KombuchaKip | Does anyone know how to get a PPA recipe to post on the upstream github repository on a failed build? Right now Travis can do this via the webhook integration somehow. | 00:08 |
cjwatson | KombuchaKip: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1836010 - no schedule for adding that at the moment, but we can provide mentoring if you want to try to add it | 08:39 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1836010 in Launchpad itself "Webhook for package builds" [Undecided,New] | 08:39 |
RikMills | problem with x86 builders? or maintenance? | 10:24 |
Fat-Zer | hi, are there any links to source code on launchpad translations? | 11:58 |
Fat-Zer | neverbind... I saw the line bellow the translation... | 13:31 |
Ant_222 | Hello, all. Can you help me configure git for Launchpad? I have created a key pair, registered the public key, put the private one at the default location, yet `git' keeps saying: "Host key verification failed." Do I need to configure anything else? | 22:57 |
Ant_222 | OK, I made it. Had to add git.launchpad.net to the known_hosts file. | 23:26 |
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