[12:00] RikMills: is it time for 5.67 already? [12:01] it is out today [12:01] I see [12:24] Howdy all [15:47] RikMills: I have a fix for the baloo acc test, I'm going to push it as soon as it's tested, ok? [15:50] santa_: ok, I am just pushing stuff, so pull 1st please once that is done for all fw [15:51] ugh [15:58] x86 build farm is a bit broken, so I uploaded already. particularly as a rebuild of most of fw was done by a core-dev earlier against new binutils, and if I did not do it straight after our fw would be queued behind a bazillion tests! [15:59] and I want most of fw out of the way for plasma 5.18 on Tuesday [20:33] RikMills: done. be careful because I think latest apt from focal is crashing sometimes [20:49] mine never did actually so far, try maybe to recreate your index