
Notguest96My ubuntu is lagging00:02
Notguest96Whenever I play youtube videos00:02
Notguest96And fixes00:02
sarnoldraver: Darkchaos already has a package and is just trying to build it :)00:10
DarkchaosYes, however just running make is probably another good idea to rule out compiler problems00:10
raverAh sry00:11
xMopxwhat options do I need to use in a oneshot systemd unit so that if it fails, another service that depends on it is not started?00:20
xMopxI thought that's what Before and RequiredBy would do but it doesn't work.00:20
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sarnoldxMopx: where does it not work? perhaps you're missing a Wants as well?00:40
sarnoldit's bloody confusing though, there's too many choices https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html#00:40
=== Deadguy2 is now known as Deadguy1
xMopxsarnold: turns out i needed to "enable" it again to get some symlinks in place (?)00:44
sarnoldxMopx: oh, that'd do it00:45
xMopxim pretty sure i did a daemon reload, i thought that would pick up any sort of change00:46
xMopxoh well00:46
sarnoldit does but new units aren't automatically enabled I don't think00:46
gambl0rei installed a custom theme but now my folder icons aren't displaying. do themes usually come with all the necessary stuff such as icons or do i need to download those separately?00:48
chris349When I mount an NFS share I can access it as root, but not as user. How do I change this so user gets access too?01:02
=== Deadguy2 is now known as Deadguy1
sarnoldchris349: my recollection is that if the mount is read-write, standard unix permissions work -- if you're getting confusing results, check the numbers in ls -ln output against id numbers01:07
chris349This is to mount an remote NFS share01:12
rfmchris349, you probably need to configure the nfs id mapper (read the nfsidmap man page.)01:20
rfmchris349, although now checking my nfsidmap isn't configured right (the server thinks domain is "localdomain", the clients think it's "local") yet I get the right uid/gids.  (I do have the same uid/gid for users everywhere)01:28
ailionIn ubuntu-18.04.3-server-amd64, there are 1315 deb files and 210 udeb files.01:55
PerdellianHow is "Eoan" actually properly pronounced?01:56
ailionWhich seeds should I pick to do the same?01:57
Perdellianah, found a dictionary link that appears to have IPA: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/eoan /iːˈəʊən/01:58
chris349rfm, Is that on the client or server?01:58
sarnoldailion: have you seen this? http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ubuntu-seeded-packages/seeded.json.gz01:59
chris349All I want do do is mount the share to make a backup!01:59
ailionPerdellian: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/eoan01:59
sarnoldchris349: hmm; now I'm curious if we've understood you correctly; are you trying to access *files* as the user and that's being rejected? or are you trying to perform the *mount* as a user, and that's being rejected?02:00
chris349sarnold, I have to sudo to mount. Once its mounted the access is not working well02:01
sarnoldailion: (that's the datasource used by the seeded-in-ubuntu application)02:01
ailionsarnold: nope.02:01
ailionIs ubuntuwire.org an official site?02:01
sarnoldgood question :) I've seen it around for years but never asked..02:02
chris349some I can not even cd into, others I can but get errors just with ls02:02
Perdellianailion: found that too. IPA means that it can go on wiktionary02:02
ailionsarnold: I have a clue now.02:06
chris349So anyways I do have one mount that currently as root I can cd into and ls, but as user I can not cd into with the error Permission Denied02:07
sarnoldcool cool :)02:07
chris349on my local ubuntu system how can I set the permission so user can access this mount?02:07
ailionIn STRUCTRUE file (I'm not yelling XD), server-ship: boot installer dns-server lamp-server openssh-server print-server samba-server postgresql-server mail-server server d-i-requirements02:08
ailionserver-ship depends on server, server depends on standard, etc. I can do it recursively.02:09
sarnoldchris349: so, some you can cd into, some you cannot; some you can ls, some you cannot? that sounds like you need to configure the unix permissions on the files correctly; what you'll need to change will depend upon what you're trying to configure the thing to do02:09
chris349sarnold, It is an NFS share, read only. So I cant do that02:10
ailionchris349: the user you can `cd` into, should to be put into a group and that group should have access permissions.02:11
chris349I need to configre the NFS mount to allow this02:11
chris349ailion, Have you ever used an NFS share?02:11
ailionnope, but looks like a simple permission issue?02:11
sarnoldchris349: try with sudo instead -- if that doesn't work, you may need to ssh to the remote system to change permissions there, instead02:12
ailion"NFS checks access permissions against user ids (UIDs). The UID of the user on your local machine needs to match the UID of the owner of the files you are trying to access on the server.02:13
ailionI would suggest to go to the server and look at the file permissions. Which UID (find out with id username) do they belong to and which permissions are set?"02:13
nCoV_frenHi frens!02:47
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LhufHello, I was wondering if someone would help me sort out my SSD partitioning... I want to delete all partitions apart from my linux root and increase the size of my linux partition leaving just 30gb for me to reinstall windows on at a later date03:33
sarnoldLhuf: Im' not fantastic at that stuff, and I"m on my way out, so I can just suggest that most people seem to have success with gparted for those kinds of tasks03:34
sarnoldLhuf: have fun and don't forget backups are always a good idea :)03:34
Lhufwould I be able to just send you a screenshot and you tell me if any of the partitions I should definately not get rid of?03:35
sarnoldI can at least tell you to not delete your esp, root, boot, and home partitions :)03:36
ailionLhuf: what is the question?03:45
Lhufhttps://imgur.com/a/MfexIMN - I wanted to clean up my partitioning and add 100gb of my unallocated to ubuntu03:46
ailionIf you are a newbie, Google before you do any operations.03:46
ailionIf you are not 100% sure about what you are doing, you will most certainly lose your data.03:48
ailionHere's the solution: Expand your nvme0n1p3, done.03:50
Bashing-omailion: reserve some space for overprovisioning : the reserved space where the controller does its work.03:51
Bashing-omLhuf: ^^ oopps sorry ailion - mind miswired :(03:52
Lhufah i see stupid not to notice that, are there any of those partitions i can delete also?03:55
ManouchehriWhat's the apt URL for Ubuntu 19.10 amd64?03:58
Bashing-omManouchehri: To download the .iso file ?04:00
ManouchehriBashing-om: No. I have an arm64 host and I'm trying to add amd64 packages04:00
ailionLhuf: You *may* delete any partions after p3 but I don't know if you have bitcoin wallets inside these partitions anyway. XD04:00
ailionManouchehri: " add amd64 packages" Can you expain more?04:02
Bashing-om!repository | Manouchehri04:02
ubottuManouchehri: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.04:02
Manouchehriailion: I want to be able to run `apt install libc6:amd64`04:03
ManouchehriErr:4 http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports eoan/universe amd64 Packages04:04
Manouchehri  404  Not Found [IP: 80]04:04
ManouchehriI think I figured it out04:04
ElectroStrongdont you need to use multiarch?04:05
ManouchehriI had to add `deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ eoan main restricted universe multiverse`04:06
ElectroStrongi.e. dpkg --add-architecture <arch>04:06
ElectroStrongthat's the way I did it when cross-compiling...04:06
Manouchehriyeah, that's how it used to work for me too.04:06
ElectroStrongLooks like Debian's got some good documentation on it here: https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO04:08
ElectroStronglike you said - need to add the arch in the deb source04:09
TheSonOfPeterI installed Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS onto my computer. How can I check to see if it's using its own unity desktop environment instead of GNOME3?04:44
Katnippeople warned what happned today04:44
Bashing-omTheSonOfPeter: '04:54
Bashing-omNo GUI started th04:54
Bashing-omTheSonOfPeter: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP04:55
TheSonOfPeter@Bashing-om ran the code in terminal and responded with ubuntu:GNOME05:02
Bashing-omTheSonOfPeter: Then you are running Gnome as your (D)esktop (E)nvironment.05:06
TheSonOfPeterThank you very much sir. Love this channel! Still learning05:06
Bashing-omTheSonOfPeter: :P still learning as we all are .05:07
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theosI am trying to reduce the darkness of toner on paper. but i dont seem to find the right tool/options. evince doesnt seem to use cups settings and lpr is not taking comandline options like gamma/brightness. does anyone know how to do this? i have an hp laser printer. using lubuntu 18.04.05:24
Gallomimiaouch. i just updated my network, including a hardline to my router. recently got a new router and fibre connection. a speed test works great under windows 7. but running ubuntu 19.04 it really seems to be dragging. around 5% of the speed it should go05:44
Gallomimiait's... quite honestly. horrifying. i am testing with both gigE connection and wifi. same laptop in both cases05:46
EdFletcherT137"the horror... the horror"05:52
diskinGallomimia, did you check how ping to the router works?05:57
diskintheos, for a Samsung laser printer I see this in system settings: https://url.upwork.com/_01v1faiaJ7r-GzKo4C5kp05pn3PSAUfOgK06:04
DarwinElfin / I see a file called core.  Is that just a core dump I can get rid of (since there was nothing I noticed to report?)06:18
DarwinElfin / I also see several files that are symbolic links (symlinks) to stuff in /boot ... do those also need to be there or I just updated grub wrong?  I'm using classic BIOS, not UEFI...06:19
DarwinElfin / I also see swapfile... strange place for it, or maybe this is because of the systemd debacle/fiasco...06:20
DarwinElfof course, some people who just are used to using an OS similar to Windows (GUI with systemd doing lots of user stuff) will say why look at all these files.  I started learning about POSIX/UNIX before PCs were ever popular; I've looked up every command in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, /usr/sbin before on these sorts of OSes since the 1990s.  I need to know what are these other files I mentioned and should they be there or not06:22
