
mborzeckidriving kids to school, back in 3006:38
mborzeckigit pull07:26
mborzeckipff wrong window07:26
mupPR snapd#7863 closed: interfaces: add uio interface <Squash-merge> <Created by zyga> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7863>07:32
mborzeckipstolowski: hey08:04
mupPR snapd#8107 opened: tests/lib/prepare: use a local copy of uc20 initramfs skeleton <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8107>08:18
mupPR snapd#8075 closed: boot: don't use "kernel" from the modeenv anymore <Simple 😃> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8075>08:41
mborzeckipedronis: hey, thanks for merging 8075, there's some conflicts in #8076 now but i'll push an update there08:42
mupPR #8076: boot: add TryBase and BaseStatus to modeenv; use in snap-bootstrap <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8076>08:42
pedronismborzecki: thank you08:43
pedronismborzecki: and hi, reminder about reviewing #758808:43
mupPR #7588: cmd/snap: add a "snap routine portal-info" command <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7588>08:43
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, got it in my queue, wanted to push out the uc20 kernel thing first08:44
pedronismborzecki: makes sense, but we are over the of hump of getting snap-bootstrap injected/things booting08:45
mborzeckipedronis: yeah, finally08:45
uajainNo snap packaging for Dropbox?08:48
mborzecki8076 needs a 2nd review08:49
pedronismborzecki: I'll look at it in a bit08:52
pedronispstolowski: hi, did a pass on #810209:10
pedronisthank you for it09:10
mupPR #8102: o/ifacestate: move ResolveDisconnect to ifacestate <Needs Samuele review> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8102>09:10
pstolowskipedronis: hey, thanks!09:10
mborzeckimvo took a sick day?09:19
pstolowskimborzecki: not sure about the reason, but he said he would be off today09:20
mborzeckiwonder if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1861648 is snapd running xdelta maybe09:23
mupBug #1861648: When booting 20.04 an 'ld-2.23.so' process consumes 100% CPU for minutes <champagne> <focal> <performance> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1861648>09:23
Saviqhey all, do you guys know if there's API to trigger builds on build.snapcraft.io?09:28
LukewhSaviq you'd need to use the launchpad API directly I think09:28
mupPR snapd#8093 closed: cmd/snap-confine: detect base transitions on core16 <Bug> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8093>09:29
SaviqLukewh: right, so I'd need a recipe on LP, that we do know09:29
Lukewhto answer your question directly though - build.snapcraft.io doesn't have an api :)09:29
Lukewhprobably should have started with that09:29
zygapedronis: good morning! did mvo decide to do another 2.43.x?09:35
pedroniszyga: yes, but he is off today, there's a couple of things marked from 2.43 that are not backported yet, that we should discuss with him whether to backport or not09:36
zygaaha, I see09:36
zygathanks, I'll add a launchpad milestone then09:36
pedronismborzecki: pstolowski: I think it was planned either way for him to be off, he is using a swap day from CPT09:38
pedronissame as me on Monday09:38
zygapedronis: thank you for backporting uio dependencies and working on the feedback, I read the comments now09:38
pstolowskihey zyga !09:39
zygaI didn't notice the uio hotplug leftover, thanks for chasing that09:39
zygahey pawel :)09:39
mborzeckizyga: hey! feeling better?09:39
zygamborzecki: yeah, no more fever, just some cough left09:39
zygamborzecki: kind of wished I was sick next week but what can you do09:39
zygalooking at the list of open PRs I have this feeling: https://imgflip.com/i/3ogq6y09:41
mborzeckihmmm, taken from environment.d manpage: `If multiple files specify the same option, the entry in the file with the lexicographically latest name will take precedence` and we have `990-snapd.conf`11:09
pstolowskipedronis: found the bug in rawsockstopper, details coming shortly11:15
pedronispstolowski: thx11:15
* pedronis lunch11:24
* zyga did first real c20 review in a while https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8103#pullrequestreview-35508228811:30
mupPR #8103: snap-bootstrap: store encrypted partition recovery key <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8103>11:30
pstolowskipedronis: commented on 810111:34
zygapedronis, pstolowski: I did a pass over https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8102#issuecomment-58335298711:36
mupPR #8102: o/ifacestate: move ResolveDisconnect to ifacestate <Needs Samuele review> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8102>11:36
