
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh-msft
=== mars is now known as Guest31471
=== ikumak is now known as test
JessiahHey all - Linux noob here.  I have a fresh install of Lubuntu.  I am trying to use Discover to update and install apps but I get the following message, "You have no authorization to execute this operation".  I have searched the web/reddit/forums looking for answers but haven't been able to come up with anything.  Has anyone else experienced this,05:12
Jessiahor have any idea of how I could go about fixing it?  Thanks!05:12
lubot<tbs> hello jessiah, which language you use at ur system?05:17
lubot<tbs> it s not what i guessed:) there s pro guys here that helps a lot, im %90 sure they ll help u easly if u wait, while waiting u can use muon to install some apps if u want^^05:23
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
JessiahThanks - it's getting late (for me anyway :)) on the east coast so I will check back tomorrow.05:24
=== ramon is now known as Guest8978

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