
satanisthi I have now the secound pc with don't start proberly, looks like dbus don't work00:06
satanisti.e. service status produce a timeout http://ix.io/2bmB00:06
Church-Heya sarnold00:07
Church-sarnold: I've come to realize deb packaging is the devil00:07
sarnoldhey Church- :)00:07
sarnoldChurch-: heh, how long did that take? :)00:08
sarnoldsatanist: does journalctl work? what's the end of journalctl -ex   report?00:08
Church-Trying to figure out how to get the executable step set on a script installed by a deb I'm generating00:08
Church-Finally realized I need postinst scripts00:09
Church-Now just getting it working00:09
satanistsarnold: yes, but i haven't found anything yet00:09
sarnoldChurch-: hmm, that doesn't sound right; i can't recall ever spotting anything like that in postinsts before00:11
sarnoldsatanist: systemd was updated five or six days ago, https://usn.ubuntu.com/4269-1/00:12
satanistsarnold: Feb 11 01:11:58 i61pc001 dbus-daemon[635]: [system] Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1': timed out (service_start_timeout=25000ms) a few times00:12
sarnoldsatanist: so I'm curious if there's any messages or warnings from about the time you installed the update00:12
Church-sarnold: Huh, it might because we're installing to /opt00:12
Church-So our executable bit gets stripped?00:12
sarnoldChurch-: hmm, no idea there, I've never seen debs install into /opt before00:13
sarnoldI'd be surprised though..00:13
Church-Yeah, ours do.00:13
satanistsarnold: there where working reboots after this on these pcs, atfter the last working reboot only libqt was updated00:13
sarnoldsatanist: aha; thanks; I'm not sure what exactly that means for your problem :( but it makes sense00:14
satanista found a warning: http://ix.io/2bmH00:16
satanistnow were do I find the core?00:16
sarnoldsatanist: oh weird :/ there may be one in /var/crash/00:20
satanistnope, it's in /core00:23
Church-Oh stupid question is there a good way to disable apport on boot? Seems `systemctl disable` doesn't cut it given it's a wrapped init script00:25
satanistso now were are the debug symbols for systemd?00:27
Church-No but I thought apport is an Ubuntu crash reporter.00:29
sarnoldsatanist: dbgsyms are often available via http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/00:29
sarnoldsatanist: you can add new deb lines to your apt sources to include this server, just mirror the existing entries for your release, but use ddebs.ubuntu.com instead of whatever your archive host is00:30
Church-Oh misunderstood that, woops.00:31
sarnoldChurch-: maybe just apt purge apport? (make sure that doesn't take anything else important with it)00:33
Church-Yeah some stuff has it as a dep00:33
Church-So that's a no go00:33
satanistsarnold: thanks00:34
sarnoldChurch-: you can use equivs to build a fake package to take its place, perhaps00:34
Church-Ugh, aye yeah.00:35
Church-Not great for prod though. I just need a way to ensure it's dead00:35
Church-Maybe I can mask it...00:36
cgiI am looking for a solution for syncing a remote webserver directory to my desktop so that I can edit it, and it automatically syncs. The remote directory is a git repo. sshfs is too slow.00:40
satanistChurch-: echo "enabled=0" > /etc/default/apport00:45
Church-Ah righteous duh, should've thought of using /etc/default/00:47
satanistso installed the debug symbols, but still no working backtrace00:51
satanistany idea what can I do to debug this?00:51
linelevelHi. Following the official instructions for creating a bootable USB stick from within MacOS just `dd`s the ISO to the drive, and there is no persistent storage. How do I make the kind with persistent storage (i.e. so the data in my /home directory persists across reboots)?01:00
Bashing-om!persistence | linelevel01:02
ubottulinelevel: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence01:02
Scriptonauthey all, I have an drive, and all the files on it belong to root and a group called 'data-user'. I have a user who belogns to the data-user group, and is therefore allowed to make new files on the drive. However, when I make a new file, the file is always my_user:my_user, owned by the user, and his primary group. How can I make it so new files automatically belong to root and the data-user group?01:06
Scriptonautan nfs drive*01:06
Scriptonautis there a way to configure a drive, or directory, so that all files created on it belong to a certain user and group?01:07
SleakerScriptonaut: pretty sure you can use setuig/setgid bits on directories for that01:08
Sleakerbut that might only work for gid01:09
=== FiremanED is now known as FiremanEd
Sleakeryah looks like setuid is only a BSD thing01:09
Sleakeryou can chmod g+s to a directory so that files created in it inherit the gid.01:10
Sleakerbut that might not do as much as you want.01:10
Bashing-omScriptonaut: 'chown' changes the owner of the directory and 'chmod' allows you to change the permissions of the file or directory. See the man pages for details.01:13
ScriptonautBashing-om: I know, I'm talking about newly created files01:13
ScriptonautI want them to inherit the user/group of the parent directory01:13
ScriptonautSleaker: ahh, ok so I can set the gid bit but not uid01:13
Scriptonautguess I'll have to manuallys chown every time I create a new file01:13
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jschwalbecan anyone help me understand why after rebooting my computer running ubuntu, it no longer goes into the GUI but command line only?01:22
jschwalbe(and for some reaosn it's not automatically getting an IP from dhcp)01:23
sarnoldjschwalbe: take a look at journalctl -xe, hopefully there's something there that suggests what's happening01:24
linelevel@Bashing-om Thank you for the link, but that guide does not seem to cover making the persistent storage auto-mount as /home. It also does not seem to address using the same USB stick for the ISO and the persistence.01:29
jschwalbe@sarnold hard to know what i'm looking for, but "-- Subject: Unit graphical.target has finished start-up01:29
jschwalbei reset my unifi USG, but that shouldn't stop it from obtaining an IP or starting up the GUI.. right?01:31
sarnoldwhat do you mean by 'reset'?01:32
jschwalbeliterally factory reset it01:32
sarnolddid you configure something on your network to hand out DHCP leases?01:32
sarnoldhopefully the gui would start up even without a network connection01:33
jschwalbei believe so... when i run `sudo dhclient` it gets an ip01:34
Bashing-omlinelevel: Sorry, that was the extent of my direct expereince, Maybe consider to install the OS in the USB ?01:35
jschwalbecan you tell me the command line to start the default GUI?01:37
jschwalbe(I've tried startx)01:37
abro0420So, I'm attempting to install 18.04 from the Ubuntu website onto a disk, but whenever I select burn image to disk, I get a update that says the selected disk image file isn't vaild01:38
lotuspsychje!md5 | abro0420 did you verify?01:40
ubottuabro0420 did you verify?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:40
sarnoldjschwalbe: try systemctl restart display-manager.service01:40
sarnoldabro0420: are your discs large enough? I don't think the ISOs fit on cdroms any more, and I have no idea if they work in dvds or blurays01:41
abro0420It should be, I have a 4.7gb disk and a empty partition of 39 gbs01:42
jschwalbe@sarnold "Failed to restart display-manager.service: Unit display-manager.service not found."01:43
sarnoldjschwalbe: ooookay. that's odd. I have to admit I don't know much about the defaults but I certainly expected that to work01:45
jschwalbesplendid.. heh01:45
linelevel@Bashing-om I don't understand the suggestion, "install the OS in the USB"? Are you suggesting that I can overwrite a bootable USB drive while I'm booted from it?01:46
sarnoldjacober: how about systemctl status --all01:48
sarnoldthat'll be endless amounts of output, hopefully something stands out01:48
abro0420my checksum do match up01:52
Bashing-omlinelevel: No, use the install medium to install to another USB device, Similar to installing to a drive.01:53
lotuspsychjeabro0420: ok great, so how do you burn your iso exactly?01:54
abro0420thats what I01:54
linelevel@Bashing-om I seem to recall a few years ago that the recommended tool for creating a LiveUSB in Ubuntu gave the option of setting aside some space on the target device for a persistent /home01:54
abro0420m attempting to figure out, I found the one disk image in the files, labeled "efi" and right clicked on it, then clicked on burn disk image01:55
Bashing-omlinelevel: Mega thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1958073 <-sudodus/Howto make USB boot drives.01:56
lotuspsychjeabro0420: dont you have an usb stick handy to create an ubuntu usb?01:57
abro0420I'm running old school01:57
abro0420all I've got are dvds and cds01:57
lotuspsychje!burn | abro042001:57
ubottuabro0420: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:57
jschwalbe@sarnold is lightdm the default display? if it's not installed is that bad?02:01
jschwalbe"dpkg-reconfigure: lightdm is not installed"02:02
sarnoldjschwalbe: lightdm was the default a (few?) releases ago.. it might be gdm now02:02
Bashing-omjschwalbe: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ?02:04
sarnoldBashing-om: there's no gui running at all02:05
Bashing-omsarnold: :( Teach me not to read :P02:06
sarnoldBashing-om: hehe :)02:06
jschwalbei'm typing on a terminal cuz ssh not working. should i skip that command?02:07
