
-queuebot:#ubuntu-qt- New binary: qtlocation-opensource-src [armhf] (focal-proposed/universe) [5.12.5+dfsg-5] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu, qt5)00:25
-queuebot:#ubuntu-qt- New binary: qtlocation-opensource-src [arm64] (focal-proposed/universe) [5.12.5+dfsg-5] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu, qt5)00:28
lubot<RikMills> ok. unity devs are fine with dropping window-mocker dep13:27
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 https://code.launchpad.net/~rikmills/unity/+git/unity/+merge/37889113:42
mitya57RikMills: unity built fine in https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3924/+packages now15:20
lubot<RikMills> :)15:20
mitya57You want to wait for k_alam's review, right?15:21
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 [<mitya57> You want to wait for k_alam's review, right?], Do you? 😈15:33
lubot<mitya57> No, I can land it as is16:08
* RikMills nods16:08
mitya57Done! https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/7.5.0+20.04.20200211-0ubuntu116:16
lubot<RikMills> Assuming that gets through proposed, then I guess we can request removal of window-mocker, python-tq4, and qt-assistant-compat later :)16:20
lubot<mitya57> Not sure. window-mocker still has a reverse dependency (autopilot) and python-qt4 still has a reverse dependency (matplotlib).16:23
lubot<RikMills> urgh. build depends16:24
lubot<mitya57> But we'll be able to drop Qt4 part of window-mocker, and drop Python2 part of python-qt4 when Debian #950799 gets fixed.16:26
ubottuDebian bug 950799 in src:matplotlib "matplotlib: Autopkgtest depends on nonexistent python3-wxgtk3.0 package" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/95079916:26
lubot<RikMills> @mitya57 [Not sure. window-mocker still has a reverse dependency (autopilot) and python-qt …], autopilot dep on window-mocker has gone https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot/1.6.0+17.04.20170313-0ubuntu716:26
lubot<mitya57> Oh, I didn't see that.16:26
lubot<RikMills> Yeah, so just got to get things that build dep on python-qt4 fixed16:27
lubot<mitya57> Edited my message above, it was not correct.16:28
lubot<RikMills> I wonder why language-selector in main build depends on pyqt4-dev-tools 😱16:31
lubot<RikMills> hopefully left over cruft16:32
lubot<mitya57> Looks like that, yes. It doesn't seem to have a Qt UI now.16:33
lubot* mitya57 AFK for now, will test-build and upload language-selector later.16:35
lubot<RikMills> ah, ok16:36
lubot<mitya57> And unity migrated now.18:11
lubot<mitya57> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/0.20020:29
lubot<mitya57> The Qt 4 interface was dropped in 0.100, and now it is 0.200. Two times bigger :)20:29

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