
lubot<RikMills> shortly windowmocker will be the last rdepends of python-qt411:57
lubot<mitya57> I have filed bug 1862344, jibel promised to have a look next week11:58
ubottubug 1862344 in autopilot (Ubuntu) "Please switch from python-windowmocker to python3-windowmocker" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186234411:58
lubot<mitya57> That will help us to get rid of python-qt4 (but not python3-pyqt4 yet)11:58
lubot<RikMills> 😢12:00
lubot<mitya57> But then windowmocker has both Qt4 and Qt5 backends. The former can probably be dropped.12:01
lubot<RikMills> Oh, and I have with agreement from UbuntuStudio uploaded the Qt5 beta of hydrogen12:01
lubot<mitya57> Great!12:02
lubot<RikMills> So there will soon be no Qt4 seeded on any ISO12:02

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