
=== finstern1s is now known as finsternis
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
=== CarlenWhite_Err is now known as CarlenWhite
DarkTrickwhy would xubuntu user xflock4 for locking the screen instead of `dm-tool lock`?07:36
JackFrostdm-tool works specifically with lightdm/light-locker, xflock4 works with gnome-screensaver, mate-screensaver, xfce4-screensaver, light-locker, slock, xscreensaver...07:40
astraljavaDamn, beat me to it by ' ' much.07:40
DarkTrickJackFrost, Thank you!08:01
bill_hi all!08:41
bill_I am meeting a slow disk(spin) issue08:42
bill_sudo hdparm --direct  -Tt  /dev/sdc08:42
bill_I run this command but result is like:08:43
bill_Timing O_DIRECT cached reads:   110 MB in  2.03 seconds =  54.12 MB/sec08:43
bill_Timing O_DIRECT disk reads: 174 MB in  3.14 seconds =  55.50 MB/sec08:43
bill_I think 5xMB/s is very very08:43
bill_What os I am using is Xubuntu 18.0408:44
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
brainwashbill_: and this problem only occurs with xubuntu?09:44
bill_I only have xubuntu OS.09:45
bill_windows is in VMware guest maching09:45
diogenes_ /dev/sdc seems like a removable drive to me.09:46
bill_the /dev/sdc in my PC is connected to SATA port09:47
diogenes_is it IDE/AHCI, what fs and how old it is?09:49
bill_the /dev/sdc is new relatively , I bought it within this year09:50
bill_bios's SATA is set as AHCI09:50
bill_by the way is Toshiba 2T, chipper one from taobao site09:51
diogenes_and filesystem?09:53
bill_it is ext409:54
bill_When I copy a big file or folder, the process of it take too long time to be finished09:55
diogenes_install gnome-disk-utility go to SMART and self test and nitice the value of Current Pending Sector Count.09:56
diogenes_and the issue you've just stated is a known one and has a workaround.09:57
bill_@digenes sure,  I use smartctl tool to those stuff of the disk09:58
bill_but I did not see the Current Pending Sector Count09:59
bill_I am seeing it  ....09:59
bill_I got it10:00
bill_ 73 197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       010:00
diogenes_very bad10:01
diogenes_the value must be o10:01
bill_the header of data is  this line10:01
bill_please remove "73" in the data line10:02
bill_197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       010:02
diogenes_ok i didn't get it in that format :)10:02
bill_  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000b   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Always       -       010:04
bill_  2 Throughput_Performance  0x0005   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Offline      -       010:04
bill_  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0027   100   100   001    Pre-fail  Always       -       215710:04
bill_  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       39310:04
bill_  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   050    Pre-fail  Always       -       010:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:05
bill_ok I will use gnome-disk-utility10:05
bill_gnome-disk-utility cannot show me the value of Current Pending Sector Count10:08
diogenes_i guess it does the test on schedule, maybe you need a reboot.10:09
bill_the gome-disk-utility have changed completely, really different the one several year ago10:11
bill_I must use /usr/bin/gnome-disks to do that10:11
bill_@diogenes I have reboot my PC serveral times and then tested with hdparm --directiro -t /dev/sdc these day10:15
diogenes_the fact that it doesn't show  the value of Current Pending Sector Count is a question mark.10:17
diogenes_on my both drives online and offline it shows 0 sectors.10:19
bill_no question mark and no red text10:21
bill_ok will see the info of my another disk10:21
diogenes_i mean a question mark in the way that i wonder why it doesn't show it.10:23
bill_@diaogenes I cannot understand u10:28
diogenes_bill_, check this out: https://i.imgur.com/KZNDyKF.png10:31
diogenes_now show us a screenshot of yours.10:31
bill_I never used the imgur.com I am register and logining  it10:38
diogenes_bill_, nooo10:39
diogenes_don't register anything just use xfce4-screenshooter and host to imgur.10:39
bill_ok I pasted to here: https://imgur.com/5rcIHHf10:47
diogenes_bill_, ok now click on that gear icon and pick SMART Data & Self Test like in this screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/M5XGBbJ.png10:50
diogenes_and pastebin those tests.10:50
bill_I know pastebin10:51
diogenes_and your drive is LVM210:51
diogenes_and LVM is a thing i've never had any experience with so i don't know how it might affect the performance, i suppose it might affect the performance.10:52
bill_ya I did put the whole disk to lvm2 but did not partitioned it.10:55
bill_Somebody's say I will lose something..., if I do so.10:56
bill_thank I will find time to backup data in and partition it and then put ists partions to lvm210:57
bill_ok I thinking to buy new disk and replace it lively (lmv2 support that)11:00
=== bynarie_ is now known as bynarie
=== legacy080 is now known as legacy079
CarlenWhiteGetting freeze-ups but journalctl nor /var/crash show anything wrong.19:09
CarlenWhiteWhen I tried to sysreq out, it appeared in the journalctl. So I'm a bit lost on what I can do or provided.19:10
CarlenWhiteProvide, rather.19:10
Alabalisticdid you try19:11
CarlenWhiteChecking /var/log/dmesg.0 shows information 8 seconds after boot.19:17
CarlenWhiteSame for the latest19:17
CarlenWhiteBut the crash happened long after 8 seconds.19:19
CarlenWhiteOr freeze rather.19:19
CarlenWhiteI'm suspecting AMD weirdness since I've had similar issues on my laptop, but it'd log whenever it hit a freeze.19:20

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