
tomwardillcjwatson: SnapBuild has a `calculateScore` with a hardcoded number of 2510, is that important?10:24
cjwatsontomwardill: Yes (https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/BuildScores).  Just returning a constant 2510 is fine for now (self.archive.relative_build_score doesn't make sense here), though we'll probably want to add a relative_build_score to the OCIRecipe at some point so that we can score individual recipes up or down10:36
cjwatsonBuild scores are less important than they were when the build farm was hideously underprovisioned, but of course they do still matter sometimes10:37
tomwardillrighto, makes sense10:42
tomwardillcjwatson: I'm unclear on the process of inferring `virtualized` for a recipe build (essentially, what is involved and where that lives).14:15
tomwardillI don't know what the rules are that make something virtualized vs not14:15
tomwardillis there somewhere I should be looking to find it?14:16
tomwardillthis was in my head, once upon a time14:18
cjwatsontomwardill: require_virtualized is a column on the recipe, defaulting to true and only settable by (some variety of) admins, because setting it to false may allow privilege escalation depending on the current configuration of the build farm.  virtualized on an individual recipe build is derived from a logical combination of the configuration of the Processor it's building for and the ...14:20
cjwatson... appropriate OCIRecipe.require_virtualized14:20
cjwatsontomwardill: Conventionally set in FooBuildSet.new, in this case probably "not distro_arch_series.processor.supports_nonvirtualized or recipe.require_virtualized"14:21
tomwardillright, that makes sense14:21
cjwatsonSo if the Processor doesn't "support" running non-virtualized (really, is forbidden from doing so) then all its builds are virtualized; otherwise, it depends on the recipe14:22
cjwatsonSnapBuildSet.new and LiveFSBuildSet.new take archive.require_virtualized into account too, and actually that's kind of weird, I wonder why14:22
cjwatsonThe archive is a source rather than a target in both those cases14:23
cjwatsonI can't really think of why that's the case and I suspect it's a bug14:23
cjwatsonIt makes sense in BinaryPackageBuildSet.new because the archive is a target and the build is in some sense "within" it14:25
tomwardillhuh, interesting14:27
tomwardillfactory.py just caused my VSCode to force close14:36
tomwardillthat's a new one14:36
pappacenaWell, maybe 5k lines of code is too much for VSCode... such a week software. hehe14:57
tomwardillI think it's more that I ran out of ram14:57
tomwardill34Gb commited caused some problems14:58
tomwardillcjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~twom/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/376132 is ready again, if you've got some time to look over it to check I've not wrecked anythign with the post-review changes :)15:19
tomwardilloh damn, forgot the personmerge15:35
* tomwardill does the thing (also, yay todo lists)15:35
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/+git/launchpad/+merge/378908 should sort out the deployment trouble from earlier today16:10
cjwatsontomwardill: thanks, let me know once you're done with personmerge and I'll re-review16:11
tomwardillcjwatson: just pushed16:13
tomwardillooh, my buildtheworld thing can actually install launchpad.17:25
tomwardillNow for the hard part of config hacking until it works17:25
cjwatsontomwardill: Could you run utilities/format-new-and-modified-imports over that whole MP?21:39
cjwatsonsystem-site-packages avoidance symlink hack seems to at least sort of work.  Trying to productise it a bit and test it now21:54
cjwatsonAnd removing a collection of small hacks in various places that only existed due to that21:55
cjwatsonHm, we never properly landed the cowboy of python-tdb onto code import workers, did we21:57
cjwatsonwgrant: Could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/meta-lp-deps/remove-python-subversion/+merge/378802 and https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/meta-lp-deps/python-tdb/+merge/378925 ?  I doubt anyone else has enough background to review those usefully at the moment22:02
wgrantcjwatson: lgtm22:03
wgrantWhat was the cowboy?22:03
wgrantOh you mean installing it at all22:03
cjwatsonThe undocumented dep hit us when we deployed alnitak and izar22:04
cjwatson(I love the Arabic star names scheme.  Every so often I'm out with Judith at something astronomy-related and I see a machine name in a star map)22:04
cjwatsonAlnitak's in Orion so you see it all the time22:05
* cjwatson discovers a variety of ridiculous ancient dependencies (e.g. cscvs → honest-to-goodness original python-sqlite)22:18
cjwatsonOne of those "considerably less effort to just back away and leave it there" things22:19
cjwatsonWill probably have to port it to SQLite 3 at some point if CVS imports haven't died by then22:20

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