
chris349How can I get a serial console running on my system? I try the command: sudo /sbin/getty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt102 but I cant get console access00:05
nashimuschris349: I've had luck using screen. E.g. "screen /dev/ttyS0 115200"00:15
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chris349I dont have command screen and I have an issue with network that it says cable disconnected, so I cant install00:28
nCoV_frenHi frens!00:32
monkeystancehello nCoV_fren00:34
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AurorAWOLHi, quick question. Would anyone know why I am getting a parse error from fstab using mhddfs# /mnt/hdd1,/mnt/hdd2,/mnt/hdd3,/mnt/hdd4 /mnt/virtual fuse defaults,allow_other 0 001:59
sarnoldprobably # introduces a comment and the rest of the line is ignored02:00
AurorAWOLI took it out and it still gives me a parse error...02:02
oerheksmaybe a space thing, mhddfs# /mnt/hdd1, /mnt/hdd2, /mnt/hdd3, /mnt/hdd4 /mnt/virtual fuse defaults,allow_other 0 002:11
AurorAWOLhttps://pastebin.com/8GxJSfN3 heres the log02:12
oerheksand with failures, check the drive/filesystem health?02:13
sarnoldfstab is not going to be happy with all those spaces between the different drives02:14
AurorAWOLIf I run sudo mhddfs /mnt/hdd1,/mnt/hdd2,/mnt/hdd3,/mnt/hdd4 mnt/virtual -o allow_other from the terminal it mounts it fine02:15
AurorAWOLbut on boot it will fail02:16
AurorAWOLnot sure what it's meaning by dependency... is it looking for /mnt/virtual other then where I have it when it boots?02:16
AurorAWOLcause as of right now /mnt/virtual is just in the / directory02:18
sarnoldare the previous N mounts listed before this one?02:18
AurorAWOLthey all mount on boot fine02:19
AurorAWOLI'm wondering if it has something to do with what directory /mnt is in02:19
sarnoldall the mhddfs docs I'm finding are from way before systemd02:20
sarnoldI'm curious if the previous tools worked with this thing fine but systemd may not02:20
sarnold(that's a big guess on my part)02:20
k_szeErm, did my last message get sent out? I got disconnected right after trying to send.02:21
AurorAWOLYes. I had it working fine in 16..0402:21
sarnoldMon 03 01:57:06 < k_sze> hmm, might be a KDE thing? I think you're talking about Klipper?02:21
k_szenope, not that one. :D02:21
k_szeAnyway, I updated the "Lock keys" GNOME shell extension and now I can't manage it.02:22
k_szeTweaks shows me a triangle-with-exclamation-mark icon for it, telling me "Error loading extension". But the extension is in fact loaded (I see the numlock and capslock icons in the notification area).02:23
k_szehttps://extensions.gnome.org/local/ also shows a red "ERROR" button for it.02:23
AurorAWOLWell I guess the last silly question I have is where should I create my mount points at?02:25
sarnoldwhereerver you want, really02:26
sarnoldit's best to not go crazy nesting filesystems -- eg if a drive dies you just want that one filesystem to go away, not it and a dozen others underneath it02:26
AurorAWOLWhere does fstab look when loading? Cause if I run the exact command from the terminal it works fine. I just have to cd into it before I run the command but fails on boot02:27
sarnoldAurorAWOL: hmmm, so does running sudo mount .... fail when you're in one directory but succeed when you're in another?02:32
sarnoldpastebin the terminal session?02:32
crunch3rby default is ubuntu now supposed to copy all text that is highlighted?02:33
sarnoldAurorAWOL: heh looks like you missed the bit that shows your paste :)02:34
AurorAWOLoh haha02:35
sarnoldAurorAWOL: alright so this one should be easy to fix :) write /mnt/virtual instead of mnt/virtual02:36
sarnoldAurorAWOL: /mnt/virtual is an absoiute path; mnt/virtual is a relative path02:36
sarnoldAurorAWOL: how about the fstab? maybe something similar is in there, too02:37
AurorAWOLmhddfs /mnt/hdd1,/mnt/hdd2,/mnt/hdd3,/mnt/hdd4 mnt/virtual -o allow_other02:37
AurorAWOLis what I have in fstab02:37
crunch3rAurorAWOL was that yes to sarnold or my question.. sry just jumped in here.02:37
k_szeOut of curiosity, is there a way to select the desktop environment *without* rebooting?02:38
sarnoldyes, selecting text should copy it to the selection buffer; middle-clicking or shift+insert should insert it02:38
crunch3rsarnold thank you for confirming.02:38
crunch3rnow i need to go disable it lol, bc I found myself just highlighting all sorts of things I dont need.02:39
sarnoldcrunch3r: sadly some applications choose to do things differently :( but that works in all the applications I use (which is part of why I use those applications)02:39
AurorAWOLoh and i added the /mnt/virtual instead of mnt/virtual02:40
crunch3rsarnold I can see it being useful once I get used to it, but I thought at first it was a keylogger or something..02:40
AurorAWOLstill giving me a parse error wen i use mount -a02:40
AurorAWOLhttps://pastebin.com/16j0p7qn is my fstab02:41
sarnoldAurorAWOL: try "mhddfs#/mnt/hdd1,/mnt/hdd2,/mnt/hdd3,/mnt/hdd4 /mnt/virtual fuse defaults,allow_other,logfile=/var/log/mhddfs.log 0 002:43
AurorAWOLwith the quotes?02:44
sarnoldargh, sorry, heh I should have just left them off. no quotes02:44
sarnoldthat # still weirds me out, but it's in manpages .. I just hope systemd parses it the same way :)02:44
AurorAWOLThat worked02:45
sarnoldtry a reboot and make sure? :)02:45
AurorAWOLYou are awesome!02:45
AurorAWOLI am02:45
sarnoldgood good :)02:45
AurorAWOLYep that worked. Thank you so much02:47
AurorAWOLIm guessing it had something to do with the # and fuse02:47
sarnoldnice :)02:48
AurorAWOLYou guys are a lot more helpful than sosme of the windows community. Most of them usually just say "prolly a virus"02:48
AurorAWOLTotally halfway kidding. Anyway thank you so much. Now I can get back to what I really was doing lol.02:50
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sarnoldAurorAWOL: lol, nice. I often go days without getting back to what I was doing..02:58
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AurorAWOLWell sarnold with awesome people like you I can :)02:59
lotuspsychje!cookie | sarnold03:00
ubottusarnold: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:00
sarnoldYAY COOKIES!03:02
sarnoldthanks AurorAWOL :D03:02
viktorHi all. I'm trying to install geany from the tar.gz from the website. when i run the config script i get this msg: https://pastebin.com/eJAhbB2j at the end03:25
viktorcan i just apt install these packages?03:26
viktoror is the problem that the script can't find them?03:27
sarnoldI think gtk+2 was ages ago03:28
sarnolddoes your release have the geany package available to install?03:29
oerheksif you really *need* a newer version, use the ppa, as their site says https://www.geany.org/download/third-party/03:29
sarnold!package geany03:29
sarnoldbugger, the bot doesn't work as I expect :)03:29
oerheks!info geany03:29
sarnoldanyway, it *is* packaged https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/geany03:29
ubottugeany (source: geany): fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.35-1 (eoan), package size 1096 kB, installed size 3432 kB03:30
viktorsarnold, oerheks, ok, thanks, i'll just get the bionic-universe package from the software center03:31
lotuspsychjethere's a snap too, but lower version03:33
viktorlotuspsychje, i know, but snaps often still have some growing pains03:38
lotuspsychjeviktor: just trying to widen options, nothing personal :p03:38
viktorlotuspsychje, :D , thanks for the suggestion anyway03:39
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dodocryptohey guys how do we change apt-get mirror04:48
tarzeaudodocrypto: in /etc/apt/sources.list04:48
dodocryptothank you04:48
tarzeauin soviet russia, you move to where your mirror is04:49
dodocryptotarzeau is there anyway we can just change it through script04:51
dodocryptoand point to ubuntu.com instead of the mirror04:51