jschwalbestrange enough, it responds to pings (and stops when restarting) and thinks sshd is running, but i cannot access it.02:10
sarnoldtry systemctl restart ssh.service  maybe it missed binding to the IP you got by hand via dhclient02:11
jschwalbeno dice02:13
jschwalbe(tried sshd as well)02:13
jschwalbewhen i re-enter `sudo dhclient` i can ssh in after a reboot. but if i reboot, it doesn't hold02:14
sarnoldright, that'll be another problem to troubleshoot02:15
sarnoldare you expecting to use network manager on that system? or systemd-networkd? or is this an older system, and /etc/network/interfaces ?02:15
jschwalbeok so i'm logged in from my laptop now via ssh02:15
jschwalbethis is running 18.04 and i (think) I had been using whatever the GUI manager is02:16
callmebhaweshcan anyone told me that why an error has occured when checking for livepatch updates?02:18
jschwalbe@sarnold i looked thru the /var/syslog from earlier in the day, and it shows: NetworkManager[884]: <info>  [1581313724.5532] dhcp4 (eno1)02:18
jschwalbemaybe that answers your question?02:19
sarnoldjschwalbe: do you see anything interesting in the output from systemctl status network-manager  ?02:19
jschwalbesays "active(running)" and has a number of devices from /sys/devices/virtual/net/vethxxxxxx <-- i'm guessing docker?02:20
jschwalbebut i see nothing about en002:21
jschwalbeeno1 rather02:21
lotuspsychjecallmebhawesh: does your error say something?02:22
jschwalbewhen i reboot i do see the pretty ubuntu screen with the dots, so *something* must be working02:31
jschwalbesarnold: so on the console when i reboot it gives some errors which are interesting. i'm not sure i thought them important, but maybe so. they are regardin the /etc/update-motd, and the main error which keeps getting repeated is: lsb_release: not found02:34
jschwalbeisn't that weird that lsb_release would be missing all of a sudden?02:34
juanonymousoff question, but i guess someone knows what and how to install this lib. `libmysqlclient lib... configure: error: Cannot find libmysqlclient.so in /usr/lib/mysql use --with-mysql-lib=?`02:35
juanonymousthat is for an irc bot that i wanted to test02:35
urxtnwCan anyone tell me how Ubuntu sets up the password under the hood? I have a username and a password, correct? I am not root, but Ubuntu puts my username in etc/sudoers ?02:36
oerheksurxtnw, 1st user created during install has that sudo rights02:36
sarnoldjschwalbe: that is strange. what's dpkg -l lsb-release look like?02:36
jschwalbe| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend02:37
jschwalbe|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)02:37
jschwalbe||/ Name                            Version              Architecture         Description02:37
jschwalberc  lsb-release                     9.20170808ubuntu1    all                  Linux Standard Base version reporting utility02:37
urxtnwoerheks, yeah but HOW, and how is it compared to root02:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:37
oerheksurxtnw, it is a combined account, on other linux versions one has a root account during install, and add an other for user02:38
oerheksthis is the benefit of ubuntu, not hassle with root or user02:39
urxtnwoerheks, how do you combine accounts like that in other distros?02:39
oerheksurxtnw, not.02:39
urxtnwoerheks, doesn't ubunut have a root user since it's from debian?02:39
jschwalbesorry bout that02:39
jschwalbewasn't sure what the line limit was doing to be  :o02:39
oerheksurxtnw, thsi is by design.02:39
jschwalbeis there a way to just reinstall but keep my data? :\02:42
jschwalbei have no idea what happened, and i suppose nobody else will either. but it seems like something got deleted or corrupted02:43
sarnoldjschwalbe: oh very strange; I wonder what else important you're missing :(02:45
sarnoldjschwalbe: try sudo apt install ubuntu-minimal  and see wwhat happens..02:46
jschwalbetook about 5 seconds to run02:47
sarnoldhow many packages does it want to install?02:47
jschwalbeif it matters, i already apt installed' lsb_release, so it wouldn't show up on that paste if you were expecting it02:49
jschwalbewell now the network comes up automatically. that's a very big plus.02:50
sarnoldjschwalbe: how about the ubuntu-desktop package?02:50
jschwalbe(i had unplugged a z-wave dongle - gonna try one more reboot before clapping my hands)02:50
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jschwalbe@sarnold, running `sudo apt install lightdm` and then `sudo systemctl start graphical.target` installed a bunch of stuff and then started the gui. (didn't even have to switch/dpkg-reconfigure it to lightdm as far as i can tell)03:05
sarnoldjschwalbe: do be aware that lightdm isn't the default in 18.04; I don't know what exactly the default is, but lightdm may get less testing03:06
jschwalbe& survives reboot03:06
jschwalbei don't think it's actually running lightdm (i may be wrong)03:06
jschwalbewell perhaps i spoke too early - it gives me the login screen but cannot actually login03:08
Bashing-omjschwalbe: At that login screen - ctl+alt+F4 to gain  terminal interface, can you log into the system here ?03:12
jschwalbeone sec - i forgot to try your recommendation about installing ubuntu-desktop03:13
jschwalbe@sarnold, things are definitely working better now. i might still end up doing a reinstall and transfer what i need back on, but this is nice to have things working for the time-being03:35
jschwalbethanks so very much for your help03:35
sarnoldjschwalbe: excellent! glad to hear it :)03:37
jschwalbeany ideas on how to least painfully attempt a reinstall? probably start out with a fresh install on a blank drive03:38
sarnoldjschwalbe: heh, I've done like six or seven fresh installs of ubuntu and debian over the last twenty-three-ish years... I'm not so sure about those sorts of things :)03:40
shmamHey I'm not sure what happened but my ssh key doesn't seem to be working anymore. I tried to pull from a github repo via ssh but it said no permission. I updated the one on github.com to be the one on my machine but it still didn't work. My remote server which I ssh using pubkey also isn't working. I'm honestly not sure what to even google bc this shouldn't happen and I really don't know what could have caused it03:49
prologicIs there a problem with the flocal-security repo on 20.04 right now?03:57
prologicE: The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security InRelease' is not signed.03:57
prologicThis was working up until a few mins ago03:57
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | prologic04:00
ubottuprologic: Focal Fossa is the codename for Ubuntu 20.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+104:00
shmamany ideas on my ssh issue?04:00
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lotuspsychje!patience | shmam see also #openssh04:02
ubottushmam see also #openssh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/04:02
tomreynshmam: start by explaining which ubuntu release and variant you're using there, how you expect this automation (?) of pulling ssh keys from github into some of your users' authorized_keys to work.04:02
tomreyni know the 18.04 LTS server installer offers this during installation, but i'm not sure it's meant to keep updating from github, i understood it to be a one-shot import.04:03
robertparkerxI got a volume from my provider and it named the path /mnt/HC_Volume_4264023 - how can I rename this?04:06
tomreynis it configued in /etc/fstab?04:06
robertparkerx. /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0HC_Volume_4264023 /mnt/HC_Volume_4264023 ext4 discard,nofail,defaults 0 004:07
robertparkerxI just want it to be /mnt/disk104:08
tomreynrobertparkerx: well fstab defines where file systems are mounted at. you just need to change the mount point and ensure it exists (as a directory)04:10
gambl0r3hi my micro sd card is not being detected. how can i check to see whats wrong04:22
tomreyngambl0r3: detach it, run    journalctl -f    in a terminal, attach it, press ctrl-c on the terminal to stop the output, review / share the output04:24
tomreyn!crosspost | gambl0r304:26
ubottugambl0r3: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.04:26
tomreyn(this also goes for ##linux)04:27
DarwinElfIntel C230 audio is greyed out.  Sox/play won't play to my other (monitor) audio.  Beep doesn't beep the PC speaker.  I need help with all of these04:34
raubTrivial question: trying to enable iommu and going nowhere slowly: https://paste.centos.org/view/7d3af348. Shouldn't I see something in /sys/kernel/iommu_groups?05:00
tomreynraub: is it enabled on the bios setup screen?05:06
tomreynyou should not need to specifically 'enable' iommu support on ubuntu, it'd get used automatically if found to be available (and not broken)05:07
raubtomreyn: It seems my problem is one level down, specifically as the name implies it is a kvm guest.05:21
raubI need to now find out how to enable that on the guest05:22
tomreynraub: you'Re doing nested virtualization there?05:31
tomreynif so, why, if not, why do you still need iommu on the guest?05:33
raubjust vfio support05:34
tomreynthis is for arch, and not maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but it may help: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PCI_passthrough_via_OVMF05:37
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LionOpeterHi, I am using hexchat with Ubuntu 18.04 and trying to use lua script but i get: `Unknown file type ...lua. Maybe you need to install the Perl or Python plugin?`06:21