DarwinElffrom /home/user i also did 'ln -s /usr/share/doc' and want to give it a different file icon... since it's still owned root, I can't... unlike on strictly Unix[-like] OSes... which commands often do one thing and do it well... like X letting you run X, not managing how you run it without your consent.  So in this newer fork, I can't run dolphin as root to give my symlink an icon.  In strictly Unix[-like] OSes I can...06:24
DarwinElfwell, fixed that icon now finally, after trying it from a different location (the original, not the symlink)06:26
Perdellianhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_version_history#Ubuntu_19.10_(Eoan_Ermine) now has IPA06:28
tarzeaui'm getting a systemd update 18.04 LTS and it hangs06:35
tarzeauJob for systemd-networkd.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.06:35
tarzeauSee "systemctl status systemd-networkd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.06:35
tarzeaupkill -9 dpkg06:35
tarzeaudpkg --configure -a06:35
tarzeauSetting up udev (237-3ubuntu10.38) ...06:35
tarzeauupdate-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)06:35
tarzeauSetting up systemd (237-3ubuntu10.38) ...06:35
tarzeauthis also happened last year06:36
tarzeauJob for systemd-networkd.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.06:36
tarzeauSee "systemctl status systemd-networkd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.06:36
ramsub07Hi, I have just installed cloudcompare on my ubuntu. I installed using snap install. However, when i click on the installed application from the activities tab, it wouldn't open for some reason. can someone help me out?07:26
ramsub07I tried to snap remove and reinstalled it again. tried installing from ubuntu store. still it just doesn't start for some reason07:28
ramsub07i'm on Ubuntu 18.0407:28
DarwinElf*help me*!  I did the process of profiling the kernel as on https://www.ghacks.net/2010/07/12/speed-up-your-ubuntu-machines-boot-time/ , now have GUI.  If I get no help, I will just be forced to erase my PC and reinstall07:31
DarwinElf'now have "no" GUI'07:31
NyleHello. How can I do connection sharing from laptop to another computer via ethernet on laptop. Laptop will have wifi, and I want to connect a ethernet cable from laptop to desktop and give desktop internet through my laptop's wifi07:37
DarwinElfwell, the problem may have been that's a decade-old technique and things have changed.  I removed AMDGPU-PRO, ran update-grub2, now have GUI again.  Now maybe I can reinstall AMDGPU-PRO and run it again07:37
Ben64DarwinElf: yeah i wouldn't follow something from 10 years ago07:38
Nylehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing can this work on 18.04?07:39
ducasseNyle: it should07:41
Rojolacan I install a specific version via snap?07:41
DarwinElfNyle, alternatively, I had that solved for me a year or two ago on LinuxQuestions for Slackware, and you might be able to do it the same way.  It involved adding a, using dhcpcd, and writing a script to make a connection, which they called rc.firewall (but isn't really a firewall) that these terms are still searchable to find that answer07:42
DarwinElfthe script is still there.  There were two different answers on how to do it, actually; one had more of an advantage07:43
DarwinElfor was easier07:43
ducasseRojola: you can install a specific revision if you have developer access. snaps auto-update.07:44
Rojoladucasse, thank you07:46
Rojoladucasse, can I prevent snaps from updating?07:47
ducasseRojola: not really, that's not how they are designed to work07:47
Rojolathx ducasse07:49
ducasseRojola: i guess you can disable the service(s) that take care of updating, maybe snapd itself, but that might prevent snaps from working alltogether07:49
ramsub07Hello, I've installed cloudcompare from snap. I face this error while launching : http://dpaste.com/17RZEE807:51
DarwinElfwell I tried it again and now have no GUI.  Should I erase my PC?07:53
Rojoladucasse, I consider applying an iptables rule07:54
Rojoladucasse, if the server cannot search for updates any more,  it won't update07:54
ducasseRojola: then it won't be able to install them either, i'd try disabling the service first07:55
jmaresHave packages left to update despite running dist-upgrade. Ubuntu 18.04.407:55
jmaresWhy, and how to resolve?07:55
theosre: hi! I am trying to reduce the darkness of toner on paper. but i dont seem to find the right tool/options. evince doesnt seem to use cups settings and lpr is not taking comandline options like gamma/brightness. does anyone know how to do this? i have an hp laser printer. using lubuntu 18.04.07:58
ducassejmares: what does 'apt list --upgradable' return?07:58
DarwinElfthe recovery mode just came up with a really messed-up screen on 4K.  Come on people; there's 8K now: get the setup/recovery programs up with the times!07:58
jmaresducasse: Listing... Done07:58
ducassejmares: then there are no outstanding updates07:59
jmaresducasse: I get "28 packages can be updated. 28 updates are security updates." when loggin in by ssh07:59
jmaresThis has never happened07:59
Ben64jmares: pastebin the output of 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade'07:59
jmaresBen64: OK07:59
jmaresBen64 ducasse : https://pastebin.com/LxjFcVEu08:01
ducassejmares: it's just the motd that hasn't updated yet08:02
jmaresducasse: Aha, that would make sense! But its the first time it hasn't udpated immediately AFAIK08:03
jmaresBen64: this is the message of the day upon ssh login https://pastebin.com/zJw23Y7z08:03
Ben64ducasse is correct08:03
jmaresBen64 and ducasse thanks guys for your help. How strange, I've been using Ubuntu for years, never experienced this MOTD "lag"08:04
jmaresOr perhaps I did but never noticed08:04
Ben64it updates i think just once a day08:04
jmaresInteresting. So perhaps I never cared to look. Maybe because I always ssh using emacs and terminal is dumb, and doesn't provide MOTD08:05
ducassejmares: try 'systemctl start motd-news.timer'08:07
jmareswhat does that do?08:08
jmares couldn't find man online08:08
jmaresmanual, not a man. lol08:09
ducasseit _should_ trigger the motd update08:09
jmaresthank you!08:09
ducasseyou're very welcome08:12
DarwinElfshould I erase PC?08:25
ducasseDarwinElf: what's the problem you're having?08:29
DarwinElfi followed a decade-old 'hack' that you use GRUB2 to profile your kernel, for faster boot time, and this broke my GUI.  I guess it's an out-of-date 'hack'08:29
ducassecan't you undo the changes you made?08:30
DarwinElfi don't know of a way to do so.  This was described on https://www.ghacks.net/2010/07/12/speed-up-your-ubuntu-machines-boot-time/08:30
DarwinElfafterwards, some other page says this does not work with newer stuff that's with systemd, or the capability is gone... but not how to fix it08:32
DarwinElfi went into recovery mode to fix, and looked like it was fixing the old kernel, then I did it with the new kernels... but didn't change anything.  What profiling used to do is maybe disable/delete drivers you don't need08:33
ducassesorry, i've no idea. that guide might indeed be too old.08:33
DarwinElfsince as you know, the Linux kernel is 30+ years old and has tens of thousands of drivers & variants... when you boot, it usually checks if you have ALL of these... so if you could only get it to load your actual drivers, you save time08:34
DarwinElfit's complicated by the fact I was using Free/Libre/Opensource Software (FLOSS) radeon but AMDGPU-PRO (commercial) OpenCL (though they have freed/opened the code, just the FLOSS version is buggy)... I was able to fix it only if I removed OpenCL then no longer could GPU compute... so it's looking like it's going to be a full reinstall08:36
tomreynbooting without the "profile" kernel parameter is as esy as removing it off the grub menu08:39
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters08:39
DarwinElfit was removed several tries ago... just hasn't changed back; for some reason didn't load the old drivers it disabled/removed08:39
DarwinElfwhat profile used to do is disable/delete those drivers, the you remove the parameters, but the setup is set where those are already disabled... that was explained in the article...08:40
tomreynthe gui not starting properly is more likely a separate problem, namely related to your amdgpu-pro changes08:40
DarwinElf'"then" tou remove'08:40
tomreynthe "profile" option alone doesn't make any configuration changes, it just enables kernel profiling.08:42
DarwinElfeven after I removed 'profile,' near the end of /var/log/Xorg.0.log it's saying 'unloadmodule radeon'... which maybe it shouldn't be doing if that was no longer unloaded08:42
theosre: hi! I am trying to reduce the darkness of toner on paper. but i dont seem to find the right tool/options. evince doesnt seem to use cups settings and lpr is not taking comandline options like gamma/brightness. does anyone know how to do this? i have an hp laser printer. using lubuntu 18.04.08:43
tomreynso i don't think "profile" ever disabled or deleted any kernel modules, no08:43
=== md_5- is now known as md_5
Aliekezhiif you rename the ubuntu.css file...gnome crashes, dgm crashes and can't restart... Isn't that a huge bug ?08:46
Aliekezhiit should use the default gnome-shell.css file if ubuntu.css isn't found08:47
DarwinElfit had to have initally disabled them or it wouldn't have stopped GUI.  After I removed profiling, removed the extra drivers, and repaired the kernels with recovery mode, it worked again, so in theory should've worked again to reinstall AMDGPU-PRO... but just a text-only screen again after that.  I know it's easy to mess up installation of AMDGPU-PRO, so that could be it; I'll see08:48
tomreyntheos: i would think the hplip drivers (if this one is covered by it) will have some way to pick the amount of toner used.09:07
Hornetokay so once again with the cursed server -- apt recovered yesterday with some dpkg -i shenanigans. do-release-upgrade has worked - but the root ext4 filesystem has remounted as read only09:08
Hornetlooking through fstab it seems the uuid of the partition no longer matches the fstab entry - what the heck could have caused that?09:08
HornetI thought the whole point of a uuid was that it was robust and immutable09:09
tomreyntheos: e.g., on a brother laser printer, i see these options https://i.imgur.com/kBeUb3f.png (it's just on / off though)09:10
theostomreyn hplip doesnt have such options for my printer09:11
Hornethah, and I can't update the fstab as it's a RO system now. fantastic.09:30
tomreynHornet: file system UUIDs changing should not happen unless the file system was recreated, the uuid changed intentionally, or maybe in case of data corruption09:32
Hornetquite. and yet it has.09:32
tomreynHornet: a read-only file system may hint at the latter.09:32
Hornetthe system seems stable and working, RO / aside09:33
Hornetno partitions were changed or resized09:33
Hornetunless the 14.04->16.04 do-release-upgrade did so silently09:33