Bashing-omdodocrypto: GUI way: open the Ubuntu software center, click the Edit menu > "Software Sources" and click the "Software" tab - try selecting a different mirror from the dropdown list ("Download from") .04:51
dodocryptohey swift11004:53
tarzeaudodocrypto: sure sed -i s,it,ru,g (make it ru so it only takes the mirror, you'll need to catch dots escaped)04:53
dodocryptohow about how to find our laptop module04:53
Bashing-omdodocrypto: terminal example: sudo sed -i -e 's/archive.ubuntu.com/mirror.steadfast.net/g' /etc/apt/sources.list .04:53
tarzeaudodocrypto: i know debian has cdn, no idea about ubuntu04:53
dodocryptothank God ubuntu support this asus eee pc i38604:53
dodocryptolubuntu i mean with 1 gig ram04:53
tarzeaudodocrypto: mind you people using PPA or foreign software might need to check apt/sources.list.d/ as well04:53
tarzeau(ah doesn't apply with country mirrors)04:54
dodocryptothank you guys04:56
tarzeaudodocrypto: no /queries please, thank you04:57
dodocryptodo you know how to check computer module04:57
dodocryptoin ubuntu ?04:57
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tarzeaui don't know what you mean by module? demoscene chiptune modules?04:58
tarzeauhardware? linux kernel modules?04:58
dodocryptoi have this asus eee pc04:58
tarzeauwhich is 32bit i386?04:58
dodocryptobut i can't find the module of it04:58
dodocryptoyeah i38604:58
tarzeaui have stopped that 10 years ago, 64bit only here04:58
tarzeauthe ubuntu+1(LTS) doesn't even support i386 anymore04:58
dodocryptoi want to know what module it is and i forgot what i module i bought this laptop04:59
tarzeauuse debian on it, or throw it away04:59
dodocryptoi want to know whether it's possible to upgrade to 2 gig ram04:59
tarzeauin which country are you?04:59
dodocryptorunning lubuntu with 1 gig ram now04:59
dodocryptonah i am in indonesia04:59
tarzeaudodocrypto: i'd apt-get install zram-config; service zram-config start04:59
tarzeaudodocrypto: that gives you compressed memory you'll have almost 1.5 gb ram more or less05:00
tarzeauhow many cores? single core?05:00
dodocryptodual core05:00
tarzeaudodocrypto: computers/laptops are expensive there?05:00
dodocryptoyeah of course man05:01
dodocryptoi can't afford another one05:01
dodocryptothis one is fine for traveling05:01
=== PowerTower_121 is now known as PowerTower_120
untoreh_hello when I start a session gvfsd-fuse started by gvfsd doesn't work (mount's are not shown in /run/user/$uid/gvfs) and I have to kill and restart gvfsd-fuse manually06:01
dodocryptoguys how to check06:11
dodocryptowhat ubuntu version we are using06:11
* tarzeau is using 20.04 LTS here06:11
dodocrypto. /etc/releases file not found06:11
tarzeauand a few hundred 18.0406:11
tarzeaudodocrypto: try ls /etc/*release i've got two lsb- and os- (linked to lsb-)06:12
dodocryptothank you06:13
dodocryptois /etc/lsb-release06:13
dodocryptothank God06:13
dodocryptoi have 3 more years06:13
dodocryptoto run this laptop06:13
dodocryptofedora stop supporting i386 with release 3106:14
MJCDwangledo1f, fail06:33
MJCDdodocrypto, good. legacy was holding everything back06:33
MJCDas I said; upgrade from $20 laptop to $40 laptop06:33
MJCDI've got a celeron 64 bit lappy here with working battery i'm going to sell for ~$70AUD06:34
MJCDit's clunky as heck but gets you up to speed (all puns intended)06:34
MJCD=> ##hardware06:34
dodocryptoi am broke06:34
dodocryptostill 3 more year till 18.04 lts06:35
dodocryptotill 202306:35
dodocryptolol 3 more year06:35
dodocryptothis laptop is my baby06:35
dodocryptoaccompanied me for so many years06:35
swift110oh ok06:39
lotuspsychje_!offtopic | dodocrypto MJCD06:40
ubottudodocrypto MJCD: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:40
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MJCDlotuspsychje_, I was just responding, I literally said up there that this is not ubuntu related06:58
InteloHow can I bookmark/ cross/ strikethrhough, highlight, underline text in pdf?06:59
Inteloany best language learning app?06:59
MJCDIntelo, using a pdf editing app?07:12
MJCDpretty sure gimp can import pdf07:12
InteloMJCD, in android?07:12
MJCDIntelo, what does that have to do with #ubuntu07:12
InteloMJCD, nothing07:13
InteloMJCD,  just was an additional questin07:13
dreamhawkHi, i have a small Linux-question :). Hope to find help here. I am setting up a simple webpage but want some more control over permissions. So. Webserver-user = "nobody" and the owner of files = "dev". So i would like chown dev:dev public/ for ownership, however this render the page with a internal server error. if i chown nobody:nobody public/, it works fine. So i try to use setfacl, "setfacl -Rm07:14
dreamhawku:nobody:rwx public/", but eventhou it sets the right permissions, the webserver still cant display the webpage. What should i do?07:14
dodocryptohey guys07:35
dodocryptois there anyway to reinstall all packages that been installed07:35
dodocryptoredownload and auto reinstall07:35
guivercdodocrypto, the fastest would be a re-install using something-else; use existing partitions & don't format; it notes your installed packages, re-installs & adds back your additional packages (if installed from sources and not local files thus cannot be found in sources) - that only works if you don't format partitions though, and backup as always first07:38
dodocryptothank you07:39
dodocryptoguiverc is there any requirement for encryption07:39
dodocryptoi mean amount of ram for disk encryption07:39
dodocryptoi just have one gig of ram07:40
dodocryptowill it be enough07:40
guivercdodocrypto, sorry I don't know, and have only used encryption on devices with 2gb+ of ram so haven't tried personally07:41
guivercdodocrypto, 1gb isn't much ram07:42
ducassedodocrypto: does your cpu have the aes extensions?07:44
* dodocrypto brb07:45
dodocryptohey guys07:54
dodocryptowhat ubuntu download manager out there07:54
dodocryptofor 32 bit07:54
ducassedodocrypto: try "apt search 'download manager'"07:58
dodocryptothank you08:05
dodocryptobtw is there any https of cdimage.ubuntu.com ?08:05
dodocryptoi want to reinstall08:06
dodocryptoand redownload08:06
ducassei don't think there is, no08:07
ryuoerm. wasn't i386 removed as a complete architecture?08:08
tarzeauryuo: yes in 20.0408:08
tarzeauhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04/release/ still available08:08
dodocryptoat least 18.04 support it still08:14
dodocryptotill 202308:14
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RonaldsMazitisI can't save as files to desktop08:34
RonaldsMazitisI have set chmod 777 desktop folder08:35
RonaldsMazitisstill can't do anything08:35
ducassedo you get an error?08:36
RonaldsMazitisfrom any software - libreoffice, qt creater08:36
RonaldsMazitisError while saving file: Cannot create file08:37
roryRonaldsMazitis: can you run this command OK?: touch ~/Desktop/test08:44
roryRonaldsMazitis: does it create an empty file called test on your desktop?08:44
rorycan you save files elsewhere using libreoffice etc? is it just ~/Desktop directory which causes issues?08:45
RonaldsMazitisHome aswell08:45
rorywere you running "touch" command as your own user? ie not using sudo or otherwise run as root?08:46
roryi wonder08:46
roryif you open the "test" file in libreoffice etc, then add some text, are you able to save it?08:47
roryso just creation of new files from there is failing. wtf.08:47
RonaldsMazitissave as just does not work, in libre office, qt creator etc08:47
ducassemaybe try an application that hasn't got apparmor profiles or isn't a snap08:47
RonaldsMazitisI really doubt it's a snap08:48
ducasseiirc libreoffice has apparmor, though08:49
Inteloclipboard copy is not working in virtual box. What can be the reasons. Settings are bidirectional clipboard share. Host: ubuntu: guest: ubuntu08:50
Intelovirtual box^08:50
ducassehave you installed the guest additions?08:54