LionOpeterI have a python script which i can load so it's not python which is missing06:22
bindisounds like a #hexchat problem06:23
LionOpeterOh, i didn't know they have a channel06:23
LionOpeterThanks bindi06:23
zetheroofor some reason an Ubuntu 18.04 user has OpenOffice installed on their system instead of LO. Is there any way to find out what date OpenOffice was installed?08:06
ducassezetheroo: check /var/log/apt/history.log*, search for the package name and see the head of that section08:09
gambl0reducasse, hi08:09
ducassezetheroo: it says 'log started' and a timestamp08:09
gambl0reim trying to format my sd card using fdisk08:09
gambl0reim following this guide https://ragnyll.gitlab.io/2018/05/22/format-a-sd-card-to-fat-32linux.html08:09
zetherooducasse: ok thanks08:09
gambl0reon step 6 when i try to write the changes, im getting an err Failed to add partition 1 to system: Invalid argument08:10
gambl0reducasse, you know how to fix that08:10
jenenliuhi guys, I can't install ubuntu on my dell xps 1508:10
jenenliuI can boot the usb live system, but it just can't detect my hard disk08:10
lotuspsychjejenenliu: nvme ssd?08:11
ducassejenenliu: is there a setting to choose between raid and ahci modes in the bios? make sure it's set to ahci08:11
jenenliuhmm, I am not sure, check it in bios setting?08:12
ducassegambl0re: not sure, sorry. can you try with gparted instead?08:12
ducassejenenliu: it's a fairly common problem that is solved by selecting ahci08:13
jenenliuducasse: ok, I'll try it, thanks08:14
jenenliuducasse: after I change nvme ssd to ahci, my old windows system can't boot, and my computer is starting auto repair. And everything is fine when I change back. how can I detect disk when raid on is set ?08:24
DisconsentedUh what exactly did you set?08:25
DisconsentedNVMe and AHCI are not interchangeable08:25
jenenliuthere is a raid on and ahci in my bios setting menu08:26
jenenliunow it is set to raid on08:27
jenenliubut when I change it to ahci08:27
zetherooducasse: I couldn't find anything relating to the installation of OO in any of the 10 apt history logs ... what if it as installed via a downloaded deb .. would it still be in those logs?08:27
jenenliumy windows system can't boot, and xps laptop is starting auto repair08:27
lotuspsychjejenenliu: changes from IDE to AHCI might need a fresh install08:28
jenenliuthat's sad ;(08:29
ducassezetheroo: i don't think so, doesn't look like it08:30
jenenliuI want to use windows and ubuntu together08:30
lotuspsychjejenenliu: if your system has an ssd, it should be set on ahci anyway08:30
ducassejenenliu: i think your only option would be to reinstall windows in ahci mode08:30
lotuspsychjeso its not sad, its an improvement08:30
zetherooducasse: I see now that the user installed the entire plasma desktop :( ... could OO have been pulled in with that?08:34
ducassezetheroo: no, it's not in the ubuntu repos08:38
zetherooducasse: wow ... so strange08:40
ducassezetheroo: are there any third party repos added?08:41
ducassezetheroo: check 'apt policy openoffice'08:41
zetherooN: Unable to locate package openoffice08:42
ducasse'dpkg -l | grep openoffice' to get the packagename08:43
ducassemight be openoffice.org08:43
ducassezetheroo: you can also use synaptic to determine where it came from08:47
zetherooI guess now that I purged all OO packages I cannot trace their origin ...08:49
ducasseno :)08:49
ducassemight not be the right name, try the dpkg command above08:50
zetherooreturns no output08:50
ducasseok, then it's gone08:51
ducassecheck /etc/apt/sources.list.d to look for remnants of a repo08:51
zetherooquite a few repos in there08:53
ducassenothing openoffice-related that i can see08:54
ducassemaybe they got it from a repo they later removed without purging the packages08:54
zetheroomaybe ...08:57
DarwinElfIntel C230 audio is greyed out.  Sox/play won't play to my other (monitor) audio.  Beep doesn't beep the PC speaker.  Of course this is all fine on BSD Unix and Slackware GNU/Linux.  Is systemd the problem?09:04
DarwinElfmy monitor's audio plays fine with GUI audio programs... not with command-line like Sox/play09:04
DarwinElfmy PC speaker beeps fine on boot... not in Ubuntu09:05
DarwinElfmy Intel C230 had been working until an upgrade to 18.04.3 (after 18.04.n)09:05
ikoniawhy would systemd be the problem09:06
lotuspsychjecan we help you MICROburst ?09:31
MICROburstAnyone with a walk-through for DNS-SD? I would like to make a NAS visible in a subnet where clients a registered at DNS by DHCP. NAS is in VLAN1, clients are in VLAN2. When I enter the NAS data in the dynamic zone named complains saying data will be ignored09:33
ikoniaMICROburst: loads online - I've just done this myself, useful experience09:33
DarwinElfwell systemd often is a problem09:33
ikoniaDarwinElf: how did you come to that theory in this situation09:33
DarwinElfso are you going to suggest something to try?09:34
ikoniaI'd like to understand hte problem more and why you think systemd is the problem09:35
DarwinElfwell, it's not my theory.  Look at how much online discussion there is about problems with systemd, or just forget I said it09:36
DarwinElfif I recall correctly, one or more of its programmers were even revoked commit access to some major project like the Linux kernel09:36
MICROburstikonia: cool, then you don't mind to show your shiny results?09:37
ikoniaMICROburst: my results ?09:37
ikoniaDarwinElf: why is the card not been enabled is the device driver being loaded09:37
ducasseDarwinElf: check alsamixer, see if any sound devices are muted09:37
DarwinElfyes, the device driver is loaded.  It wouldn't be greyed out in the system settings if it wasn't loaded09:38
DarwinElfsimply turning off the volume doesn't grey it out; that's not the problem I asked about09:39
DarwinElfif it wasn't loaded, it would't even be listed in settings.  If simply the volume was off, it would not be greyed out, rather than selectable but just wouldn't be outputting sound09:40
DarwinElfas far as I know the driver is snd_hda_intel... loaded, but may not be working in a recent kernel...?09:41
DarwinElfor maybe the hardware has become damaged for some reason09:42
ducasseDarwinElf: can you try a live image of 18.04.3?09:43
DarwinElfi can do that; I'll have to make that, reboot sometime in the next few hours, then come back here...09:43
DarwinElfit has to be DVD, not CD, right?09:43
MICROburstikonia: did it not end up in config files?09:43
ducasseDarwinElf: or usb09:44
ikoniaMICROburst: it did - but some are dynamic it was service discovery for prometheus09:44
DarwinElfoh yeah...09:44
ikoniaand some are specific to my config09:44
MICROburstikonia: Do you have subdomains? Did you define the DNS-SD in dynamic zones?09:46
ikoniaMICROburst: no subdomain on this by thte DNS-SD config is in a dynamic zone yes09:47
MICROburstikonia: so you have a SOHO setup with one domain only?09:48
ikoniaMICROburst: I need to change it - not quite, it's a test setup09:48
ikoniaMICROburst: I have a subdomain just for the SD - but the SD is referencing a single domain09:49
ikoniaso the actual domain SD is referencing is not the same, but I'm not "hosting" subdomains09:49
MICROburstikonia: I have seen the stuff with an extra domain for dns-sd, but how is it propagated? Let's say you own example.net and you put your dns-sd stuff in dns-sd.example.net - will the clients in example.net be able to see services like _smb._tcp.example.net?09:52
ikoniaMICROburst: ahhhh no09:54
ikoniaMICROburst: so how mine is setup, is I have the subdomain to point at the discovery service only, it's actually reading via delegation the "real" domain with the data in09:54
ikoniaso I point at service.sd.domain.com - but it reads / interacts with the zonefile of domain.com - not sd.domain.com09:55
ikoniaI did have it all in one domain at the start (which is a better way) but due to testing/learning - it's currently split out09:55
=== MICROburst1 is now known as MICROburst
MICROburstikonia: my system just froze - did you write anything?10:00
ikoniaMICROburst: I did - what did you last see10:01
MICROburstikonia: Just my last output :(10:02
ikoniaMICROburst: so how mine is setup, is I have the subdomain to point at the discovery service only, it's actually reading via delegation the "real" domain with the data in10:02
ikoniaso I point at service.sd.domain.com - but it reads / interacts with the zonefile of domain.com -not sd.domain.com10:02
ikoniaI did have it all in one domain at the start (which is a better way) but due to testing/learning - it's currently split out10:02
MICROburstikonia: hmmm... so when you finished your service declaration will be in domain.com? - How did you set up the reference you mentioned? Can clients from domain.com get DNS-SD information from service.sd.domain.com?10:05
ikoniaMICROburst: my plan / desire is for it to be domain.com10:06
ikoniathat seems on paper to be the best way to do it10:06
ikoniaand I used delegation and recursion to allow the subdomain to access the root domain10:06
ikoniathat is a more isolated model but comes with headaches and I'm not %100 sure I'm happy with it10:07
MICROburstikonia: so you haven't found a documentation on a setup that matches your final conditions yet?10:08
ikoniaMICROburst: found a few that show the subdomain model and a few that show the single domain model10:09
ikoniayou always have to make some changes for your specific infra setup10:10