tomreyni wouldn't think so, no.09:34
tomreynso no errors about file system corrution or I/O in syslog?09:35
Hornethttps://termbin.com/ip4t I'm not entirely sure what to look for, nothing obvious at first glance09:37
Hornet@ tomreyn . Thanks for the assistance/sanity check09:38
ramsub07Hello, I'm facing an error trying to run cloudcompare post installation : http://dpaste.com/17RZEE8. Tried to reinstall qt5, didn't work, tried disabling wayland, gave me another GTK error, which gave me this error : http://dpaste.com/0VYJRCA. Can someone help me debug this ?09:40
DarwinElfi'm going to erase PC09:41
Hornettomreyn: this is mount,blkid and fstab in that order, https://termbin.com/6vzw09:42
Hornetit's definitely changed, mount points have danced too, but that's more common09:42
tomreynHornet: on a quick glance, i don't see I/O or file system issues on these 2h20m of logs (which may be too short to diagnose this properly). what's puzzling me is how os-prober apparently takes forever to run. and how this system is still running php5 after you upgraded it to 16.04.09:42
tomreynHornet: so which one has changed, and how can you tell?09:43
Hornetmaybe the php5 was manually installed and it didn't touch it with the automagics? best offhand guess.09:43
tomreyn!info php5 xenial09:44
ubottuPackage php5 does not exist in xenial09:44
albechI initially posted this in #ubuntu-server, but maybe someone here can answer. U16.04LTS - My apache webserver crashes randomly during graceful restarts: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dQsr6mgzvD/09:44
Hornetmy notes in fstab, the main drive was /dev/sdf*, it's /sda* now09:45
Hornetmaybe it was left installed as unsupported. unsure, that's odd09:45
tomreynHornet: which UUIDs have changed (not device nodes)?09:47
HornetCurrent: /dev/sda2: LABEL="slash" UUID="547bf7de-c9c9-44c3-85ed-f02a07cbf4c9" TYPE="ext4" PARTLABEL="root" PARTUUID="e5792ede-d8a5-495a-9232-cb56976bf1b4"09:48
Hornetfstab has that uuid as 75755639-921e-4817-a790-353a6ea4d6c509:48
Hornetit being /, I can't nano it back to sanity, and remounting seems to want to honour the broken fstab uuid, so fails.09:50
Hornetphp -v shows 7, 5 must be residual09:50
Hornetand apt can't make temp files so I can't search installed packages to see what php(s) are here09:52
tomreynHornet: did your ubuntu release upgrade (14.04 LTS -> 16.04 LTS) seem to finish properly? were any errors reported? how did you do it (given 14.04 has been unsupported for a while)?09:52
Hornetit did, it then asked to restart. I just told it to do-release-upgrade and it was fine. only hitch was that I had to leave phpmyadmin unfed with mysql server info as I no longer had it to hand (if it ever had one given to it to begin with)09:53
Hornetthen post-restart, here we are09:53
ramsub07I think I figured out what could be going wrong with respect to my previous question. I am connected to a docking station(dell) through which my laptop that's running ubuntu 18.04 is connected to two monitors. hence the error, QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0?09:54
Hornetthe package management on this server had been stuck in a broken loop preventing apt from working for ages, so the server was mothballed, I resurrected it yesterday and manually downloaded/downgraded the problem packages and it was back to working order again. Then upgraded and here we stand09:54
tomreynHornet: i'd say boot to recovery or from a live system and force and fsck against sdb2 - while it is not mounted.09:55
tomreynaha, there we go, broken apt, and then you do a release upgrade?09:55
ramsub07I set the env  export DISPLAY=:0. Tried 1,2 as well. didn't work. can someone help me/09:55
Hornetno, I fixed apt utterly before that.09:55
tomreynsorry you just explained so, i hadn't read properly.09:56
Hornetthat was yesterday's problem :)   np09:56
TheSonOfPeterHello, is anyone familiar with multimon? I am trying to have my computer microphone pic up dial tones using my cell phone and display them back on terminal. I've typed the following line of code "MULTIMON -a DTMF" and then used my phone and hit random dialtones but nothing happens.09:57
tomreynHornet: we can check apt is ok if you like:   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -y update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog09:57
TheSonOfPeterHere is the user manual that I have been using...https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man1/multimon.1.html09:58
Hornetis /tmp writable09:58
HornetI had to use ~/test.txt logs earlier, can try and see though09:58
Hornethad to use ~ again09:59
HornetI think that's noise from the read only system, apt loves temp files10:00
Hornetbefore the upgrade I updated everything after the fix, using apt, both update, upgrade and dist-upgrade, no errors10:01
dan01Can anyone here using Ubuntu on a 1080p laptop give me a screenshot of their desktop. Regardless of Gnome or Kde, wayland or X. Ubuntu or Fedora. Linux looks a bit to small on my Ideapad screen, while Windows looks just fine10:01
dan01I think it might be my 14' 1080p laptop screen. Maybe it's a strange combination?10:01
dan01I Windows I usee a 150% scaling ration, all looks just fine. If I try that on gnome it's way to big10:02
tomreynTheSonOfPeter: "precise" is ubuntu 12.04, better use a more current manual if this software is still supported.10:03
Hornettomreyn: anything else I should test/check before live booting it?10:03
tomreynHornet: /tmp is usually backed by a tmpfs, a ram disk, so it should not normally fail to mount10:04
TheSonOfPeterAh didn't even realize this. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and it is still supported. I'm having trouble finding a user manual though.10:04
Hornetthere's a whole load of stuff in /mount but I can't see /tmp specificially handled by tmpfs, lots of other points are thoguh10:05
tomreynHornet: so apparently the file system containing /var/lib/apt/lists/ is currently mounted read-only. you really should try to get a better understaning of why this is before you reboot again10:06
Hornethttps://termbin.com/1nwt mount output10:06
Hornetthat's why I'm here yes, it's because the uuid changed and fstab won't mount / as a result10:06
tomreynhttps://termbin.com/1nwt does not mention a "/mount" mount point10:07
Hornetsorry I meant from the 'mount' command output10:08
Hornetnot sure why I prefaced with a /, brain fart10:08
tomreynHornet: /dev/sda2 contains your root file system. identify what caused it to be mounted (or remounted) read-only by reviewing / grepping all of your syslog (not just those 2 hours)10:08
Hornetit only happened after the restart which was < 2 hours ago10:09
Horneteverything relevant is in that time perioud10:09
tomreyn"blkid /dev/sda2" tells you its currnet uuid, but you wont be able to update fstab while it's r/o10:09
tomreynthe log you posted did not contain a linux boot.10:09
Hornetquite, catch 22. I can fix it live but I want to know why it broke first10:10
Hornethm, sec10:10
tomreynif /var/log is also not writable, this would explain why there's nothing on the logs. work with "dmesg" then10:11
tomreyne.g.    dmesg | nc termbin.com 999910:11
Hornettomreyn: https://termbin.com/uxs710:12
tomreynTheSonOfPeter: the codename of 18.04 LTS is "bionic", so just replace "precise" by "bionic" on this url you posted10:12
TheSonOfPetertomreyn thank you found it10:13
theosre: hi! I am trying to reduce the darkness of toner on paper. but i dont seem to find the right tool/options. evince doesnt seem to use cups settings and lpr is not taking comandline options like gamma/brightness. does anyone know how to do this? i have an hp laser printer. using lubuntu 18.04.10:14
tomreynHornet: those disks must be operating very slowly at UDMA/3310:15
Hornetthat one is a conventional WD green drive iirc, 1tb10:16
DarwinElfi enabled root and decided to deliberately 'rm -rf /' my PC10:16
HornetDarwinElf, 'well done' ?10:17
tomreynHornet: it's two drives, CT120BX100SSD1 (sda, 120 GB) and WDC WD60EFRX-68TGBN1 (6 TB), both of which could at operate at 133 at least10:18
Hornetgood spot, there's an ssd in there on /quickspace iirc, I could have sworn that was a different sd* point though10:19
Hornetright okay, these notes are wrong. from the top:10:21
tomreynHornet: on the dmesg output you posted, all file systems what were mounted mounted fine (so supposedly with the options given in fstab). this includes the root file system: "EXT4-fs (sda2): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)"10:21
Hornetsda* is the ssd I think, boot , /, quickspace and swap are on that. sdb is a wd green, and sdc* are 4 identical wd reds10:22
tomreynHornet: the output may be incomplete, though10:22
HornetI saw that yes, but clearly it failed. running mount manually gives a uuid error10:23
tomreynsda is CT120BX100SSD1 (sda, 120 GB)10:23
tomreynthat's a Crucial SSD10:23
Hornetit is yes10:24
Hornetwould dmesg come from the kernel directly or a written cache? eg could this be old information from the previous boot?10:26
HornetI'm not sure I can see any options from here other than reboot to usb and fsck it manually, then edit fstab live if nothing obvious is wrong10:27
tomreyndmesg comes from a memory buffer which the kernel writes to10:28
tomreynit's lost / cleared on reboot10:28
tomreynfeel free to reboot whenever you feel like10:29
tomreyni noted you have a "stripe" option set for the root file system (ext4). i have not used this, have no experience with it.10:29
tomreyni.e. https://termbin.com/6vzw states: /dev/sda2 on / type ext4 (ro,relatime,stripe=32730,data=ordered)10:30
tomreynbuit that's not in fstab, so maybe it was set automatically10:31
tomreynor it could be a result of how this file system was created10:32
HornetI'm unsure, I don't think I set it intentionally10:33
Hornetmaybe it was a holdover from when / was on the raid array, before the ssd existed10:36
Hornetcan't see why that would apply to /volatile though, that's never been on raid (hence the name)10:36
Hornetokay well I think we're off to reboot and pray, I can't do that this instant but will let you know how it goes10:37
Hornetthanks again for your insight & sanity checking10:37
tomreynyw. make sure to fix the disk wiring10:38
tomreynand during your maintenance, run smartctl on all disks, too10:39
HornetI don't think there's anything doable, iirc they're all on sata ports10:39
Hornetone might be using an esata -> sata cable10:39
Hornetserver is an hp proliant10:39
Hornetiirc there might be speed limitations on a couple of the ports, maybe that's the issue. there's a hacked firmware that can overcome that but I'm not sure I want that on a server, it's very russian10:40
tomreynjust putting those disks on separate ports may help already10:40
HornetI think they are all separately wired? what have you noticed that makes you think they're not?10:41