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Abhijithow to uninstall Microsoft Teams on Ubuntu?09:12
ducassehow did you install it?09:14
northstriderIs there anything wrong with this config in /etc/network/interfaces ? https://pastebin.com/raw/YmDNpkTe09:19
northstriderIt's not picking up the DNS at all09:19
northstrider`ping google.com` gives temporary failure in name resolution, but pinging IPs works, as does `dig google.com @`09:20
ryuonorthstrider: erm. is that even picked up by resolved? check your resolv.conf09:22
northstriderresolv.conf is managed by systemd-resolve apparently09:22
ryuoyou're not intended to use that anymore09:22
northstridernot intended to use what?09:23
ryuothe old network configuration system09:23
ryuoeven debian now labels it as deprecated/legacy09:23
northstriderAh, I see. What should be used instead?09:24
northstriderThis is just 18.04.4 LTS D:09:24
ryuothat's the old method; the systemd method involves networkd but on ubuntu you may want to use netplan instead09:24
ryuoyour choice really. i avoid netplan on bionic due to its limitations.09:25
ryuonorthstrider: you'd need to enable systemd-networkd if you want to use it directly. netplan is normally how it is started.09:25
northstriderOkay, thanks :)09:26
ryuoif you want to just use resolved for managing resolv.conf, you can replace the symlink09:26
ryuootherwise it acts as an intermediary09:26
ryuogood/bad thing09:26
ryuoit can create problems for local DNS.09:27
ryuoif you have any on your network09:27
ryuodue to its async design09:27
ryuomaybe it's been improved in newer systemd09:27
Abhijitducasse, they provided a .deb on their website.09:28
Abhijitducasse, sudo dpkg -i that.deb09:28
BadGuyAlexHow to share Ethernet connection via WiFi but prohibit access to local network?09:30
enycBadGuyAlex: hrrm....09:32
enycBadGuyAlex: as in "creating a guest network" sort of thing?09:32
enycBadGuyAlex: i've done manual hacky things myself, it in many respects 'depends what you mean' ;p09:32
BadGuyAlexI want to share an internet connection to a phone but I do not trust it at all and I don't want it to talk with other machines in my local network09:34
ducasseAbhijit: dpkg -P that09:37
ryuoBadGuyAlex: that's best done at the router. it could just not add it to the LAN bridge and instead place it on a different network and not allow routing of packets between these networks.09:38
ryuootherwise you'd need to employ vlan to get something similar09:38
BadGuyAlexUgh! If I just could write a handler function for this, that would be easy09:40
ryuoBadGuyAlex: well, otherwise it's on the same network and can connect to anything on it.09:42
ryuoit has to be done on whatever machine is acting as the internet gateway if you aren't using a more sophisicated switch system.09:42
conjohi all i really need some help can anyone suggest a way to edit a watermark off a pdf using ubuntu-im really pressed for time-please help09:43
conjohi all i really need some help can anyone suggest a way to edit a watermark off a pdf using ubuntu-im really pressed for time-please help09:44
ryuoconjo: generally no, as that would defeat the purpose of a watermark. they're virtually impossible to remove by design.09:44
conjoshit its a resume09:45
ryuowouldn't you have the original source if its your own?09:45
conjowell print it put paper over the footer water mark then print again and scan to upload then email it09:46
conjoi made the cv on a resume builder online it has a footer watermark at the bottom of the document09:47
conjoluckily not over the middle09:47
ryuoif it's only in a footer, maybe you can remove that. it's not sounding like a watermark.09:47
ryuoconjo: https://www.sejda.com/pdf-editor09:50
ryuoall i can suggest. i don't work with pdf very often.09:50
ryuoi usually only "read" them09:50
conjoi cant thank you enough so so sooooo happy right now thank you =)09:51
ryuoconjo: a watermark would be over the whole image or so.09:52
conjocheers didnt know how else to describe it but yeah you're right lols09:54
Abhijitducasse, it worked. Thanks.10:01
bargI just had ubuntu live on usb, crash.. it won't start up a terminal even. So I checked maketecheasier.com/… and it said do sudo systemctl restart gdm3 to restart the xserver. Then I get an orange box and it says "live session user". I click it and I get a blanks screen for a while like just under a minute.. then it returns to that screen saying "live session user".10:11
duibhneachMy Ubuntu 18.04 has a borked network. Half netplan, half old-style. Network Manager was purged... Any ideas how I can rebuild my network stack? I.e. remove 'enp39s0' and get systemd to recognise again from scratch? I'd prefere not to lose the install10:22
naturaloghi, i'd like to map ctrl+` to pgup, how to do that please?10:41
EriC^^naturalog: xbindkeys10:42
naturalogxbindkeys is a program that allows you to launch shell commands with your keyboard or your mouse under X Window"10:47
naturaloghow can i simulate pgup using shell command?10:47
ducassethe right way to do this is using xkbcomp and setxkbmap10:48
=== fotato is now known as thotato
benishorI had some problems related to mouse being sluggish and all that11:47
benishorI finally found the cause. pretty lolstatic11:47
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benishorI'm leaving a note here, perhaps it will help others11:47
benishorsomehow, the refresh rate of my display got set to 23.98Hz11:48
benishorso that naturally caused the tearing and everything to seem sluggish11:48
benishorI can only presume my little kid messed around with the dropdown when I was holding him near the keyboard11:48
benishoranyways, it feels great to have it fixed11:49
benishorthanks for all the help11:49
=== monkeystance_ is now known as monkeystance
InteloI have virtualbox, apache running on guest and I want to view the webpage in host os. I think I need bridged network. Do I need any other configuration because I cannot ping the guest from host?11:54
pavlushkaIntelo: type "ip neigh" in your host machine, you'll see a foreign ip listing, that's your guest ip, type that into your browser12:05
Intelopavlushka,  nothing appears12:08
Inteloifconfig shows though12:08
pavlushkaIntelo: can you paste the output?12:09
Intelopavlushka,  no output12:11
pavlushkaIntelo: and also "arp -n" ?12:11
Intelopavlushka,  I cant copy paste either. guest addons/clipboard not working12:12
Inteloempty arp12:12
pavlushkaIntelo: asked for your ifconfig output12:12
pavlushkaIntelo: you have to do it in your host not guest12:12
Intelopavlushka, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q4qR9gR3pb/12:23
pavlushkaIntelo: is your guest running now, can you access that through virtualbox?12:24
pavlushkaIntelo: you have pasted the result of your guest machine, I asked for the host machine12:25
pavlushkaIntelo: and try to type the into your host machine's browser and feedback us.12:26
Intelopavlushka,  the paste is of host12:30
pavlushkaIntelo: hwat's your host os and guest os?12:33
Intelopavlushka, kubuntu, ubuntu-server12:39
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BluesKajHey folks13:21
analogicalUbuntu 18.04.4 was supposed to be release today has it been delayed??13:52
pragmaticenigmaanalogical: I've been running 18.04.4 for quite some time... are you seeing errors when you run apt?13:53
analogicalpragmaticenigma, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule13:55
pragmaticenigmaanalogical: That is a best guess as to when updates will be released, they may occur earlier or later than those published dates13:56
pragmaticenigmaanalogical: If there is information you would like to know, please ask13:59
analogicalpragmaticenigma, I already did and you didn't know13:59
pragmaticenigmaanalogical: I'm referring to the CTCP request13:59
analogicalso you prefer Windows 10 rather than Ubuntu?14:00
pragmaticenigmaanalogical: That is an off topic question for this channel14:01