pstolowskizyga: yep, just saw it, thank oyu11:36
pstolowskizyga: interesting remark about KeepAlive11:40
pstolowskididn't know about it11:40
zygapstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8101#issuecomment-58335490411:40
mupPR #8101: netlink: fix/support stopping goroutines reading netlink raw sockets <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8101>11:40
zygapstolowski: yeah, golang is full of that11:40
pstolowskizyga: afaiu setting non-blocking mode is not possible here until go-1.11 (see PR desc)11:42
zygapstolowski: why?11:43
zygapstolowski: I mean, we do syscall* everything11:43
zygaso we can just do it too11:43
zygapstolowski: but regardless of what go provides, my comment stands, it's a system, not go, property11:43
zygapstolowski: we can use non-blocking IO without wrapping it in existing structs11:44
mborzeckizyga: did land the code to parse the snap apparmor labels (or just security labels)?11:47
pstolowskizyga: i don't know the details of why non-blocking is problematic, pedronis / mvo investigated this11:47
zygamborzecki: I don't recall us having such code11:48
mborzeckizyga: i recall us-2 discussing the need to have such code in the context of cgroupv2, but i don't remember whether anything was written actually11:49
zygamborzecki: no, my code needs review11:49
zygamborzecki: can you look, I can iterate once it lands :/11:49
mupPR #7825: many: use transient scope for tracking apps and hooks <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7825>11:50
jdstrandzyga: fyi, that PR is high on the list. I hoped today, likely monday now11:53
jdstrandzyga: it is a big one for me11:53
zygajdstrand: hey :)11:53
zygajdstrand: thanks,11:53
zygajdstrand: big note: that's still behind a feature flag11:53
jdstrandso I need a big chunk of time to devote to it11:53
zygajdstrand: and I want to iterate on more {features,tests,stuff}11:53
zygajdstrand: so please keep that in mind, I just want to make progress11:54
zygajdstrand: understood (on time)11:54
jdstrandzyga: I understand. code and future work is one thing, but the design is novel (to me) and I want to make sure I give your code due respect :)11:55
zygayep :)11:55
jdstrandbut ack11:55
zygaI'm just saying there are TODOs there and I know :)11:55
* jdstrand nods11:55
jdstrandI'm not concerned with that bit11:56
jdstrandthis is milestoned for 2.4411:56
jdstrandI'm just letting you know I haven't forgotten about it11:56
zygasure :)11:56
zygajdstrand: given you are here, is my response to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614#issuecomment-580649998 sensible?11:56
mupPR #7614: cmd/snap-confine: implement snap-device-helper internally <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7614>11:56
jdstrandzyga: yes12:00
* jdstrand thumbs ups the comment12:00
mborzeckipedronis: some comments in #7588, but nothing large, i can push some fixes there12:04
mupPR #7588: cmd/snap: add a "snap routine portal-info" command <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7588>12:04
mborzeckipedronis: wdyt about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7588#discussion_r376358272 ?12:13
mupPR #7588: cmd/snap: add a "snap routine portal-info" command <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7588>12:13
pedronisgrumble, google:ubuntu-20.04-64:tests/main/interfaces-pulseaudio12:24
mborzeckiheh, again?12:26
pedronismborzecki: we have context things for snaps,  I still think SnapApp is what we want12:28
mborzeckipstolowski: is pulseaudio trying to poke bluez again?12:29
pedronismborzecki: I commented in the PR as well12:29
pstolowskimborzecki: i've no idea12:34
pedronispstolowski: thanks for finding that issue out, I will try to do a pass also taking zyga comment into account later today12:41
pstolowskipedronis: yw, and thanks for investigating it further12:41
* zyga reads about x50912:57
mborzeckizyga: have headache pills ready13:00
zygamborzecki: hmm?13:00
zygaare you sending a long review :D ?13:00
mborzeckizyga: for x50913:00
zygaah :)13:00
pedronis#8063 needs reviews, at this point both mvo and me have added code to it13:01
mupPR #8063: cmd/snap: implement 'snap remove-user' <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8063>13:01
zygapedronis: just after 810013:02
zygawrapping up13:02
* zyga is very happy with the "viewed" tick on gh13:05
mborzeckipedronis: do you have logs from the stuck pulseaudio interfaces test?13:07
zygapedronis: doing remove-user review now13:08
pedronismborzecki: this one failed, not stuck, but yes13:11
pedronismborzecki: here, https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/647158169/log.txt13:12