ikoniaeg: is your dns server dual homed or single10:10
ikoniais it all dynamic zone or all static or a mix10:10
ikoniaetc, it's never going to be %100 your setup10:10
ikoniabut the guides and docs I've read have been pretty good around bind10:10
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MICROburstikonia: nice. would you mind to post some links? - I also found some but either with an extra dns-sd zone or heavily fragmented snippets10:14
MICROburstat least not helpful regarding the current error message10:14
ikoniaMICROburst: let me find, I found most of them from reading hte prometheus docs and following links and a few google searches based on specific questions10:23
ikoniamay still have it in my history as I only did it approx 10 days ago10:23
Sc0tty-join #svn10:29
RonaldsMazitisI am trying to use openbox on ubuntu and the windows manager does not work correctly10:33
RonaldsMazitiswindows and menus leave trail10:33
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: i confirm that, i also recently tested that on 18.0410:33
RonaldsMazitisI have ubuntu at home and it works correctly10:34
RonaldsMazitisthis is work pc10:34
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: wich ubuntu version did you tested on that leaves trail?10:34
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: with wich graphics?10:34
RonaldsMazitisIntel UHD graphics 61010:35
RonaldsMazitisCoffeelake 2x6 GT110:35
lotuspsychjeright, i was on intel 62010:35
lotuspsychjelemme check if i can find a bug we can affect10:36
RonaldsMazitisI have intel HD3000 at home and it works fine10:36
zambahow can i remove the title bar in gnome-flashback?10:36
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: cant find a related bug yet, do you create it?10:37
RonaldsMazitisYou want me to bug report?10:38
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: if you have time for it10:39
RonaldsMazitisI'm using kubuntu as base10:39
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: base doesnt matter, as the bug will pick openbox as package name10:39
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: ubuntu-bug openbox will create it10:40
MICROburstikonia: ok.10:40
RonaldsMazitislotuspsychje so I did that and that's all?10:41
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: that will open the bug report, and forward you to launchpad in your browser10:41
RonaldsMazitiskinda does not send me to launchpad10:42
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: did you receive a new window to send the report?10:42
RonaldsMazitisit opened calibre10:43
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: apport installed on kubuntu?10:43
lotuspsychjecalibre is an ebook reader?10:43
RonaldsMazitisyes and yes10:44
RonaldsMazitisI must be worst ubuntu developer ever, almost never had to report bugs on my home pc10:44
RonaldsMazitisbut I have done it10:44
RonaldsMazitisit's just that this is work pc10:45
oerheksodd, never seen ububntu bug opens calibre10:45
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: maybe kubuntu uses another method10:45
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: want me to create the bug real quick, so you can just affect it?10:50
NorthwoodsHow can i upgrade php from php7.0 to php7.2 on ubuntu11:10
oerheksNorthwoods, on what ubuntu version?11:12
oerheks18.04 LTS gives 7.2.2411:12
eliyahuTBRhey guys. silly quick question. i'm taking screenshots and they aren't saving to my pictures folder. how can I locate them?11:13
RonaldsMazitislotuspsychje You do that, but I have other stuff to do11:14
RonaldsMazitiskinda busy11:14
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: ok, will you affect too when created?11:14
oerhekseliyahuTBR, open the gnome-screenshot app, make a screenshot, select the folder, and it will remember11:14
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RonaldsMazitislotuspsychje that means I will have to report it as well right?11:14
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: no, just press 1 button on the bug i created11:15
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: allright, holdon sec11:15
eliyahuTBRthanks oerheks11:15
lotus|NUCRonaldsMazitis: bug #186275611:20
ubottubug 1862756 in openbox (Ubuntu) "Openbox leaves a trail on new windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186275611:20
RonaldsMazitisalso affects11:21
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: yes please11:22
sorin-mihaiis a live resize of a mounted filesystem on top of lvm supposed to work? something like "sudo lvresize --resizefs --size -3G vg/rootlv"?11:22
RonaldsMazitiswhy does it want to create account11:23
RonaldsMazitisah nevermind11:24
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: you need a launchpad account to affect/create bugs11:24
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RonaldsMazitisI have the URL for the upstream bug:11:24
ducassesorin-mihai: that will resize the lv, not the fs. you need to do that first.11:25
ducassesorin-mihai: sorry, didn't see --resizefs11:25
RonaldsMazitisokay done I guess lotuspsychje11:26
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: no, you added another package of openbox, you need to press 'this bug also affect me:yes'11:27
RonaldsMazitisokay now11:30
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: yeah great, tnx11:30
lotuspsychjeRonaldsMazitis: another thing you can do, is add a comment, it also happens on your 610 graphics, but not on your other system11:31
lotuspsychjethat could be useful for the devs11:31
yuriiiHi! What's the best (most official) way of getting PHP >= 7.2 on xenial & trusty?11:35
yuriiippa:ondrej/php ?11:35
oerheksupgrade to Bionic 18.04 LTS11:36
TheGrumpyScotHaving trouble with rsync. Specifically, it is not setting the uid/gid of files. I'm using the daemon to connect; and passing `-arz -vvv --delete --links --perms --owner --group --times --stats --password-file=/etc/rsync.password rsync@` options to rsync -- any ideas as to *why* the user id and group id of files (which are correctly transfered) are not being set?11:37
lotuspsychjewelcome kasseth_11:40
kasseth_thank you!11:42
kasseth_I just read that Chromebook internal microphone can now work with linux apps. Does any of you know if this is also the case with Gallium OS? I would like to use my laptop for videochat meetings. Is this possible with Gallium OS today? Or maybe I'll have to install Chrome OS in order to use this chromebook for videochat.11:43
oerhekskasseth_, interesting, but this is ubuntu support11:44
kasseth_right, so I'll have to ask Gallium OS support. I'm in that chat as well, so far no answer11:44
oerheksand ubuntu on a chromebook is just a virtual thingy, not the read deal11:45
kasseth_how so?11:45
oerhekscrouton, i stay away from that11:46
kasseth_why? if I may ask, just curious11:47
user14Anyone here tried to use the 20.04 dev version on a Hyper-V VM for testing?11:48
oerheksi just answered, it is not like a real install.11:48
lotuspsychjeuser14: #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 issues please11:49
oerheksuser14, some might have, join #ubuntu+1 for 20.04 until release11:49
user14Ok, thanks!11:49
kasseth_ok thanks11:50
DarwinElfalright; I booted the 18.04.3 .ISO.  My Intel 230 is usable in that.  It's not usable (is greyed-out; unselectable) with the 18.04.3 on my HDD11:57
DarwinElfthen there's the problem of command-line audio like sox/play (to monitor, which works) and beep to PC speaker not working either... (well except on *BSD Unix and Slackware GNU/Linux :)  )11:58
RonaldsMazitisanybody knows how to install java 7 on ubuntu 18.0412:03
RonaldsMazitisI know it's outdated12:03
RonaldsMazitisbut I really need it12:04
BluesKajHowdy folks12:13
OolRonaldsMazitis: perhaps with ppa12:17
Oolthis one for exemple: https://launchpad.net/~openjdk-r/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:17
RonaldsMazitisI understand how ppa works12:17
RonaldsMazitisI just added few12:17
RonaldsMazitisand none of them gave me java 712:17
OolI can see  openjdk-7 in this12:17
Oolbut I not try with 18.0412:18
RonaldsMazitisE: Package 'openjdk-7-jdk' has no installation candidate12:20
OolRonaldsMazitis: :( and with the oracle's one: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html12:22
RonaldsMazitisnevermind, I just will have to use windows for this12:23
RonaldsMazitismight have longer support for this12:23
RonaldsMazitisI mean not the java, but the app I need, will work on newer java in win12:23
sorin-mihaiducasse, yeah, i got that. but the question is, does it work on a live, mounted / or just on unmounted filesystems?12:24
ducassesorin-mihai: aiui you at least _shouldn't_ shrink a mounted fs, don't know if you _can_12:25
sorin-mihaiducasse, can't i just remount it ro?12:27
ducassei really can't answer that, but i don't think open files at all are beneficial when shrinking12:28
coz_I am on  Mint 19 and noticed, when running terminal, when I put in my password, I get '*******' printed instead of a blank. Can I get rid of this?12:28
ducasse!mint | coz_12:28
ubottucoz_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)12:28
ducassecoz_: that's mint-specific, so ask them. ubuntu doesn't do that12:29
rodrigoty23can anybody help me i got the source code of ubuntu 16.04 but when i extracted it all i got was a locked folder does anybody know how i could access the ubuntu 16.04 source code?12:53