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
bargI just had ubuntu live on usb, crash.. it won't start up a terminal even. So I googled and checked the link https://www.maketecheasier.com/4-ways-to-get-yourself-out-of-a-ubuntu-crash/ and it said do sudo systemctl restart gdm3 to restart the xserver. Then I get an orange box and it says "live session user". I click it and I get a blanks screen for a while like just under a minute.. then it14:19
bargreturns to that screen saying "live session user".14:19
pragmaticenigmabarg: The only way to recover from crash in a Live session is to reboot14:20
bargok, thanks.. Also, will it remember what changes I made since the last time I ran it or does it reset like a CD ROM?14:21
bargAnd if it resets like a CD ROM, is there any way to boot off USB such that it treats it like a hard drive?14:21
pragmaticenigmabarg: It will not remember, the Live USB can be setup with persistance so some things can be recovered14:22
pragmaticenigma!persistance | barg14:22
pragmaticenigma!persistence | barg14:23
ubottubarg: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence14:23
bargif i had a usb hard drive rather than usb flash drive, could I install ubuntu directly on that and then boot ubuntu off the usb hard drive and it's totally not live?14:34
pragmaticenigmabarg: depending on your computer setup and features... it might be possible14:37
Coolerhey, the builtin terminal of ubuntu 18.0414:37
Coolerdoes it support saving layouts?14:37
CoolerI have 8 tabs open14:37
Coolereach having a separate ssh session14:38
Cooleris it better to use tmux for this?14:38
pragmaticenigma!enter | Cooler14:38
ubottuCooler: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.14:38
bargpragmaticenigma: what do you mean when you say "depending on your computer setup and features... it might be possible".  What setup and features are required?  thanks14:39
pragmaticenigmaCooler: I'm not aware of any method for saving the current "session" or "state" of gnome-terminal. Tmux sounds like a better option14:39
tatertotsCooler: better and best are subjective terms...what's better/best for person "A" may not be better/best for person "B" ect14:39
BluesKajbarg, boot from usb in the uefi/bios boot sequence for starters14:40
gitShrektdoes Wayland GNOME have touchpad gestures14:40
gitShrektlike nice ones14:40
pragmaticenigmabarg: The computer's BIOS needs to support being able to determine if the drive is bootable. Also, some computer BIOS/Firmware do not like it when a bootable drive is removed14:40
Coolerwell my usecase is that when I want to be able to open the terminal and have all 8 tabs show up14:41
Coolerbut only if I want to, by default if I open a terminal it should open a normal terminal window14:42
pragmaticenigmaCooler: I don't believe there is an ability to do that14:42
Coolersome sort of file > save and file > open functionality would be nice14:42
bargBluesKaj: of course but that applies to a usb flash drive too, and I already have that14:43
Coolerhmm https://askubuntu.com/questions/310705/some-fast-way-to-save-and-restore-tabs-of-terminal14:43
gitShrektNobody ??14:43
lotuspsychje!patience | gitShrekt14:43
ubottugitShrekt: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:43
BluesKajbarg, once you remove the flash drive the boot sequence will revert to HDD or SSD14:44
leftyfbCooler: you should look into terminator14:44
sentimentHello. I have an AMD radeon 4650 gpu and I need to use opencl to run some software. But I found that the Linux open source driver doesn't support opencl. I searched around the web and found some complicated procedures that could work for cards other than mine (because the amdgpu driver doesn't seem to support my card). Am I out of luck and do I have to use Windows?15:05
biebI am building a new Ubuntu server for Wordpress at our office.. Would you recommend the OS be on a 120gb SSD and data/WP/DB on a 2 tb HDD?15:07
tatertotssentiment: you're out of luck...the open source driver doesn't support your use case15:08
leftyfbbieb: put everything on the SSD. If you're wordpress site is over a few gigs in size, you're doing something wrong.15:08
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tatertotssentiment: on the bright side...you can buy a GCN 1.x or newer card like the RX 570 for undre $400 USD on newegg15:08
biebleftyfb: thanks15:09
sentimentor just use Windows15:09
HornetHello. Could someone knowledgable with package management please help me through downgrading lib6c? I've got into a catch 22 and need to roll back a bit apparently, but it's not straightforwards and looks breaky15:19
Hornethttps://pastebin.com/f4DqutD2 for the exact issue. it looks like newer versions were installed by a debian repo I'd added safely a while ago, but it then upgraded past ubuntu. I've removed the repo from sources but the too-high package remains15:22
Hornetgoogle is full of people with similar issues and no clear answers unfortunately15:22
ash_guestwhen I open whatever screen you open by hitting the super-key and type team, I get two icons for team viewer that do different things15:23
ash_guestwhen I open the first one and check help it says it's an old version of team viewer15:23
ash_guestwhen I check apt list --installed, I only see the most recent version15:23
ash_guesthow can I find out what *program* is actually being launched by these icons?15:24
pragmaticenigmaash_guest: That happens when you manually install the application outside of the package manager... we could only help you remove the one installed through the package manager... you'll have to submit a help desk ticket to TeamViewer directly for help on removing the version you manually installed15:25
ash_guestthis happens to me a lot and the frustrating thing is that the answer is like "look for it in dpkg" or something. It's like, "yeah, if I knew what name I was looking for, I wouldn't need to look at all."15:25
ash_guestpragmaticenigma: yeah, idk, I have had other case where installing something left residue icons15:26
ash_guestnot necessarily through apt I guess. I dunno. About 50% of the time I'd say, I run into problems staying with just the ubuntu repos15:26
HornetI use mint with UI, I've not had issues with that. my pure ubuntu is headless though15:27
Hornetso I doubt I can be of much help15:27
pragmaticenigmaash_guest: And as I believe you've been told before, it's not recommended to install software from other sources. As this channel can't help with things there is no documentation for.15:27
ash_guestiirc the version of Team Viewer on the main branch doesn't work correctly.15:28
pavlushkaIntelo: sorry, can't figure out, I usually use virt-manager with qemu and deal with the guest machines just like any other remote machines without any extra configurations, may be someone else might help or try virtualbox specific channel if there's any, good luck15:28
ash_guestin any event, I am basically looking for the parallel to Windows right-click "properties" and checking the "target" of an icon15:28
ash_guestI was just hoping something like that existed on ubuntu15:29
ash_guestI can't imagine there's _no_ way to find out what an icon is triggering15:29
Hornetmaybe don't, use ps or something and see what's running after you click it?15:29
pavlushkaIntelo: meanwhile installed virtualbox in Ubuntu 18.04 though but lazy enough not to tinker with because with my setup I don't need to in general :)15:30
ash_guestHornet: good idea15:31
HornetIs anyone able to assist me with downgrading a package or two? I'm going in circles now15:33
pragmaticenigmaHornet: There is no mechanism for downgrading15:33
Hornetremoving and reinstalling I suppose then?15:34
Hornetlibc6 seems too integral to just blindly try that with though15:34