Hornetiirc the ssd and green share a power cable10:42
tomreynHornet: i just noted that sda and sdb are listed as ata1.0 and 1.1 but this may be a red herring. i'm also unsure what those nomdmonddf nomdmonisw kernel cmdline parameters are that you're using.10:44
unimatrix9hi all10:44
unimatrix9i get an error on my snapd , it looks like this main.go:150: description of sign's "k" is lowercase:10:45
unimatrix9any one who knows a nice fix ?10:45
tomreynHornet: oh ata1 and ata2 are PATA!10:45
Hornetagain I don't think I added those. google suggests those might be artifacts from updating mdadm versions10:45
Hornetmaybe from one of the upgrades that now can't clean up due to RO fs10:46
tomreynmaybe you have a leftover third party configuration file in /etc/grub.d/10:47
lotuspsychjeunimatrix9: when doing what?10:47
unimatrix9tab completion10:47
unimatrix9seems to be a bug in translations10:48
Hornettomreyn I don't think anything in there is IDE/pata10:48
HornetI remember having to get bent sata connectors to fit10:49
tomreynHornet: first hit for "ata1" on https://termbin.com/uxs7 though, PATA is what the kernel reports for those ports.10:50
tomreynbut just those two10:50
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tomreynHornet: which Gen microserver is this?10:50
unimatrix9in this case a dutch translation for the ubuntu snapd needs to be updated.. but its not done yet..10:50
tomreynHornet: Gen7 i guess10:51
Hornettomreyn it is yes10:53
lotuspsychjeunimatrix9: please elaborate and/or pastebin what you mean exactly, so volunteers can follow what yu mean exactly10:54
unimatrix9sorry was reading the bug reports ..10:55
unimatrix9i am going to contact the translator , so it gets fixed, thanks for your time ;)10:56
tomreynHornet: i assume you noticed there's a bios upgrade, but it also doesn't seem to be related to this UDMA/33 issue. maybe try ubuntu 18.04 on this system as well (live system) to see whether it works around those ata issues.11:01
tomreyn16.04 only has another year anyways.11:02
Hornettomreyn: I'll be upgrading yes, 16 was just a stepping stone11:12
tomreyngood luck there.11:18
yommello, i can't get serial_ir to load at boot (in /etc/modules) The problem is that the (kernel) serial driver is getting loaded before anything listed in /etc/modules.conf. (setserial is set up in /etc/serial.conf with /dev/ttyS0 uart none). Any tips ?11:48
smellsLikeGoatSpHello everyone, I hope you are having a great day so far. I am running 18.04 and as of recent my boot time went time 2 minutes because of systemd-udev-settle.service (1.5min) and NetworkManager-wait-online.service (0.5min), any idea on what the cause could be?11:49
brainwashsmellsLikeGoatSp: check journalctl maybe11:50
brainwashwith -u <service> you can see individual logs11:51
brainwashor systemctl status <service>11:52
brainwashsmellsLikeGoatSp: could it be an external device which you've recently added?11:54
smellsLikeGoatSpbrainwash: that is actually a good shout. I have added an internal drive over which I installed windows ten. I do not think I incurred in a delay in boot time initially. this is the output from systemctl https://pastebin.com/ZAHYjVHw11:58
brainwashthat isn't much info :/11:59
brainwashin that output12:00
chullThis is a new hard drive with Ubuntu 18.04. My husband can’t remember how he did things before. He wants the icons to be on the right not the left. How can I switch them?12:04
chullI don't usually get to play with his computer.12:05
smellsLikeGoatSpchull: settings-dock-position on screen12:09
chullsmellsLikeGoatSp, ty. This will sound silly, but he can't help me, where is settings?12:10
smellsLikeGoatSpchull: press the super button (search, windows logo) and type dock to open the settings12:10
chullsmellsLikeGoatSp, where? (sorry I'm visually impaired and this is NOT my computer.)12:11
smellsLikeGoatSpbrainwash: I could plug the drive out and try again later. or just settle for a longer boot if that is the price to pay :)  I should also say that the desktop is connected to a controlled network where machines can be booted via ethernet12:12
smellsLikeGoatSpchull: button to the right of CTRL12:12
tomreynchull: hi. press and release OS logo (windows) key, then type "settings", press enter.12:12
smellsLikeGoatSpchull: once there, type "dock", it will save you a step and extra typing12:13
chullhi tomreyn :) pressing the windows key shrank all the windows, where do you type?12:14
smellsLikeGoatSpchull: you can type directly after pressing the windows key12:15
tomreynchull: just type, it should show in a search box then12:15
ocx32Hello, my computer was freezing so i tthought of removing the nvidia driver  and did apt-get purge nvidia-* , rebooted and now fails to start, get a blank screen, if i go failsafe i get no screen found xorg, how can i fix it back plz/?12:15
tarzeauocx32: what does dkms status say? and lsmod |grep nvidia12:16
ocx32i will reboot and drop into shell12:16
chulltomreyn, smellsLikeGoatSp wow it did :)12:16
tarzeauocx32: anything in dmesg gives an idea what the freezing could cause? OOM/excessive swap usage?12:16
tarzeauocx32: overheating, case hot?12:16
tarzeauocx32: lm-sensors, command: sensors12:17
ocx32my problem now is i dont have any graphical interface, i canot boot mu buntu 1812:17
tomreynchull: if you have multimedia keys on your keyboard you could also press the "tools" key to open 'settings' immediately.12:17
ocx32not worried about the freeazing now,12:17
tarzeauocx32: i see but you can work perfectly in the command line, no? startx fails also right?12:17
ocx32it gives a fatal error no screen found12:17
tomreynocx32 / tarzeau: leftover xorg.conf or module blacklisting?12:18
ocx32i have an nvidia 970, how can i make sure its drivers are installed?12:18
tarzeauocx32: 13:16 < tarzeau> ocx32: what does dkms status say? and lsmod |grep nvidia12:18
ocx32dkms status saus nvida 435.21 4.4-134 generic x86_64 : installed12:19
ocx32sorry cant copy paste i am on another pc now12:19
chulltomreyn, what he wants to do is copy the files from his old hard drive to this new one. Both drives are in this computer. How to do that? (He's a gui person)12:19
ocx32lsmod | grep nvidia says nvidia_drm modeset kms_helper and drm are installed12:20
tarzeauocx32: no nvidia12:20
tarzeauocx32: modprobe nvidia ?12:20
tarzeauocx32: then startx12:20
ocx32tarzeauin lsmod i do have an nvidia12:21
tarzeauocx32: it says nvidia_drm modeset kms_helper and drm, but it's missing nvidia12:21
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tarzeauocx32: no you don't according to your statement: 13:20 < ocx32> lsmod | grep nvidia says nvidia_drm modeset kms_helper and drm are installed12:21
ocx32tarzeau in lsmod i do have an nvidia12:21
ocx32i forgot to write it it is there12:21
tarzeauocx32: only nvidia, something like nvidia              14696448  407 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_modeset12:21
smellsLikeGoatSpocx32: this may sound stupid, but you could install nouveau first?12:21
tarzeauocx32: i see, and what says dmesg?12:21
tomreynchull: sorry, i got to leave for now12:22
ocx32got some nvidia errors12:22
tarzeauocx32: which exactly?12:22
ocx32nvrm: make sure that this kernel module and all nvidia driver12:23
chulltomreyn, ah ok thanks so much! Have a great day :)12:23
tomreynyou, too!12:23
tarzeauocx32: and the complete error?12:23
ocx32nvidia_uvm: unknown symbol , disagrees about version of symbol nvUVMInterface etc12:24
ocx32too long12:24
tarzeauocx32: you'll need to fix that, and it'll work fine again :)12:24
ocx32tarzeau yea i guess i installed the wrong package?12:24
tarzeauocx32: no idea what says: dpkg -l |grep nvidia ?12:24
chullthe other problem he's got is the sound doesn't work and if we had sound we could watch youtubes to find the answers :)12:25
tarzeaui'm using either 390 or 440, all the rest doesn't work for me, and i stick with nvidia versions, not canonical/ubuntu12:25
ocx32tarzeau i gotnvidia-390 and nvidia-435 installed12:25
tarzeauthey kept breaking for me too often12:25
tarzeauso your 390 is a dummy/transition pkg for 43512:25
ocx32i did install those manually after ibroek the system and wasnt able to boot12:26
ocx32should i remove them?12:26
tarzeaudunno if your hardware is supported by 435 check the webpage: www.nvidia.com12:26
tarzeauocx32: i have cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cuda.list file with this content: deb http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1804/x86_64 / then install cuda-10-112:26
chullthe sound works in the computer, but it isn't working with this new drive. (ubuntu 18.04)12:26
tarzeauif that fixes it, all fine, otherwise try to get a non-dummy 390 driver12:27
ocx32i will do an apt-get purge nvidia*12:27
ocx32and start from scratch ok?12:27
tarzeaugood luck12:27
ocx32tarzeau which package should i install?12:27
tarzeau(or really try that nouveau driver), that failed for me for 2+ screen setups and individual nvidia hardware12:27
tarzeauocx32: with the cuda.lst it's cuda-10-112:28
ocx32and will that automatically update xorg or should i run a command after installed from apt12:28
tarzeauocx32: no, it just works12:28
ocx32what is the name of the nouveau?12:28
ocx32i did now afterthe purge a ubuntu-drivers auotinstall12:29
tarzeauocx32: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau nouveau-firmware libdrm-nouveau2, then check lsmod |grep nouveau12:31
ocx32should i install nouveau tarzeau?12:34
ocx32and how12:34
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bargdoes the top command list firefox and if so then what would it show as?12:34
bargI have firefox listed but i don't see it listed by top12:34
tarzeauocx32: yes try, apt install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau nouveau-firmware libdrm-nouveau212:35
tarzeauocx32: modprobe nouveau; startx12:35
tarzeaubarg: yes it does list firefox, as firefox12:35
chullbarg the fox eats more ram the more windows you have open12:35
tarzeauchull: that's nice words for broken software12:36
tarzeaubarg: can also try stacer or htop. and zram-config12:36
chulltarzeau, hey it works12:36
tarzeauchull: biggest shit of pile (imho)12:36
tarzeauchull: did you ever build it from source?12:36
chulltarzeau, i'm lazier than that12:37
ocx32tarzeau ok done, i did a modprobe, startx now i get fatal errors : no sreens found then a xinit: connection refused12:37
tarzeaugreat excuse - my slogan: if you can't build software x, you're not supposed to run software x12:37
chulltarzeau, you sound old!12:38
ocx32i dont have any xorg.confin /etc/X11/ btw12:38
tarzeauocx32: /var/log/X*.log ?12:38
tarzeauchull: 42?12:38
tarzeauaudio cassette. seriously i'm 42 is that old?12:38
chull8 track. no.. my oldest is about that old, he is terrible at support too.12:39