tomreynrodrigoty23: ubuntu is a linux distribution, it consists of a lot of software, which source code are you looking for exactly?12:57
tomreynand what's this source code you already got?12:58
rodrigoty23tomreyn: have a look there buddy http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/16.04/release/source/12:58
tomreynso you downloaded what, used what to access the sources?12:58
leftyfbrodrigoty23: what is your end goal?12:59
rodrigoty23tomreyn: tomreyn the images then in turn extracted them and got a protected folder out of the bunch!12:59
Ooldid you try to just mount the iso ?13:00
speeder39_Good morning13:00
tomreynrodrigoty23: i think answering leftyfb's question is the best way forward.13:00
rodrigoty23Ool: i have to mount them?13:00
Oolyou can try13:00
Oolit's an iso file13:01
rodrigoty23leftyfb: i dont want anyone of you to know its my bussinuss proposition!13:01
leftyfbrodrigoty23: ok, good luck13:01
rodrigoty23leftyfb: yeah i do need all that i got the time for programming13:01
rodrigoty23leftyfb: is it alot of work to recreate the unity de?13:02
rodrigoty23i know its written in c/c++ and javascript am i right?13:02
ducassewhat do you mean by 'recreate'13:02
rodrigoty23ducasse: i mean like wite more commands to the abaondoned de!13:03
ducasseyou want to write your own unity replacement? or you want to extend what is already there?13:04
rodrigoty23i want to write another linux distribution!13:04
leftyfbrodrigoty23: sorry, but I do not think that you currently possess the basic understandings to accomplish whatever it is you are doing. I think a lot more research and education is required. This channel isn't the best place to accomplish what you are doing. You might try #ubuntu-devel, but again, I think you are not ready to accomplish your end goal.13:04
rodrigoty23but with ubinty integrated13:04
ducasseok, have fun13:05
rodrigoty23leftyfb: oh okay13:05
rodrigoty23is there many people oput there in that channel?13:05
leftyfbrodrigoty23: only 1 way for you to find out13:05
leftyfbrodrigoty23: good luck in your endeavors13:06
FragginRighti seem to be missing the dvb kernel headers on my 16.04 machine13:49
FragginRighthow do i get them? i've been searching for a while now13:50
pragmaticenigmaFragginRight: #ubuntu-kernel may have more specific help with that13:56
FragginRightpragmaticenigma: thanks :)13:59
leftistis there a way to control  rotation on 2n1 laptops?14:02
lotuspsychjeleftist: dconf-editor has a tweak to enable/disable rotation, is that what you search for?14:12
GreyAreaWhen I do `pipenv --python 3.7.5` I end up with a Pipfile which requires python_version = 2.715:01
GreyAreapipenv shell then fails to invoke /bin/activate15:01
GreyAreaWhat can I do to fix this please?15:01
GreyAreaI've tried to remove all the virtualenvs from ~/.local/share/virtualenvs15:03
oerheksi think you need to drop the .5 .. > pipenv --python 3.7  ### or do the check: python3.7 -m pipenv check15:04
GreyAreaIf I drop the .5, I still get a Pipfile with 2.7 in it (made sure Pipfile doesn't exist first)15:07
GreyAreathe check give me an error AttributeError: module 'pip' has no attribute 'get_installed_distributions'15:08
threenucHi. Is there like an linux beginner questions channel on freenode?15:17
lotuspsychjethreenuc: wish linux distro are you using?15:18
threenuci mean, ubuntu in WSL but that's the same thing15:18
lotuspsychje!ubuwin | threenuc start here15:18
ubottuthreenuc start here: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide15:18
threenucno but I wanted to ask about process substitution, which is on every distro15:19
threenuclike a general question15:19
lotuspsychjethreenuc: if its a general linux question try ##linux15:20
oerhekswsl is something special indeed15:20
yuradocHello. I use mysql 8 on my kubuntu 19.10. I have long restart when i do15:32
yuradocof the service15:33
gambl0rei have a 64gb sd card that im trying to format using gparted. the format ran successfully but the files are still there and it's only showing as 512MiB total size15:50
ducasse!crosspost | gambl0re as we've said before15:51
ubottugambl0re as we've said before: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.15:51
ducasse^^ that goes for ##linux too15:51
gambl0reok can you help?15:51
oerheksone should be banned for repeatedly asking fedora issues in ubuntu..15:53
solhowdy folks!  I have a weird problem that I've found a "fix" for, but it needs to be run every time the issue occurs... and the various places I've seen the fix posted, no one describes _WHY_ it happens.15:55
solBasically I lose my ability to ALT+TAB (seems to be the ALT key in general) and I can fix it by doing "setxkbmap -option" -- but it doesn't happen every time I boot my system, it's quite random.15:55
solI'd really love an idea of how to fix this more permanently.15:55
ph88is there a GUI to configure a firewall ?16:00
oerheksyes, gufw16:00
ducasseph88: gufw16:00
oerheks!info gufw16:00
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 19.04.0-0ubuntu1 (eoan), package size 837 kB, installed size 3454 kB16:00
oerheksafter install, you find it in systemsettings16:01
GreyAreaAny python heads in here, could really do with some help - my environment has blown up in my face and I'm not sure why16:06
GreyAreaanother user on the same system seems fine but my pipenv is all screwy16:06
ducasseGreyArea: have you tried #python?16:09
GreyAreaWasn't lucky enough to get a reply but I'll give it another go.16:11
pragmaticenigmaGreyArea: with such a general question, it's a bit overwhelming for someone to try and help. Also, a person that might have familiarity with the problem may not be available now... but might show up in a few hours. Most important is if you ask a question in one room, it's best to stay with that channel. Asking the same question is going to lead to different approaches on how to fix your issue, and some may conflict. If the16:16
pragmaticenigmaconversation stays in one channel, it is less likely to fragment and more likely you will get better help with your current issue.16:16
pragmaticenigmaGreyArea: While you wait for someone to try and tackle... try to do some research and retrace your steps, see if you can find a particular package that is giving you issues, or a specific way to recreate the issue.16:16
prinzpoupouHi, trying to compile wireguard on Ubuntu 18.04 and get the following error when trying to run "dpkg-reconfigure wireguard-dkms"  https://pastebin.com/QFyXNgZ1 Any Ideas?16:19
pragmaticenigmaprinzpoupou: Support here is for software already available in the official ubuntu software channels... please use !alis to find a more appropriate channel for compiling your code.16:20
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"16:21
oerheksprinzpoupou, why not use the wireguard ppa?  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard && sudo apt update && sudo apt install wireguard-dkms wireguard-tools16:22
oerhekshttps://www.linode.com/docs/networking/vpn/set-up-wireguard-vpn-on-ubuntu/  or https://dnns.no/wireguard-vpn-on-ubuntu-18.04.html for further instructions16:24
LnxTenI can not get authentication code from Google for griv2. Message shows ' signing with google drive temporarily disabled for this app'16:24
LnxTen9:54 PM <LnxTen> I can not get authentication code from Google for grive2. Message shows ' signing with google drive temporarily disabled for this app'16:26
ikoniayou said that16:26
pragmaticenigma!patience | LnxTen16:27
ubottuLnxTen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:27
codedmartWhat is the best way to debug dbus auth issues?16:27
ikoniacodedmart: logs are a good way to start16:27
ikoniacodedmart: also raising the debug on the app calling dbus16:27
ikoniaI believe you can also raise dbus logging too - but I think it involves a kenrel param16:27
LnxTenpragmaticenigma: sorry16:27
ikoniabeen a while since I had to look at debugging dbus16:27
oerheksLnxTen, nothing we can do about it, griv2 is still under development?16:28
pragmaticenigmaLnxTen: Also, there is no package for grive in Ubunutu. If you installed it from an outside source, you will need to contact them for support16:28
codedmartikonia: For context. I am trying to figure out why a haskell dbus package fails auth, but ones in python and go both connect fine. So I suppose raising debug on debus could help with that.16:28
LnxTenoerheks: suggest me good client for Google drive16:29
ikoniacodedmart: I'd look first at the debugging options from haskell16:29
ikoniaeg: what exit code is the auth funciton you're calling trapping16:29
pragmaticenigmaLnxTen: This channel offers support for existing install applications obtained from official Ubuntu software channels. For recommendations, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic16:29
codedmartikonia: Well as far as I can tell they are sending the same data over the socket.16:29
codedmartWhich is why I am confused.16:30
oerheksLnxTen, there is one in 'online accounts' ??16:30
LnxTenpragmaticenigma: Yes. Using appa over 3 years16:30
ikoniacodedmart: what error is being trapped by haskell ?16:30
ikonia(I assume this is something you're writing yourself in haskell)16:30
codedmartNo error at all. Just gets a `REJECTED EXTERNAL` message back from dbus.16:30
codedmartIt is a current package. I am just playing with it locally.16:30
LnxTenpragmaticenigma: i need repo package16:31
ikoniacodedmart: that's interesting, so rejected external is normally when something is flagged as external auth16:31