pragmaticenigmaHornet: It's unfortunate that this kind of is a "told ya so" but that's why its well documented to not mix Debian repos with Ubuntu. If you need something from Debian, best to use Debian. That is an integral library and that's why there is no definitive answer to your research. pulling it, takes so much with it, you'd be better off just wiping the system and starting from scratch15:37
Hornetat the time it was safe and in sync, they had no plans to update it further, then they did anyway :\15:38
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Hornetapparently forcing a specific version to be installed can be done, I can see how using synaptic, not bash though15:38
pragmaticenigmasynaptic uses package pinning... I'm just affraid changing the version number might cause other fallout15:39
Hornetdpgk has a -force-downgrade option that looks helpful, but I can't see how to find the exact slug to feed it on15:40
Hornetmaybe, but atm it's pretty broken15:40
Hornetso only way is up15:40
pragmaticenigma!info libc615:41
ubottulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.30-0ubuntu2 (eoan), package size 2661 kB, installed size 13272 kB15:41
pragmaticenigma!info libc6 bionic15:41
ubottulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.27-3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 2758 kB, installed size 11877 kB15:41
pragmaticenigmaHornet: ^  ^  ^  those are the version for 19.10 and 18.04 respectively... does that help?15:41
Hornetinterestingly, no - they're too new. which means the server installation is older than I realised15:42
HornetI'm trying to get package management up so I can update it15:42
ioriaHornet, what's the kernel ? unamr -r15:43
ioria*uname -r15:43
Hornet 3.13.0-143-generic15:43
Hornet14.04, yep15:44
ioriaHornet, trusty should use 2.19-0ubuntu6.15 libc615:44
Hornetlsb_release -a a little more informative15:44
Hornethandy, where are you finding that information from?15:44
ioriaHornet,  dpkg -l | grep libc15:44
gitShrektIf nobody's gonna tell me if Ubuntu has touchpad gestures I'm gonna switch to Windows15:44
HornetI also need libc-l10n and libc-bin - thanks, will investigate15:45
gitShrektYou have 10 seconds15:45
nssgitShrekt: with wayland yes15:45
gitShrektlol it worked15:45
gitShrektbut are they configurable15:45
gitShrektI saw only the 4 finger ones15:45
gitShrekt4 FINGERS15:45
gitShrektWhat I am i15:46
gitShrektWhat am I*, an illegal alien15:46
gitShrektstealing yer jebs15:46
ioriaHornet,  if apt is broken, you'll probably need to manually download those .debs and use dpkg -i15:46
Hornetioria: thanks, probably yes. are you using a 14.04 then? as dpkg is showing me the too-high numbers for the other two I need15:47
Hornetin which case could I trouble you for the right answers?15:47
ioriaHornet,  i'am not using 14.0415:47
Hornetokay, thanks, I think I see what it's showing me here15:49
ioriaHornet, libc-bin should be the same version15:49
Hornethttps://pastebin.com/f4DqutD2 is the original problem, ioria15:49
ioriaHornet, apt-cache policy libc-l10n15:51
Hornetlibc-bin 2.19-0ubuntu6.14 , libc-l10n 2.21-7+linux2.6.32 , libc6:amd64 2.21-7+linux2.6.32 I think these are the ones I need15:52
HornetInstalled: 2.21-7+linux2.6.32 , candidate teh same15:52
Hornethttps://pastebin.com/crU6jwh4 lightly confusion15:55
pragmaticenigmaHornet: There is a slight complication... 14.04 reached EOL in April of 2019 :-/15:56
HornetI'm upgrading it so that's academic, repos will be archived surely15:56
ioriaHornet,  libc-bin is ok (also if outdated) the others you need to force a manual install i guess15:58
ioriaHornet,  https://blog.simos.info/how-to-completely-remove-a-third-party-repository-from-ubuntu/15:59
HornetI did encounter that, but I'm not sure it applies, the repo was directly added into sources.list and has been since removed16:02
Hornetunsure if that would help or just break things more16:03
HornetI'm currently trying to find the right /debs16:03
Hornetlibc6 isn't findable :\16:05
duibhneachdoes anyone have advice on how to reset the network stack for systemd / netplan on 18.04? I've borked it and I think I need to make systemd / PCI forget about my network and make it regenerate/rediscover it16:06
pragmaticenigmaduibhneach: would just deleting the profiles (preferably moving the config files out of the config folder) be enough to get you back to base?16:07
multifractalJust rigged up a displaylink hub to have extra screens on my Dell 9370 with 18.04. I spent a while tweaking the display and resolution settings, but after I restarted they were gone and I had to re-do them all. Will this keep on happening? Is there anything I can do to keep them persistent?16:07
pragmaticenigmamultifractal: You might have to create a xorg config file to save the settings more permanently. Ubuntu typically auto generates a profile on each boot16:08
duibhneachmaybe so! any hint as to where profile / config files are?16:09
pragmaticenigmaunfortunately I haven't done much work with netplan... but if you're not sure where the config files are you sure you are using netplan and not NetworkManager?16:10
ducasseduibhneach: /etc/netplan16:10
Hornetioria, the way that works requires data in /var/lib/apt/lists/ , which isn't there, at least for the errant repo16:10
Hornetjust double-checked16:10
duibhneachducasse: I've tried to do that. From googling, I think I need to regenerate the interface 'enp39s0' but not 100% sure how16:11
pavlushkaIntelo: join #vbox channel, that might help you including google16:12
ducasseduibhneach: afaik the netplan files are generated by logic in the installer, the only other way i know of is manually writing them16:14
ioriaHornet,  dpkg -l | grep +linux2.6 | nc termbin.com 999916:15
HornetI think it's the + that's breaking my searching then16:17
Hornetthat and getting terminal blindness, been at this for hours -_-16:17
Hornetthanks for your help, it's much appreciated16:17
duibhneachpomust go16:18
HornetI think sudo aptitude install libc-l10n=2.21-7+linux2.6.32 libc6=2.21-7+linux2.6.32 might be the magic answer?16:21
HornetI'm not sure how + is handled in apt* though16:21
SimonNLif not there it's not there16:21
Hornetaptitude is apparently better at this than apt-get install for some reason16:21
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Hornethttps://pastebin.com/PAtsWfXy ioria et al16:23
Hornetthat's ... not very friendly16:23
HornetI'm wondering if the 'partly installed' packages are part of the issue16:24
pragmaticenigmaThey definitely could have a influence16:26
Intelopavlushka, ok. thanks16:26
Hornethow can I tell it to abandon them?16:27
HornetI'm miles out of my depth now16:27
pragmaticenigmame too16:27
ioriaHornet,  aptitude not working ?16:30
Hornetioria, see the pastebin, it wants to nuke everything from orbit16:31
ioriaHornet,  apt -s install --reinstall libc6=2.19-0ubuntu6.1516:35
Hornetioria, it just repeats the same errors about unmet dependancies16:39
HornetI tried aptitude in interactive mode, it was interesting, it worked out it needed to downgrade, I told it to apply with '!', it looked like it did things, I then quit and reloaded it and it didn't see the issue to solve any more16:41
HornetBUT, the same error -still- appears in apt?!16:41
Hornetafter update etc#16:41
HornetI'm deeply confused now16:41
ioriaHornet,  check apt-cache policy again16:42
ioriaHornet,  btw, are you on a 14.04 extended support  , right ?16:43
ZeroBeholderHello, I would like to install the regular amd64 ubuntu live desktop iso to a usb stick-- I would like to run the ubuntu server install iso from the runing desktop loaded.16:44
ZeroBeholderIs this possible? Or should I put the crackpipe down...?16:44
ioriaHornet,  correct me but that libc-l10n it's not an ubuntu package, so you might remove it16:45
Hornetioria it's 14.04 LTS yes, it's not been updated in 'some time' though, due to this issue. it's been behind a firewall and turned off until today though, so should be quite secure16:45
HornetI did via aptitude16:46