pedronisis the other jamesh PR13:12
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
mborzeckipedronis: thx13:12
mborzeckiok, let's see if the test order matters13:20
mupPR snapcraft#2914 closed: meta: ensure Application passthrough is scrubbed for snap.yaml <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2914>13:21
mupPR snapcraft#2915 closed: rust plugin: respect Cargo.lock if present in project <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2915>13:21
ijohnsonhey all o/13:33
zygagood morning Ian13:33
ijohnsonmorning zyga13:34
ijohnsonor afternoon :-)13:34
ijohnsonare you feeling better today ?13:34
zygaindeed, it's half past two for me13:34
zygayeah, I think I had the easiest ride out of our bunch13:34
zyga$wife took $baby to the doc to check up on her13:34
zyganow that she's better and safer to handle13:34
zyga$son is pretty happy to have skipped this week, now that it's just cough and no fever :)13:35
zygafever sucks, makes you useless13:35
zygajust sleep all day13:35
ijohnsonyeah fevers are pretty bad13:35
ijohnsonglad to hear that you're doing better, I hope the rest of your family does likewise13:36
zygayeah, it's passing now, I only worry it will jump to $olderdaughter just as winter holidays start13:36
ijohnsonyeah getting sick over holidays isn't fun, I was sick the latter half of holidays this past christmas, no bueno13:38
ijohnsonpedronis: is it okay to add the TODO:UC20: comment you requested in 8076 to 8077 instead? 8076 is green with 2 +1s now, so would be good to merge I think :-)13:39
pedronisijohnson: yes, it's fine13:40
ijohnsonpedronis: ack13:40
mupPR snapd#8076 closed: boot: add TryBase and BaseStatus to modeenv; use in snap-bootstrap <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8076>13:41
zygabrb, door13:41
mborzeckiijohnson: thanks for cleanups un #8097!13:48
mupPR #8097: tests/lib/prepare: fix hardcoded loopback device names for UC images <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8097>13:48
mborzeckiuh meant #8094 :)13:49
mupPR #8094:  tests: repack the initramfs + kernel snap for UC20 spread tests <UC20> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8094>13:49
ijohnsonmborzecki: yes I'm happy we have working tests now, but I'm a bit worried that it's going to lead to more timeouts though13:49
ijohnsonI think we should look at your firmware dropping changes ASAP13:49
mborzeckiijohnson: firmare is already dropped, we can enable dropping the kernel modules too though13:49
ijohnsonmborzecki: oh right, well in addition to that we should probably also not even extract the firmware given how big it is, the tests are probably getting slowed down by decompressing all of that as well13:51
mborzeckiijohnson: oh and #8107 should interest you13:51
mupPR #8107: tests/lib/prepare: use a local copy of uc20 initramfs skeleton <Simple 😃> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8107>13:51
ijohnsonmborzecki: yes I was looking at that this morning13:51
mborzeckiijohnson: i think something's getting broken when the initrd is extracted by unmkinitramfs, there's a log about cpio stripping ../../ prefixes form hardlinks (?!)13:52
ijohnsonmborzecki: have you asked xnox about that yet?13:52
mborzeckiijohnson: no, looks like he's busy with other stuff, and we have a workaround for now13:53
ijohnsonmborzecki: ack, I might try to add a PR which doesn't extract the firmware at least to see if that helps13:53
mborzeckiijohnson: we need to extrac to get the modules (probably could hack a solution that uses the actual kernel snap modules), but i supose there may be something fishy in the way that unmkinitramfs does it13:54
ijohnsonmborzecki: but we shouldn't need to extract the firmware at all should we ?13:55
ijohnson(from the kernel snap that is)13:55
mborzeckiijohnson: i think we could skip it, if we build the right directory structure with lib/modules/<kver> to satisfy dracut ;)13:56
pedroniscachio: standup?14:00
mupPR snapcraft#2917 opened: rust plugin: fetch correct (locked) crates during pull <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2917>14:13
zygacachio: I sent a small review for the udisks test14:22
ijohnsonmborzecki: I sent you an invite to colloborate on the ubuntu-core-initramfs-snap github repo14:22
ijohnsonso you can push to it directly14:22
mborzeckiijohnson: cool, thanks!14:23
ijohnson(and I merged your PR you opened as well)14:23
cachiozyga, tx14:28
zygapedronis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8063#pullrequestreview-35515579614:38
mupPR #8063: cmd/snap: implement 'snap remove-user' <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8063>14:38
