
hans__i installed Notepad++ from Snap, on my laptop, and it's.. missing keys00:05
hans__when my laptop is running on powersaver and not connected to the wall, and i quickly write: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog00:07
hans__notepad++ gets: the uqik brwfo ums ovee zyd00:07
Kumoolthis is usb or from the keyboard itself?00:12
hans__attached to the laptop00:12
Kumoolmy recommendation, notepad++ is bugged, use something else?00:12
hans__not an external usb00:12
KumoolI wouldn't even know how to debug that :( sorry00:13
hans__any suggestions? im specifically looking for an editor that allows me to open new tabs and have the editor save/remember them even without giving them explicit names00:13
Kumoolwelp, I only use 2 editors00:14
Kumooldoesn't gnome recommend geany?00:14
hans__if i open a new tab in notepad++, write something to it, and exit notepad++, then it will still be there the next time i open notepad++00:14
hans__that's the specific feature im looking for00:14
Kumoollet me check if scite does that00:14
hans__it doesn't00:14
hans__at least not the AutoIt-modified version of Scite00:15
hans__(the autoit IDE ships a modified Scite)00:15
Kumoolinstalling, i'm also trying geany00:15
Kumoolits a simple feature, so should be available00:15
KumoolI use this thing called textadept, it remembers and its fast00:16
hans__"textadept" doesn't seem to be in the xubuntu stock repos at least00:17
hans__idk if i enabled universe or not00:17
Kumoolit isn't I build it manually00:18
Kumooldid you try geany00:18
Kumoolgo editor hunting!00:18
Kumoolok, so geany does remember that00:21
Kumooland it looks IDE-ish00:21
Kumoolso you'll feel at home00:21
KumoolI'm sure you can have a lua script on scite that will remember sessions or last file opened00:22
hans__textadept doesn't remember out of the box at least, hrm00:22
Kumoolbut I aint messing with the scintilla code00:22
Kumoolhans__: It does, I use it00:22
hans__doesn't for me https://i.imgur.com/rFZZCXq.png00:23
hans__if i press "quit without saving", it won't remember anything, and if i press cancel, it won't exit00:23
hans__or maybe it's just in git master00:23
Kumoolyou want to save... not files?00:24
hans__i used a release00:24
Kumoolit remembers the last files you saved, that is, files00:24
Kumoolyou can't... remember an unsaved file00:25
Kumoolits not in the system00:25
Kumoolanyway, use geany00:25
Kumoolthe feature itself of saving an unnamed buffer is ridiculous, the only thing that works like that is notes00:27
Kumoolwhich is a plugin you can add in the panel00:27
Kumoolor just start it00:27
Kumoolfor note taking, which seems to be what you want. for remembering a programming session, use geany00:30
xubuntu40wHello, recently i installed xubuntu 18.0406:25
diogenes_xubuntu40w, congrats!06:27
JackFrostHrm, a bit late to be going for 18.04, no?06:29
diogenes_JackFrost, til 2021.06:32
JackFrostTechnically, yeah.  But 20.04 comes out in a couple months.06:33
JackFrostxubuntu40w: Anywho, that's neither here nor there.  Congrats!  Anything we can do for you this evening?06:34
diogenes_JackFrost, and newer doesn't mean better.06:34
xubuntu40wHello in xubuntu 18.04 , when i tried uninstalling some apps using software centre, it ended up removing thunar file manager, terminal and desktop settings along with it. Then i reinstalled xubuntu , and removed the same apps using terminal, this time there was no issue.. . I tried again after a reinstall using software centre and issue was there..06:44
xubuntu40wi also noticed the same issue when i was using xfce on another distribution ( zorin lite ). Can anyone tell me why this is happening?06:44
JackFrostI'd guess you tried to remove 'mail'?06:45
diogenes_xubuntu40w, use synaptic for installing/uninstalling stuff.06:48
xubuntu40wYea mail reader06:48
