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xubuntu12w | How to launch. Exe applications | 15:06 |
xubuntu12w | How to assign ip | 15:08 |
lolo | hi | 15:45 |
lolo | i ve just installed ubuntu for a friend, but now he want xfce desktop env | 15:45 |
lolo | i ve tried to migrate but i cant find in lghtdm the parameter xfce to laucnh it | 15:46 |
lolo | is there a hand to help me ? | 15:46 |
lolo | nb : je suis français | 15:47 |
lolo | still only ubuntu or ubuntu wayland in parameters on login | 15:50 |
lolo | xfce4-desktop installed | 15:51 |
diogenes_ | lolo, look for xubuntu-desktop. | 15:53 |
lolo | installed | 15:54 |
diogenes_ | lolo, not xfce4-desktop but xubuntu-desktop | 15:55 |
lolo | yes i mistake | 15:55 |
lolo | xubuntu-desktop est déjà la version la plus récente (2.225). | 15:56 |
=== lolo is now known as Golgoth_lolo | ||
diogenes_ | run: ls /usr/bin | grep xfce4 | 15:57 |
diogenes_ | and pastebin. | 15:57 |
diogenes_ | !pastebin | 15:57 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:57 |
Golgoth_lolo | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fNJvVFXdGY/ | 15:58 |
diogenes_ | and now pastebin: ls /usr/share/xsessions/ | 16:00 |
CarlenWhite | I can't make sense of what's happening to my desktop when I'm away. Typically it's when I leave it overnight and return the displays have went to sleep with the tower still running. I try to wake with a keypress or mouse movement, but no reaction. Cannot use Alt+SysRq to "safely" shutdown, instead needs me to press 'Reset' on the tower. | 16:08 |
CarlenWhite | Checking journalctl -b -1 shows nothing odd other than it stopped logging 12 minutes before midnight. | 16:09 |
diogenes_ | CarlenWhite, try to disable light-locker if it's 18.04 | 16:15 |
CarlenWhite | Running 19.10 at the moment. | 16:16 |
diogenes_ | then disable xfce4-screensaver and prevent sleep for monitors. | 16:17 |
CarlenWhite | Oh derp. Thinking about it, it has been a long time since I've updated this system's BIOS. | 16:17 |
CarlenWhite | Yeah I'm many versions behind. | 16:22 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ hello, | 16:59 |
diogenes_ | Noboru55, hey | 17:00 |
Noboru55 | xubuntu 18.04 after boot uses only 311 mb ram. now i do not use compositor or conky and nothing, its very fast and lightweight system now | 17:00 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ but i found something could be a bug or not in my sessions and startup. let me show u | 17:00 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ only discoverd now the vlc has playlist and i can download skins. now i do not need to install audacious too... | 17:02 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ http://i.imgur.com/unfQk0K.png | 17:02 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ the second checkt item is write in my system language, but it is the same of that item blu, update folder | 17:02 |
Noboru55 | both are checked, maybe because i have english language installed, i do not know | 17:03 |
Noboru55 | but i just unchecked that in english coz i am not using english now | 17:03 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ do u know what is that spice vdagent ? and i wonder if could i disable the policykit | 17:05 |
diogenes_ | Noboru55, i'd not disable policykit. | 17:06 |
Noboru55 | so i wont | 17:06 |
Noboru55 | maybe others when install xubuntu with other language get both update folder checked, for english and their language too | 17:11 |
Noboru55 | spice vdagent is used for virtualization, so i can disable it | 17:12 |
diogenes_ | and i advice to enable AT-SPI... | 17:14 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ really? that is not only for... special write or this kind of thing | 17:14 |
Noboru55 | ? | 17:14 |
diogenes_ | that is useful. | 17:16 |
Noboru55 | alright, that only uses 10 mb ram | 17:16 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ thanks, u help a lot | 17:18 |
diogenes_ | you're welcome. | 17:18 |
Noboru55 | diogenes_ i have a stupid hardware here, when i used the xubuntu with gpt uefi, for some reason when i used usb 3.0 i was getting some strange bug that corrupted always my sda / | 17:20 |
Noboru55 | now i use only mbr and partitions ext4 | 17:20 |
Noboru55 | it is not happening now.. working 100% | 17:20 |
Noboru55 | see u, thanks again | 17:22 |
BOHCLON | anybody able to help with sound issues on xubuntu 18.04? | 19:28 |
diogenes_ | !ask | 19:35 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 19:35 |
BOHCLON | haha ok. I'm not sure what's wrong. sounds would play and then after a recent update, they won't. Pulseaudio can register a sound playing but doesn't seem to be able to find the speakers. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling pulseaudio and alsamixer and force-reloading as per some troubleshooting site and deleted the config file in home/oulse | 19:41 |
BOHCLON | and rebooted all to no avail. | 19:41 |
diogenes_ | BOHCLON, tried a different kernel? | 19:50 |
BOHCLON | i shall try that and report back - cheers | 20:08 |
Li0nhunter | hi. I'm on Xubuntu 18.04.3 and my built in trackpad and keyboard aren't working. I'm currently using onboard and a usb mouse. is this a known bug and is there a solution? | 20:43 |
xubuntu23w | so i basically want to connect to wifi but i have no idea how | 23:06 |
xubuntu23w | itd be really nice if u can help somehow | 23:07 |
well_laid_lawn | !wifi | 23:07 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 23:07 |
xubuntu23w | thx | 23:07 |
well_laid_lawn | the above link should get ou started | 23:08 |
xubuntu23w | im using xubuntu btw and thats why i couldnt find any information on that wbsite | 23:16 |
krytarik | xubuntu23w: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking - in fact, this would be outdated even for any recent Ubuntu releases, wrt where you find those settings - however, in both Ubuntu and Xubuntu you get there via the network icon on the panel. | 23:27 |
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