
JackFrostteward: You're the xca maintainer in Debian.  Since xca has a new DB format, mightn't it be useful to upload that to backports?10:46
tewardJackFrost: on my list of things to do but its wayyyyy lower on the priority list.12:15
tewardSince I can do the backport at $INSERT_TIME_HERE I am focusing on higher priority things at the moment - Studio needs some things poked and theres other higher priority things I keep an eye on for the dev cycle that I need to keep an eye on from now until featurefreeze12:17
tewardJackFrost: however how old are you thinking for the backport?  Any xca >= 2 i believe uses the new DB format.  Theres some other deps I think might not exist in older versions as well - and for EOL Releases I am hesitant to really backport to those (so 16.04 is the oldest I may keep an eye on)12:29
tewardBut for now E:EXHAUSTION from 72h+ of hell from this week and a major infra outage at work so I am heading back to sleep for another 5 hours :P12:30
JackFrostWell considering Ubuntu backports aren't really a thing,  I was thinking buster here.12:30
tewardAhhhh in Debian.12:30
tewardContext next time since this is #ubuntu-motu ;)12:31
tewardE:LackOfContext :P12:31
tewardOn my list of things12:31
tewardBut again not ultra critical since right now I need sleep more12:31
teward(Also Ubuntu does have backports ;) )12:31
JackFrostSure, but functioning*12:32
DarkchaosI don't understand one thing: In the .dsc (debian/control), there is a specific g++ version pinned (g++-9), whereas in the debian/rules, the GCC Version varies based on what is available for that distribution. What is the background there?14:44
DarkchaosI just patched the dsc to accept g++8 for now, as the rules file would pick g++8 on buster anyway14:44

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