ioriaHornet,  what  apt-cache policy  libc616:46
Hornetpolicy reports that l10n is still installed though :|16:47
Hornethttps://termbin.com/x3jw ioria16:48
ZeroBeholderX -> Y problem possibly. I want to modify the SSDs and Hard Drive array from the running live USB. But, I need to update the Intel e1000e and set up hibernation/Wake-on-LAN... cut/paste text & files stored in a folder on the USB flash drive. But, I want gedit/kate/something to use instead of vi.16:48
ioriaHornet,  no, it did nothing16:49
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Hornetthat's what I thought... so the apt problem is stopping us fixing it with apt? do I need to dpkg -i with the deb file to hand?16:49
HornetZeroBeholder, nano is nice16:50
pragmaticenigmaZeroBeholder: There's a lot to unpack there... what is your immediate need?16:50
ZeroBeholderI am not smart yet. Brightening ever so slightly each minute. I am going to load ubuntu server on a bootable usb disk. I will load kde or something. Then I will copy over the things I need for the persnickety Intel s1200bts motherboard. Finally I will boot the board with the USB flash drive and start up the ubuntu server install...16:52
Hornetioria, so if I grab the .deb from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/amd64/libc6/2.19-0ubuntu6.15 should I try force feeding it with dpkg?16:52
ZeroBeholderA bog standard server flavor install leaves the board with "issues". Partly because the e1000e driver is crap.16:52
ZeroBeholderI have never experienced so much sadness from any motherboard.16:53
ioriaHornet,  yep (you can try) for all of them16:53
Hornethttps://termbin.com/1ksf !16:55
ZeroBeholderThanks for the attempt and the rubber ducking.16:56
ZeroBeholderAdios monfreres16:56
lotuspsychjeioria: found my fan issue, bug #186215017:00
ubottubug 1862150 in xscreensaver (Ubuntu) "Xscreensaver produces high cpu and fan on 18.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186215017:00
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iorialotuspsychje, ok... but you said that your htop was fine17:09
kinghatif you run a snap it takes time to load, if you close the app and run it again its almost instant, does that mean its just held in memory forever?17:09
lotuspsychjeioria: well the thing is, after xscreensaver is interupted by mouse, it vanishes so quickly from htop, i never saw it rised in cpu17:10
iorialotuspsychje, i see17:10
ioriaHornet, is ok, good17:11
Hornetioria, I'm just chasing around similar things now but manual searching and -i seems to be working. many thanks for your help, this seems to have nailed it17:14
ioriaHornet, good job17:14
NasusiroTokasoniHey, if I want to install ubuntu, what should I choose as a mount point? I don't really know the difference between the options.17:14
seanrdevQuestion. I have one user on ubuntu server. Lets call this user1. Well user1 edited /etc/sudoers file and made massive mistakes. So in order to correct that issue one has to log in as root. However I cannot access root as there is no password for this accound during install. I cannot use sudo on user1 as the file is messed up. What are my options?17:14
lotuspsychje!partitioning | NasusiroTokasoni17:15
ubottuNasusiroTokasoni: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap17:15
seanrdevsu root doesn't work. sudo -i gives errors. I'm a little stuck on this one.17:15
NasusiroTokasoniThanks for the link! I'll look into it.17:16
ioriaseanrdev, recovery mode17:17
ducasseseanrdev: boot in maintenance mode, and you can fix it17:17
Hornetor pull & mount the drive in something else17:17
seanrdevSo no way to fix remotely. Damn.....17:18
Hornetwell you could hack it from a non-root account17:19
Hornethttps://termbin.com/2037 mission succesful, apt is behaving again! thanks again ioria, that was a mission and a half17:19
Hornet4 hours of swearing17:19
ioriaHornet, very good17:19
seanrdevWell I guess it's a shot if I can find a privilege escalation exploit. Ok guys. Thanks for the help.17:21
ReventlovI'm having trouble with WiFi on one HP (RTL8111/8168/8411): it can connect to some WiFi networks, but not on the other17:28
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ioriaReventlov, are you that is your wifi adapter ? lspci -nnk | grep -i net17:46
jeremy31Reventlov: that is ethernet18:04
tatertotsReventlov: you may not meet the requirements to connect to the wireless network18:20
tatertotsReventlov: especially if it's a school or college wireless network on campus18:20
tatertotsReventlov: and there's not really much you can do about it either if that's the case18:20
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Notguest96Hi, I have a question about unbuntu, can I still install all my google chrome extensions?19:15
Notguest96Please tag me if you want to get my attention19:15
sarnoldNotguest96: no idea. if your google chrome extensions were built just for windows or mac, probably not. if they're webextensions, probably they'll work fine19:17
Notguest96This is my first Linux system so I'm not used to it sarnold19:18
Notguest96I still haven't installed it yet because I use a lot of chrome extension19:18
sarnoldhmm, I can't spot anything on eg to suggest which platforms it'll work on https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vimium/dbepggeogbaibhgnhhndojpepiihcmeb?hl=en19:21
sarnoldNotguest96: you could try it out in a VM first, I guess; performance would probably be way worse than you're used to, but it might be good enough to let you install the extensions and make sure they work first19:22
Notguest96I'm gonna be installing it on a crappy laptop so I don't have the luxury to do that  sarnold19:23
sarnoldNotguest96: oh. bummer :(19:23
tatertotsNotguest96: you don't mention any chrome extensions by name specifically...a vague inquiry is only deserving of a vague response19:23
tatertotsNotguest96: you won't know anything until you actually take actions to install chrome and the extensions that you didn't name and test for yourself19:24
Notguest96tatertots it's a lot, but for example stuff like ublock, dark reader, privacy possum and umatrix19:25
tatertotsinstall and test for yourself19:27
sarnoldloads of folks talk about ublock and umatrix all the time, so those will likely just work19:28
sarnolddark reader feels like it's just new csses for sites, probably it'll just work19:28
Notguest96I looked online and it seem like it'll work so i'll try it19:29
crimson_kingAfter changing the SSH port from the default 22 to a non-privileged higher-number port, the SSH service no longer starts on boot, despite being enabled when queried with `systemctl status`. What could it be?19:46
sarnoldwhat do the logs say?19:47
crimson_kingsarnold, I checked auth.log and systemctl status, but there are not errors. The service is stopped on boot, then I login using the hosting provider website and manually start SSH. Only then I can ssh into it.19:56
crimson_kingsarnold, Wanna take a look at the auth.log?19:57
sarnoldcrimson_king: try journalctl -ex -u ssh19:57
ioriacrimson_king, also try to start in debug mode : /usr/sbin/sshd -p xxxx  -D -d -e19:58
crimson_kingsarnold, no entries19:58
crimson_kingioria, ok, trying now19:58
crimson_kingsarnold, sorry, my bad, i had to run as root19:59
sarnoldaha :)19:59
sarnoldalso sudo sshd -T   can help spot errors in configs19:59
ioriai'am wondering if you're  running it as a regular process instead of service/daemon20:00
sarnoldheh, that'd be an impressive amount of systemd unit file goofing ;)20:01
crimson_kingsarnold, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rd8mRNqTb8/20:02
crimson_kingsarnold, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hWgPRWwn4c/20:04
crimson_kingfirst is ssh -T, the second is journalctl -ex -u ssh20:04
crimson_kingsshd -T*20:05
sarnoldcrimson_king: hmm, it all seems like it's working fine ... when you said "the SSH service no longer starts on boot", how did you determine this?20:05