ocx32tarzeau http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ffqChWm4KN12:39
tarzeauchull: i'll take that as a compliment :)12:39
chulltarzeau, please do :)12:40
tarzeauocx32: look for EE in that file, it tries to load nvidia12:40
tarzeauocx32: you have no output with dpkg -l |grep nvidia ?12:40
tarzeauocx32: and lsmod |grep nvidia? of course you need to get rid of all nvidia12:40
ocx32yes no output with dpkg -l12:40
TrevelianHello, I use Ubuntu 1804 LTS, but I need a newer version of OpenConnect, because my company use PaloAlto VPN and this protocol is not supported on the openconnect version of 1804. Whats the best way to have a newer version of openconnect without changing my Ubuntu version ?12:40
tarzeauocx32: and lsmod |grep nouveau shows nouveau ?12:41
tarzeauocx32: did you reboot? i think you will changing drivers nvidia to nouveau and the other way around with bloaty kernels like linux12:41
tarzeauit's not a microkernel(superior)(tm)12:41
ocx32dpkg -l | grep nvid doesnt show anything12:42
ocx32i will reboot now12:42
ducasseTrevelian: if there are no backports there are no supported ways. you could look for a ppa or third-party repo12:42
ocx32dpkg -l | grep nouv shows some output12:42
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ocx32tarzeau still refuses to boot12:44
tarzeauocx32: that's difficult to help with over internet, in such a case i go to the users computer, touch it, and it works12:44
tarzeausorry you're not near here12:44
ocx32can i disable nvidia all in all now and just use the built in vga?12:46
tarzeauocx32: sure, what resolution do you get?12:53
BluesKajHowdy folks12:58
ocx32how can i disable nvidia and update xorg12:58
chulli've unloaded and reloaded all the pulseaudio things (hubby's computer, Ubuntu 18.04, he has a new hard drive) it's still not playing sound. (the computer did have sound with previous hard drives) alsamixer looks problematic. Is there something else to do?13:09
BluesKajchull, make  sure alsamixer automute is disabled13:11
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ocx32trying to generate my xorg configu using X -configure but i get a seg fault13:56
ryuoocx32: why would you need to? it's mostly automated now and modular to boot.14:07
ocx32 i fucked up my x11 configu14:07
ikoniaocx32: tone down the language please14:09
ocx32this is so frustrating14:10
ryuoocx32: and how do you mess it up?14:12
ryuoright. nvidia.14:12
ocx32rymate1234 i disabled nvidia from bios now , trying to use my built in graphics and it is failing as follow14:16
BluesKajocx32, drop to a vt/tty with ctl+alt+F2-F6 (terminal) then, sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau then reboot14:21
ocx32BluesKaj i tried that, same problem14:26
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.14:27
kur1j[4257991.687435] NFS: state manager: check lease failed on NFSv4 server  <NFSServer> with error 13 anyone have any ideas what this means? I have restarted my clients nfs/rpc services and no luck14:28
BluesKajocx32, re-enable your nvidia card in the bios then try again if nouveau is installed14:30
ocx32how ca ni enable the nomodeset quiet splash nomodeset ?14:30
ocx32with nomodeset it works14:31
ocx32but i am still on my builtin graphic card14:31
dbristowAny news on the actual 18.04.4 release date?  Supposed to be yesterday, doesn't appear to have happened yet14:37
dbristowI checked mirrors.kernel.org, and cdimage.ubuntu.com, not there14:38
pragmaticenigmadbristow: This channel is run by volunteers, you know as much as the rest of us14:38
pragmaticenigmadbristow: Delays are common, and I'd prefer a delay than to have a buggy ISO image :-)14:39
dbristowOf course.14:39
pragmaticenigmadbristow: One suggestion, if you're looking to install a new system. I prefer the mini.iso option. It requires an active Internet connection during the install, but it will install with all the latest packages and updates. Saves a lot of time for me14:40
dbristowActually I usually get these ISOs so I can hand them out at NYLUG (New York Linux Users Group) meetings.14:41
dbristowWhich has happened less and less as nobody has optical drives anymore and we can't afford to give away thumb drives14:42
pragmaticenigmaoh, neat14:42
afancyHi, how to send the sudo for a user that he can only run pip command to install python package? thanks14:42
ryuodbristow: hah. but isn't this getting into offtopic area?14:43
JimBuntuafancy: wouldn't you rather add '--user' to the end of the pip install?14:43
acebrianjuanHi all, when I do a Ctrl+C on the terminal to stop a program, what Unix signal am I triggering?14:43
afancyJimBuntu: for exmaple?14:43
JimBuntuacebrianjuan: I think that's SIGINT14:44
pragmaticenigmaafancy: Make sure you/they are running pip in virtual environment. Running pip in the main system will cause problems14:44
JimBuntuafancy: pip install python --user14:44
acebrianjuanJimBuntu: ok, thank you14:45
dbristowryuo: I suppose.14:45
pragmaticenigmaafancy: In the future, please avoid posting in multiple channels. Many of the people here, are also in other channels. It makes it easier for everyone to help you in one place. It will also help reduce confusion for you when you're given different advisement from different people14:46
pragmaticenigmadbristow: Please join us in #ubuntu-discuss, I'd like to continue this conversation there14:47
tomreyndbristow: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2020-February/004897.html14:48
ocx32Hello i managed to get the nvidia working again but it works only on 1 screen not multi monitor how can i enable that?15:23
StephenLynxhey, I was just playing sc2 through wine and my system froze entirely with audio doing that loop thing on the last 200ms. this is what journalctl had for that time frame https://pastebin.com/dq32Lnb515:34
StephenLynxafter that I forcefully rebooted it.15:34
StephenLynxfunny thing, my audio on sc2 stopped working and I restarted sc2.15:36
StephenLynxafter a while, system freeze15:37
ocx32ocx32 17:23:10Hello i managed to get the nvidia working again but it works only on 1 screen not multi monitor how can i enable that?15:38
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InteloHow to save output of a command in a text file? and also display it on console?16:58
StephenLynxcommand > file16:59
StephenLynxand if you want to output to stdout at the same time, I think tee is what you need.17:00
pagioshi, How can i sovle this ? Ensure all necessary drivers are built into the linux image!   depmod: ERROR: Bad version passed vmlinuz-4.4.0-42-generic17:00
pagiosi have vmlinuz-4.4.0-134-generic17:00
pagioshow can i install vmlinuz-4.4.0-42-generic17:01
leftyfbpagios: what version of ubuntu are you running?17:01
pagiosleftyfb, 18.0417:02
leftyfbpagios: what are you trying to do exactly?17:02
pagiosleftyfb, trying to install nvidia driver for GTX 97017:02
leftyfbpagios: using what method?17:03
pagiosi get that error when i install using ubuntu-drivers autoinstall17:03
pagiosi get the same error if i try to install nvidiea-390 or others using apt17:03
pagiosleftyfb, it seems i am missing some kernel stuff?17:04
leftyfbpagios: was this a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 or upgraded all the way from Ubuntu 14.04 at one point?17:04
pagiosleftyfb, upgrade from 16.0417:04
leftyfbpagios: ok, I would suggest installing the hwe kernel for 18.04, rebooting into that kernel and retrying your driver install17:05
leftyfbpagios: sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-18.0417:06
leftyfbpagios: I would also suggest removing any 4.4 kernel packages once booted into the 5.3 kernel you get from hwe17:07
pagiosi am not understanding17:07
pagioswhat happened exactly17:07
pagiosleftyfb, i was suffering some freezing in video and browsers in ubuntu, so i removed the nvidia driver using apt-get purge nvidia and since then i am not able to really run it, it was working fine before17:08
leftyfbpagios: run this in a terminal: uname -r17:08
pagiosleftyfb, https://pastebin.com/HWDr3z9G this is after the apt install linux-image command you suggested17:09
pagiosuname -r :  4.4.0-134-generic #160-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 15 14:58:00 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:09
leftyfbpagios: ls -l /boot/vmlinux-5*17:10
leftyfbpagios: does the above command show a kernel file?17:10
pagiosno such file leftyfb17:10
pagiosleftyfb, https://pastebin.com/nX36jKr217:11
pagiosmy boot dir17:11
leftyfboops, I spelled it wrong17:11
pagiosshall i reboot now?17:12
leftyfbpagios: I would suggest rebooting. You should then be running the 5.3 kernel which you'll be able to verify by running uname -r (after reboot)17:12
pagiosok brb17:12
pagiosleftleg_, hi again i am on 5.3.0-28-generic #30~18.04.1-Ubuntu now17:21
pagiosfor some reason my graphics are so slow, lagging and slow17:22
tatertotsdid you try to install any graphics drivers yet?17:22
pagiosyes i tried after the reboot17:23
tatertotsthe plan was to install drivers after booting to 5.317:23
leftyfbpagios: I would first remove that old 4.4 kernel causing issues with installing packages17:23
leftyfbpagios: sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-4.4.0-42-generic17:24
pagioshow can i remove that kernel?17:24
leftyfbpagios: sudo apt-get autoremove # make sure it's only removing packages related to the 4.4.0-42 kernel17:25
pagiosleftyfb,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/W9HKNpFrnp/ <--- i have isntalled many nvidia packages as you see17:26
pagiosshould i remove?17:26
pagioscurrent status: i have 1 of 2 monitors working only, the other is off - and the working one is too slow with graphics, i am on gnome17:27
tatertotsdid you verify the driver installation was successful?17:31
pagiosleftyfb,  i still have some 4.40 linuz in /boot17:32
leftyfbpagios: that's ok, it was just the 1 we removed that was causing problems17:33
pagiosi will reboot and try to reinstall?17:33
pagiosi will do an ubuntu-driver autoinstall after reboot?17:33
leftyfbpagios: I would suggest removing ALL nvidia packages and reverting to the nouveau and working from there17:33
leftyfbpagios: no need to reboot at this time17:33
pagiosshould i reboot first?17:34
leftyfbno, there's no need to reboot yet17:34
pagios$ dpkg -l | grep nvid shows nothing17:34
pagiosi am doing now a apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau17:35
pagiosi reboot now?17:35
leftyfbpagios: that's not the proper way17:35
leftyfbpagios: open up the "Software & Updates" util and go to the additional drivers tab17:36
pagiosshould i remove those first ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fsQZdZ4j3H/17:37
leftyfbno, leave them. I'm not actually sure which ones were installed by default17:37
pagioshttps://i.imgur.com/KiYE4iP.png leftyfb  it is already selected17:38
pagiosbut how comes i dont see it in dpkg -l17:39