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
zygacmatsuoka: thanks for the replies on cryptsetup PR, I only have one follow-up https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8103#discussion_r37642535314:42
mupPR #8103: snap-bootstrap: store encrypted partition recovery key <UC20> <Created by cmatsuoka> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8103>14:42
cmatsuokazyga: thanks, I'm still verifying the cryptsetup kill thing, will check that after lunch and the parents meeting at the school14:44
pedroniszyga: some it is more for mvo, we are behind documenting our API14:44
ijohnsoncachio: any idea what might be the cause of the failure on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8106 ?14:47
mupPR #8106: tests: add "core" suite for UC specific tests <Test Robustness> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8106>14:47
cachioijohnson, let me see14:48
ijohnsoncachio: it seems to be that the new "core" suite directory isn't getting copied over, but it only happens for uc18 and uc16 confusingly, uc20 is fine14:48
zygaijohnson: that's so weird14:49
zygaijohnson: maybe it's something unrelated, like an exclude mechanism?14:49
ijohnsonyeah I looked at all our excludes and couldn't find anything14:50
ijohnsonthough note it only happens when we go to reboot, so I think it might be something with how we prepare the new image before we reflash that14:50
cachioijohnson, first time I see that, let me check a bit more14:51
* zyga has hot soup for lunch14:53
=== ricab is now known as ricab|bbl
cachioijohnson, I am running the tests here15:00
cachioijohnson, I see that hte core20 directory is still created in tests dir15:00
ijohnsonhmmm interesting15:00
ijohnsonare you running on google or via qemu ?15:01
ijohnsonI wonder if it has something to do with the repack git thing we do to reduce delta when running on google15:01
ijohnsoncachio: ^15:02
zygapstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8102#pullrequestreview-35521631615:06
mupPR #8102: o/ifacestate: move ResolveDisconnect to ifacestate <Needs Samuele review> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8102>15:06
* cachio lunch15:12
ijohnsoncachio: the reason that it's not copied over is due to the `-C` option we pass to rsync in setup_reflash_magic15:32
ijohnsonnot sure what's the implications of removing that, nor why rsync following CVS (?!?!?) exclude patterns makes tests/core/ be ignored15:33
ijohnsonsilly CVS.... https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8746419/using-cvs-exclude-in-rsync-suddenly-ignores-core-folder15:34
* zyga goes afk for a while15:36
ijohnsonit doesn't happen for uc20 because we don't use rsync for uc20, we create a tar archive instead which is extracted after the img is reflashed15:36
=== ricab|bbl is now known as ricab
pstolowskizyga: thanks for the review15:40
cachioijohnson, ahh, not sure, did you tried removing it?15:57
ijohnsoncachio: I added `--include core` and it worked on my local run, seeing what travis spread does now16:00
ijohnsonafk little bit16:00
cachioijohnson, nice, thanks!!16:00
pstolowskican we land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8058 ?16:10
mupPR #8058: run-checks, travis: allow skipping spread jobs by adding a label <Skip spread> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8058>16:10
pstolowskizyga: ^ do you know?16:10
zygaI don't mind16:11
zygabut I think it should be acked by cachio16:11
cachiopstolowski, zyga checking16:12
pedronisijohnson: #8077 seems to need a merge, there's conflicts now16:14
mupPR #8077: boot: enable base snap updates in bootstate20 <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8077>16:14
cachiopstolowski, zyga I see this is a bit dangerous, is there any way to just allow to some people to add this labels?16:17
ijohnsonpedronis: yes resolving now just a few minutes16:18
zygacachio: no, it's all or nothing16:18
cachiozyga, I would like to discuss it on monday during standup16:19
zygathat's reasonable, let's hold it until16:19
cachiojust to make sure all agree with this16:19
cachionice, thanks16:20
pstolowskicachio: mark it blocked then16:20
cachiopstolowski, done16:22
ijohnsonpedronis: resolved now, I also made one more small tweak to `snap-bootstrap initramfs-mounts`, where we don't read the modeenv if the base is already mounted16:33
ijohnsonpedronis: what do you think of that? it makes sense to me because it removes unnecessary read/write cycles when we don't need it16:34
pedronisijohnson: makes sense, but when we get the valid kernel thing next will need to tweak again16:34
