
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
malasfarGoodMorning Folks. i have two questions.. in VMware KBs it states to enable cloud-init customization use “disable_vmware_customization: false” . shouldn't t his be set to true.. otherwise what does this property do if it was set to true when you define in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ?13:31
malasfar2nd Questions i have when  you set “disable_vmware_customization: false” the datasource changes from being OVF which is the only datasource configured to seed=vmware-tools ?13:41
malasfarany help is appreciated answering the above two questions. i m very close. like when provisioning a VM from vRA ( vRealize Automation ) our automation tool with static IP assignment it connects the NIC and customize the machine without rebooting it , I just have no user data  coming in with my cloud config code because datasource is changing to13:44
malasfarvmware-tools for some reason13:44
meenamalasfar: link to those docs?14:19
malasfar@meena https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/5955714:54
Odd_Blokemalasfar: seed=vmware-tools is something that the OVF data source would display, could you pastebin the output of `cloud-init status --long` before and after making your change, please?14:59
malasfar@odd_bloke  before status is none.. after its status: donetime: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 13:40:08 +0000detail:DataSourceOVF [seed=vmware-tools]15:07
malasfarrunning sudo cloud-init query userdata  doesn't return anything . so i have no userdata present15:08
Odd_Blokemalasfar: Please pastebin the output, I want to see it exactly.15:08
Odd_Blokemalasfar: (And by pastebin I mean use https://paste.ubuntu.com/, for example.)15:08
malasfarcloudadmin@vra-vmwlab-mysql-892:~$ sudo cloud-init status --longsudo: unable to resolve host vra-vmwlab-mysql-892: Connection timed out[sudo] password for cloudadmin:status: donetime: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 13:40:08 +0000detail:DataSourceOVF [seed=vmware-tools]15:10
Odd_Blokemalasfar: OK, I'm going to ask a third time: please use a pastebin.15:10
malasfari dont know what that is.. do you want me to paste the content in pastebin15:11
malasfarexcuse my ignorance15:11
Odd_Blokemalasfar: 10:08:46   @Odd_Bloke | malasfar: (And by pastebin I mean use https://paste.ubuntu.com/, for example.)15:12
Odd_BlokeI don't mind ignorance, but I would like to feel like you're reading the messages I send. :p15:12
malasfaryou could have said .. paste in there and send me the url . if this what i think it is . all you said is use pastebin   .. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hd8mjH7CWz/15:15
malasfaranyway i think i got it now.. appreciate your help in understanding the behaviour i m experiencing15:17
Odd_Blokemalasfar: Cool, thanks for pasting. :)  It sounded like you were seeing the datasource _change_.  Is that pastebin from before or after the "change"?15:20
malasfarthats after.. before is usually none since i use cloud-init clean --logs before shutting down the VM and converting to a template15:20
malasfarthe template is configured with dpgk-reconfigure cloud-init selecting only OVF as the datasource just not sure why it keeps changing to vmware-tools15:22
Odd_BlokeIt is using OVF, that's what "DataSourceOVF" is telling you. :)15:22
Odd_BlokeThe OVF data source, that is.15:22
malasfarthe type usually is ISO from the testing i have seen before .. this only happens if i m using cloud-init as the customization engine15:23
malasfarthats when i can actually see the userdata using the query userdata command15:23
Odd_Blokemalasfar: Can we take a step back to help me understand the problem?  What are you trying to achieve by changing the value of disable_vmware_customization?15:25
malasfari m trying to use cloud-init as the Guest OS customization engine based on this KB https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/5955715:26
malasfarsetting disable_vmware_customization: false to enable Guest OS customization with cloud-init15:27
malasfarlooks like from my research so far Setting this to false invokes the Cloud-Init GOS customization workflow.Setting this to true invokes the traditional GOSC script based customization workflow.   would you agree ?15:28
malasfarthere is an interesting blog that came up recently talks about how to hack cloud-init for it work with vSphere when provision VMs with an automation tool like vRealize Automation. here it is for reference https://vnuggets.com/2020/01/29/vra-with-cloud-init-and-static-networking/15:35
malasfarwould love to know your opinion on what's being proposed here in the article15:35
Odd_BlokeI'm out of my depth with this level of VMWare stuff, I'm afraid.15:37
malasfari can help there . i just need someone not he cloud-init side.. i m happy to do a workshop15:37
malasfarsomeone on the cloud-init side *** correction15:38
malasfarwe can have a zoom if you can spare an hour, you will be doing the community a favour :)15:38
malasfari can explain what i m facing here , which similar to what other people are experiencing working with VMware15:39
Odd_BlokeThe VMWare data source was mostly contributed by VMWare, so the core team don't have a depth of knowledge there, I'm afraid.  I suggest taking this up with your VMWare contacts, to ask them to improve the experience.15:39
Odd_BlokeThere's only so much we can do when working with proprietary platforms. :)15:39
malasfarno one knows .. its already with engineering for the passed year15:40
malasfarlike i would love to use cloud-init with vSphere and our automation tool and i already spent a lot hours trying to get it to work .. i guess no light at the tunnel for this here15:41
malasfarend of the tunnel that is *..  okay anyway i ll continue on my own .. thanks15:42
malasfarcheers all .. thank you for your time15:43
meenaanyone fixed all my bugs yet?19:48
smoserOdd_Bloke: around ?19:58
smoseryou'll know this.19:58
smoserpip install <something>19:59
smoseri can use '--no-deps', but that just feels dirty19:59
Odd_Blokesmoser: Yep, that's how you install with pip.19:59
smoseris there a way to have it use dpkg provided modules ?19:59
smoserlike... only install deps if you have to ?19:59
smoserthe scenario here is that we know all the dependencies are satisfied (by distro-installed)20:00
Odd_BlokeSo I would _expect_ pip to detect the system-installed packages and know that the dependencies are already satisfied.20:01
* smoser tries that20:03
Odd_Bloke(If you're in a virtualenv, you'll need to create it with --system-site-packages.)20:04
smoserright. this is not a virtual env.20:04
smoserso starting a container :)20:04
* smoser afraid of pip20:04
smoserOdd_Bloke: thank you. you appear to be right. at least in the minimal case that i tested.20:06
Odd_BlokeI love to appear correct. ;)20:07

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