leftyfbpagios: ubuntu-drivers list17:40
pagiosleftyfb, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GqVvCTC2Mc/17:41
leftyfbok, run the autoinstall now17:41
pagiosleftyfb, error again https://pastebin.com/Mw9NRp1n17:42
leftyfbpagios: sudo apt remove --purge *4.4.0-42* # what packages does this want to remove?17:43
pagios linux-image-extra-4.4.0-42-generic*17:44
leftyfbok, remove that17:44
pagiosi remove again the nvidia stuff and retry the autoinstall?17:44
leftyfbjust try the autoinstall again17:45
leftyfbor maybe just reboot, check the software & updates util again to see what you are running (after reboot)17:46
pagiosrerunnign the autoinstall 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:46
pagiosi ll reboot17:46
pagioshi again, my pc is not booting into grapgical mode now, i am on my laptop17:56
pagiosi logged in via tty and tried to isse the autoinstall again and it gave the same depmod error vmlinuz 4-417:57
leftyfbpagios: ls -l /boot/*4.4.0-42*17:58
pagiosi have a file leftleg  initrd17:59
pagiosit matches17:59
leftyfbdelete it17:59
pagiosleftyfb should i update now grub?17:59
leftyfbyou hopefully shouldn't get the error anymore. Though that wasn't the cause of your desktop issue18:00
pagiosill wipe again nvidia and load that autoinstall18:00
leftyfbtry that18:00
pagiosi was able to boot in gui only when using nomodeset to kernel btw18:00
pagiospreviously it was working fine without that18:00
pagiosleftyfb unbelievable, i am still getting it complaining about vmlinux-4.4.0-42generic18:03
pagiosshould i reboot before that?18:03
leftyfbI don't see how18:03
pagiosi still havean initrd.img-vmlinuz- in /boot18:04
leftyfbpagios: dpkg -l *4.4.0-42*18:04
pagioseven though i deleted18:04
pagioson this dpkh -l command i get no packages found matching initrd.img-vmlinuz-4.4.0-42-generic18:05
leftyfbpagios: dpkg -l *4.4.0-42*18:06
leftyfbcd /18:06
leftyfbpagios: then: dpkg -l *4.4.0-42*18:06
pagiosno packages found matchin *5.5.0-42*18:07
pagiossorry 4.4.4.. i cant copy paste18:07
pagiosits a different pc18:07
leftyfbcd /tmp ; dpkg -l *4.4.0-42*18:07
pagiosdpkg -l | grep 4.4.0-42 shows nothing leftyfb18:08
leftyfbdpkg -l *4.4.0-42*18:09
pagiosyea i tried that18:09
leftyfbok, I guess both would do the same thing18:09
pagiosno packages found matching *4.4.0-42*18:09
leftyfbthen this makes no sense where it's getting the idea that it needs to rebuild the initrd for that kernel every time18:10
pagiosthere is that initrd file in /boot18:11
leftyfbI also doubt this particular issue is causing your nvidia driver issues.... that issue I'm not the best at resolving. It's always a mess18:11
leftyfbpagios: the initrd gets regenerated each time you generate new DKMS kernel modules like nvidia18:11
pagiosi removed all 4.4. in /boot18:12
pagioskept the 5.318:12
leftyfbpagios: did you delete them or remove the packages?18:13
leftyfbpagios: that was bad18:13
leftyfbpagios: dpkg -l |grep linux*4.4*18:15
leftyfbpagios: I would highly suggest just installing 18.04 from scratch. You've got a bit of a mess there18:15
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leftyfbpagios: apt list --installed |grep linux.*4.418:18
pagiosleftyfb that command returned a lot of installed stuff18:29
pagioslinux headers18:29
leftyfbpagios: you'll want to sudo apt-get install --reinstall all of those18:34
leftyfbpagios: then remove them with apt-get remove --purge18:34
pagiosfinally it is working!18:34
pagiosleftyfb i isntalled the linux headers for 5.318:34
pagiosand removed header of 4.418:34
pagios:)  thanks!!!!18:34
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__Milenchohi guys, could you help me with recovery grub on ubuntu machine19:17
__Milenchoi've wanted to extend root partition, i've shrinked some GBs from Windows19:17
__Milenchoand after reboot there is no grub19:17
__Milenchoonly grub minimal bash....19:18
__Milenchoboot-repair cannot help me19:19
__Milenchoguess i because disk is gtp...19:19
__Milenchoany ideas?19:21
ElectroStrongI am by no means an expert, but I've done a couple of recoveries after screwing up - have ou tried to do "grub-install /dev/XXX" to re-install grub on the MBR?19:22
ElectroStrongare you even able to get the disk mounted from within the live iso as well?19:22
__Milenchonope i'm not able to mount the disk19:22
__Milenchoi'm trying with live ubuntu usb19:23
ElectroStrongif you use fdisk -l on the disk, do you see a partition table?19:23
__Milenchoyes i'm able to see the partition19:23
__Milenchobut if i try to mount it says19:23
ElectroStrongwhat is the mount eror?19:23
__Milenchomount point doesn't exists19:23
ElectroStrongwhat's your command look like (paste it in here please)19:24
__Milenchogimme few seconds to install hexchat on the live ubuntu19:24
ElectroStrong(or type it in here as well - no worries take your time)19:24
tatertotsafter freeing up space on your Windows 10 system with a LiveCD/LiveUSB...your next step would be to actually install ubuntu to the free space19:25
__MilenchoElectroStrong, /dev/sdb5  320634798 476884797 156250000 74.5G Linux filesystem19:25
__Milenchofdisk -l command19:25
tatertotssince you have NOT done that..i would NOT expect you to have any grub19:25
__Milenchosudo mount mnt /dev/sbd519:26
tatertotssince you haven't actually installed ubuntu to any local disk...all you did was free up some space19:26
__Milenchomount: /dev/sbd5: mount point does not exist19:26
ElectroStrongas tatertops is saying - did you install Ubuntu?19:26
ElectroStrongyour format is incorrect19:26
ElectroStrongmount /dev/XXX /mnt/mountpoint19:26
__Milenchoi had ubuntu and windows on one SSD19:26
tatertotsfrom what he has described he has NOT installed ubuntu to local disk19:26
tatertotshe's still using the LiveUSB/LiveCD19:27
__Milenchoi wanted to extend ubuntu because i'm not using the windows so often19:27
tatertotsso i think he got ahead of himself or got a little excited after using gparted from LIveCD/LiveUSB19:27
ElectroStrongto see if the disk still has info19:27
ElectroStrongmake a new mount point "sudo mkdir /mnt/testing"19:28
ElectroStrongthen mount it "sudo mount /dev/XXX /mnt/testing"19:28
ElectroStrongdoes that work?19:28
__Milenchoubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt19:28
__MilenchoNTFS signature is missing.19:28
__MilenchoFailed to mount '/dev/sdb5': Invalid argument19:28
ElectroStrongare you sure it's sdb5?19:28
tatertotsyou'll likely have to reinstall ubuntu19:30
ElectroStrongmount -t ext4 /dev/sdb5 /mnt19:30
__MilenchoElectroStrong, yup ext419:30
ElectroStrongand tatertots might be right - I'm just curious if you can even mount the disk19:30
__Milenchomount: /home/ubuntu/mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb5,19:31
__Milenchoat least can i save some information from HDD?19:31
__Milenchoi have few files which are important for me19:31
ElectroStrongI would absolutely image it19:32
ElectroStrongto make a backup19:32
__MilenchoElectroStrong, actually gpart says uknown format19:32
__Milenchobut i'm pretty sure it's ext419:32
ElectroStrongdid it fail on the shrink/grow operations?19:32
ElectroStrongand what tool did you use - gparted?19:32
__Milenchoi've shrinked when i booted on windows19:33
__Milencho50 gbs unallocated after that i've rebooted and grub failed19:33
__Milenchoand i'm here19:33
__Milenchodidin't have the chance to extend the root partition19:33
__Milenchosi how can i backup the files at least to extract the info after reinstall the ubuntu19:34
ElectroStrongcan you pastebin the output of "blkid -o value -s TYPE /dev/sdb5"?19:35
ElectroStrongor even paste it in here - should be simple19:35
__Milenchonothing happened19:35
__Milenchoempty row and no error19:35
ElectroStrongusually not a good sign - means that the partition doesn't have a filesystem identifier19:36
__Milenchomay be this is the reason that gparted shows unknown partition19:36
ElectroStrongso lets see if we can access ntfs data19:37
__Milenchontfs data is not important19:37
__Milenchoonly few files on the linux system19:37
__Milencho5-6 files19:37
ElectroStrongYou could do a filesystem check19:38
ElectroStrong"sudo fsck.ext4 /dev/sdb5"19:38
ElectroStrongdo you get a "bad superblock" error?19:39
__Milenchosorry dor delay i'm reading a post that19:39
__Milenchotestdisk may be could recover ext4...19:39
ElectroStrongthere are methods - the output of testdisk can determine the block size19:40
ElectroStrongwhich can then be used with mke2fs to rebuild the superblock and descriptors19:41
ElectroStrongbut if it's really important data - you're going to want to make an image/backup of it before doing anything that could write to the disk19:41
__MilenchoElectroStrong, if i have a chance to do this;]19:41
__Milencho8193 or 3276819:42
__Milenchowhich one i have to select19:43
ElectroStrongya - you're really in the territory now of data recovery - the partition doesn't have a FS ID, the SuperBlock information is gone - I'd also think that the partition layout is incorrect which means that there may be overlap from other partition data19:43
ElectroStrongyou're going to want to do a testdisk first19:43
__MilenchoElectroStrong, so i need to try with test disk ?19:44
__Milenchothis is my last chance?19:44
ElectroStrongtestdisk with deep search19:45
ElectroStrongThe output of this will give you an e2fsck command that you could use19:45
__Milenchohmm not packet testdisk to install it with apt19:46
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ElectroStrongyou should absolutely do a backup though before doing this...once you make a change, you cannot go back19:46
ElectroStrongshould be apt install testdisk19:47
__Milenchou mean now to do backup?19:47
ElectroStrong^^^ yes19:47
ElectroStrongmake a copy of the drive as-is19:47
__Milenchohow can i copy the data from sdb5 70 gb~ to ntfs partion19:47
__Milenchocould i do that?19:47
ElectroStrongand then experiment on that drive - you're going to need to experiment quite a bit19:47
ElectroStrongnope - there is no structure for sdb5 to load/mount or use - it may have data in it, but there's nothing describing what that data is - which is why you can't mount it19:48
ElectroStrongThis thread may help a bit - it explains the tools and steps this person went through to try to recover the data: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/33284/recovering-ext4-superblocks19:49
__Milenchohmm but testdisk is missing from repositories19:49
__Milenchoi'll try with deb19:49
ElectroStrongtry apt update - maybe it was added after the live disk was generated?19:50
__Milenchoi've installed and let's pray :-D19:52
elias_aWhat method/tool would you recommend for copying a working windows 7 partition to another HDD with 18.04?20:00
ksydDoes anyone know when to expect ubuntu 18.04.4 release approximately?20:01
leftyfbelias_a: we recommend not using Windows 7. As does Microsoft.20:02
