
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @DarinMiller, 👍08:33
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Plasma 5.18 day 🎉08:33
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> @RikMills, \0/09:48
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/122717711345279385610:29
IrcsomeBot<londoed> Awesome!11:47
IrcsomeBot* RikMills tests upgrades for backports11:50
BluesKajHowdy folks12:13
mparilloApplied backports to 19.10, upgraded, was able to re-boot from the Application Launcher (some big KDE updates I need to systemctl reboot). After the re-boot, I see the new wallpaper, and krunner launches kinfocenter which reports Plasma 5.18, and the Application Launcher successfully launches konsole, discover, kate (with the new icon), dolphin, ksysguard, and system settings. All pass the five-second test.15:03
RikMills[14:45]<asturm> are you saying widgets can't be locked anymore?15:03
RikMills[14:45]* tsaka_ (~torstein@2a02:2149:846d:e700:dcea:9f59:19b4:5a15) has joined15:03
RikMills[14:45]<jankusanagi_> just a couple of days ago I was telling some user about how there was no need to have confirmation when removing widgets, because by locking widgets you don't need to worry about anything...15:03
RikMills[14:45]<ngraham> they can, but the "locked widgets" feature is now semi-hidde15:03
RikMillsumm, wrong paste15:03
ubottuKDE bug 417424 in Desktop Containment "On upgrade to 5.18, a desktop with locked widgets remains locked, and cannot be unlocked." [Major,Unconfirmed]15:04
RikMillsfun bug!15:04
mparilloNot a Kubuntu problem, but in the Icon view of System Settings, the overlay tips when you hover over the icons seems to lag as you hover over different icons.15:05
mparilloIt looks to me as if Plasma 5.18 has not completely landed in FF.16:13
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> some is in proposed still.16:14
Tuxisti have been create a small python programm to test pipewire https://launchpad.net/~jan-koester/+archive/ubuntu/pipewiremaster16:32
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> @RikMills, in building process?19:02
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> or i missed undersood19:07
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> (Photo, 1280x783) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/TVWHGzUh/file_23405.jpg19:09

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