leftyfbcrimson_king: journalctl -n 100 -xeu ssh20:06
crimson_kingI was getting connection refused from the terminal. But I can still login through the hosting provider website and check if ssh is running20:06
crimson_kingAnd it wasn't running20:07
leftyfbsarnold: the reason it failed is probably before the "Unit ssh.service has failed." message at the very top20:07
crimson_kingBut it still said "enabled"20:07
leftyfbcrimson_king: please pastebin the output from the modified journalctl command I posted above20:07
crimson_kingah, I see some errors now.20:08
ioriathe network ?20:08
leftyfbcrimson_king: care to share this new info?20:09
crimson_kingHow do I make a paste to paste.ubuntu.com from the terminal? I forgot.20:09
leftyfbyou can install pastebinit20:09
ioriathere was a bug where ssh starts before network.target20:09
crimson_kingThose errors are old. October 30. It's not that.20:13
leftyfbcrimson_king: you have something else running on port 22 on boot and your service still configured to do so as well?20:13
crimson_kingThis started about an hour ago. I changed Port 22 to another in sshd_config, then I allowed the new port in UFW, deleting port 22 from it as well.20:15
crimson_kingAfter a reboot, bang! Connection refused. Then I check it, SSH is not running.20:15
nelginHey all. I'm looking at the acpi package for 18.04LTS and it appears to have both systemd and init.d files in there. Any reason for this? It looks like my customer has enabled it in init.d - any reason to use one rather than the other?20:15
sarnoldI wonder why the "not running" doesn't show up in the logs though :( that's just weird20:15
crimson_kingsarnold, I'll show you what I see from the hosting provider web console.20:16
sarnoldnelgin: "it's complicated" :( -- debian still lets people switch inits, so they aren't removing the /etc/init.d/ versions; while we could remove them, it'd be a lot more changes compared to debian that we'd have to carry forward. I think we should do it, but I'm just one voice..20:17
vltHello. I have a (powered) USB hub. When I connect a mouse, its red LED flashes only for about a second and I get this message: https://termbin.com/cj70   Any idea why and how to fix this?20:17
nelginMeh ok.20:17
nelginI'm trying to detect when the reset switch is pressed and I thought the acpid.service being off was stopping it logging, obviously not since it was running from init.d20:18
sarnoldvlt: wild guess, you may have too many devices in that hub, or perhaps some usb2 or 1.2 or 1.1 or 1.0 or similar devices plugged into it, causing the whole thing to run at slower speeds. (at least I think usb does this.)20:19
crimson_kingsarnold, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qJf6cvRHBg/  - systemctl status ssh20:20
g3poandlslTrying to set up automatic LUKS unlocking for root at boot time with clevis and tang.  The tang server is already set up and working correctly. When I run clevis-bind-luks -d /dev/sd3 tang '{"url":"<URL>:<PORT>"}' and accept the key, not key is added to the LUKS partition.20:21
vltsarnold: The mouse is the *only* device.20:21
sarnoldcrimson_king: hmm. I wonder; does it start or not on a fresh boot?20:21
crimson_kingsarnold, This output is right after a fresh boot20:22
nelginIs your hub plugged into usb2 or usb3? Whichever, try swapping it.20:23
ioriacrimson_king, and what happens if you revert to 22 port ?20:23
crimson_kingioria, I'll do it now.20:23
nelginvlt, lots of people have a similar problem. Matching hub usb with computer usb (ie, usb2.0 hub to usb2.0 port) seems to fix it for them.20:25
crimson_kingioria, Then it works, via port 2220:28
nelgincrimson_king - did run journalctl -u sshd to see what the error is?20:28
ioriacrimson_king, it's a VPS right ?20:28
crimson_kingYes, VPS20:29
crimson_kingnelgin, no errors20:29
crimson_kingI think I pasted already ^20:30
vltnelgin: It's plugged into USB 3. `lsusb -t` with and without the hub: https://termbin.com/us8520:30
adacHi there! On one of my ubuntu servers I suddenly get on autocomplete: ls -bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: Read-only file system20:33
adac-bash: cannot create temp file for here-document: Read-only file system20:33
adacalso docker process cannot be started anymore20:33
adacany ideas?20:33
adacI tried to reboot. It did came back but reboot didn't solve it20:33
sarnoldadac: check dmesg -- probably there's loads of filesystem errors in there20:34
ioriacrimson_king, i don't use VPS, idk if something must be set or unset: paste    grep -i port /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:35
crimson_kingioria, will do in a moment, it's restarting...20:36
crimson_kingI'm trying to change the port in sshd_config but leave port 22 enabled on the firewall along with the new port.20:37
crimson_kingok, I got something. I can ssh via port 22 even when it's configured to another port in sshd_config20:38
leftyfbcrimson_king: can you ssh to the new port? Can you post your sshd_config?20:38
crimson_kingI can't ssh to the new port. It gives me connection refused.20:38
crimson_kingOK, will paste20:38
crimson_kingleftyfb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tGNz77zrVh/20:39
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crimson_kingCould the VPS provider be overriding the port to 22 somehow?20:42
crimson_kingIn their default images...20:42
leftyfbcrimson_king: could be. Depends on what sort of solution they're running20:42
crimson_kingI see they're changing some settings using some component named cloud-init or something like that... I don't understand it much.20:43
crimson_kingI'm gonna look at their documentation.20:44
leftyfbcrimson_king: yup, cloud-init definitely does that20:44
leftyfbcrimson_king: are you using Digital Ocean?20:45
crimson_kingleftyfb, No, I think this provider only operates in Brazil20:45
ioriacrimson_king, silly thing; try 5834220:47
leftyfbioria: it won't work. cloud-init is overwriting20:47
ioriaah, it's coloud ?20:47
leftyfbcrimson_king: I'm going to guess the settings are in your Locaweb web console settings which cloud-init uses at boot20:48
crimson_kingleftyfb, I looked for any info on changing ports on their docs, but there's nothing20:49
Notguest96I installed linux20:50
crimson_kingI'm now looking at /etc/cloud/* to find anything related to ssh20:50
Notguest96It's a big laggy but the extension are working with chrome20:50
Notguest96Thanks to whoever helped me20:50
ioriacrimson_king, you can disable it  with a kernel parameter20:50
leftyfbioria: I wouldn't do that. No telling what default settings they have in there to made the server work/accessible20:51
ioriaright, right20:51
crimson_kingYeah, that's what I'm afraid to20:51
leftyfbcrimson_king: was there a place you had to setup an ssh key when you created the instance?20:51
Notguest96Also, I recently downloaded mumble from launchpad and i'm a bit confused20:52
crimson_kingleftyfb, Well, they give us the option to set an ssh key to login with when you first create the instance.20:52
Notguest96This is my first time on linux20:52
Notguest96where is the launchpad app at?20:52
crimson_kingleftyfb, I used it.20:52
leftyfbcrimson_king: think you can go back to that spot/config in your web console for Locaweb?20:52
makr8100Notguest96: what distro and window manager are you using?20:53
makr8100You can just try the super/meta/windows key, and try alt+f1 or ctrl+esc20:54
Notguest96ubuntu and just the default makr810020:54
makr8100Those are common shortcuts to open app launcher menus20:54
makr8100Ah, then everything should be on the left bar but I forget how to open the all progs menu20:54
crimson_kingleftyfb, Only by deleting everything and reinstalling the OS20:56
makr8100Are there 9 dots arranged in a 3x3 square at the bottom left?  That looks to be default for 18 LTS20:56