leftyfbksyd: nobody in this channel knows. We're all volunteers.20:02
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makr8100elias_a: use dd20:02
ksydleftyfb: Thx.20:02
makr8100dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc20:02
elias_aleftyfb: I have to transfer the system on another drive and then upgrade.20:02
__MilenchoElectroStrong, testdisk doesn't recognize the dev/sdb520:02
leftyfbksyd: that said, If you install 18.04 and run all the updates, you should be a 18.04.4. I've been on it for a week now.20:02
makr8100make sure you check your drive letters, don't copy/paste that20:03
__Milenchoonly ntf partitions20:03
makr8100also it will need sudo access20:03
elias_amakr8100: Thanks. That is a good start. :)20:03
elias_aAren't there any nice new GUI tools around?20:04
leftyfbelias_a: clonezilla20:04
makr8100no clue, dd is simple enough I never looked for a gui20:04
ElectroStrongsorry __Milencho - not sure what else to really do :(20:04
makr8100on windows you can run rufus20:04
makr8100it's just: dd if=[input file] of=[output file]20:05
ksydleftyfb: thank you. I actually want to install xubuntu 18.04, but I don't really know which version to use: the very first one or 18.04.3. If install the first one, there will be much more updates, I fear something will break.20:05
makr8100ksyd: you'll be upgrading to 20 in April anyways :P20:05
leftyfbksyd: just install 18.04.3. I don't understand the hesitation20:06
ksydleftyfb: I'm afraid of major updates and upgrades.20:06
leftyfbksyd: ok? What does that have to do with installing 18.04.3 and just doing normal updates?20:06
sarnoldksyd: next week https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2020-February/004897.html20:07
compdocksyd, updates always work fine for me20:08
makr8100ksyd: 18.04 is an LTS release and 20.04 will be too.  The distro upgrade path for LTS is very well tested and you shouldn't have any serious issues20:08
ksydleftyfb: I'm currently on mint and I experienced some issues while doing even regular updates, and so I thought about installing xubuntu. I want something stable and I'm concerned that when 18.04.4 comes out soon that kind of major update will mess something.20:08
ksydsarnold: thank you )20:08
leftyfbksyd: Ubuntu LTS rarely has updates that wil break anything. That's one of the advantages of an LTS release20:08
makr8100weird...  I run opensuse tumbleweed (rolling release) as my main os and things rarely break20:08
ksydleftyfb: I'll try it. Thank you.20:09
makr8100I think twice in my 10 months on this install did something actually go wrong20:09
sarnoldksyd: I think the 18.04.4 installer might have a newer HWE kernel by default; but if you install a system with 18.04.3 you'll get that newer kernel when you next update anyway20:09
makr8100I trust LTS more than rolling P:20:09
leftyfbksyd: also, if you're running 18.04.3, the update to 18.04.4 isn't a major update my any stretch. It's basically just a point in time, typically with a kernel update which is easily reverted20:09
ksydmarkus1189:  I hope ubuntu lts will go well on my laptop. thx.20:10
ksydleftyfb: yes, I already looked up on how to revert to older kernel if needed.20:10
leftyfbksyd: I've been running 18.04.4 for a week now20:11
ksydleftyfb: You mean the daily build?20:11
makr8100oops wrong tag lol, but ya I'd expect it'll go on your laptop, good luck20:11
leftyfbksyd: no, you're not getting how this works. If you install an LTS and keep up with the regular updates, every once in a while your version just changes with one of those updates. It's not as major as you think.20:12
togoleftyfb, why not a recent 19.xx?20:12
leftyfbtogo: because it's not LTS20:12
togoI see20:12
leftyfbtogo: non-LTS's are only supported for 9 months and their upgrade paths across multiple versions isn't all that supported. I see them as beta/RC versions and LTS as stable releases20:13
ksydleftyfb: OK, I got it: it's not a major update, just a regular one. thank you.20:13
makr8100at this point it wouldn't matter much between 18 or 19, if you run apt upgrade in April or later it'll get you 20 instead regardless of what you're running now20:13
togois there no automatic update support?20:13
togomakr8100, cool20:14
leftyfbtogo: you can certainly upgrade between LTS and non-LTS, but the only supported means is from the LTS -> the very next non-LTS or vice versa. Anything else is risky and not as clean or stable20:14
togoI just installed 19.1020:14
makr8100desktop environments usually have some sort of update applet but not usually auto update by distro itself20:14
makr8100the applet isn't going to get a new major release, it'll only update the current release20:14
ksydsarnold: can you please explain to me what does the letter mean by saying: "we do not intend to re-spin any of the classic ISO flavors"?20:14
makr8100that's the difference between apt update and apt upgrade20:15
leftyfbtogo: ok, so your own supported upgrade path is direct to 20.04 in April. If you miss that, it's not as simple and lclean20:15
pragmaticenigmaksyd: It means those iso are tested and there is no reason to redo them20:15
makr8100the next release would be 20.10 so that's october, so there's a decent window for 20.04 of 6 months20:15
togoI had been on mint all the time tis is my first return to ubunu studio20:16
leftyfbmakr8100: uh ... update just updates the list of available packages and their versions. upgrade pulls down and installs the upgradable packages. That is the difference20:16
Ben6420.04 is lts, 20.10 is not20:16
Ben645 years vs 9 months of support20:16
makr8100That being said, iirc once you get on an LTS release it'll keep you on the LTS path.  Perhaps someone who knows better can clarify how/when an install's upgrade path changes to and from LTS and how it's set initially20:16
ksydpragmaticenigma: ok, so I'll rephrase it: xubuntu-18.04.4 will be among them, it's just the problem with Ubuntu Core and nothing more?20:17
makr8100leftyfb: that's what I said just in different words20:17
pragmaticenigmaksyd: Correct20:17
ksydpragmaticenigma: thank you, now I feel better. :)20:17
makr8100and by window I didn't mean window of support, that's the window of when it'll be the newest release20:18
sarnoldksyd: it means that eg kubuntu or lubuntu iso images aren't expected to change in the next week20:19
makr8100If you run dup on 19.10 in 20.10 I have no clue which version you'd get (between 20.04 and 20.10).  Someone else here probably knows, but I don't.20:19
makr8100apt upgrade not dup...  this isn't opensuse20:19
ksydsarnold: thx.20:19
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Ben64apt upgrade on 19.10 will always give you 19.1020:19
makr8100Well what does upgrade do if not for giving you the newest release?  I mean currently it will, but we're talking after 20.04 release20:20
Ben64upgrades packages20:20
makr8100Oh ffs I always forget update is to refresh package lists not to update applications, my bad20:21
leftyfbmakr8100: I just said that to you20:21
makr8100I always forget distro upgrade isn't in apt20:22
de-factoQuestion: which package contains libzmqpp on Ubuntu 18.04? Trying to meson build and assumed installing "libzmqpp-dev" would suffice, yet "meson.build:7:0: ERROR: Native dependency 'libzmqpp' not found"20:22
makr8100I was thinking update was what upgrade does, and upgrade was release upgrade20:23
makr8100That happens to me a lot20:23
de-factoJust using "libzmq" instead in the meson.build file gives loads of linker errors so its not "zmqpp:: ...." namespace20:23
leftyfbde-facto: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/qNMdzCdnbX/20:24
de-factois there a pkg-build for libzmqpp-dev somewhere?20:24
jaskkhello when i'm trying to run "jython -m ensurepip" i get this error : Ignoring ensurepip failure: pip 9.0.1 requires SSL/TLS any help ?20:24
de-factoleftyfb, yes i want to use that one, yet there seems to be no pkg-build (.pc?) for it which meson build would require for finding it20:25
nCoV_frenHi frens20:25
nCoV_frenDid you delete system32?20:26
leftyfbnCoV_fren: can we help you with something?20:26
de-factois the package  "libzmqpp-dev" broken as not supporting pkg-build?20:26
cjohnsonWhat's the appropriate way to add my corporate root CA .crt to ubuntu 18.04?20:34
cjohnsonI copied my .crt into /usr/share/ca-certificates/foo.crt and ran update-ca-certificates but curl is still complaining when connecting20:34
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sarnoldcjohnson: I'd wager /etc/ssl/certs would be the better place to put it; but I'm surprised that didn't work20:35
sarnoldcjohnson: did the correct symlinks get created in /etc/ssl/certs for your new cert?20:35
cjohnsonIf I use curl --cacert /usr/share/ca-certificates/foo.crt it works20:35
cjohnsonNo I didn't see one in there20:35
de-factohm can you directly add certs or just trust anchors?20:37
sarnoldcjohnson: aha! the manpage to the rescue20:37
sarnoldcjohnson: if you put it under /usr/share/ca-certificates then you'd have to edit Furthermore all certificates with a .crt extension found below /usr/local/share/ca-certificates are also included as implicitly trusted.20:38
sarnoldselectbuffer had something other than I expected :)20:38
sarnoldanyway that's the punchline of the thing20:38
cjohnsonthe punchline is to put it in /usr/local/share instead of /usr/share?20:38
cjohnsonOr to edit whatever file it was about to tell me20:38
cjohnsonho ho20:39
cjohnson/usr/local/share it was20:39
cjohnsonthanks sarnold20:42
sarnoldcjohnson: all good? sorry to just trail off there but it sounds like you got oit ;)20:43
cjohnsonyep that was it. I was reading the same hunk you were but I just didn't get down to the bit about /usr/local20:43
de-factoQuestion: How can i use pkg-config with  "libzmqpp-dev"  package?20:45
sarnoldcjohnson: cool, thanks :)20:46
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s2013anyone here uses ubuntu on virtualbox?21:42
s2013i cant seem to be able to click inside the virtualbox. i was earlier but not anymore. i just set it up21:43
s2013i know it senses my mouse cause when i hover over, it sometimes shows the hover state21:43
s2013and i guess i can scroll21:44
rfms2013, try running xev and clicking in the xev window to see if any events are getting to the x server21:45
s2013whats xev21:46
leftyfbs2013: what OS are you running Virtualbox on?21:46
s2013mac os21:46
s2013im able to scroll and right click on certain places21:46
s2013i restarted it too21:46
tommy``does exists some live monitoring for vsftpd?22:09
leftyfbtommy``: logs22:24
tommy``leftyfb: i would like something that show me to terminal the download speed22:33
tommy``on the*22:33
tommy``that shows me informations  like "top" command do22:33
tatertotsvsftpd has a maintainer you could contact ..and also a mailing list22:35
tommy``tatertots: i find a solution by using sudo tail -f /var/log/vsftpd.log.422:40
