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InteloI want if some.site.com/nfe/something to land on localhost:5321/something. Line 9 onwards, what do I need to add? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/VNFh9fBgjG/09:28
ducasseIntelo: please don't crosspost, it's rude and unnecessary09:37
Inteloducasse, hm. its a simple question but I wonder why no one knows abou tit09:38
lordievaderIntelo: You might want to give some details on how you are trying to accomplish this. Is that config your pasted Apache/Nginx/HAproxy, etc...09:41
lordievaderFrom experience, this is trivial in HAproxy (as it it designed to do precisely this)09:41
Intelolordievader, nginx09:47
lordievaderHrmm, I don't know enough about nginx. I suppose googling for reverese proxies and nginx will help you though.09:50
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cpaelzercoreycb: on libvirt ada268012a03b9be83756aba2c0e14d206f5e70f did you just revert that on the backport or did you do anything different?13:30
cpaelzeryou said "witching to LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8 in the backport fixes it" but that could be doen so many way that I thought I better ask to know about it13:30
coreycbcpaelzer: just on the backport since it's only a py36 issue13:31
cpaelzercoreycb: I have a backport for Bionci to do as well13:31
cpaelzeractually is there a git repo anywhere of the UCA branches?13:32
cpaelzerthat might be easier than asking you each time :-)13:32
coreycbcpaelzer: we carry the patches (debdiffs) in lp:~ubuntu-cloud-archive/ubuntu/+source/ca-patches/ussuri so if you want to update it feel free and I'll apply it13:33
cpaelzercoreycb: thanks I can grab from there what I'll need13:36
cpaelzercoreycb: if I spot anything you lack I'll let you know13:36
coreycbcpaelzer: thanks13:37
friendlyguyHi! I am trying to add a ppa to a ubuntu lts server 18.04.4. this is what happens to me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/m8SmVzvsdg/13:45
friendlyguyi checked the time: synced via ntp, is correct13:45
friendlyguyi also did a "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates && sudo update-ca-certificates"13:46
friendlyguyyet the result is still the same13:46
friendlyguyany idea whats going wrong?13:46
lordievaderfriendlyguy: What is your locale?13:58
lordievader?="set to?"13:58
lordievaderAh, wait. Nvm. its a: SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN13:59
lordievaderSee https://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu/13:59
lordievader^  your browser should refuse ;)14:00
lordievaderThe cert presented is for `private-ppa.launchpad.net` not for `ppa.launchpad.net` which the ppa uses.14:01
lordievaderfriendlyguy: You can work around this by manually adding `deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main ` to your sources (ofcourse with the correct version).14:01
coreycbcpaelzer: think I should just update kombu now for the importlib metadata switch?14:08
cpaelzercoreycb: you can wait until after python3-defaults is complete14:09
cpaelzeryou can prep and upload it now and then the release of that upload would be blocked until python3-defaults migrates14:09
cpaelzercoreycb: the timing is up to you whatever fit you better14:10
cpaelzercoreycb: the only thing not to happen is that kombu stays as-is until after FF14:10
coreycbcpaelzer: ok I think I'll just do the latter and get it moving along14:10
cpaelzeryeah that sounds safer IMHO14:10
friendlyguylordievader: thanks for the hint, thats what i did as workaround. lang is de_DE.UTF-814:37
friendlyguydo you think thats the problem?14:37
lordievaderfriendlyguy: That was what I thought at first, seeing the ppa page. But my other messages show the real problem.14:38
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friendlyguylordievader: aaaah... you are right.14:45
friendlyguythought it must be my old and rusty system14:46
friendlyguyand the source isnt even https, thats why it worked after adding it manually14:46
friendlyguylordievader: thanks for your help... :)15:44
lordievaderNo problem15:45
friendlyguystill, greatly appreciated :)15:52
hellsworthhey folks. i'm on the desktop team, trying to reproduce a bug locally that requires a working kerberos environment. is there a kerberos server somewhere in our infra I could use? my team suggested yall might know :)15:59
hellsworthi could go through with setting one up but it seemed like a pain if i didn't need to15:59
pragmaticenigmahellsworth: Might want to ask for clarification from your team... I don't think the devs monitor this channel for ubuntu-server developement16:06
hellsworthah ok thanks16:07
hellsworthis there a better channel then?16:07
pragmaticenigmahellsworth: what team are you representing exactly? Missing a lot of information about who you are and what you're trying to do16:09
hellsworthi'm on the ubuntu desktop team, under ken vandine. i'm the new maintainer of libreoffice for ubuntu and am trying to reproduce a bug (#1862027).16:10
hellsworththe setup for reproducing requires a kerberos server/client environment16:11
hellsworthit seems to be somewhat of a pain to setup a kerberos server so i was looking for an internal one to use if that's an option16:11
powersjhellsworth, there are some notes in the server guide, but I don't think we have updated that page yet16:12
hellsworthif that's not an option, that's fine. but wanted to check16:12
pragmaticenigmahellsworth: the only public channel I'm aware of for Ubuntu Development is #ubuntu-devel16:12
hellsworthpowersj: link?16:12
hellsworthok thanks i'll just set my own up then.16:13
hellsworthpowersj: and i'm happy to provide updates to this page too16:14
hellsworthpragmaticenigma: the main public channel for the desktop team is #ubuntu-desktop (freenode)16:15
rbasakbryce: looks like https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer/+merge/377381 (recursive-dot-git-escaping) failed CI because of the lazr.restfulclient pin that we already fixed in master. Would you be happy for me to just rebase the branch on master?16:50
bryceyeah it lgtm other than that, I was just now looking at it in fact16:51
rbasakOK I'll rebase to master and force-push16:51
rbasakI'd like to see CI green before merging16:51
rbasakDone. That should retrigger CI.16:52
brycenext looking at the changelog-parents branch, then breakfast16:53
bryceah, this is a big one16:53
rbasakYeah. Maybe breakfast first :)16:54
bryceagreed, ok bbiab16:54
rbasakbryce: a bit late now, but https://code.launchpad.net/~racb/usd-importer/+git/usd-importer/+merge/378829 is more of a before-breakfast MP :)17:15
rbasakArgh, I based that on the wrong commit. Force pushed a fix now.17:17
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