Notguest96Also my mouse is a bit laggy20:57
crimson_kingleftyfb, I'll try to contact their support and ask...20:57
makr8100I usually suggest KDE for noobs coming from Windows, it's a lot more familiar feeling20:57
WaVMy SSH client appears to be automatically requesting X11 to be enabled during an ssh session to a remote host. I have to disable it via -x. Is this expected behavior? I don't recall this happening until recently.21:08
metbsdis there a way to run a linux distribution from usb drive?21:19
metbsdeven update and reboot21:19
WaVDisregard, I forgot I edited /etc/ssh/ssh_config some months ago to Forward X11.21:21
bpromptmetbsd:  sure, you can, but is a live session, why bother?21:21
crimson_kingmetbsd, You can install any distribution on a USB drive the same way you do on a normal SSD/HDD. Just keep in mind that it's going to be slower and, since it's flash memory, it will wear the device really fast if there's a lot of I/O.21:22
crimson_kingmetbsd, Some lightweight distributions are made for that purpose, and they will try to minimize I/O to help keep the flash drive going for longer.21:24
metbsdcuz i don't want to affect my hard drive21:24
metbsdcannot update live system?21:25
metbsdi want to run from usb drive just like hd21:26
crimson_kingmetbsd, You have to install the OS on the usb drive then.21:26
crimson_kingBut you need the installer in one USB device and the target device connected so you can install to it.21:27
crimson_kingSo you need 2 USB devices...21:27
metbsdcan't i just burn a preinstalled usb image and burn it to usb to run for good21:31
Notguest96I can't install from PPA21:32
Notguest96I get stuck after the update part21:32
Notguest96I can't see the app installed anywhere21:33
EriC^^metbsd: if you have virtualbox you could use it to install directly to the usb21:35
EriC^^you'd need to make the usb a raw disk file and load that as the hdd in virtualbox and the ubuntu iso as the initial loader21:36
metbsdcan live system be updated?21:37
mkquistmetbsd: or something like this?  https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14912/create-a-persistent-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive/21:46
mkquistmetbsd: not quite the same21:47
johnjayhow do I get a system monitor into the task bar for ubuntu 18?21:48
johnjayis the default DE gnome?21:48
Notguest96Launchpad.net is not working for me21:51
Notguest96I seem to be doing something wrong when I try to get a ppa21:52
nCoV_frenHi Frens!21:54
makr8100metbsd: opensuse can run from a live iso and software installs/updates are peristent because it makes/uses a file system with the remaining space on the usb drive21:59
makr8100no tweaking needed, it just works21:59
makr8100dd the live iso to the usb stick and you can boot off it, the filesystem is made on 1st boot of the os22:00
barquentineI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my dad's laptop. He's got a hard drive called /dev/sda. The SSD that I'm trying to put Ubuntu on for him is called /dev/sdb. I created a partition (the whole drive) and the mount point as "/". When prompted to continue, it tells me that "swap" will be on (sda). Does that make sense? Shouldn't it be on sdb? Thanks guys22:07
Fuchsbarquentine: then you need to leave some space on sdb for swap  (or not have swap at all)22:10
Fuchs(well, or a swapfile, but ... meh)22:10
barquentineoh gotcha! that makes sense22:11
barquentinelearning as I go along here ...22:11
Fuchsbarquentine: personally I also recommend a separate /boot, and if you want encrypted home directories, separate /home might make sense22:11
Fuchsbut from an entirely technical point of view, the only thing that absolutely needs to be separate is swap, as that is not under / and a different "filesystem"22:12
Fuchsgiven it's a laptop, personally  I recommend having swap, if you want to suspend to disk22:12
Fuchs(then it needs to be at least as big as RAM)22:12
barquentinestrange! So now it tells me that both sda and sdb are swap. Is 40GB not enough?22:13
barquentineIt's a 240GB hard drive and I allocated 200 for ext422:13
Fuchsuh, careful that you don't override sda, I assume you want to keep whatever is on that disk on that disk22:13
barquentineyes, I'm going to be moving data over from there. I'd like to leave it as is until my dad is fully settled with his new SSD and then I'll wipe that drive and turn it into a backup device22:14
Fuchsso you need to tell it to not use sda for anything, and on sdb personally I'd create a small /boot (can be ext2/3/4), a swap a tiny bit bigger than RAM and have the rest as /  (probably ext4)22:14
Fuchsthe installer should offer something to auto-format for you, and if you tell it to only use sdb (but all of it) it should do something rather sane, usually22:14
Fuchsmaybe best go one step back to ensure sda is not touched, then redo sdb22:14
Fuchspersonally I'd give it  RAM + 1G for swap, 512M for /boot and the rest for /, unless you want separate /home partition, then it gets a bit more complicated. But YMMV, and probably what the installer suggests is fine as well  (just doublecheck that Swap > RAM if you plan to have suspend to disk, otherwise you have to use a swapfile, and persoanlly I think that's a bit meh)22:16
barquentineoh man it won't leave sda alone!22:18
barquentineI tried both22:18
barquentinemanually setting everything and letting the installer decide22:18
Ben64i mean, you could physically remove sda22:18
FuchsI'm pretty sure there is an option in the installer to tell it not to touch a specific disk, but it's a while since I saw the installer22:18
Fuchsso maybe someone has a more up to date idea on this :)22:18
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Fuchsbut yeah, worst case you can just either disconnect it, or, if easier because laptop, temporariy disable it in the BIOS22:19
Fuchs(or EFI or whatever you have)22:19
ailionDo we have a channel for topics on ubuntu derivatives or distros?22:26
Ben64this one22:27
Ben64well, official flavors only22:27
ailionI mean... building a new one...22:27
ailionI'm following this page and got the output from Germinate, so now I have a list of package name. But it's just names, not debs and udebs, so what's next?22:30
ailionapt-ftparchive and reprepro both requires downloaded deb and udeb files to work. Any help? Thanks.22:32
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DarkchaosAnyone familiar with debugging package building failures? Building _the same_ package on Debian Buster vs. Ubuntu Bionic yields different results and I am suspecting something happening from pbuilder or specific faults in the rules file being the cause, but I don't know the tooling well enough23:20
sarnoldwhat's the difference in output?23:22
DarkchaosSome sections in the ELF Header are missing, on Ubuntu the VERSYMs are lost, causing ld to assert when trying to use the built libraries23:23
DarkchaosI've already tried it with nostrip, that adds additional tables, but versym shouldn't be stripped anyway23:23
DarkchaosThe only thing that is different is that Debian does the whole build in debuild, where on ubuntu I need to invoke pbuilder23:23
DarkchaosI guess there is no way of skipping pbuilder? Or at least opening a shell at every build stage to inspect the file right after compilation and before packaging?23:26
brezanacWhich package does get-gpg-key actually belong to?23:27
sarnoldit's up to you how you want to build of course; most people use sbuild, a few use pbuilder, and one or two folks just use dpkg-buildpackage directly on their machine without any build infrastructure (I do not recommend)23:27
DarkchaosWell, I'm currently spinning up a docker container to see if something changes depending on the environment, which is the only pointer I have right now23:29
raversarnold: I use checkinstall if l must compile by my own23:59

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