ijohnsonpedronis: oh right I forgot about that16:35
ijohnsonhmm oh well I already pushed the commit, so I will just undo that change when we get to the valid kernel thing16:35
ijohnsonpedronis: thoughts on what to name the modeenv setting for the kernels ? I had current_kernels but was thinking maybe something like trusted_kernels is better ?16:35
ijohnsonpstolowski: I approved #7705, not sure if that's ready to go in now then, but it's green now :-)16:55
mupPR #7705: o/devicestate: handle preseed in firstboot <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705>16:55
pstolowskiijohnson: yay, thank you!17:00
ijohnsonpstolowski: you're very welcome17:00
ijohnsonpstolowski: pedronis: which is the next preseeding/services PR I should look at?17:00
pstolowskiijohnson: #8046, give me a sec, i'll merge master17:02
mupPR #8046: many, tests: integrate all preseed bits and add spread tests <Complex> <Needs Samuele review> <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8046>17:02
mupPR snapd#7705 closed: o/devicestate: handle preseed in firstboot <Preseeding 🍞> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7705>17:02
ijohnsonack, I probably won't get to it til my PM17:02
pstolowski.. and eow. cu!17:05
mupPR snapd#7983 closed: tests: adding more tests to core20 test suite <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Closed by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7983>17:10
cachioijohnson, a question in #810618:33
mupPR #8106: tests: add "core" suite for UC specific tests <Test Robustness> <UC20> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/8106>18:33
cachiothe rest is ok for me18:33
ijohnsoncachio: I didn't try "core/", I can try locally after my lunch18:34
ijohnsoncachio: if it works I'll update the PR18:35
cachioijohnson, nice, thanks18:35
* cachio afk19:52
mupPR snapcraft#2917 closed: rust plugin: fetch correct (locked) crates during pull <Created by cjp256> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2917>20:50
mupPR snapcraft#2918 opened: elf: ensure _GNU_VERSION_R section is of type GNUVerNeedSection <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2918>20:53
mupPR snapcraft#2800 closed: introduce `--apt-mirror` build provider flag <Created by cjp256> <Closed by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2800>21:20
mupPR snapcraft#2819 closed: isort: automatic formatting/sorting of imports <Created by cjp256> <Closed by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2819>21:20
zygacjp256: hey21:20
zygacjp256: question about python stuff21:20
zygacjp256: is isort doing something that black is not?21:21
zygacjp256: should I stick to black or is there more beyond that?21:21
roadmrzyga: isort does something black does not do21:22
cjp256yeah, it organizes imports.  black really just controls the spacing between them, but doesn't sort by pep8 rules21:22
roadmr... yes that :)21:22
zygaI see, thanks!21:22
cjp256the problem is historically is that isort does not currently fully support black formatting, so the two fight each other in some cases - they have a 5.0 release coming up which should work well together with black21:23
techalchemycjp256, you can just fix that though21:31
techalchemyit's pretty simple21:31
cjp256techalchemy: there was one edge case affecting snapcraft they fixed but won't be in until 5.0: https://github.com/psf/black/issues/25121:33
cjp256but yeah, you can get it pretty close in config21:33
techalchemycjp256, oh that's interesting actually21:34
cjp256i'm a big fan of automatic formatting, so I'm gonna reopen that PR once it lands..21:35
techalchemyI never bothered looking into it but it makes perfect sense because of how the introspection works21:35
techalchemyI just use # fmt: off21:35
techalchemycjp256, https://github.com/sarugaku/vistir/blob/master/src/vistir/compat.py#L135 <- like this21:36
* sergiusens is not a fan of fmt: off21:38
sergiusensso glad we got rid of that with our move to python "greater-than" 3.521:39
techalchemyi rather use fmt: off for a line here and there than have 0 automated formatting :)21:39
techalchemysometimes it is necessary21:39
mupPR snapcraft#2919 opened: sanity_checks: fix sanity check on Windows <Created by NickZ> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2919>21:44
mupPR snapcraft#2920 opened: meta: initialize Snap at once in from_dict() <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2920>22:08
mupPR snapcraft#2921 opened: storeapi: remove exposure of series <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2921>22:14

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