
sumagnai cannot join #ubuntu-in. saying that i am banned05:21
sumagnai have never joined the channel before05:21
krytariksumagna: I can see no reason why you shouldn't be able to join it.  Try again right now, and if you still get an error message, paste it here?05:25
dax05:25:56 -- [#ubuntu-in] *!*@ banned by moon.freenode.net on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 21:35:3905:26
* dax checks CIDR math05:26
daxyeah, that'd do it05:26
krytarikautobleh doesn't do ranges!05:27
daxdon't trust automation05:27
daxnot seeing anyone on the access list who's around this month05:27
JackFrostThat's a bit of a painful ACL.05:28
daxwe could just remove the range ban with the IRCC account (el just suggested as much)05:29
JackFrostWell, we could (krytarik agrees.)05:29
elare there other large ranges that could go so the channel could get like populated?05:30
daxthere's a /2405:30
daxthere's a /16 fnwebchat ban, but it doesn't apply to current-gen fnwebchat05:31
elso long as one of us sits in there keeping an eye i see no problem with removing excessively large ranges05:31
eli wouldn't normally but if the channel ops are inactive then *shrug(05:31
JackFrostThat might also be a channel pavlushka idles in.05:31
daxit is, but idk who pavlushka is05:32
elif we could give access to someone who we vaguely trust then that'd also be a good idea05:32
daxis the Ubuntu IN LoCo alive?05:33
daxi assume not 'cause it's a LoCo, but figured i should asl05:33
daxoh good their website is being squatted by a porn site, that's a good sign05:34
daxno ML posts since 201705:34
JackFrost...It seems I last set the topic, OK.05:34
dax(incidentally i would pass this off to the LC except the LC doesn't exist)05:34
JackFrostThen go to the CC!  ...Oh.05:35
daxlast bastion of democracy and all05:35
daxokay yeah, i ran out of ways i can think of to get in touch with an Ubuntu IN rep05:36
daxsumagna: there's a range ban affecting your IP, we're pondering the best way of fixing it now05:36
daxsumagna: krytarik didn't notice it when they checked, our apologies for the extra work05:36
sumagnastill getting an error message05:37
sumagnaoh sorry i didnt read your message05:37
daxsumagna: try /join #ubuntu-in05:41
daxyou should be able to join it now05:41
sumagnahey dax i joined from one of my uncle's wifi and it connected05:53
sumagnabut please try to remove the ban from my home wifi ip05:53
daxas i mentioned before you timed out, you should be able to connect from your normal IP now too05:53
sumagnathanks for your help dax05:53
daxyou're welcome :)05:54
sumagnai am right now at my uncle's house and it will be late before i go to my home because no one's home05:54
sumagnaif it doesnt connect i will tell you05:54
sumagnaok bye05:55
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia

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