processing when failing.15:13
cqsHey, someone knowledgeable when it comes to Ubuntu landscape? My issue is that when i upgrade landscape-client via landscape ui, the job gets stuck. is this scenario even supported?15:49
lotuspsychje!landscape | cqs17:04
ubottucqs: Landscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/17:04
cqsgot it, i'll contact ubuntu support17:07
lotuspsychjecqs: cool ; )17:10
sarnoldbenl90: oh yeah, definitely restart after upgrading :) most things will probably continue to work, but, uh, it's not great :) rebooting once in a while is a good idea anyway :)18:10
Ussatyou all see this:  https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/02/05/sudo_bug_allows_privilege_escalation18:13
powersjUssat, https://usn.ubuntu.com/4263-1/18:25
Ussatgotcha, sorry18:26
powersjUssat, no worries - totally fine to ask :)18:27
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rabbithole980is ufw the easiest firewall to configure?21:06
coreycbcpaelzer: switching to LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 in the backport fixes it. related upstream change: https://github.com/libvirt/libvirt/commit/ada268012a03b9be83756aba2c0e14d206f5e70f21:08
sdezielrabbithole980: I've never really used it but the it seems to work well for simple stuff, see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/firewall.html#firewall-ufw21:13

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