ikoniacodedmart: maybe look at the way dbus is being called from the working app and the broken app16:31
MICROburstikonia: found something?16:32
codedmartThe working one in go also calls `AUTH EXTERNAL 31303031\r\n`. Which is the same that the haskell package sends. At least as far as I can tell. I was hoping to see what dbus is actually getting. Not sure if this is a case of the debug options in each language coercing something I don't expect.16:33
codedmartSo both making the same call from what I can tell. I will see what debug options I can set with dbus.16:34
ikoniaMICROburst: nope, only just come back to my desk16:35
codedmartikonia: Thanks16:35
MICROburstikonia: after a long nap? ;)16:36
ikoniaMICROburst: work sadly16:36
ikoniacodedmart: one interesting point, the actual message dbus gets is encypted from the client, dbus only supports certain standards depending on the library / encryption the client is using16:36
ikoniacodedmart: so it's possible it's sending the right message but in the wrong format / encryption16:37
codedmartOh that is interesting.16:37
codedmartI know very little about dbus so far.16:37
ikoniacodedmart: this is not your situation but look at the process flow - then research the second - 5 steps16:37
ikoniaI suspect at a guess if you are confidence they are sending the same message it will be the message formatting16:37
sol I have a weird problem that I've found a "fix" for, but it needs to be run every time the issue occurs... and the various places I've seen the fix posted, no one describes _WHY_ it happens.16:42
solBasically I lose my ability to ALT+TAB (seems to be the ALT key in general) and I can fix it by doing "setxkbmap -option" -- but it doesn't happen every time I boot my system, it's quite random.16:42
oerheksi would replace the keyboard16:45
ioriasol, are you on Wayland ?16:48
sol@ioria I don't think so16:49
solI'll google to find out how to know16:49
ioriasol, echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE16:49
sol$ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE16:50
ioriasol, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-applications16:50
sol@ioria fyi it's not just alt+tab, it's anything alt-related, but I'll check that16:50
ioriajust run the cmd16:51
sol['<Super>Tab', '<Alt>Tab']16:51
ioriaok, it's correctly set16:51
solI don't have the problem at this exact second if it matters, I already ran setxkbmap16:51
solI can't operate very well without alt tab lol16:52
ioriasol,  you log out/in  then and run again the command16:52
sol@ioria it doesn't happen every time, I might have to log out/in 50 times16:52
solif it's different, what would it mean?16:53
sol+ does that mean I could fix it by re-configuring all my keybindings in some way?16:53
ioriasol,  that you have some startup file that changes that16:53
ioriasol, https://people.gnome.org/~federico/blog/alt-tab.html16:53
solioria; ty, I'll bookmark this & try that command next time it happens16:54
aberranthi all. can someone point me to what this dmesg entry means? "Decoding supported only on Scalable MCA processors."16:56
aberrant(decoding of what?)16:56
aberrantseems to be from here: https://ford.biologie.hu-berlin.de/matze/linux-m68k-atarinommu/commit/be0aec23bf4624fd55650629fe8df20483487049#c2c2bb1cdd8a7021b61e9abeeeaaea96546679a4_891_121116:57
codedmartikonia: Actually I get rejected with just netcat `echo -ne '\0AUTH EXTERNAL 31303031\r\n' | nc -U /tmp/dbus-4vBp0kLUee`. Not sure if that is expected.17:05
BlueShark_Hi. I am very frequently seeing "The application Google Chrome has quit unexpectedly" message. Running AMD GPU on 18.04.3 with 5.3.0-28-generic kernel. What could be the issue?17:21
BlueShark_Output of `ls /var/crash` -     _opt_google_chrome_chrome.1000.crash      _usr_share_apport_apport-gtk.1000.crash     _usr_bin_marco.1000.crash17:22
pragmaticenigmaBlueShark_: Google Chrome support is not available here.. If you are only experiencing the issue with that particular app, you will have to use Google's support forum for help17:30
leftyfbBlueShark_: I would start with a fresh install of chrome without your profile sync'd. No extension, plugins, etc. See if you can replicate the same issue.17:35
leftyfbBlueShark_: or start disabling extensions17:35
BlueShark_pragmaticenigma:  I'm well aware that this isn't Google Chrome support, thank you.17:41
aberrantBlueShark_: are you seeing any other crashes?17:42
aberrantBlueShark_: or is it just Chrome?17:42
BlueShark__usr_share_apport_apport-gtk.1000.crash     _usr_bin_marco.1000.crash17:42
BlueShark_These are the other crash files.17:42
aberrantoh, sorry, you posted that.17:42
aberrantsimilar timestamps?17:42
aberrantthat sounds like a graphics issue, frankly. You have three crash dumps each dealing with some aspect of the display.17:43
pragmaticenigmaBlueShark_: That's why I asked if it was only this application or if other applications are crashing. If it is just Google Chrome, that means you need support for Google Chrome17:44
BlueShark_aberrant: Yes. I suspect the same. Which is also why I posted that I am using AMD GPU.17:44
aberrantBlueShark_: I saw that. Unfortunately I can't help further since, while I run a 3400G, I run it headless.17:45
BlueShark_pragmaticenigma: Ah, I see. I thought that question was already answered by the output of  ls /var/crash17:45
BlueShark_aberrant: The timestamps do look similar, yes: http://ix.io/2bqr17:45
aberrantanything in dmesg -T around that timeframe?17:45
BlueShark_There's a lot of stuff in there. Anything in particular that I can grep for?17:46
woenxHi everyone. Has anyone had some luck accessing a RemoteApp hosted in a windows server from Ubuntu? I am trying xfreerdp, but it seems quite unstable...17:46
aberrantI'd just page around Feb 11 around 22:49 or so and see if any kernel messages got logged17:46
* aberrant is running into the ntp drift file bug again. BRB.17:47
pragmaticenigmaBlueShark_: Apport is a crash handler so it's likely a cascade effect. Marco is your window manager? Possibly that the slimmed down window manager doesn't support a feature that Chrome is looking for? have you tried to replicate in Gnome-Desktop or XFFCE?17:47
BlueShark_aberrant: http://ix.io/2bqt - I am not sure if there's anything17:49
BlueShark_pragmaticenigma: I am using the default settings for Ubuntu MATE.17:49
aberrantthat's 4 mins before the crash, right?17:50
aberrantnothing closer to 22:49?17:50
BlueShark_aberrant: Nope17:50
aberrantit's likely just google chrome then.17:50
aberrantas someone else suggested, try starting it up without plugins/extensions and see if you can reproduce the crash17:51
pragmaticenigmaBlueShark_: From the google forums, it appears there are issues with the build potentially: https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/10635049?hl=en17:53
BlueShark_Ah, I see.17:54
BlueShark_pragmaticenigma: Would switching to Chromium solve the issue?17:55
pragmaticenigmaIt appears to have solved it for some people in that thread... I'd start with a reinstall of Google Chrome first... slowly add any extensions back one-by-one and try to make to do the things that would result in crashing after each step17:56
pragmaticenigmaYou might also want to make sure the google chrome profile folders are removed before reinstalling (or at least backed up somewhere else)17:57
BlueShark_Thanks, I will do that!18:00
ioriachrome has a no gpu mode:   --disable-gpu  (or something) , maybe try also that BlueShark_18:01
BlueShark_Will try that as well, thank you!18:07
nerdykidHi!  I need to have dkms copy a firmware file along with the compiled kernel module automatically.  My /usr/src/tn40xx-003/dkms.conf: https://pastebin.com/1VvuWYNf    I need dkms to copy /usr/src/tn40xx-003/x3310fw_0_3_4_0_9445.hdr to the same directory as the compiled .ko module.  Anyone know how to do this?18:14
pragmaticenigmanerdykid: Possibly help in #ubuntu-kernel18:16
nerdykidpragmaticenigma:  I'll try there, thanks!18:17
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woenxDoes anybody had any luck connecting to a remoteapp  (windows rdp) from Linux?18:27
pragmaticenigmawoenx: Many people use a few different applications to connect to windows remote desktop. Is there a specific issue that you are having? Please give as much detail you can, includeing Ubuntu version and flavor, what applications you are using or have tried, any error messages that you are seeing in Ubuntu or in the log files. What stepd you have taken to verify that the windows remote desktop is working for other computers18:34
woenxpragmaticenigma: Yes, I am trying to connect to a published app (windows write, as a test) hosted in a Windows 8.1 enterprise server. It uses the RPD protocol. I can connect to that server using remmina or xfreerdp just fine, but not to the remoteapp18:35
woenxI am using Ubuntu 18.04LTS with Unity18:35
pragmaticenigmawoenx: what is a "remote app"18:35
woenxOk. it is quite intuitive. When you connect to a remote desktop, you see the whole desktop,a nd you can control it. You even see the desktop background, the taskbar, etc.18:36
woenxIf you just connect to a remote app, in the client machine you just see the windows of that app18:36
woenxfor instance, I can run notepad.exe, hosted in a server, and in Ubuntu you will just see a window for notepad.exe18:36
woenxas if it were native18:37
pragmaticenigmawoenx: So it's equivalent would be x-forwarding for linux?18:37