leftyfbtommy``: that log is old and will not update22:41
leftyfbtommy``: you probably want /var/log/vsftpd.log22:41
tommy``yes i noticed22:41
tommy``works but download speed doesn't change, no problem at all22:42
lunorianHi so I installed Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on my Thinkpad X1 Carbon 3rd Gen. Everything works great so far, I had to do some slight CLI Magic to set display scaling to a specific percentage but all is well now. However there is a problem. The two finger scrolling on the touchpad despite being enabled in system settings doesn't appear to work. Has anyone22:46
lunorianelse experienced this issue and what workarounds, if any, exist?22:46
pragmaticenigmalunorian: does it work in any apps?22:49
pragmaticenigmaone specific app?22:49
lunorianpragmaticenigma unfortunealy none that I'm aware of22:49
lunorianI've tried in Google Chrome and system settings so far22:49
lunorianChecked in Discord, Signalapp and the terminal22:50
lunorianso far no luck22:50
jeremy31lunorian: what result from terminal for>  grep -i "Using input driver" /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:50
lunoriannathaniel@nathaniel-ThinkPad-X1-Carbon-3rd:~$ grep -i "Using input driver" /var/log/Xorg.0.loggrep: /var/log/Xorg.0.log: No such file or directory22:51
lunorianlooks like no log out is available for Xorg :\22:54
lunorianI ls-ed /var/log and there are no Xorg named log files22:54
Bashing-omlunorian: .local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log ??22:55
lunorian  worked see https://gist.github.com/irlcatgirl/4d6c950da9b4ff99773ebd2c943bbd7d22:56
jeremy31lunorian: you could try installing xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-hwe-18.04 then log out/login and see if it can be enabled22:57
lunoriando I need to apply any config changes22:58
lunorianor just apt install and then reboot22:58
jeremy31lunorian: just install, reboot, see if it is still enabled in touchpad settings and see if it works22:59
oerheks"The Threadripper 3990X was able to build the Linux 5.4 kernel in just 22 seconds...23:03
oerheksoops wrong chan23:03
lunorianJust a heads up my issue was resolved23:03
lunorianthat driver worked perfectly23:03
sarnoldoerheks: oh wow23:06
Bashing-om!cookie jeremy3123:08
Bashing-om!cookie | jeremy3123:08
ubottujeremy31: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:08
vincent42hello, is there a way to prevent "apt remove" to try to install an alternative if some other package was relying on the package I remove (I want that other package to be removed too, and since there are many in this case, I don't want to have to enumerate them explicitely)23:16
sarnoldvincent42: apt-get install goodpackage badpackage-23:18
vincent42this is a really weird default behaviour, if there hadn"t been any alternative, the other packages would have been simply removed too (which is exactly what I want), but because there's an alternative, it just forces me to install some package I never asked for23:18
vincent42sarnold: install ? but I'm trying to remove some packages, not install any23:18
sarnoldvincent42: oh I thought you wanted to swap in a new alternative..23:18
vincent42no that's precisely what I don't want to do, but I am being forced to do23:19
sarnoldvincent42: if you want to just uninstall things and break the package dependfency entirely, the equivs package can help you fake a new package to replkace the one you're removing23:19
sarnoldvincent42: note that the package dep may be there for a good reason; removing a dependency without replacing it may bust things :)23:19
vincent42sarnold: no I want to uninstall something and everything which was depending on it23:19
sarnoldvincent42: ahhhhhh23:20
sarnoldvincent42: I usually do that by adding more and more packages to the apt-get purge line23:20
vincent42but how do I find them out ?23:20
oerhekstell us what 'something' please?23:20
vincent42(I'm trying to remove kde desktop)23:21
oerheksthis is wandering in the dark23:21
vincent42but I don't want to get gnome instead23:21
oerheksoh adding a desktop is no problem, removing one is interesting23:21
vincent42I'm trying to slim down a machine, to make a server of it23:21
oerhekslogin the desktop tyou want to keep, for first23:21
vincent42oerheks: I'm not logged on any desktop, I access remotely the machine23:22
vincent42now I want to get rid of everything desktop related23:23
Bashing-omvincent42: How handy are you ? As an example of the difficulties to remove a DE: https://github.com/aysiu/purebuntu .23:25
oerheksone could  run: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target  to prevent booting in the graphical thingy23:25
vincent42the thing is : apt seems by default to always try to remove as little as possible, instead it chooses to install alternatives to keep the dependencies satisfied, is there an option to change this behaviour ?23:25
oerheksor walk over to that server23:26
vincent42sarnold: how do you find out which package you need to add to the apt purge line ?23:27
sarnoldvincent42: hmm I wonder if this is a difference between apt and apt-get. try apt-get purge instead23:27
vincent42sarnold: ah they are not just aliases ?23:29
sarnoldvincent42: apt upgrade does much smarter things than apt-get upgrade; I'm curious if purge is similar23:30
vincent42hmm no same behaviour23:30
sarnoldvincent42: pastebinit?23:30
vincent42sarnold: sure https://pastebin.com/TxX2SxJh (with apt)23:31
vincent42or https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ktz8KRT3Wp/ more readable23:33
HikaruBGCan anyone tell me why the Pytho language seems the preferable language for Machine Learning programming?23:35
vincent42sarnold: ok it's very simple, I justt add on the command line the packages that apt tries to add23:36
that_guy_melvinAnyone know a workaround to get AMDGPU-PRO installed and working on 19.10?23:37
=== shr3ds is now known as shreds
jeremy31that_guy_melvin: any error when trying to install?23:38
vincent42Bashing-om: thank you, it might be useful23:38
sarnoldvincent42: yay!23:39
pragmaticenigmathat_guy_melvin: You're going to need to be more detailed about what it is you're encountering for an issue and what you're trying to do. it also helps to know what AMD card you're trying to work with23:39
that_guy_melvinthe amdgpu-pro proprietary driver is only being officially released for the LTS; it's the only way to get OpenCL working for a few different compute tasks23:40
pragmaticenigmathat_guy_melvin: Then I think you answered you're own question. Install an LTS version of Ubuntu, and you're good to go. However, i have not heard of that restriction before... where did you find that information23:41
oerheksand for what GPU ?23:41
oerheksthis is wandering in the dark23:41
that_guy_melvinit's in the install script23:41
that_guy_melvinunified driver for all their current cards23:41
that_guy_melvinI've seen two different random forum references to 'I got it working by commenting out the version check in the script', which proved... awkward23:42
that_guy_melvinstuff worked, and I could use my program, but apt was hung on misconfigured 'amdgpu-pro-pin' and a few other broken/unfixable dependancies23:43
that_guy_melvinso nothing would update and I couldn't install new stuff23:43
DSdavidDSHi all. I am trying to implement some udev rules to detect a usb when I plug it in. I am having a lot of trouble following numerous tutorials that scatter the interwebs23:44
DSdavidDSmy rule definitely works because when I run 'udevadm test', I see in the debug my script running23:44
pragmaticenigmathat_guy_melvin: i see nothing on that site that says the driver is restricted to LTS only. What they're showing is that the driver has been tested to work with 18.04 and thus is what they're recommending. To that end, this channel only supports what is available through the official Ubuntu software repositories. Support for installing the package from AMD directly will require you to seek support somewhere else23:45
DSdavidDSdoesn't work in practice, however.23:45
that_guy_melvinpragmaticenigma: thanks, that's very... helpful?23:46
pragmaticenigmathat_guy_melvin: We are all volunteers, and we leverage the documentation that is available and provided through Ubuntu's official sites.23:47
sarnoldthat_guy_melvin: if you pastebin the errors you got from commenting out the version check, we might be able to suggest something there23:47
sarnoldthat_guy_melvin: but it's amd's software, and if it's closed source, it's pretty hard to suggest things to do with it23:48
oerhekssorry for asking details, like GPU and maybe your update output on paste.ubuntu.com23:48
pragmaticenigmathat_guy_melvin: Also, you've answered your own question twice over. The driver in question is only supported on 18.04... there is no work around, and it's not in the volunteers best interest here to force something to work that will potentially break your machine. A team of very smart engineers worked on that project and software, and came up with those specifications. trying to do anything that runs counter to that, is23:49
pragmaticenigmasomething that no one can help with, since most of the volunteers here are going to follow what the documentation recommends23:49
that_guy_melvinyes, this is unsupported use case, I get it, thank you, I'm a terrible person who should feel bad.23:49
DarkchaosHow does the build environment from Ubuntu Bionic differ to Debian Buster? I'm still on the "ELF Header faulty" issue and it turns out that a simple make of the project (without pbuilder) shows the same issue, where on debian even the pbuilder run works23:50
sarnoldDarkchaos: pastebin the buildlog?23:50
Darkchaosmhh gcc (Ubuntu 7.4.0-1ubuntu1~18.04.1) 7.4.0 versus gcc (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.023:51
sarnoldDarkchaos: I think one of the few differences is the ubuntu configured gcc to turn on many of gcc's security features by default23:51
Darkchaossarnold: The build suceeds for both23:51
DarkchaosSo I don't know if a log will be helpful, but I never tried that, tbh23:52
Darkchaos(looking into the log)23:52
sarnoldDarkchaos: you could try installing gcc-8 and using that instead23:53
Darkchaossarnold: Will try, actually the package should support gcc-8 when I use pbuilder-dist disco, right?23:54
sarnoldopenjdk?? oh man that's in magic territory23:54
DarkchaosFinding the bug was even worse as one of it's shared objects just make java libraries trying to load .so's assert23:55
DarkchaosGetting it to build on Windows was even worse, don't worry :D23:56
sarnoldDarkchaos: what crimes did you commit that you're sentenced to dealing with this?23:58
sarnoldDarkchaos: I mean we've got a guy who does openjdk stuff full time and I can't understand how :)23:59

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