JackFrostYeah that's actually provided by 'exo', which is a core lib.  Software Center is a bit dense.06:48
xubuntu40wIs the gnome software centre used in xfce ??06:53
JackFrostYeah, though as diogenes_ suggests you can instead use Synaptic.06:55
astraljavaI was about to mention that at least for Lenovo laptops, gnome software center can install firmware upgrades.07:38
JackFrostYeah, it can do that and snaps/flatpaks so some people like it.07:39
xubuntu21w2004trHello everyone, i'm trying xubuntu 20.04 alpha and i would like to give a pair of suggestions.08:11
xubuntu21w2004trFirst: the background is nice but it's posterized, transitions are not smooth at all. I hope it will be better in the release!08:12
xubuntu21w2004trSecond: categories in the menu are on the right and programs on the left. I think swapping categories and programs could be more logical.08:13
xubuntu21w2004trThank you!08:13
xubuntu21w2004trBtw, i found a way to move whisker menu categories on the left. But the default is imho insane. Maybe based on language, for right-to-left languages could be good to have categories on the right, but for the rest of the world is almost insane08:21
xubuntu39whi! Anyone know why xubuntu stops my scripts 30 minutes after I lock the screen?13:20
xubuntu39wI should say, pauses my scripts.  They resume when I unlock13:21
diogenes_xubuntu39w, what xubuntu version?13:21
xubuntu39w18.04.4 LTS13:21
diogenes_xubuntu39w, i assume it's light-locker, run: ps aux | grep xscreensaver13:22
diogenes_and: ps aux | grep locker13:22
diogenes_see which one gives you two lines.13:23
xubuntu39wI have light-locker13:23
xubuntu39wI tried setting --no-idle-hint, but to no avail.13:24
xubuntu39wproblem is, I do need to lock my screen13:24
diogenes_xubuntu39w, light-locker is very dated, no longer maintained and also it's 3rd party sicne it's not provided by XFCE, try a different locker like xscreesaver, in xubuntu 19.10 you already have the xfce4-screensaver which should be working much better.13:25
xubuntu39wok, thanks, I'll try that.  Do I put it in the session startup manager, or is there a different way?13:25
diogenes_xubuntu39w, install it then go to session and startup > application startup and untick light-locker and tick xscreensaver and re-log.13:26
xubuntu39woh...   $ xfce4-screensaverxfce4-screensaver: command not found13:26
diogenes_nope that one is available only with xubuntu 19.10.13:27
xubuntu39wthanks diogenes_ -- xscreensaver now running.  I'll find out if it actually works later. :)13:34
diogenes_ok come back with a feedback.13:35
xubuntu39w@diogenes_ succes: new screensaver seems to allow my script to run uninterrupted,  thank you again. (y)15:04
xubuntu54wHow do I install guest additions for xubuntu? My virtual box, doesn't give the full screen experience.18:05
diogenes_xubuntu54w, from virtualbox itself.18:20
Sulu-marHello ppl20:48
Sulu-marIm having a problem booting a portable xubuntu install on my laptop20:55
Sulu-marIts installed on an external ssd and connected via usb20:56
Sulu-marWhile two desktop pcs handle it without problems, the laptop wont even show it as boot drive.20:58
Sulu-marThe laptop does however boot fine from a live usb20:58
Sulu-marI cant figure out why20:59
Sulu-marIf anyone has an idea, id apreciate it. Thanks21:02
Sulu-marOk.it seems to be a hardware issue. The damned lenovo only boots WinPE21:30
Sulu-marStill odd that it boots from a live usb21:36
gQuigsXubuntu website might have a trivial fix for this - just switch your torrent.ubuntu.com link to HTTPS, hence why I added Xubuntu-website - https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+bug/186242823:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1862428 in Xubuntu Website "HTTPS required by Chrom/ium for future downloading" [Undecided,New]23:06

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