woenxin windows it's called RemoteApp18:37
woenxit's comprised in the RDP protocol18:37
woenxin theory, freerdp should support it, but I found it to be very buggy, or directly non-working18:38
pragmaticenigmawoenx: to the best of my knowledge, I have not seen or heard of any component/program written that enables a linux/unix machine to leverage that feature18:38
pragmaticenigmamost of the applications assume it's a remote desktop experience18:38
woenxthere is also winflector, which I have used successfully, but it does not use the RDP protocol, but their own (but works quite well, although it fails from time to time)18:38
woenxRight now I was trying to find a RDP client for linux which supported remoteapps18:39
woenxI think the closes one is freerdp, but, as I mentioned, it seems to be quite buggy18:40
devster31any smart way from command line to test whether an SD card has reached end of life?18:41
pragmaticenigmawoenx: my web search only shows full remote desktop viewers as alternatives to FreeRDP. I'm guessing it's not in high enough demand creating interest in getting it implemented at this time.18:41
woenxI suppose18:42
pragmaticenigmawoenx: Most, if not almost all, of things RDP are reverse engineered18:42
woenxbut it would be quite practical to use windows only apps in Linus18:42
woenxlike, microsoft office18:42
pragmaticenigmadevster31: When the card becomes unreliable (failed writes) it typically is a sign the disk is dead18:42
DarkchaosI used Kdrc, I think, the KDE RDP Viewer18:42
devster31pragmaticenigma I know, but I found a spare one and I don't remember whether I stopped using it because it was broken18:43
devster31I wanted to test it beforehand18:43
pragmaticenigmadevster31: If there is nothing written on the drive, and you don't mind the potential of reducing it's life... you could try zero'ing out the drive with dd, and see if it fails18:43
devster31nope, alternative is to throw it away directly18:47
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woenxpragmaticenigma: anyway, if you ever want to share apps from a windows machine to a clinux client, Winflector is the easiest way19:14
woenxNot Open source, but free for personal use. http://www.winflector.com/19:14
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CarlFKwhat group do I need to be in to talk to ttyACM0??19:34
sarnoldCarlFK: dialout19:37
CarlFKsarnold: thanks19:42
Guiflehello, I cant get voltage info with any command, tried everyting here, https://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/few-command-helps-to-get-linux-hardware-details/19:50
Guiflealso nothing online helped19:50
Ben64Guifle: might not be possible with your hardware19:52
GuifleBen64, ah, is it hw-dependent?19:53
Ben64yes. which voltage did you want to see though?19:53
GuifleRAM voltage19:53
Ben64oh that might be easier19:53
jwhitmoreInstalled Ubuntu 18.4.3 yesterday on a laptop and tried to copy from a USB drive into the laptop with the command 'cp -r' that used to copy a directory recursively but now it creates a link to the directory instead of copying. The man page still suggests that '-r' is recursive. I've been searching for something about this change to the operation of 'cp' command but can't find anything19:54
Ben64Guifle: sudo dmidecode -t 1719:54
GuifleBen64, doesnt list voltage19:55
Ben64then i guess you can't get it :(19:55
Guifleon linux channel someone said it was forbidden info. thought it was a joke first19:55
Ben64nah that's silly19:56
Ben64just must be your hardware19:56
Ben64i have a ryzen system here and i have no problem getting the ram voltage19:56
cxlHello, how can I tell if my private key is password protected? I have ssh-agent running so I dont know if `ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/name_of_key` works without password because of the agent or because there is no password.19:57
sarnoldyou could ask the agent to forget it19:59
sarnoldthen re-add it19:59
ioriaGuifle, you should get the decode-dimms with decode-dimms20:00
ioriaGuifle, sorry, i mean you should get the Operable voltages with decode-dimms20:01
Guifleioria, I am just busy with that, eeprom or at24 module is required. I found and installed 'ftdi-eeprom', but still this module is not shown in the module list20:11
ioriaGuifle, sudo modprobe eeprom20:12
GuifleI ran that, but what am I going to do now?20:13
kxslhow do you setup the wifi on the raspberry pi? i thought it I would use network-manager but it says it's not installed?20:13
ioriaGuifle, decode-dimms20:13
Guifleioria, now I get all the ram infos including voltage20:14
Guiflethank you very much!20:14
ioriagood job Guifle20:14
Guiflethanks to you20:14
kxsljoin #raspberrypi20:15
GuifleI see an operable voltage of 1.5V for my ram module. does it mean that a new 1.35V ram will suit if I replace it?20:16
kxslcheck your mobo manual, you might need to configure the lower voltage in the firmware20:18
ioriaGuifle, if DDR3L is supported yes20:23
jwhitmoreCan anybody confirm that 'cp -r' has been changed from being recursive to creating a link? And how do you now copy recursive, man page says '-r'?20:27
ducassejwhitmore: which release?20:34
t90Hi, I've the feeling that the ubuntu vagrant image (ubuntu/bionic64) is damaged. I get this error on 3 machines over 2 continents: The box failed to unpackage properly. Please verify that the box file you're trying to add is not corrupted and that enough disk space ..20:35
jwhitmoreducasse, Ubuntu 18.04.320:36
t90Link to full error: https://pastebin.com/raw/n7gsnPNa20:37
ducassejwhitmore: it makes a copy here, not a link20:37
Guifleiora, I dont find DDR3L anywhere, I see only DDR3, but I guess the general specs match20:37
t90Anyone an idea where to file a ticket?20:37
jwhitmoreducasse, Cheers, I've tried multiple times. I'll move along20:38
jwhitmoreI can't accept a universe where 'cp -r' isn't recursive ;)20:38
EriC^jwhitmore: maybe you mistyped cp -r for cp -s or -l?20:40
EriC^or some alias is doing stuff behind the scenes?20:41
EriC^try "type cp" in  terminal20:41
kxslwhere can i put my wifi config for netplan on 19.10? there's only the cloud-init file and it says not to put it there.20:45
t90I see that there is already a bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/186270020:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1862700 in cloud-images "Ubuntu Bionic Box Appears Corrupted" [Undecided,New]20:47
ioriakxsl, this should work : https://graspingtech.com/ubuntu-server-18.04-static-ip/20:48
kxslok, thanks. didn't realized the cloud init part needs to be disabled20:49
leftyfbkxsl: you'll want to remove cloud-init and create your own netplan config file20:50
ph88how can i do this?  https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/125102/196971  i can't install bsdtar20:51
jwhitmoreEriC^, 'type cp' => 'cp is hashed (/bin/cp) The cp -r command does work for a directory in my clean install like the Music folder. So 'cp -r Music test' does create a directory. However for a USB drive attached the command 'cp -r /media/john/drive/Music test' creates a link20:52
EriC^jwhitmore: what fs is the usb?20:53
jwhitmoreEriC^, encrypted ext420:54
jwhitmoreEriC^, agreed20:56
jwhitmoreEriC^, I should correct that fs type. I'm not sure it's ext4. It is encrypted so comes in under LUKS, I always just assume it's ext4 but that's probably not strictly true. It's a linux filesystem type. Maybe LUKS is it's own file system type. I'm not sure21:00
jwhitmoreEriC^, Sorry checked under the hood it is ext4 at the base level then LUKS21:01
jwhitmoreAnyhow it don't work21:02
untakenstupidnicI have installed kubuntu 18.04 and now there is no Windows entry in the grub and our attempts to make one have failed so far. what should I do?21:04
EriC^jwhitmore: i see21:05
EriC^jwhitmore: what happens if you try to rsync?21:05
EriC^jwhitmore: rsync -av /path/to/Music test21:06
tonytuntakenstupidnic: you try running update-grub from the terminal?21:06
Armageddonjwhitmore, if that doesn't work, make susre you have os-probe installed if it's not, and try ^ again21:06
Armageddons/jwhitmore/untakenstupidnic /21:07
EriC^untakenstupidnic: can you pastebin 'sudo parted -ls' it might be a uefi/legacy mismatch21:07
untakenstupidnicEriC^: https://termbin.com/np6e21:10
EriC^untakenstupidnic: seems an efi partition is there, what does 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' give? directorys or no such file?21:11
EriC^im guessing ubuntu is installed in uefi mode, and windows in legacy since the partition table is msdos and it doesnt use efi + gpt, so you'll have to convert one of the 2 to the other mode, converting ubuntu to legacy would be easier since you dont need to convert the partition table to gpt too21:12
EriC^untakenstupidnic: ubuntu is in uefi mode then, windows in legacy21:13
EriC^it's easy enough to convert though, just remove the /boot/efi dir from fstab as it's not needed, then install the grub-pc package21:13
untakenstupidnicrm /boot/efi;apt install /boot/efi21:14
EriC^reboot using legacy mode (you might need to set the legacy mode priority in the bios) then ls /sys/firmware/efi should be empty upon booting, update-grub should pick up the legacy installed windows21:14
EriC^untakenstupidnic: first type 'sudo apt-get install grub-pc'21:14
untakenstupidnicits installed21:15
untakenstupidnicthen rm?21:16
EriC^untakenstupidnic: what'd "dpkg -l | grep grub" look like right now21:16
EriC^no rm'ing will be happening sir21:16
EriC^looks good21:18
EriC^ok, reboot and in the bios, switch to legacy mode21:18
EriC^you want to boot and have 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' return no dir found21:18
kinghatdoes anyone here use uktools for kernel management?21:28
oerhekskinghat, i never heard of it, some ukuu clone?21:29
ZeroBeholderHeyo, I want to run the hibernate command when my server has been "idle" for three hours-- I think network activity for SSH, SFTP, rsync, & Canonical updates are activity worth monitoring and using as the metric to see if it has been active. If not active for over three hours, power down...21:29
kinghatits just a CLI for kernel management, not sure how long its been around but looks like a fork. not sure what it means by asking if i want a generic kernel here: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/4e52f340/21:29
kinghatoerheks: https://github.com/usbkey9/uktools21:30
ZeroBeholderI am open to suggestions on how to accomplish it because I have no idea where to start.21:30
ZeroBeholderHibernation and WoL magic packet are working well. Now to just put it down for the 18 hours a day it usually does nothing.21:31
ZeroBeholderI made a server fault question for it, I can't be the only person that might want a machine to do such stuff. https://serverfault.com/questions/1002695/how-do-i-hibernate-an-ubuntu-server-when-network-is-not-in-use-for-three-hours21:32
oerhekskinghat, if you type n, you get low latency kernel?21:33
leftyfbZeroBeholder: I would write a script/service that monitors for the things you're looking for and suspend it as needed21:34
kinghatoerheks: ya thats it. what is that?21:34
oerheksjust a kernel more suited for multimedia, recording/streaming and such.. nowadays lowlatency/RT kernel is not that much different from generic21:35
ZeroBeholderleftyfb: I definitely want to do that. I will be googling furiously for network tools that will allow me to see maybe which port activity happened or I don't know yet.21:36
leftyfbZeroBeholder: fail2ban might be good also21:36
leftyfbfail2ban can monitor logs to access or events and $do_something if found21:37
kinghatthanks for the schooling, oerheks 👍21:37
ZeroBeholderleftyfb: Two birds with one stone. Sees SSH/Port:22 records the time in a var/log file.21:38
ZeroBeholderThen check the log file every 15 minutes.21:38
ZeroBeholderI'm already ahead of where I started...21:38
leftyfbZeroBeholder: could also check apt logs for update activity21:39
ZeroBeholderThat is also a good suggestion.21:40
ZeroBeholderI'm going to start with those two things. Thank you.21:40
VeryBewitchingHey folks.  I recently changed out my motherboard to a GIGABYTE Z390 Aorus and was able to boot into Ubuntu again without issue; however, my DNS resolution is a touch weird.  I can't reach Netflix, Yahoo! and Prime Video, but not Google, Gmail and a handful of other sites I've tried.21:46
DarkchaosAny other packages involved in linking other than binutils and gcc? (including libc, gcc-base, etc)21:47
sarnoldhey Darkchaos, still fighting this thing? :(21:47
Darkchaossarnold: Yep, occasionally. I've now managed to build with Debian's binutils and gcc, but it still happens21:47
sarnoldVeryBewitching: resolvectl status  may help you understand what's necessary to look at21:47
untakenstupidnicEriC^: it's still there21:48
VeryBewitchingsarnold: Don't have that binary available unfortunately, and can't install it because I can't resolve Ubuntu's servers.21:48
sarnoldVeryBewitching: hm; what release are you on?21:50
VeryBewitchingKubuntu 18.04, packages current as of Friday21:50
VeryBewitchingsarnold: ^21:51
VeryBewitchingIf you happen to know which .deb supplies that binary I could USB it over to this machine21:51
leftyfbsarnold: that's not a binary in ubuntu21:53
VeryBewitchingsarnold: Ah, I stopped nscd and that allowed me to resolve Google at least, maybe the cache is old or broken21:54
leftyfboh, maybe only bionic. VeryBewitching try systemd-resolve21:54
VeryBewitchingYa, nscd was causing the issue21:55
sarnoldoh wow, I haven't seen nscd in use in ages21:55
leftyfbVeryBewitching: what version of ubuntu are you running?21:56
leftyfbnscd doesn't get installed by default21:56
VeryBewitchingleftyfb: Kubuntu 18.04, using backports and all packages new as of Friday21:56
VeryBewitchingAnd yes, I know it doesn't21:56
VeryBewitchingI think I installed it for a project21:57
rodicioHi. Anyone speak Spanish?21:58
jeremy31rodicio: in #ubuntu-es21:59
leftyfb!es | rodicio21:59
ubotturodicio: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:59
rodicioThaks jeremy31 ubottu leftyfb . Just is no much people there.22:00
rodicioMy Ryzen 3500u have 2 treads on 100%, and the others about 3%.22:02
rodicioAnd when the work of the processor is a little big, the laptop is going to resset.22:03
aberrantanyone with an AMD EPYC having issues with ntp and drift?22:04
Darkchaossarnold: I just realized I was doing stuff wrong all the time. I just realized it's not _all_ files being affected but only this one22:07
DarkchaosI guess you also don't know what makes the linker emit a version table?22:08
sarnoldDarkchaos: no :( I never really needed to know the toolchains in depth22:08
Darkchaossarnold: Still a great find, because now I can look into that file actually22:08
sarnoldrodicio: you probably need to look for BIOS updates if your processor overheats causes shutdowns -- most laptops will simply throttle the processors instead22:08
untakenstupidnichow can i force ubuntu to boot in legacy mode22:17
aberrantFrequency       : 850.336 ppm slow22:20
michagogoI just came across this host with this in /etc/shadow: `pass1:O@O@O@L3E+group:18300:0:99999:7::0:`22:20
michagogoThat's... not normal, is it?22:20
jeremy31untakenstupidnic: you would have to set BIOS to CSM/Legacy only22:21
sarnoldmichagogo: I can't recall ever seeing anything like that, but perhaps one of your PAM modules does that?22:22
michagogoIt's not mine, it's a kind of challenge22:23
michagogoI suspect, though, that that's some kind of clue/lead22:23
michagogo(Especially considering /etc/shadow is even world-readable...)22:24
alle37Hey, im using pop os. I bought an dac/amp is pulseeffects best to set up the equializer for it?22:25
jeremy31alle37: we don't offer support here for pop os22:26
sarnoldmichagogo: ooooo fun fun fun22:29
michagogosarnold: Yeah, first time I've done one of these. Started with bible verses that led to a kibana instance with a few dozen sysmon logs. From there got the machine the logs were from and a user/password, which got me (via smb) an encrypted file, and a big pcap in a passworded rar marked Challenge2. The logs also mentioned a registry key, and remote registry is open, so I got the key from there, along with a taunting note that the decryptor is22:34
michagogoAnd also this Ubuntu server, which served up the creds for an unprivileged user via smb22:35
michagogoThere I got decrypt.rar.rar, again with a password...22:35
sarnoldit's so cool that people like putting these things together22:35
sarnoldit's a real art to make things challenging enough to be interesting but still actually solvable somehow22:36
sarnoldmichagogo: so, my guess -- poke around in /etc/pam.d/ and see what PAM modules are in use22:37
sarnoldyou may find a 2fa module or something similar22:37
michagogoThere are several files there that are recently modified22:38
sarnoldit's also possible that it's a funny challenge-response or an ecc or dhe cryptosystem kind of authentication method22:38
michagogoIt's just common-* that's been modified this year (i.e. since the server was set up), and not seeing anything in those that jumps out at me :/22:40
sarnoldmichagogo: here's my pam.d files on my focal machine -- I don't recall making changes, but probably nothing drastic :) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BM5wmWNFQS/22:45
michagogoThanks. yeah, looks like nothing there22:46
sarnoldbugger. I liked that idea.22:49
sarnoldmichagogo: alright next guess -- maybe the unix password module is going to hash input passwords and compare against what's in the file, and only check eg the resulting hash matches the first 0 and nothing else?22:49
michagogoI doubt that because it's not in the format22:51
michagogo(with $id$salt$hash)22:52
michagogoProbably just straight up invalid22:52
michagogoI feel like I'm not actually supposed to try to log in with that shadow file22:52
NitrigaurHow can I downgrade the kernel version and stay on that version (i.e. 5.2 instead of 5.3) I'm using systemd_boot22:53
michagogoThe line was pass1:O@O@O@L3E+group:18300:0:99999:7::0:22:53
michagogo`tail /etc/group` -> HELLO->URYYB❌1004:22:54
michagogoIt's rot1322:55
michagogoB@B@B@Y3R is the password to decrypt.rar.rar :D22:55
Nitrigaurmichagogo, never communicate passwords on an open channel22:56
michagogo(but now decrypt.rar has a different password, hence pass1 I guess)22:56
michagogoNitrigaur: lol, it's okay22:56
michagogosarnold: hm, do you think it's cheating that I just ran `grep -rs pass2 /` and found it in my crontab?23:02
sarnoldmichagogo: not at all :)23:02
sarnoldmichagogo: there's a chance that's the only way you'd ever have found it :)23:03
WoCis it safe to purge *wayland* or is there anything significant that may depend on it?23:21
sarnoldWoC: you probably have to keep some of them; here's what my system reports https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/c9whbydmS6/23:25
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